// File: AIS_LengthDimension.cxx // Created: Tue Dec 5 15:09:04 1996 // Author: Arnaud BOUZY/Odile Olivier // #define BUC60915 //GG 05/06/01 Enable to compute the requested arrow size // if any in all dimensions. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //======================================================================= //function : Constructor //purpose : TwoFacesLength dimension //======================================================================= AIS_LengthDimension::AIS_LengthDimension (const TopoDS_Face& aFirstFace, const TopoDS_Face& aSecondFace, const Standard_Real aVal, const TCollection_ExtendedString& aText) :AIS_Relation(), myNbShape(2) { SetFirstShape( aFirstFace ); SetSecondShape( aSecondFace ); myVal = aVal; myText = aText; mySymbolPrs = DsgPrs_AS_BOTHAR; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_True; myArrowSize = myVal / 10.; } //======================================================================= //function : Constructor //purpose : TwoFacesLength dimension (with position and text) //======================================================================= AIS_LengthDimension::AIS_LengthDimension(const TopoDS_Face& aFirstFace, const TopoDS_Face& aSecondFace, const Standard_Real aVal, const TCollection_ExtendedString& aText, const gp_Pnt& aPosition, const DsgPrs_ArrowSide aSymbolPrs, const Standard_Real anArrowSize) :AIS_Relation(), myNbShape(2) { SetFirstShape( aFirstFace ); SetSecondShape( aSecondFace ); myVal = aVal; myText = aText; mySymbolPrs = aSymbolPrs; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_False; #ifdef BUC60915 SetArrowSize( anArrowSize ); #else myArrowSize = anArrowSize; #endif myPosition = aPosition; } //======================================================================= //function : AIS_LengthDimension //purpose : Distance Face - Edge for chamfer 3D //======================================================================= AIS_LengthDimension::AIS_LengthDimension (const TopoDS_Face& Face,const TopoDS_Edge& Edge,const Standard_Real Val,const TCollection_ExtendedString& Text) :AIS_Relation (), myNbShape (2) { SetFirstShape (Face); SetSecondShape (Edge); myText = Text; myVal = Val; mySymbolPrs = DsgPrs_AS_BOTHAR; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_True; myArrowSize = myVal/10.0; } //======================================================================= //function : Constructor //purpose : TwoEdgesLength dimension or OneEdgeOneVertexLength dimension or TwoVerticesLength dimension //======================================================================= AIS_LengthDimension::AIS_LengthDimension(const TopoDS_Shape& aFShape, const TopoDS_Shape& aSShape, const Handle(Geom_Plane)& aPlane, const Standard_Real aVal, const TCollection_ExtendedString& aText) :AIS_Relation(), myNbShape(2), myTypeDist(AIS_TOD_Unknown) { myFShape = aFShape; mySShape = aSShape; myVal = aVal; myText = aText; mySymbolPrs = DsgPrs_AS_BOTHAR; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_True; myPlane =aPlane; myArrowSize = myVal / 10.; } //======================================================================= //function : Constructor //purpose : TwoEdgesLength dimension or OneEdgeOneVertexLength dimension or TwoVerticesLength dimension //======================================================================= AIS_LengthDimension::AIS_LengthDimension(const TopoDS_Shape& aFShape, const TopoDS_Shape& aSShape, const Handle(Geom_Plane)& aPlane, const Standard_Real aVal, const TCollection_ExtendedString& aText, const gp_Pnt& aPosition, const DsgPrs_ArrowSide aSymbolPrs, const AIS_TypeOfDist aTypeDist, const Standard_Real anArrowSize) :AIS_Relation(), myNbShape(2), myTypeDist(aTypeDist) { myFShape = aFShape; mySShape = aSShape; myVal = aVal; myPlane = aPlane; myText = aText; mySymbolPrs = aSymbolPrs; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_False; #ifdef BUC60915 