//GG_040298 eliminer les variables statiques globales. #define PRO5676 //GG_020197 // Donner la possibillite d'exprimer la taille // par rapport a la hauteur totale du caractere ou par // rapport a la hauteur "ascent" situee au dessus de la // ligne de base. // (CapsHeight flag) // //GG_160498 etude G1343 gerer les polices transformables pour // l'utilisation de MFT_FontManager. // ===================================================================== // DCB_120598 study S3553. Platform specific code has been deleted // ("#ifdef WNT") to be able to use on WNT the same font descriptor // string like on UNIX. // ===================================================================== // File Aspect_FontStyle.cxx // Created Septembre 1993 // Author GG //-Copyright MatraDatavision 1991,1992 //-Version //-Design Declaration des variables specifiques aux Fontures de textes //-Warning Un style est definie, soit par son type predefini TOF_... // soit par sa description (Font string de type ADOBE) //-References //-Language C++ 2.0 //-Declarations #define MAXFIELDS 14 #define PITCHSIZE (0.00028 METER); // for the class #include #include #include //-Aliases //-Global data definitions // MyFontType : TypeOfFont from Aspect; // MyStyle : AsciiString from TCollection // MyFontName : AsciiCString from TCollection // MyFontSize : Real from Standard // MyFontSlant : Real from Standard // MyCapsHeight : Boolean from Standard //-Constructors //-Destructors //-Methods, in order Aspect_FontStyle::Aspect_FontStyle () { SetPredefinedStyle(Aspect_TOF_DEFAULT,0.003 METER,0.,Standard_False) ; } Aspect_FontStyle::Aspect_FontStyle (const Aspect_TypeOfFont Type, const Quantity_Length Size, const Quantity_PlaneAngle Slant, const Standard_Boolean CapsHeight) { SetPredefinedStyle(Type,Size,Slant,CapsHeight) ; } Aspect_FontStyle::Aspect_FontStyle (const Standard_CString style, const Quantity_Length Size, const Quantity_PlaneAngle Slant, const Standard_Boolean CapsHeight) { MyFontType = Aspect_TOF_USERDEFINED ; MyFontSize = Size; MyFontSlant = Slant; MyCapsHeight = CapsHeight; MyStyle = style; MyFontName = Normalize(style,MyFontSize) ; } Aspect_FontStyle::Aspect_FontStyle (const Standard_CString style) { MyFontType = Aspect_TOF_USERDEFINED ; MyFontSize = 0. ; MyFontSlant = 0. ; MyCapsHeight = Standard_False; MyStyle = style; MyFontName = Normalize(style,MyFontSize) ; } Aspect_FontStyle& Aspect_FontStyle::Assign (const Aspect_FontStyle& Other) { MyFontType = Other.Style() ; MyFontSize = Other.Size() ; MyFontSlant = Other.Slant() ; MyStyle = Other.Value(); MyFontName = Other.FullName() ; MyCapsHeight = Other.CapsHeight() ; return (*this); } void Aspect_FontStyle::SetValues ( const Aspect_TypeOfFont Type, const Quantity_Length Size, const Quantity_PlaneAngle Slant, const Standard_Boolean CapsHeight) { SetPredefinedStyle (Type,Size,Slant,CapsHeight); } void Aspect_FontStyle::SetValues ( const Standard_CString style, const Quantity_Length Size, const Quantity_PlaneAngle Slant, const Standard_Boolean CapsHeight) { MyFontType = Aspect_TOF_USERDEFINED ; MyFontSize = Size; MyFontSlant = Slant; MyCapsHeight = CapsHeight; MyStyle = style; MyFontName = Normalize(style,MyFontSize) ; } void Aspect_FontStyle::SetValues ( const Standard_CString style) { MyFontType = Aspect_TOF_USERDEFINED ; MyFontSize = 0. ; MyFontSlant = 0. ; MyCapsHeight = Standard_False; MyStyle = style; MyFontName = Normalize(style,MyFontSize) ; } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Sets the family of the font. // ============================================================================ void Aspect_FontStyle::SetFamily(const Standard_CString aName) { MyFontName = SetField(MyFontName,aName,2); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Sets the weight of the font. // ============================================================================ void Aspect_FontStyle::SetWeight(const Standard_CString aName) { MyFontName = SetField(MyFontName,aName,3); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Sets the Registry of the font. // ============================================================================ void Aspect_FontStyle::SetRegistry(const Standard_CString aName) { MyFontName = SetField(MyFontName,aName,13); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Sets the Encoding of the font. // ============================================================================ void Aspect_FontStyle::SetEncoding(const Standard_CString aName) { MyFontName = SetField(MyFontName,aName,14); } Aspect_TypeOfFont Aspect_FontStyle::Style () const { return (MyFontType); } Standard_Integer Aspect_FontStyle::Length () const { return MyStyle.Length(); } Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::Value () const { return MyStyle.ToCString(); } Quantity_Length Aspect_FontStyle::Size () const { return (MyFontSize); } Quantity_PlaneAngle Aspect_FontStyle::Slant () const { return (MyFontSlant); } Standard_Boolean Aspect_FontStyle::CapsHeight () const { return (MyCapsHeight); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the alias font name. // -- this is a shorter font name which identify the // -- main characteristics of the fonts. // ---Example: "helvetica-bold" // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::AliasName() const { static TCollection_AsciiString aliasname; aliasname.Clear(); TCollection_AsciiString family(Family()); if( family.Length() > 0 && family != "*" ) { TCollection_AsciiString FAMILY = family; FAMILY.UpperCase(); family.SetValue(1,FAMILY.Value(1)); aliasname = family; } TCollection_AsciiString weight(Weight()); if( weight.Length() > 0 && weight != "*" ) { TCollection_AsciiString WEIGHT = weight; WEIGHT.UpperCase(); if( WEIGHT == "NORMAL" ) { weight.Clear(); } else { weight.SetValue(1,WEIGHT.Value(1)); } } else weight.Clear(); TCollection_AsciiString sslant(SSlant()); if( sslant.Length() > 0 && sslant != "*" ) { if( sslant == "r" ) { sslant.Clear(); } else if( sslant == "i" ) { weight += "Italic"; sslant.Clear(); } else if( sslant == "o" ) { weight += "Oblique"; sslant.Clear(); } } else sslant.Clear(); if( weight.Length() > 0 ) { aliasname += '-'; aliasname += weight; } if( sslant.Length() > 0 ) { aliasname += '-'; aliasname += sslant; } TCollection_AsciiString swidth(SWidth()); if( swidth.Length() > 0 && swidth != "*" ) { TCollection_AsciiString SWIDTH = swidth; SWIDTH.UpperCase(); if( SWIDTH == "NORMAL" ) { } else { if( !weight.Length() ) aliasname += '-'; aliasname += '-'; aliasname += swidth; } } return aliasname.ToCString(); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the full normalized font name // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::FullName () const { return (MyFontName.ToCString()); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the foundry of the font. // ---Example: "adobe" // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::Foundry() const { return Field(MyFontName,1); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the family of the font. // ---Example: "helvetica" // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::Family() const { return Field(MyFontName,2); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the weight of the font. // ---Example: "bold" // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::Weight() const { return Field(MyFontName,3); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the char set registry of the font. // ---Example: "iso8859" // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::Registry() const { return Field(MyFontName,13); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the char set encoding of the font. // ---Example: "1" // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::Encoding() const { return Field(MyFontName,14); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the slant of the font. // ---Example: "i" // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::SSlant() const { return Field(MyFontName,4); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the width name of the font. // ---Example: "normal" // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::SWidth() const { return Field(MyFontName,5); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the