-- File: AppCont_TheLineTool.cdl -- Created: Thu Apr 22 12:02:11 1993 -- Author: Laurent PAINNOT -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 deferred generic class TheLineTool from AppCont(MLine as any) ---Purpose: Template for desribing a continuous MultiLine. -- The Vectors returned by the methods Tangency are -- the derivative values. uses Pnt from gp, Pnt2d from gp, Vec from gp, Vec2d from gp, Array1OfPnt from TColgp, Array1OfPnt2d from TColgp, Array1OfVec from TColgp, Array1OfVec2d from TColgp is FirstParameter(myclass; ML: MLine) returns Real; ---Purpose: returns the first parameter of the Line. LastParameter(myclass; ML: MLine) returns Real; ---Purpose: returns the last parameter of the Line. NbP2d(myclass; ML: MLine) returns Integer; ---Purpose: Returns the number of 2d points of a MLine. NbP3d(myclass; ML: MLine) returns Integer; ---Purpose: Returns the number of 3d points of a MLine. Value(myclass; ML: MLine; U: Real; tabPt: out Array1OfPnt); ---Purpose: returns the 3d points of the multipoint -- when only 3d points exist. Value(myclass; ML: MLine; U: Real; tabPt2d: out Array1OfPnt2d); ---Purpose: returns the 2d points of the multipoint -- when only 2d points exist. Value(myclass; ML: MLine; U: Real; tabPt: out Array1OfPnt; tabPt2d: out Array1OfPnt2d); ---Purpose: returns the 3d and 2d points of the multipoint -- . D1(myclass; ML: MLine; U: Real; tabV: out Array1OfVec) returns Boolean; ---Purpose: returns the 3d derivative values of the multipoint -- when only 3d points exist. D1(myclass; ML: MLine; U: Real; tabV2d: out Array1OfVec2d) returns Boolean; ---Purpose: returns the 2d derivative values of the multipoint -- only when 2d points exist. D1(myclass; ML: MLine; U: Real; tabV: out Array1OfVec; tabV2d: out Array1OfVec2d) returns Boolean; ---Purpose: returns the 3d and 2d derivative values of the multipoint -- . end TheLineTool;