SetArrowSize( anArrowSize ); #else myArrowSize = anArrowSize; #endif myPosition = aPosition; } //======================================================================= //function : Compute //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_LengthDimension::Compute(const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d)&, const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation, const Standard_Integer) { aPresentation->Clear(); if (myNbShape == 1) { switch (myFShape.ShapeType()) { case TopAbs_FACE: { // case length on a face ComputeOneFaceLength(aPresentation); } break; case TopAbs_EDGE: { // case length of an edge ComputeOneEdgeLength(aPresentation); } break; default: break; } } else if (myNbShape == 2) { switch (myFShape.ShapeType()) { case TopAbs_FACE: { if (mySShape.ShapeType () == TopAbs_FACE) { // case length between two faces ComputeTwoFacesLength(aPresentation); } else if (mySShape.ShapeType () == TopAbs_EDGE) { ComputeEdgeFaceLength (aPresentation); } } break; case TopAbs_EDGE: { if (mySShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX) { #ifdef BUC60915 if( !myArrowSizeIsDefined ) #endif myArrowSize = Abs(myVal)/100.; ComputeOneEdgeOneVertexLength( aPresentation, myDrawer, myText, myArrowSize, myFShape, mySShape, myPlane, myAutomaticPosition, myIsSetBndBox, myBndBox, myExtShape, myVal, myDirAttach, myPosition, myFAttach, mySAttach, mySymbolPrs ); } else if (mySShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE) { // case length between two edges #ifdef BUC60915 if( !myArrowSizeIsDefined ) #endif myArrowSize = Abs(myVal)/100.; ComputeTwoEdgesLength( aPresentation, myDrawer, myText, myArrowSize, TopoDS::Edge( myFShape ), TopoDS::Edge( mySShape ), myPlane, myAutomaticPosition, myIsSetBndBox, myBndBox, myExtShape, myVal, myDirAttach, myPosition, myFAttach, mySAttach, mySymbolPrs ); } } break; case TopAbs_VERTEX: { if (mySShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX) { #ifdef BUC60915 if( !myArrowSizeIsDefined ) #endif myArrowSize = Abs(myVal)/100.; ComputeTwoVerticesLength( aPresentation, myDrawer, myText, myArrowSize, TopoDS::Vertex( myFShape ), TopoDS::Vertex( mySShape ), myPlane, myAutomaticPosition, myIsSetBndBox, myBndBox, myTypeDist, myExtShape, myVal, myDirAttach, myPosition, myFAttach, mySAttach, mySymbolPrs ); } else if (mySShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE) { #ifdef BUC60915 if( !myArrowSizeIsDefined ) #endif myArrowSize = Abs(myVal)/100.; ComputeOneEdgeOneVertexLength( aPresentation, myDrawer, myText, myArrowSize, myFShape, mySShape, myPlane, myAutomaticPosition, myIsSetBndBox, myBndBox, myExtShape, myVal, myDirAttach, myPosition, myFAttach, mySAttach, mySymbolPrs ); } } break; default: break; } } } //======================================================================= //function : Compute //purpose : to avoid warning //======================================================================= void AIS_LengthDimension::Compute(const Handle(Prs3d_Projector)& aProjector, const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation) { // Standard_NotImplemented::Raise("AIS_LengthDimension::Compute(const Handle(Prs3d_Projector)&,const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)&)"); PrsMgr_PresentableObject::Compute( aProjector , aPresentation ) ; } //======================================================================= //function : Compute //purpose : to avoid warning //======================================================================= void AIS_LengthDimension::Compute(const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager2d)& aPresentationManager2d, const Handle(Graphic2d_GraphicObject)& aGraphicObject, const Standard_Integer anInteger) { // Standard_NotImplemented::Raise("AIS_LengthDimension::Compute(const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager2d)&,const Handle(Graphic2d_GraphicObject)&,const