style name of the font. // ---Example: "serif" // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::SStyle() const { return Field(MyFontName,6); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the pixel size of the font. // ---Example: "14" // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::SPixelSize() const { return Field(MyFontName,7); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the point size of the font. // ---Example: "140" // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::SPointSize() const { return Field(MyFontName,8); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the resolution X of the font. // ---Example: "75" // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::SResolutionX() const { return Field(MyFontName,9); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the resolution Y of the font. // ---Example: "75" // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::SResolutionY() const { return Field(MyFontName,10); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the spacing of the font. // ---Example: "p" // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::SSpacing() const { return Field(MyFontName,11); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the average width of the font. // ---Example: "90" // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::SAverageWidth() const { return Field(MyFontName,12); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Dumps the font attributes. // ============================================================================ void Aspect_FontStyle::Dump() const { cout << ".Aspect_FontStyle::Dump() :" << endl; cout << "-----------------" << endl << endl; cout << " style name is : '" << this->Value() << "'" << endl; cout << " Normalized font name is : '" << this->FullName() << "'" << endl; cout << " Alias font name is : '" << this->AliasName() << "'" << endl; cout << " Foundry is : '" << this->Foundry() << "'" << endl; cout << " Family is : '" << this->Family() << "'" << endl; cout << " Weight is : '" << this->Weight() << "'" << endl; cout << " Slant is : '" << this->SSlant() << "'" << endl; cout << " Width is : '" << this->SWidth() << "'" << endl; cout << " Style is : '" << this->SStyle() << "'" << endl; cout << " PixelSize is : '" << this->SPixelSize() << "'" << endl; cout << " PointSize is : '" << this->SPointSize() << "'" << endl; cout << " ResolutionX is : '" << this->SResolutionX() << "'" << endl; cout << " ResolutionY is : '" << this->SResolutionY() << "'" << endl; cout << " Spacing is : '" << this->SSpacing() << "'" << endl; cout << " AverageWidth is : '" << this->SAverageWidth() << "'" << endl; cout << " Registry is : '" << this->Registry() << "'" << endl; cout << " Encoding is : '" << this->Encoding() << "'" << endl << endl; } void Aspect_FontStyle::SetPredefinedStyle( const Aspect_TypeOfFont Type, const Quantity_Length Size, const Quantity_PlaneAngle Slant, const Standard_Boolean CapsHeight) { if( Size <= 0. ) Aspect_FontStyleDefinitionError::Raise ("Bad font Size"); MyFontType = Type ; MyFontSize = Size; MyFontSlant = Slant ; MyCapsHeight = CapsHeight; Standard_CString pstyle = "" ; switch ( Type ) { case Aspect_TOF_USERDEFINED : Aspect_FontStyleDefinitionError::Raise ("Bad Font Type Style"); case Aspect_TOF_DEFAULT : pstyle = "Defaultfont" ; break ; case Aspect_TOF_COURIER : pstyle = "Courier" ; break ; case Aspect_TOF_HELVETICA : pstyle = "Helvetica" ; break ; case Aspect_TOF_TIMES : pstyle = "Times" ; break ; } MyStyle = pstyle; MyFontName = Normalize(pstyle,MyFontSize); } Standard_Boolean Aspect_FontStyle::IsEqual(const Aspect_FontStyle& Other) const { return ( (MyFontType == Other.MyFontType) && (MyFontName.Length() == Other.MyFontName.Length()) && (MyFontName == Other.MyFontName) && (MyFontSize == Other.MyFontSize) && (MyFontSlant == Other.MyFontSlant) && (MyCapsHeight == Other.MyCapsHeight) ); } Standard_Boolean Aspect_FontStyle::IsNotEqual(const Aspect_FontStyle& Other) const { return !IsEqual(Other); } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns