-- File: Aspect_WindowDriver.cdl -- Created: Wed Dec 8 09:18:54 1993 -- Author: Jean Louis FRENKEL, Stephane CALLEGARI -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 deferred class WindowDriver from Aspect inherits Driver from Aspect ---Purpose: defines the WINDOW oriented output driver. -- Warning: A limited number of mono attribute and translatable BUFFERS can be defined -- for retaining a lot of primitives for DRAGGING . -- uses TypeOfResize from Aspect, Window from Aspect, TypeOfDrawMode from Aspect, Factor from Quantity, PlaneAngle from Quantity, ExtendedString from TCollection raises DriverError from Aspect is Initialize(aWindow: Window from Aspect); BeginDraw (me: mutable; DoubleBuffer: Boolean = Standard_True; aRetainBuffer: Integer = 0) ---Purpose: Begin graphics and drawn directly to the Window or Pixmap if -- is 0 or in the retain buffer if > 0. raises DriverError from Aspect is deferred; ---Trigger: Raises if the retain buffer is not open. -- call BufferIsOpen() method before. ResizeSpace(me : mutable) returns TypeOfResize from Aspect raises DriverError from Aspect is deferred; Window(me) returns Window from Aspect; SetDrawMode (me: mutable; aMode: TypeOfDrawMode from Aspect) is deferred; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Change the current drawing mode of the Driver -- XW_REPLACE : the primitive is drawn with his defined color. -- XW_ERASE : the primitive is erased from the window. -- XW_XOR : the primitive is xored to the window. -- XW_XORLIGHT: the primitive is xored depending of the current -- highlight and background colors. ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Category: Methods to define or edit a buffer of primitives ------------------------------------------------------------- OpenBuffer (me: mutable; aRetainBuffer: Integer; aPivotX: ShortReal = 0.0; aPivotY: ShortReal = 0.0; aWidthIndex: Integer = 0; aColorIndex: Integer = 0; aFontIndex: Integer = 0; aDrawMode: TypeOfDrawMode = Aspect_TODM_REPLACE) returns Boolean is deferred; ---Purpose: Allocate the retain buffer , -- Defines the DWU coordinates of the pivot point for all primitives --contains inside. -- Defines the buffer color and font index : -- the default color is the highlight color of the colormap. -- the default font is the default system font of the fontmap. -- The other attributes are fixed : -- line type is Solid, -- line width is 1 Pixel, -- polygon fill mode is Solid, -- Warning: The number of allocated buffers is limited,it's --recommended to close unused buffers some time! -- The TypeOfDrawMode REPLACE is enabled only if the -- background drawing has been drawn with the DoubleBuffer -- flag set to ENABLE at the last BeginDraw time. -- The TypeOfDrawMode XOR is enabled in any case. -- The other TypeOfDrawMode are not authorized. -- Returns TRUE if the buffer is allocated and enabled for drawing. CloseBuffer (me; aRetainBuffer: Integer) ---Purpose: Clear & Deallocate the retain buffer . raises DriverError from Aspect is deferred; ---Trigger: Raises if the retain buffer is not opened. -- call BufferIsOpen() method before. ClearBuffer (me; aRetainBuffer: Integer) ---Purpose: Erase & Clear ALL primitives retains in the buffer . raises DriverError from Aspect is deferred; ---Trigger: Raises if the retain buffer is not opened. -- call BufferIsOpen() method before. DrawBuffer (me; aRetainBuffer: Integer) ---Purpose: Draw ALL primitives retains in the buffer . -- Warning: Note that the aspect of a retain buffer drawing is -- mono-colored with the current buffer Attributes and -- Depending of the DoubleBuffer state flag at the BeginDraw() buffer time, -- when DB is TRUE,an XOR method is use for drawing and erasing buffers in the -- same way.In this case,some color side effect can occurs depending of the -- traversal primitive colors and the supported hardware. -- when DB is FALSE and the background drawing has been generated with -- DB at TRUE,no color side effect occurs because the DB is used for restoring -- the drawing context at EraseBuffer() time,this is more powerfull for the -- drawing quality excepted for large buffers (flicking) . raises DriverError from Aspect is deferred; ---Trigger: Raises if the retain buffer is not opened. -- call BufferIsOpen() method before. EraseBuffer (me; aRetainBuffer: Integer) ---Purpose: Erase ALL primitives retains in the buffer . raises DriverError from Aspect is deferred; ---Trigger: Raises if the retain buffer is not opened. -- call BufferIsOpen() method before. MoveBuffer (me; aRetainBuffer: Integer; aPivotX: ShortReal = 0.0; aPivotY: ShortReal = 0.0) ---Purpose: Erase , Translate and reDraw ALL primitives retains in the buffer --. -- are the new DWU attached point absolute coordinates --of the buffer pivot point. raises DriverError from Aspect is deferred; ---Trigger: Raises if the retain buffer is not opened -- call BufferIsOpen() method before. ScaleBuffer (me; aRetainBuffer: Integer; aScaleX: Factor = 1.0; aScaleY: Factor = 1.0) ---Purpose: Erase , Scale the buffer from the Pivot point and reDraw ALL primitives --retains in the buffer . -- are the absolute scale factors apply on the two axis. -- Warning: Note that the scalling of some primitives can provided some bad --smoothing side effect (i.e: Circles,...) raises DriverError from Aspect is deferred; ---Trigger: Raises if the retain buffer is not opened or --one of factor is <= 0. -- call BufferIsOpen() method before. RotateBuffer (me; aRetainBuffer: Integer; anAngle: PlaneAngle = 0.0) ---Purpose: Erase , Rotate the buffer from the Pivot point and reDraw ALL primitives --retains in the buffer . -- is the absolute counter-clockwise