-- File: Approx_BSplComputeLine.cdl -- Created: Wed Sep 22 12:36:13 1993 -- Author: Modelistation -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 generic class BSplComputeLine from Approx (MultiLine as any; LineTool as any) --as TheLineTool(MultiLine) uses ParametrizationType from Approx, SequenceOfReal from TColStd, HArray1OfReal from TColStd, HArray1OfInteger from TColStd, Array1OfReal from TColStd, Array1OfInteger from TColStd, HArray1OfConstraintCouple from AppParCurves, Constraint from AppParCurves, MultiBSpCurve from AppParCurves, MultiCurve from AppParCurves, Vector from math private class MyBSplGradient instantiates BSpGradient from AppParCurves (MultiLine, LineTool); private class MyGradientbis instantiates Gradient from AppParCurves (MultiLine, LineTool); is Create(Line: MultiLine; degreemin: Integer = 4; degreemax: Integer = 8; Tolerance3d: Real = 1.0e-3; Tolerance2d: Real = 1.0e-6; NbIterations: Integer = 5; cutting: Boolean = Standard_True; parametrization: ParametrizationType from Approx = Approx_ChordLength; Squares: Boolean = Standard_False) ---Purpose: The MultiLine will be approximated until tolerances -- will be reached. -- The approximation will be done from degreemin to degreemax -- with a cutting if the corresponding boolean is True. -- If is True, the computation will be done with -- no iteration at all. -- -- The multiplicities of the internal knots is set by -- default. returns BSplComputeLine; Create(Line: MultiLine; Parameters: Vector from math; degreemin: Integer = 4; degreemax: Integer = 8; Tolerance3d: Real = 1.0e-03; Tolerance2d: Real = 1.0e-06; NbIterations: Integer = 5; cutting: Boolean = Standard_True; Squares: Boolean = Standard_False) ---Purpose: The MultiLine will be approximated until tolerances -- will be reached. -- The approximation will be done from degreemin to degreemax -- with a cutting if the corresponding boolean is True. -- If is True, the computation will be done with -- no iteration at all. returns BSplComputeLine; Create(Parameters: Vector from math; degreemin: Integer = 4; degreemax: Integer = 8; Tolerance3d: Real = 1.0e-03; Tolerance2d: Real = 1.0e-06; NbIterations: Integer = 5; cutting: Boolean = Standard_True; Squares: Boolean = Standard_False) ---Purpose: Initializes the fields of the algorithm. returns BSplComputeLine; Create(degreemin: Integer = 4; degreemax: Integer = 8; Tolerance3d: Real = 1.0e-03; Tolerance2d: Real = 1.0e-06; NbIterations: Integer = 5; cutting: Boolean = Standard_True; parametrization: ParametrizationType from Approx = Approx_ChordLength; Squares: Boolean = Standard_False) ---Purpose: Initializes the fields of the algorithm. returns BSplComputeLine; Interpol(me: in out; Line: MultiLine) ---Purpose: Constructs an interpolation of the MultiLine -- The result will be a C2 curve of degree 3. is static; Init(me: in out; degreemin: Integer = 4; degreemax: Integer = 8; Tolerance3d: Real = 1.0e-03; Tolerance2d: Real = 1.0e-06; NbIterations: Integer = 5; cutting: Boolean = Standard_True; parametrization: ParametrizationType from Approx = Approx_ChordLength; Squares: Boolean = Standard_False) ---Purpose: Initializes the fields of the algorithm. is static; Perform(me: in out; Line: MultiLine) ---Purpose: runs the algorithm after having initialized the fields. is static; Compute(me: in out; Line: MultiLine; fpt, lpt: Integer; Para: in out Vector from math; Knots: Array1OfReal; Mults: in out Array1OfInteger) ---Purpose: is internally used in the algorithm. returns Boolean is static private; ComputeCurve(me: in out; Line: MultiLine; firspt, lastpt: Integer) ---Purpose: is internally used in the algorithm. returns Boolean is static private; Parameters(me; Line: MultiLine; firstP, LastP: Integer; TheParameters: in out Vector) ---Purpose: computes