a normalized XLFD descriptor from the font name // -- // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::Normalize(const Standard_CString aFontName,Standard_Real& aSize) { Aspect_FontStyleDefinitionError_Raise_if( !aFontName ,"NULL font descriptor"); static TCollection_AsciiString afontstring; static TCollection_AsciiString astar("*"); static TCollection_AsciiString azero("0"); TCollection_AsciiString afield,afontname(aFontName); Standard_CString pfontname = NULL; Standard_Boolean xlfd = Standard_False; Standard_Integer i,len = afontname.Length(); afontstring = ""; if( len <= 0 ) return pfontname; if( afontname.Value(1) != '-' ) afontname.Prepend("-adobe-"); for( i=1 ; i<=MAXFIELDS ; i++ ) { Standard_CString pfield = Field(afontname,i); switch (i) { case 1: if( pfield ) { afield = pfield; afield.LowerCase(); {afontstring += '-'; afontstring += afield;} } else { afontstring += "-adobe"; } break; case 7: if( pfield ) { afield = pfield; afield.LowerCase(); if( afield == astar ) { if( aSize > 0. ) afontstring += "-*"; else {afontstring += "-0"; xlfd = Standard_True;} } else if( afield == azero ) { afontstring += "-0"; xlfd = Standard_True;} else {afontstring += '-'; afontstring += afield;} } else { if( aSize > 0. ) afontstring += "-*"; else { afontstring += "-0"; xlfd = Standard_True;} } break; case 8: case 9: case 10: if( xlfd ) { afontstring += "-0"; } else if( pfield ) { afield = pfield; afield.LowerCase(); afontstring += '-'; afontstring += afield; } else { afontstring += "-*"; } break; case 13: if( pfield ) { afield = pfield; afield.LowerCase(); afontstring += '-'; afontstring += afield; } else { afontstring += "-*"; } break; default: if( pfield ) { afield = pfield; afontstring += '-'; afontstring += afield; } else { afontstring += "-*"; } } } pfontname = afontstring.ToCString(); if( aSize == 0. ) { Standard_CString psize = Field(pfontname,7); Standard_Integer isize; if( sscanf(psize,"%d",&isize) == 1 ) { aSize = isize*PITCHSIZE; } else { aSize = 2. MILLIMETER; } } return pfontname; } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Returns the field at position // -- from the font name . // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::Field(const TCollection_AsciiString& aFontName,const Standard_Integer aRank) { static TCollection_AsciiString afieldstring; Standard_Integer length = aFontName.Length(); Standard_CString pfield = NULL; if( length > 0 && aRank >= 1 && aRank <= MAXFIELDS ) { Standard_Integer start = 1,end = 0; start = aFontName.Location(aRank,'-',1,length); end = aFontName.Location(aRank+1,'-',1,length); afieldstring = ""; if( start > 0 && end > 0 ) { start++ ; end--; if( end >= start ) afieldstring = aFontName.SubString(start,end); else afieldstring = ""; } else if( start > 0 ) { start++ ; end = length; if( end >= start ) afieldstring = aFontName.SubString(start,end); else afieldstring = ""; } else { return NULL; } } pfield = afieldstring.ToCString(); return pfield; } // ============================================================================ // ---Purpose: Sets the field at position // -- of the font // -- from the field . // ============================================================================ Standard_CString Aspect_FontStyle::SetField(const TCollection_AsciiString& aFontName,const Standard_CString aField,const Standard_Integer aRank) { static TCollection_AsciiString afontstring; Standard_Integer length = aFontName.Length(); Standard_CString pfontname = NULL; if( length > 0 && aRank >= 1 && aRank <= MAXFIELDS ) { Standard_Integer start = 1,end = 0; start = aFontName.Location(aRank,'-',1,length); end = aFontName.Location(aRank+1,'-',1,length); TCollection_AsciiString lowername(""),uppername(""); if( start > 0 && end > 0 ) { if( end > start ) { if( start > 1 ) lowername = aFontName.SubString(1,start); uppername = aFontName.SubString(end,length); } } else if( start > 1 ) { lowername = aFontName.SubString(1,start); } else { return NULL; } afontstring = lowername; afontstring += aField; afontstring += uppername; pfontname = afontstring.ToCString(); } return pfontname; }