-- File: AlienImage.cdl -- Created: Tue Jul 27 18:51:28 1993 -- Author: Jean Louis FRENKEL -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 package AlienImage ---Purpose: This package allows importation of images -- from some other format into CAS.CADE format. uses Image, TColStd, TCollection, Aspect, OSD, MMgt is ------------------------ ---Category: The classes ------------------------ deferred class AlienImage; ---Purpose: Define the general methods on AlienImage deferred class AlienImageData ; ---Purpose: Internal Definition of AlienImage. deferred class AlienUserImage ; ---Purpose: Public Definition of AlienImage. -- class PSAlienImage; ---Purpose: Definition of PostScript AlienImage. class SunRFAlienData; ---Purpose: Private definition of Sun Raster File .rs AlienImage. class SunRFAlienImage; ---Purpose: Public definition of Sun Raster File .rs AlienImage. class EuclidAlienData; ---Purpose: Private definition of Euclid .pix AlienImage. class EuclidAlienImage; ---Purpose: Public definition of Euclid .pix AlienImage. class SGIRGBAlienData; ---Purpose: Private definition of SGI .rgb AlienImage. class SGIRGBAlienImage; ---Purpose: Public definition of SGI .rgb AlienImage. class X11XWDAlienData; ---Purpose: Private definition X11 .xwd AlienImage . class XAlienImage; ---Purpose: Public definition X11 .xwd AlienImage. class AidaAlienData; ---Purpose: Private definition of Aida .i AlienImage . class AidaAlienImage; ---Purpose: Public definition of Aida .i AlienImage. class MemoryOperations; ---Purpose: A set of function to swap byte in memory, used for -- comaptibility between LSBFirst and MSBFirst . private class BMPAlienData; ---Purpose: Private definition of windows .bmp AlienImage. private class GIFAlienData; ---Purpose: Private definition of windows .gif AlienImage. class BMPAlienImage; ---Purpose: Public definition of windows .bmp AlienImage. class GIFAlienImage; ---Purpose: Public definition of windows .gif AlienImage. ---Category: Imported types: imported GIFLZWDict; imported BMPHeader; imported X11XColor ; imported X11XWDFileHeader ; imported SGIRGBFileHeader ; imported SUNRFFileHeader ; enumeration SUNRFFormat is SUNRF_Old, SUNRF_Standard, SUNRF_ByteEncoded, SUNRF_RGB, SUNRF_Unknown end SUNRFFormat ; ---Purpose: Type of code for a SUNRF image. ---------------------------- ---Category: Package methods ---------------------------- CreateImage (theFileName : AsciiString from TCollection; theImage : out Image from Image) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: CreateImage (theFileName : CString from Standard; theImage : out Image from Image) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: CreateImage (theFile : in out File from OSD; theImage : out Image from Image) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: LoadImageFile (anImageFile : CString from Standard; anImage : out Image from Image; aWidth : out Integer from Standard; aHeight : out Integer from Standard ) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: Used by plotter drivers end AlienImage;