-- File: AIS_Plane.cdl -- Created: Wed Aug 2 16:18:48 1995 -- Author: Arnaud BOUZY/Odile Olivier -- -- GG : GER61351 17/11/1999 Change SetColor() with a compatible Quantity_Color instead -- the restricted NameOfColor. --Modified by rob Wed 11 feb 98 : add Size Methods ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1995 class Plane from AIS inherits InteractiveObject from AIS ---Purpose: Constructs plane datums to be used in construction of -- composite shapes. uses Plane from Geom, Presentation from Prs3d, PresentationManager3d from PrsMgr, NameOfColor from Quantity, Color from Quantity, Selection from SelectMgr, Pnt from gp, Projector from Prs3d, Transformation from Geom, PresentationManager2d from PrsMgr, GraphicObject from Graphic2d, NameOfMaterial from Graphic3d, TypeOfPlane from AIS, Axis2Placement from Geom, InteractiveContext from AIS, KindOfInteractive from AIS is Create(aComponent : Plane from Geom; aCurrentMode : Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) returns mutable Plane from AIS; ---Purpose: initializes the plane aComponent. If -- the mode aCurrentMode equals true, the drawing -- tool, "Drawer" is not initialized. Create(aComponent : Plane from Geom; aCenter : Pnt from gp; aCurrentMode : Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) returns mutable Plane from AIS; --- Purpose: initializes the plane aComponent and -- the point aCenter. If the mode aCurrentMode -- equals true, the drawing tool, "Drawer" is not -- initialized. aCurrentMode equals true, the drawing -- tool, "Drawer" is not initialized. Create(aComponent : Plane from Geom; aCenter : Pnt from gp; aPmin : Pnt from gp; aPmax : Pnt from gp; aCurrentMode : Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) returns mutable Plane from AIS; ---Purpose: initializes the plane aComponent, the -- point aCenter, and the minimum and maximum -- points, aPmin and aPmax. If the mode -- aCurrentMode equals true, the drawing tool, "Drawer" is not initialized. Create(aComponent : Axis2Placement from Geom; aPlaneType : TypeOfPlane from AIS; aCurrentMode : Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) returns mutable Plane from AIS; ---Category: Size Modifications... SetSize(me:mutable;aValue:Real from Standard); ---Purpose: Same value for x and y directions SetSize(me:mutable;Xval,YVal:Real from Standard); ---Purpose: Sets the size defined by the length along the X axis -- XVal and the length along the Y axis YVal. UnsetSize(me:mutable) ; Size(me;X,Y:out Real from Standard) returns Boolean from Standard; HasOwnSize(me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---C++: inline Signature(me) returns Integer from Standard is redefined; Type(me) returns KindOfInteractive from AIS is redefined; Component(me: mutable) returns Plane from Geom is static; ---Purpose: Returns the component specified in SetComponent. ---C++: inline ---C++: return const& SetComponent(me: mutable;aComponent : Plane from Geom) is static; ---Purpose: Creates an instance of the plane aComponent. PlaneAttributes(me: mutable; aComponent : out Plane from Geom; aCenter : out Pnt from gp; aPmin : out Pnt from gp; aPmax : out Pnt from gp) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: Returns the settings for the selected plane -- aComponent, provided in SetPlaneAttributes. -- These include the points aCenter, aPmin, and aPmax SetPlaneAttributes(me: mutable; aComponent : Plane from Geom; aCenter : Pnt from gp; aPmin : Pnt from gp; aPmax : Pnt from gp) is static; ---Purpose: Allows you to provide settings other than default ones -- for the selected plane. These include: center point -- aCenter, maximum aPmax and minimum aPmin. Center (me) returns Pnt from gp; ---Purpose: Returns the coordinates of the center point. ---C++: inline ---C++: return const& SetCenter (me: mutable; aCenter : Pnt from gp); ---Purpose: -- Provides settings for the center aCenter other than (0, 0, 0). ---C++: inline SetAxis2Placement(me: mutable; aComponent : Axis2Placement from Geom; aPlaneType : TypeOfPlane from AIS) is static; ---Purpose: Allows you to provide settings for the position and -- direction of one of the plane's axes, aComponent, in -- 3D space. The coordinate system used is -- right-handed, and the type of plane aPlaneType is one of: -- - AIS_ TOPL_Unknown -- - AIS_ TOPL_XYPlane -- - AIS_ TOPL_XZPlane -- - AIS_ TOPL_YZPlane}. Axis2Placement(me: mutable) returns Axis2Placement from Geom is static; ---Purpose: Returns the position of the plane's axis2 system -- identifying the x, y, or z axis and giving the plane a -- direction in 3D space. An axis2 system is a right-handed coordinate system. TypeOfPlane (me : mutable) returns TypeOfPlane from AIS; ---Purpose: Returns the type of plane - xy, yz, xz or unknown. ---C++: inline IsXYZPlane (me : mutable) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: Returns the type of plane - xy, yz, or xz. ---C++: inline CurrentMode (me : mutable) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: Returns the non-default current display mode set by SetCurrentMode. ---C++: inline SetCurrentMode (me : mutable; aCurrentMode : Boolean from Standard ) ; ---Purpose: -- Allows you to provide settings for a non-default -- current display mode. ---C++: inline AcceptDisplayMode(me;aMode:Integer from Standard) returns Boolean from Standard is redefined virtual; ---Purpose: Returns true if the display mode selected, aMode, is valid for planes. SetContext(me:mutable; aCtx : InteractiveContext from AIS) is redefined; ---Purpose: connection to default drawer implies a recomputation of Frame values. -- Methods from PresentableObject Compute(me : mutable; aPresentationManager: PresentationManager3d from PrsMgr; aPresentation : mutable Presentation from Prs3d; aMode : Integer from Standard = 0) is redefined virtual private; Compute(me:mutable; aProjector: Projector from Prs3d; aPresentation: mutable Presentation from Prs3d) is redefined virtual private; Compute(me:mutable; aPresentationManager: PresentationManager2d from PrsMgr; aPresentation: mutable GraphicObject from Graphic2d; aMode: Integer from Standard = 0) is redefined virtual private; Compute(me : mutable; aProjector : Projector from Prs3d; aTrsf : Transformation from Geom; aPresentation : mutable Presentation from Prs3d) is redefined; ---Purpose: computes the presentation according to a point of view -- given by . -- To be Used when the associated degenerated Presentations -- have been transformed by which is not a Pure -- Translation. The HLR Prs can't be deducted automatically -- WARNING : must be applied -- to the object to display before computation !!! -- Methods from SelectableObject ComputeSelection(me : mutable; aSelection : mutable Selection from SelectMgr; aMode : Integer from Standard) is redefined virtual; -- Methods from InteractiveObject SetColor(me :mutable; aColor : NameOfColor from Quantity) is redefined static; SetColor(me :mutable; aColor : Color from Quantity) is redefined static; UnsetColor(me:mutable) is redefined static; ComputeFrame(me: mutable) is private; ComputeFields(me: mutable) is private; InitDrawerAttributes(me:mutable) is private; fields myComponent : Plane from Geom; myAx2 : Axis2Placement from Geom; myCenter : Pnt from gp; myPmin : Pnt from gp; myPmax : Pnt from gp; myCurrentMode : Boolean from Standard; myAutomaticPosition : Boolean from Standard; myTypeOfPlane : TypeOfPlane from AIS; myIsXYZPlane : Boolean from Standard; myHasOwnSize : Boolean from Standard; end Plane;