-- File: Aspect_CircularGrid.cdl -- Created: Fri Mar 17 08:21:04 1995 -- Author: Mister rmi -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1995 class CircularGrid from Aspect inherits Grid from Aspect uses PlaneAngle, Length from Quantity raises NegativeValue,NullValue,NumericError from Standard is Create(aRadiusStep: Length from Quantity; aDivisionNumber: Integer from Standard; XOrigin: Length from Quantity = 0; anYOrigin: Length from Quantity = 0; aRotationAngle: PlaneAngle from Quantity = 0) returns mutable CircularGrid from Aspect; ---Purpose: creates a new grid. By default this grid is not -- active. ---Category: grid definition methods SetRadiusStep(me: mutable; aStep: Length from Quantity) ---Purpose: defines the x step of the grid. raises NegativeValue,NullValue from Standard ---Warning: raises an exception if is not strictly positive. is static; SetDivisionNumber(me: mutable; aNumber: Integer from Standard) ---Purpose: defines the step of the grid. raises NegativeValue,NullValue from Standard ---Warning: raises an exception if is not strictly positive. is static; SetGridValues(me: mutable; XOrigin, YOrigin: Length from Quantity; RadiusStep: Length from Quantity; DivisionNumber: Integer from Standard; RotationAngle: PlaneAngle from Quantity) raises NegativeValue,NullValue from Standard ---Warning: raises an exception if is not strictly positive. ---Warning: raises an exception if is not strictly positive. is static; ---Category: Pick methods -- Compute(me; X,Y: Length from Quantity; gridX, gridY : out Length from Quantity) ---Purpose: returns the point of the grid the closest to the point X,Y is static; ---Category: inquire methods RadiusStep(me) returns Length from Quantity ---Purpose: returns the x step of the grid. is static; DivisionNumber(me) returns Integer from Standard ---Purpose: returns the x step of the grid. is static; ---Category: private methods. Init(me: mutable) is redefined static; fields myRadiusStep: Length from Quantity; myDivisionNumber: Integer from Standard; myAlpha: Real from Standard; myA1,myB1: Real from Standard; end CircularGrid from Aspect;