Standard_Integer)"); PrsMgr_PresentableObject::Compute( aPresentationManager2d ,aGraphicObject,anInteger) ; } void AIS_LengthDimension::Compute(const Handle_Prs3d_Projector& aProjector, const Handle_Geom_Transformation& aTransformation, const Handle_Prs3d_Presentation& aPresentation) { // Standard_NotImplemented::Raise("AIS_LengthDimension::Compute(const Handle_Prs3d_Projector&, const Handle_Geom_Transformation&, const Handle_Prs3d_Presentation&)"); PrsMgr_PresentableObject::Compute( aProjector , aTransformation , aPresentation ) ; } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeSelection //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_LengthDimension::ComputeSelection(const Handle(SelectMgr_Selection)& aSelection, const Standard_Integer) { if (myFShape.IsNull() && mySShape.IsNull()) return; if (myFShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE) ComputeFaceSelection(aSelection); else ComputeEdgeVertexSelection(aSelection); // Text Handle( SelectMgr_EntityOwner ) own = new SelectMgr_EntityOwner( this, 7 ); Standard_Real size(Min(myVal/100.+1.e-6,myArrowSize+1.e-6)); Handle( Select3D_SensitiveBox ) box = new Select3D_SensitiveBox( own, myPosition.X(), myPosition.Y(), myPosition.Z(), myPosition.X() + size, myPosition.Y() + size, myPosition.Z() + size); aSelection->Add(box); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeOneFaceLength //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_LengthDimension::ComputeOneFaceLength(const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)&) { Standard_DomainError::Raise("AIS_LengthDimension::ComputeOneFaceLength : Not implemented"); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeOneOneEdgeLength //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_LengthDimension::ComputeOneEdgeLength(const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)&) { Standard_DomainError::Raise("AIS_LengthDimension::ComputeOneEdgeLength : Not implemented"); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeTwoFacesLength //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_LengthDimension::ComputeTwoFacesLength( const Handle( Prs3d_Presentation )& aPresentation ) { if (myFShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND) { //rob debug from vbu? TopExp_Explorer E (myFShape,TopAbs_FACE); if (E.More()) SetFirstShape(E.Current()); } if (mySShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND) { TopExp_Explorer E (mySShape,TopAbs_FACE); if (E.More()) SetSecondShape(E.Current()); // rob debug from vbu? } if (myFirstSurfType == AIS_KOS_Plane) { AIS::ComputeLengthBetweenPlanarFaces( TopoDS::Face(myFShape), TopoDS::Face(mySShape), myFirstPlane, mySecondPlane, myVal, myFAttach, mySAttach, myDirAttach, myAutomaticPosition, myPosition ); if (myAutomaticPosition && myIsSetBndBox) myPosition = AIS::TranslatePointToBound( myPosition, myDirAttach, myBndBox ); myDrawer->LengthAspect()->Arrow1Aspect()->SetLength( myArrowSize ); myDrawer->LengthAspect()->Arrow2Aspect()->SetLength( myArrowSize ); // Find text of the face DsgPrs_LengthPresentation::Add( aPresentation, myDrawer, myText, myFAttach, mySAttach, myFirstPlane, myDirAttach, myPosition, mySymbolPrs ); } else { AIS::ComputeLengthBetweenCurvilinearFaces( TopoDS::Face(myFShape), TopoDS::Face(mySShape), myFirstBasisSurf, mySecondBasisSurf, myAutomaticPosition, myVal, myPosition, myFAttach, mySAttach, myDirAttach ); if (myAutomaticPosition && myIsSetBndBox) myPosition = AIS::TranslatePointToBound( myPosition, myDirAttach, myBndBox ); DsgPrs_LengthPresentation::Add( aPresentation, myDrawer, myText, mySecondBasisSurf, myFAttach, mySAttach, myDirAttach, myPosition, mySymbolPrs ); } } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeEdgeFaceLength //purpose : Jean-Claude Vauthier 17/06/98 // A quick implementation in order to edit the constraint of // distance for a chamfer 3D. //======================================================================= void