-- File: Adaptor2d_HCurve2d.cdl -- Created: Wed Feb 23 11:21:19 1994 -- Author: model -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1994 deferred class HCurve2d from Adaptor2d inherits TShared from MMgt ---Purpose: Root class for 2D curves manipulated by handles, on -- which geometric algorithms work. -- An adapted curve is an interface between the -- services provided by a curve, and those required of -- the curve by algorithms, which use it. -- A derived specific class is provided: -- Geom2dAdaptor_HCurve for a curve from the Geom2d package. uses Array1OfReal from TColStd, Shape from GeomAbs, CurveType from GeomAbs, Vec2d from gp, Pnt2d from gp, Circ2d from gp, Elips2d from gp, Hypr2d from gp, Parab2d from gp, Lin2d from gp, BezierCurve from Geom2d, BSplineCurve from Geom2d, Curve2d from Adaptor2d raises OutOfRange from Standard, NoSuchObject from Standard, DomainError from Standard, NotImplemented from Standard is -- -- Access to the curve -- Curve2d(me) returns Curve2d from Adaptor2d ---Purpose: Returns a reference to the Curve2d inside the HCurve2d. -- ---C++: return const & is deferred; -- Curve methods, they are provided for convenience. Each -- method M() is defined inline as : -- -- Adaptor_HCurve::M() { Curve().M(); } -- -- See the class Curve for comments on the methods. -- -- -- Global methods - Apply to the whole curve. -- FirstParameter(me) returns Real ; ---C++: inline LastParameter(me) returns Real ; ---C++: inline Continuity(me) returns Shape from GeomAbs ; ---C++: inline -- NbIntervals(me ; S : Shape from GeomAbs) returns Integer ; ---C++: inline -- Intervals(me; T : in out Array1OfReal from TColStd; S : Shape from GeomAbs) ---C++: inline raises OutOfRange from Standard is static; Trim(me; First, Last, Tol : Real) returns HCurve2d from Adaptor2d ---C++: inline raises OutOfRange from Standard ---Purpose: If >= is static; -- -- Local methods - Apply to the current interval. -- By default the current interval is the first. -- IsClosed(me) returns Boolean ; ---C++: inline -- IsPeriodic(me) returns Boolean ; ---C++: inline -- Period(me) returns Real ; ---C++: inline -- Value(me; U : Real) returns Pnt2d from gp ; ---C++: inline -- D0 (me; U : Real; P : out Pnt2d from gp) ; ---C++: inline -- D1 (me; U : Real; P : out Pnt2d from gp ; V : out Vec2d from gp) ; ---C++: inline -- D2 (me; U : Real; P : out Pnt2d from gp; V1, V2 : out Vec2d from gp) ; ---C++: inline -- D3 (me; U : Real; P : out Pnt2d from gp; V1, V2, V3 : out Vec2d from gp) ; ---C++: inline -- DN (me; U : Real; N : Integer) returns Vec2d from gp ; ---C++: inline -- Resolution(me; R3d : Real) returns Real ; ---C++: inline -- GetType(me) returns CurveType from GeomAbs ; ---C++: inline -- -- -- The following methods must be called when GetType returned -- the corresponding type. -- Line(me) returns Lin2d from gp ; ---C++: inline -- Circle(me) returns Circ2d from gp ; ---C++: inline -- Ellipse(me) returns Elips2d from gp ; ---C++: inline -- Hyperbola(me) returns Hypr2d from gp ; ---C++: inline -- Parabola(me) returns Parab2d from gp ; ---C++: inline -- Degree(me) returns Integer ---C++: inline raises NoSuchObject from Standard ; IsRational(me) returns Boolean ---C++: inline raises NoSuchObject from Standard ; NbPoles(me) returns Integer ---C++: inline raises NoSuchObject from Standard ; NbKnots(me) returns Integer ---C++: inline raises NoSuchObject from Standard ; Bezier(me) returns BezierCurve from Geom2d ---C++: inline raises NoSuchObject from Standard; BSpline(me) returns BSplineCurve from Geom2d ---C++: inline raises NoSuchObject from Standard, OutOfRange from Standard -- if TK has not length NbKnots is virtual; end HCurve2d;