new parameters between firstP and lastP. is static private; SetParameters(me: in out; ThePar: Vector from math) ---Purpose: The approximation will begin with the -- set of parameters . is static; SetKnots(me: in out; Knots: Array1OfReal from TColStd) ---Purpose: The approximation will be done with the -- set of knots . The multiplicities will be set -- with the degree and the desired continuity. is static; SetKnotsAndMultiplicities(me: in out; Knots: Array1OfReal from TColStd; Mults: Array1OfInteger from TColStd) ---Purpose: The approximation will be done with the -- set of knots and the multiplicities . is static; SetDegrees(me: in out; degreemin, degreemax: Integer) ---Purpose: changes the degrees of the approximation. is static; SetTolerances(me: in out; Tolerance3d, Tolerance2d: Real) ---Purpose: Changes the tolerances of the approximation. is static; SetContinuity(me: in out; C: Integer) ---Purpose: sets the continuity of the spline. -- if C = 2, the spline will be C2. is static; SetConstraints(me: in out; firstC, lastC: Constraint from AppParCurves) ---Purpose: changes the first and the last constraint points. is static; IsAllApproximated(me) ---Purpose: returns False if at a moment of the approximation, -- the status NoApproximation has been sent by the user -- when more points were needed. returns Boolean is static; IsToleranceReached(me) ---Purpose: returns False if the status NoPointsAdded has been sent. returns Boolean is static; Error(me; tol3d: in out Real; tol2d: in out Real) ---Purpose: returns the tolerances 2d and 3d of the MultiBSpCurve. is static; Value(me) ---Purpose: returns the result of the approximation. ---C++: return const& returns MultiBSpCurve from AppParCurves; ChangeValue(me: in out) ---Purpose: returns the result of the approximation. ---C++: return & returns MultiBSpCurve from AppParCurves; Parameters(me) ---Purpose: returns the new parameters of the approximation -- corresponding to the points of the MultiBSpCurve. ---C++: return const& returns Array1OfReal from TColStd is static; SearchFirstLambda(me; Line: MultiLine; Para: Vector; Knots: Array1OfReal from TColStd; V: Vector; index: Integer) returns Real is static private; SearchLastLambda(me: ; Line: MultiLine; Para: Vector; Knots: Array1OfReal from TColStd; V: Vector; index: Integer) returns Real is static private; TangencyVector(me; Line: MultiLine; C: MultiCurve from AppParCurves; U: Real from Standard; V: in out Vector from math) is static private; FirstTangencyVector(me; Line: MultiLine; index: Integer; V: out Vector) is static private; LastTangencyVector(me; Line: MultiLine; index: Integer; V: out Vector) is static private; FindRealConstraints(me: in out; Line: MultiLine) is static private; fields TheMultiBSpCurve: MultiBSpCurve from AppParCurves; alldone : Boolean from Standard; tolreached : Boolean from Standard; Par : ParametrizationType from Approx; myParameters : HArray1OfReal from TColStd; myfirstParam : HArray1OfReal from TColStd; myknots : HArray1OfReal from TColStd; mymults : HArray1OfInteger from TColStd; myhasknots : Boolean from Standard; myhasmults : Boolean from Standard; myConstraints : HArray1OfConstraintCouple from AppParCurves; mydegremin : Integer from Standard; mydegremax : Integer from Standard; mytol3d : Real from Standard; mytol2d : Real from Standard; currenttol3d : Real from Standard; currenttol2d : Real from Standard; mycut : Boolean from Standard; mysquares : Boolean from Standard; myitermax : Integer from Standard; myfirstC : Constraint from AppParCurves; mylastC : Constraint from AppParCurves; realfirstC : Constraint from AppParCurves; reallastC : Constraint from AppParCurves; mycont : Integer from Standard; mylambda1 : Real from Standard; mylambda2 : Real from Standard; end BSplComputeLine;