AIS_LengthDimension::ComputeEdgeFaceLength (const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation )& aPresentation ) { //The first attachment point is P1 from the reference Edge //Find the second attachment point which belongs to the reference face //Iterate over the edges of the face and find the point FP1... //....it is the closest point according to P1 const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge (mySShape); //The reference edge const TopoDS_Face& F = TopoDS::Face (myFShape); //The reference face TopoDS_Vertex V1, V2; TopExp::Vertices (E, V1, V2); myFAttach = BRep_Tool::Pnt (V1); gp_Pnt P = BRep_Tool::Pnt (V2); TopExp_Explorer It (F, TopAbs_EDGE); gp_Pnt2d FP1uv, FP2uv; Standard_Real Dist1 = RealLast (); Standard_Real Dist2 = RealLast (); for (; It.More (); It.Next ()) { const TopoDS_Edge FE = TopoDS::Edge(It.Current ()); TopExp::Vertices (FE, V1, V2); gp_Pnt FP1c = BRep_Tool::Pnt (V1); gp_Pnt FP2c = BRep_Tool::Pnt (V2); Standard_Real Dc1 = myFAttach.SquareDistance (FP1c); Standard_Real Dc2 = myFAttach.SquareDistance (FP2c); if (Dc1 <= Dc2) { if (Dc1 <= Dist1) { Dc2 = P.SquareDistance (FP2c); if (Dc2 <= Dist2) { mySAttach = FP1c; Dist1 = Dc1; Dist2 = Dc2; BRep_Tool::UVPoints (FE, F, FP1uv, FP2uv); } } } else { if (Dc2 <= Dist1) { Dc1 = P.SquareDistance (FP1c); if (Dc1 <= Dist2) { mySAttach = FP2c; Dist1 = Dc2; Dist2 = Dc1; BRep_Tool::UVPoints (FE, F, FP2uv, FP1uv); } } } } gp_Vec OffsetDirection (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); //The offset direction is the normal to the face at the point FP1 BRepGProp_Face GF; GF.Load (F); GF.Normal (FP1uv.X(), FP1uv.Y(), P, OffsetDirection); if (OffsetDirection.Magnitude () > Precision::Confusion ()) { myDirAttach = gp_Dir (OffsetDirection); } else myDirAttach = gp::DZ (); gp_Vec Vt (myDirAttach); Vt.Multiply (1.5 * myVal); myPosition = mySAttach.Translated (Vt); DsgPrs_LengthPresentation::Add(aPresentation, myDrawer, myText, myFAttach, mySAttach, myDirAttach, myPosition, mySymbolPrs); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeTwoEdgesLength //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_LengthDimension::ComputeTwoEdgesLength( const Handle( Prs3d_Presentation )& aPresentation, const Handle( AIS_Drawer )& aDrawer, const TCollection_ExtendedString & aText, const Standard_Real ArrowSize, const TopoDS_Edge & FirstEdge, const TopoDS_Edge & SecondEdge, const Handle( Geom_Plane )& Plane, const Standard_Boolean AutomaticPos, const Standard_Boolean IsSetBndBox, const Bnd_Box & BndBox, Standard_Integer & ExtShape, Standard_Real & Val, gp_Dir & DirAttach, gp_Pnt & Position, gp_Pnt & FirstAttach, gp_Pnt & SecondAttach, DsgPrs_ArrowSide & SymbolPrs ) { BRepAdaptor_Curve cu1( FirstEdge ); if (cu1.GetType() != GeomAbs_Line) return; BRepAdaptor_Curve cu2( SecondEdge ); if (cu2.GetType() != GeomAbs_Line) return; // 3d lines Handle(Geom_Curve) geom1,geom2; gp_Pnt ptat11,ptat12,ptat21,ptat22;//,pint3d; Standard_Boolean isInfinite1(Standard_False),isInfinite2(Standard_False); Standard_Integer ext(ExtShape); Handle(Geom_Curve) extCurv; if (!AIS::ComputeGeometry(FirstEdge, SecondEdge, ExtShape, geom1, geom2, ptat11, ptat12, ptat21, ptat22, extCurv, isInfinite1, isInfinite2, Plane)) { return; } ExtShape = ext; aPresentation->SetInfiniteState(isInfinite1 || isInfinite2); const Handle(Geom_Line)& geom_lin1 = (Handle(Geom_Line)&) geom1; const Handle(Geom_Line)& geom_lin2 = (Handle(Geom_Line)&) geom2; const gp_Lin& l1 = geom_lin1->Lin(); const gp_Lin& l2 = geom_lin2->Lin(); // New: computation of myVal Val = l1.Distance( l2 ); DirAttach = l1.Direction(); // size Standard_Real arrsize = ArrowSize; if (AutomaticPos) { gp_Pnt curpos; if ( !isInfinite1 ) { gp_Pnt p2 = ElCLib::Value(ElCLib::Parameter(l2,ptat11),l2); curpos.SetXYZ((ptat11.XYZ()+p2.XYZ())/2.); } else if (!isInfinite2) { gp_Pnt p2 = ElCLib::Value(ElCLib::Parameter(l1,ptat21),l1); curpos.SetXYZ((ptat21.XYZ()+p2.XYZ())/2.); } else { curpos.SetXYZ((l1.Location().XYZ()+l2.Location().XYZ())/2.); } // offset to avoid confusion Edge and Dimension gp_Vec offset(DirAttach); offset = offset*ArrowSize*(-10.); curpos.Translate(offset); Position = curpos; } else { // the point is projected in the plane // it is patch! Position = AIS::ProjectPointOnPlane( Position, Plane->Pln() ); } // find attachment points if (!isInfinite1) { if (Position.Distance(ptat11) > Position.Distance(ptat12)) FirstAttach = ptat12; else FirstAttach = ptat11; } else { FirstAttach = ElCLib::Value(ElCLib::Parameter(l1,Position),l1); } if (!isInfinite2) { if (Position.Distance(ptat21) > Position.Distance(ptat22)) SecondAttach = ptat22; else SecondAttach = ptat21; } else { SecondAttach = ElCLib::Value(ElCLib::Parameter(l2,Position),l2); } Standard_Real confusion(Precision::Confusion()); if (arrsize < confusion) arrsize = Val/10.; if (Abs(Val) <= confusion) {arrsize = 0.;} Handle(Prs3d_LengthAspect) la = aDrawer->LengthAspect(); Handle(Prs3d_ArrowAspect) arr = la->Arrow1Aspect(); arr->SetLength(arrsize); arr = la->Arrow2Aspect(); arr->SetLength(arrsize); if ( ExtShape == 1) SymbolPrs = DsgPrs_AS_FIRSTPT_LASTAR; else if ( ExtShape == 2) SymbolPrs = DsgPrs_AS_FIRSTAR_LASTPT; if (AutomaticPos && IsSetBndBox) Position = AIS::TranslatePointToBound( Position, DirAttach, BndBox ); DsgPrs_LengthPresentation::Add(aPresentation, aDrawer, aText, FirstAttach, SecondAttach, DirAttach, Position, SymbolPrs); if ( (ExtShape != 0) && !extCurv.IsNull()) { gp_Pnt pf, pl; if ( ExtShape == 1 ) { if (!isInfinite1) { pf = ptat11; pl = ptat12; } AIS::ComputeProjEdgePresentation( aPresentation, aDrawer, FirstEdge, geom_lin1, pf, pl ); } else { if (!isInfinite2) { pf = ptat21; pl = ptat22; } AIS::ComputeProjEdgePresentation( aPresentation, aDrawer, SecondEdge, geom_lin2, pf, pl ); } } } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeOneEdgeOneVertexLength //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_LengthDimension::ComputeOneEdgeOneVertexLength( const Handle( Prs3d_Presentation )& aPresentation, const Handle( AIS_Drawer )& aDrawer, const TCollection_ExtendedString & aText, const Standard_Real ArrowSize, const TopoDS_Shape & FirstShape, const TopoDS_Shape & SecondShape, const Handle( Geom_Plane )& Plane, const Standard_Boolean AutomaticPos, const Standard_Boolean IsSetBndBox, const Bnd_Box & BndBox, Standard_Integer & ExtShape, Standard_Real & Val, gp_Dir & DirAttach, gp_Pnt & Position, gp_Pnt & FirstAttach, gp_Pnt & SecondAttach, DsgPrs_ArrowSide & SymbolPrs ) { TopoDS_Vertex thevertex; TopoDS_Edge theedge; Standard_Integer numedge; if (FirstShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX) { thevertex = TopoDS::Vertex(FirstShape); theedge = TopoDS::Edge(SecondShape); numedge = 2;// edge = 2nd shape } else { thevertex = TopoDS::Vertex(SecondShape); theedge = TopoDS::Edge(FirstShape); numedge = 1; // edge = 1st shape } gp_Pnt ptonedge1,ptonedge2; Handle(Geom_Curve) aCurve; Handle(Geom_Curve) extCurv; Standard_Boolean isInfinite; Standard_Boolean isOnPlanEdge, isOnPlanVertex; if (!AIS::ComputeGeometry(theedge,aCurve,ptonedge1,ptonedge2,extCurv,isInfinite,isOnPlanEdge,Plane)) return; aPresentation->SetInfiniteState(isInfinite); AIS::ComputeGeometry(thevertex, FirstAttach, Plane, isOnPlanVertex); // take into consideration that only the curve can be projected if (!isOnPlanEdge && !isOnPlanVertex) return; if (!isOnPlanEdge) { if (numedge == 1) ExtShape = 1; else ExtShape = 2; } else if (!isOnPlanVertex) { if (numedge == 1) ExtShape = 2; else ExtShape = 1; } const Handle(Geom_Line)& geom_lin = (Handle(Geom_Line)&) aCurve; const gp_Lin& l = geom_lin->Lin(); // New: computation of Val Val = l.Distance( FirstAttach ); DirAttach = l.Direction(); // size Standard_Real arrsize = ArrowSize; if (Abs(Val) <= Precision::Confusion()) {arrsize = 0.;} if (AutomaticPos) { gp_Pnt p = ElCLib::Value(ElCLib::Parameter(l,FirstAttach),l); gp_Pnt curpos((FirstAttach.XYZ()+p.XYZ())/2.); // offset to avoid confusion Edge and Dimension gp_Vec offset(DirAttach); offset = offset*ArrowSize*(-10.); curpos.Translate(offset); Position = curpos; } else { // the point is projected in the plane // it is patch! Position = AIS::ProjectPointOnPlane( Position, Plane->Pln() ); /* Standard_Real u,v; ElSLib::Parameters(Plane->Pln() , Position, u, v); Position = ElSLib::Value(u,v,Plane->Pln()); */ } if (!isInfinite) { if (Position.Distance(ptonedge1) > Position.Distance(ptonedge2)) SecondAttach = ptonedge2; else SecondAttach = ptonedge1; } else { SecondAttach = ElCLib::Value(ElCLib::Parameter(l,Position),l); } Handle(Prs3d_LengthAspect) la = aDrawer->LengthAspect(); Handle(Prs3d_ArrowAspect) arr = la->Arrow1Aspect(); arr->SetLength(arrsize); arr = la->Arrow2Aspect(); arr->SetLength(arrsize); if (AutomaticPos && IsSetBndBox) Position = AIS::TranslatePointToBound( Position, DirAttach, BndBox ); DsgPrs_LengthPresentation::Add(aPresentation, aDrawer, aText, FirstAttach, SecondAttach, DirAttach, Position, SymbolPrs); //Display des morceaux de raccordement vers la curve si elle // n'est pas dans le WP if (ExtShape != 0) { if (!extCurv.IsNull()) { // c'est l'edge qui n'est pas dans le WP AIS::ComputeProjEdgePresentation(aPresentation,aDrawer,theedge,geom_lin,ptonedge1,ptonedge2); } else { // c'est le point qui n'est pas dans le WP AIS::ComputeProjVertexPresentation(aPresentation,aDrawer,thevertex,FirstAttach); } } } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeTwoVerticesLength //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_LengthDimension::ComputeTwoVerticesLength( const Handle( Prs3d_Presentation )& aPresentation, const Handle( AIS_Drawer )& aDrawer, const TCollection_ExtendedString& aText, const Standard_Real ArrowSize, const TopoDS_Vertex& FirstVertex, const TopoDS_Vertex& SecondVertex, const Handle( Geom_Plane )& Plane, const Standard_Boolean AutomaticPos, const Standard_Boolean IsSetBndBox, const Bnd_Box& BndBox, const AIS_TypeOfDist TypeDist, Standard_Integer& ExtShape, Standard_Real& Val, gp_Dir& DirAttach, gp_Pnt& Position, gp_Pnt& FirstAttach, gp_Pnt& SecondAttach, DsgPrs_ArrowSide& SymbolPrs ) { Standard_Boolean isOnPlane1, isOnPlane2; AIS::ComputeGeometry( FirstVertex, FirstAttach, Plane, isOnPlane1); AIS::ComputeGeometry( SecondVertex, SecondAttach, Plane, isOnPlane2); // New: computation of Val Val = FirstAttach.Distance( SecondAttach ); if (ExtShape == 0) { if (isOnPlane1 && isOnPlane2) ExtShape = 0; else if ( isOnPlane1 && !isOnPlane2) ExtShape = 2; else if (!isOnPlane1 && isOnPlane2) ExtShape = 1; else return ; } Standard_Real confusion(Precision::Confusion()); Standard_Boolean samePoint(FirstAttach.IsEqual(SecondAttach,confusion)); if (TypeDist == AIS_TOD_Vertical) DirAttach = Plane->Pln().XAxis().Direction(); else if (TypeDist == AIS_TOD_Horizontal) DirAttach = Plane->Pln().YAxis().Direction(); else { if (!samePoint) { DirAttach = gce_MakeDir(FirstAttach,SecondAttach); DirAttach.Rotate(Plane->Pln().Axis(),PI/2.); } } // size //Standard_Real arrsize = ArrowSize; //if (Abs(Val) <= confusion) arrsize =0.; if (AutomaticPos) { if (!samePoint) { gp_Pnt curpos((FirstAttach.XYZ()+SecondAttach.XYZ())/2.); // offset to avoid confusion Edge and Dimension gp_Vec offset(DirAttach); offset = offset*ArrowSize*(-10.); curpos.Translate(offset); Position = curpos; } else { Position = gp_Pnt(FirstAttach.XYZ()+gp_XYZ(1.,1.,1.)); // it is patch! Position = AIS::ProjectPointOnPlane( Position, Plane->Pln() ); DirAttach = gce_MakeDir(FirstAttach,Position); } } else { // it is patch! Position = AIS::ProjectPointOnPlane( Position, Plane->Pln() ); } Handle(Prs3d_LengthAspect) la = aDrawer->LengthAspect(); Handle(Prs3d_ArrowAspect) arr = la->Arrow1Aspect(); arr->SetLength(ArrowSize); arr = la->Arrow2Aspect(); arr->SetLength(ArrowSize); // Type