rotation angle from the --Horizontal axis. raises DriverError from Aspect is deferred; ---Trigger: Raises if the retain buffer is not opened. -- call BufferIsOpen() method before. ---------------------------- -- Category: Inquire methods ---------------------------- BufferIsOpen(me; aRetainBuffer : Integer) returns Boolean is deferred; ---Purpose: Returns TRUE if the retain buffer is enabled --for drawing. BufferIsEmpty(me; aRetainBuffer : Integer) returns Boolean is deferred; ---Purpose: Returns TRUE if the retain buffer has not been opened or empty. --- Returns FALSE if a lot of primitives have been stored inside -- because a BeginDraw(..,) has been done previously. BufferIsDrawn(me; aRetainBuffer : Integer) returns Boolean is deferred; ---Purpose: Returns TRUE if the retain buffer s actually displayed at screen. AngleOfBuffer(me; aRetainBuffer : Integer; anAngle: out PlaneAngle) ---Purpose: Returns the current buffer rotate angle from the X axis. raises DriverError from Aspect is deferred; ---Trigger: Raises if the retain buffer is not opened. -- call BufferIsOpen() method before. ScaleOfBuffer(me; aRetainBuffer : Integer; aScaleX,aScaleY: out Factor) ---Purpose: Returns the current buffer scale factors. raises DriverError from Aspect is deferred; ---Trigger: Raises if the retain buffer is not opened. -- call BufferIsOpen() method before. PositionOfBuffer(me; aRetainBuffer : Integer; aPivotX,aPivotY: out ShortReal ) ---Purpose: Returns the current buffer position. raises DriverError from Aspect is deferred; ---Trigger: Raises if the retain buffer is not opened. -- call BufferIsOpen() method before. TextSize (me; aText: ExtendedString from TCollection; aWidth, aHeight: out ShortReal from Standard; aFontIndex: Integer from Standard = -1) ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns the TEXT size in DWU space depending -- of the required FontIndex if aFontIndex is >= 0 -- or the current FontIndex if < 0 (default). ---Trigger: Raises if font is not defined. raises DriverError from Aspect is deferred; ---Category: Inquire methods TextSize (me; aText: ExtendedString from TCollection; aWidth, aHeight, anXoffset, anYoffset: out ShortReal from Standard; aFontIndex: Integer from Standard = -1) ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns the TEXT size and offsets -- in DWU space depending -- of the required FontIndex if aFontIndex is >= 0 -- or the current FontIndex if < 0 (default). ---Trigger: Raises if font is not defined. raises DriverError from Aspect is deferred; ---Category: Inquire methods FontSize (me; aSlant: out PlaneAngle from Quantity; aSize,aBheight: out ShortReal from Standard; aFontIndex: Integer from Standard = -1) returns CString from Standard ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns the font string,slant,size and --baseline height in DWU space depending -- of the required FontIndex if aFontIndex is >= 0 -- or the current FontIndex if < 0 (default). ---Trigger: Raises if font is not defined. raises DriverError from Aspect is deferred; ---Category: Inquire methods ColorBoundIndexs(me; aMinIndex,aMaxIndex : out Integer from Standard) is deferred; ---Level: Advanced ---Purpose: -- Returns the min and max driver virtual color indexs. ---Category: Inquire methods LocalColorIndex(me; anIndex : Integer from Standard) returns Integer from Standard is deferred; ---Level: Advanced ---Purpose: -- Returns the local colormap hardware index from a virtual driver color -- index or returns -1 if the index is not defined. ---Category: Inquire methods FontBoundIndexs(me; aMinIndex,aMaxIndex : out Integer from Standard) is deferred; ---Level: Advanced ---Purpose: -- Returns the min and max driver virtual font indexs. ---Category: Inquire methods LocalFontIndex(me; anIndex : Integer from Standard) returns Integer from Standard is deferred; ---Level: Advanced ---Purpose: -- Returns the associated fontmap hardware index from a virtual driver font -- index or returns -1 if the index is not defined. ---Category: Inquire methods TypeBoundIndexs(me; aMinIndex,aMaxIndex : out Integer from Standard) is deferred; ---Level: Advanced ---Purpose: -- Returns the min and max driver virtual type indexs. ---Category: Inquire methods LocalTypeIndex(me; anIndex : Integer from Standard) returns Integer from Standard is deferred; ---Level: Advanced ---Purpose: -- Returns the associated typemap hardware index from a virtual driver type -- index or returns -1 if the index is not defined. ---Category: Inquire methods WidthBoundIndexs(me; aMinIndex,aMaxIndex : out Integer from Standard) is deferred; ---Level: Advanced ---Purpose: -- Returns the min and max driver virtual width indexs. ---Category: Inquire methods LocalWidthIndex(me; anIndex : Integer from Standard) returns Integer from Standard is deferred; ---Level: Advanced ---Purpose: -- Returns the associated widthmap hardware index from a virtual driver width -- index or returns -1 if the index is not defined. ---Category: Inquire methods MarkBoundIndexs(me; aMinIndex,aMaxIndex : out Integer from Standard) is deferred; ---Level: Advanced ---Purpose: -- Returns the min and max driver virtual marker indexs. ---Category: Inquire methods LocalMarkIndex(me; anIndex : Integer from Standard) returns Integer from Standard is deferred; ---Level: Advanced ---Purpose: -- Returns the local markmap hardware index from a virtual driver marker -- index or returns -1 if the index is not defined. ---Category: Inquire methods fields MyWindow : Window from Aspect is protected; MyDrawMode : TypeOfDrawMode from Aspect is protected; MyRetainBuffer : Integer from Standard is protected; end WindowDriver from Aspect;