-- File: BOP_BlockIterator.cdl -- Created: Thu Feb 25 18:01:55 1993 -- Author: Jean Yves LEBEY -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 class BlockIterator from BOP ---Purpose: -- Auxiliary class to provide -- simple iteration on indexes that -- belongs to the integer range [Lower,Upper] -- with increment =1 raises NoMoreObject from Standard is Create returns BlockIterator from BOP; ---Purpose: --- Empty Constructor --- Create(Lower,Upper : Integer from Standard) returns BlockIterator from BOP; ---Purpose: --- Creates an object with initial range --- of [Lower,Upper] --- Initialize(me : in out) is static; ---Purpose: --- Initialize an object with initial range --- of [Lower,Upper] --- More(me) returns Boolean from Standard is static; ---Purpose: --- Support of Iteration --- Next(me : in out) raises NoMoreObject is static; ---Purpose: --- Support of Iteration --- Value(me) returns Integer from Standard is static; ---Purpose: --- Support of Iteration --- Extent(me) returns Integer from Standard is static; ---Purpose: --- Returns the extension=myUpper - myLower + 1; --- fields myLower : Integer from Standard; myUpper : Integer from Standard; myValue : Integer from Standard; end BlockIterator;