of arrows if ( ExtShape == 1) SymbolPrs = DsgPrs_AS_FIRSTPT_LASTAR; else if (ExtShape == 2) SymbolPrs = DsgPrs_AS_FIRSTAR_LASTPT; if (AutomaticPos && IsSetBndBox) Position = AIS::TranslatePointToBound( Position, DirAttach, BndBox ); DsgPrs_LengthPresentation::Add(aPresentation, aDrawer, aText, FirstAttach, SecondAttach, DirAttach, Position, SymbolPrs); // Calculate the projection of the vertex if ( ExtShape == 1) AIS::ComputeProjVertexPresentation(aPresentation, aDrawer, FirstVertex, FirstAttach); else if ( ExtShape == 2) AIS::ComputeProjVertexPresentation(aPresentation, aDrawer, SecondVertex, SecondAttach); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeTwoFaceSelection //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_LengthDimension::ComputeFaceSelection( const Handle( SelectMgr_Selection )& aSelection ) { Handle( SelectMgr_EntityOwner ) own = new SelectMgr_EntityOwner( this, 7 ); Handle( Select3D_SensitiveSegment ) seg; Handle( Geom_TrimmedCurve ) curve; Handle( Select3D_SensitiveCurve ) SensCurve; Standard_Real ArrowLength = myDrawer->AngleAspect()->ArrowAspect()->Length(); gp_Pnt EndOfArrow1, EndOfArrow2; gp_Dir DirOfArrow1; if (myFirstSurfType == AIS_KOS_Plane) { DsgPrs::ComputePlanarFacesLengthPresentation( ArrowLength, ArrowLength, myFAttach, mySAttach, myDirAttach, myPosition, myFirstPlane, EndOfArrow1, EndOfArrow2, DirOfArrow1 ); //Add attach lines seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment( own, myFAttach, EndOfArrow1 ); aSelection->Add( seg ); seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment( own, mySAttach, EndOfArrow2 ); aSelection->Add( seg ); } else // curvilinear case { if(mySecondBasisSurf.IsNull()) return; Handle( Geom_Curve ) VCurve, UCurve; Standard_Real FirstU, deltaU = 0.0e0, FirstV, deltaV = 0.0e0; EndOfArrow1 = myFAttach; DsgPrs::ComputeCurvilinearFacesLengthPresentation( ArrowLength, ArrowLength, mySecondBasisSurf, myFAttach, mySAttach, myDirAttach, EndOfArrow2, DirOfArrow1, VCurve, UCurve, FirstU, deltaU, FirstV, deltaV ); // Add attach curves if (Abs( deltaU ) > Precision::PConfusion()) { if (deltaU > 0.0) curve = new Geom_TrimmedCurve( VCurve, FirstU, FirstU + deltaU ); else curve = new Geom_TrimmedCurve( VCurve, FirstU + deltaU, FirstU ); SensCurve = new Select3D_SensitiveCurve( own, curve ); aSelection->Add( SensCurve ); } if (Abs( deltaV ) > Precision::PConfusion()) { if (deltaV > 0.0) curve = new Geom_TrimmedCurve( UCurve, FirstV, FirstV + deltaV ); else curve = new Geom_TrimmedCurve( UCurve, FirstV + deltaV, FirstV ); SensCurve = new Select3D_SensitiveCurve( own, curve ); aSelection->Add( SensCurve ); } } // Add the length's line gp_Pnt FirstPoint, LastPoint; // ends of length's line gp_Vec ArrowVec( DirOfArrow1 ); ArrowVec *= ArrowLength; if (myVal <= Precision::Confusion()) { if (myPosition.SquareDistance( EndOfArrow1 ) > ArrowLength*ArrowLength) { FirstPoint = myPosition; LastPoint = EndOfArrow1.Translated( ArrowVec ); if (myPosition.SquareDistance( LastPoint ) < myPosition.SquareDistance( EndOfArrow1 )) LastPoint = EndOfArrow1.Translated( -ArrowVec ); } else { FirstPoint = EndOfArrow1.Translated( ArrowVec ); LastPoint = EndOfArrow1.Translated( -ArrowVec ); } } else { gp_Lin LengthLine( myPosition, DirOfArrow1 ); Standard_Real Par1 = ElCLib::Parameter( LengthLine, EndOfArrow1 ); Standard_Real Par2 = ElCLib::Parameter( LengthLine, EndOfArrow2 ); if ((Par1 > 0.0 && Par2 > 0.0) || (Par1 < 0.0 && Par2 < 0.0)) { FirstPoint = myPosition; LastPoint = (Abs( Par1 ) > Abs( Par2 ))? EndOfArrow1 : EndOfArrow2; LastPoint.Translate( ((Abs( Par1 ) > Abs( Par2 ))? -ArrowVec : ArrowVec) ); } else { FirstPoint = EndOfArrow1; LastPoint = EndOfArrow2; } } seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment( own, FirstPoint, LastPoint ); aSelection->Add( seg ); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeEdgeVertexSelection //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_LengthDimension::ComputeEdgeVertexSelection(const Handle(SelectMgr_Selection)& aSelection) { // ********** NB -> // in the case of a constraint relatively to the border of a face // only the shape of this contour is valid // Create 2 owner for edition of constraints Handle(AIS_DimensionOwner) own1 = new AIS_DimensionOwner(this,7); Handle(AIS_DimensionOwner) own2 = new AIS_DimensionOwner(this,7); if (myExtShape != 0) { if (myExtShape == 1) { own1->SetShape(mySShape); own2->SetShape(mySShape); } else { own1->SetShape(myFShape); own2->SetShape(myFShape); } } else { own1->SetShape(myFShape); own2->SetShape(mySShape); } gp_Lin L1 (myFAttach,myDirAttach); gp_Lin L2 (mySAttach,myDirAttach); gp_Pnt Proj1 = ElCLib::Value(ElCLib::Parameter(L1,myPosition),L1); gp_Pnt Proj2 = ElCLib::Value(ElCLib::Parameter(L2,myPosition),L2); gp_Lin L3; Standard_Real confusion(Precision::Confusion()); if (!Proj1.IsEqual(Proj2,confusion)) L3 = gce_MakeLin(Proj1,Proj2); else { // cas of zero dimension // own1 is chosen by default L3 = gce_MakeLin(Proj1,myDirAttach); Standard_Real size(Min(myVal/100.+1.e-6,myArrowSize+1.e-6)); Handle(Select3D_SensitiveBox) box = new Select3D_SensitiveBox(own1,myPosition.X(),myPosition.Y(),myPosition.Z(), myPosition.X()+size, myPosition.Y()+size, myPosition.Z()+size); aSelection->Add(box); } Standard_Real parmin,parmax,parcur; parmin = ElCLib::Parameter(L3,Proj1); parmax = parmin; parcur = ElCLib::Parameter(L3,Proj2); parmin = Min(parmin,parcur); parmax = Max(parmax,parcur); parcur = ElCLib::Parameter(L3,myPosition); parmin = Min(parmin,parcur); parmax = Max(parmax,parcur); gp_Pnt PointMin = ElCLib::Value(parmin,L3); gp_Pnt PointMax = ElCLib::Value(parmax,L3); Handle(Select3D_SensitiveSegment) seg; if (myFAttach.IsEqual(mySAttach,confusion) && !myPosition.IsEqual(mySAttach,confusion)) { seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment(own1,mySAttach,myPosition); aSelection->Add(seg); } if (!PointMin.IsEqual(PointMax,confusion)) { gp_Pnt MiddlePoint( (PointMin.XYZ() + PointMax.XYZ())/2); seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment(own1,PointMin,MiddlePoint); aSelection->Add(seg); seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment(own2,MiddlePoint, PointMax); aSelection->Add(seg); } if (!myFAttach.IsEqual(Proj1,confusion)) { seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment(own1,myFAttach,Proj1); aSelection->Add(seg); } if (!mySAttach.IsEqual(Proj2,confusion)) { seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment(own2,mySAttach,Proj2); aSelection->Add(seg); } } //======================================================================= //function : KindOfDimension //purpose : //======================================================================= AIS_KindOfDimension AIS_LengthDimension::KindOfDimension() const { return AIS_KOD_LENGTH; } //======================================================================= //function : IsMovable //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean AIS_LengthDimension::IsMovable() const { return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : SetFirstShape //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_LengthDimension::SetFirstShape( const TopoDS_Shape& aFShape ) { myFShape = aFShape; if (myFShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE) AIS::InitFaceLength( TopoDS::Face( myFShape ), myFirstPlane, myFirstBasisSurf, myFirstSurfType, myFirstOffset ); } //======================================================================= //function : SetSecondShape //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_LengthDimension::SetSecondShape( const TopoDS_Shape& aSShape ) { mySShape = aSShape; if (mySShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE) AIS::InitFaceLength( TopoDS::Face( mySShape ), mySecondPlane, mySecondBasisSurf, mySecondSurfType, mySecondOffset ); }