-- File: MultiPointConstraint.cdl -- Created: Mon Dec 2 09:03:29 1991 -- Author: Laurent PAINNOT -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1991, 1992 class MultiPointConstraint from AppDef inherits MultiPoint from AppParCurves ---Purpose: Describes a MultiPointConstraint used in a -- Multiline. MultiPointConstraints are composed -- of several two or three-dimensional points. -- The purpose is to define the corresponding -- points that share a common constraint in order -- to compute the approximation of several lines in parallel. -- Notes: -- - The order of points of a MultiPointConstraints is very important. -- Users must give 3D points first, and then 2D points. -- - The constraints for the points included in a -- MultiPointConstraint are always identical for -- all points, including the parameter. -- - If a MultiPointConstraint is a "tangency" -- point, the point is also a "passing" point. uses Pnt from gp, Pnt2d from gp, Vec from gp, Vec2d from gp, Array1OfPnt from TColgp, Array1OfPnt2d from TColgp, Array1OfVec from TColgp, Array1OfVec2d from TColgp, Constraint from AppParCurves, OStream from Standard, TShared from MMgt raises OutOfRange from Standard, ConstructionError from Standard, DimensionError from Standard is Create ---Purpose: creates an undefined MultiPointConstraint. returns MultiPointConstraint from AppDef; Create(NbPoints, NbPoints2d: Integer) ---Purpose: constructs a set of Points used to approximate a Multiline. -- These Points can be of 2 or 3 dimensions. -- Points will be initialized with SetPoint and SetPoint2d. returns MultiPointConstraint from AppDef; Create(tabP: Array1OfPnt) ---Purpose: creates a MultiPoint only composed of 3D points. returns MultiPointConstraint from AppDef; Create(tabP: Array1OfPnt2d) ---Purpose: creates a MultiPoint only composed of 2D points. returns MultiPointConstraint from AppDef; Create(tabP: Array1OfPnt; tabP2d: Array1OfPnt2d) ---Purpose: constructs a set of Points used to approximate a Multiline. -- These Points can be of 2 or 3 dimensions. -- Points will be initialized with SetPoint and SetPoint2d. returns MultiPointConstraint from AppDef; Create(tabP: Array1OfPnt; tabP2d: Array1OfPnt2d; tabVec: Array1OfVec; tabVec2d: Array1OfVec2d; tabCur: Array1OfVec; tabCur2d: Array1OfVec2d) ---Purpose: creates a MultiPointConstraint with a constraint of -- Curvature. -- An exception is raised if -- (length of + length of ) is different -- from (length of + length of ) or -- from (length of + length of ) returns MultiPointConstraint from AppDef raises ConstructionError from Standard; Create(tabP: Array1OfPnt; tabP2d: Array1OfPnt2d; tabVec: Array1OfVec; tabVec2d: Array1OfVec2d) ---Purpose: creates a MultiPointConstraint with a constraint of -- Tangency. -- An exception is raised if -- (length of + length of ) is different -- from (length of + length of ) returns MultiPointConstraint from AppDef raises ConstructionError from Standard; Create(tabP: Array1OfPnt; tabVec: Array1OfVec; tabCur: Array1OfVec) ---Purpose: creates a MultiPointConstraint only composed of 3d points -- with constraints of curvature. -- An exception is raised if the length of tabP is different -- from the length of tabVec or from tabCur. returns MultiPointConstraint from AppDef raises ConstructionError; Create(tabP: Array1OfPnt; tabVec: Array1OfVec) ---Purpose: creates a MultiPointConstraint only composed of 3d points -- with constraints of tangency. -- An exception is raised if the length of tabP is different -- from the length of tabVec. returns MultiPointConstraint raises ConstructionError; Create(tabP2d: Array1OfPnt2d; tabVec2d: Array1OfVec2d) ---Purpose: creates a MultiPointConstraint only composed of 2d points -- with constraints of tangency. -- An exception is raised if the length of tabP is different -- from the length of tabVec2d. returns MultiPointConstraint from AppDef raises ConstructionError from Standard; Create(tabP2d: Array1OfPnt2d; tabVec2d: Array1OfVec2d; tabCur2d: Array1OfVec2d) ---Purpose: creates a MultiPointConstraint only composed of 2d points -- with constraints of curvature. -- An exception is raised if the length of tabP is different -- from the length of tabVec2d or from tabCur2d. returns MultiPointConstraint from AppDef raises ConstructionError from Standard; SetTang(me: in out; Index: Integer; Tang: Vec) ---Purpose: sets the value of the tangency of the point of range -- Index. -- An exception is raised if Index <0 or if Index > number -- of 3d points. -- An exception is raised if Tang has an incorrect number of -- dimensions. raises OutOfRange from Standard, DimensionError from Standard is static; Tang(me; Index: Integer) ---Purpose: returns the tangency value of the point of range Index. -- An exception is raised if Index < 0 or if Index > number -- of 3d points. returns Vec from gp raises OutOfRange from Standard is static; SetTang2d(me: in out; Index: Integer; Tang2d: Vec2d) ---Purpose: sets the value of the tangency of the point of range -- Index. -- An exception is raised if Index total number of Points -- An exception is raised if Tang has an incorrect number of -- dimensions. raises OutOfRange from Standard, DimensionError from Standard is static; Tang2d(me; Index: Integer) ---Purpose: returns the tangency value of the point of range Index. -- An exception is raised if Index < number of 3d points or -- if Index > total number of points. returns Vec2d from gp raises OutOfRange from Standard is static; SetCurv(me: in out; Index: Integer; Curv: Vec) ---Purpose: Vec sets the value of the normal vector at the -- point of index Index. The norm of the normal -- vector at the point of position Index is set to the normal curvature. -- An exception is raised if Index <0 or if Index > number -- of 3d points. -- An exception is raised if Curv has an incorrect number of -- dimensions. raises OutOfRange from Standard, DimensionError from Standard is static; Curv(me; Index: Integer) ---Purpose: returns the normal vector at the point of range Index. -- An exception is raised if Index < 0 or if Index > number -- of 3d points. returns Vec from gp raises OutOfRange from Standard is static; SetCurv2d(me: in out; Index: Integer; Curv2d: Vec2d) ---Purpose: Vec sets the value of the normal vector at the -- point of index Index. The norm of the normal -- vector at the point of position Index is set to the normal curvature. -- An exception is raised if Index <0 or if Index > number -- of 3d points. -- An exception is raised if Curv has an incorrect number of -- dimensions. raises OutOfRange from Standard, DimensionError from Standard is static; Curv2d(me; Index: Integer) ---Purpose: returns the normal vector at the point of range Index. -- An exception is raised if Index < 0 or if Index > number -- of 3d points. returns Vec2d from gp is static; IsTangencyPoint(me) ---Purpose: returns True if the MultiPoint has a tangency value. returns Boolean raises OutOfRange from Standard is static; IsCurvaturePoint(me) ---Purpose: returns True if the MultiPoint has a curvature value. returns Boolean raises OutOfRange from Standard is static; Dump(me; o: in out OStream) ---Purpose: Prints on the stream o information on the current -- state of the object. -- Is used to redefine the operator <<. is redefined; fields ttabTang: TShared from MMgt; ttabCurv: TShared from MMgt; ttabTang2d: TShared from MMgt; ttabCurv2d: TShared from MMgt; end MultiPointConstraint from AppDef;