-- File: AIS_InteractiveObject.cdl -- Created: Wed Dec 11 11:29:18 1996 -- Author: Robert COUBLANC -- -- GG : GER61351 17/11/1999 Change SetColor() with a compatible -- Quantity_Color instead the restricted NameOfColor. -- Add SetCurrentFacingModel() methods -- EUG : G003 05/11/1999 Degeneration mode support -- Add SetDegenerateModel() methods -- GG : IMP140100 Add HasPresentation() and Presentation() methods -- Add SetAspect() method -- SAN : OCC4895 22/03/04 High-level interface for controlling polygon offsets -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1996 deferred class InteractiveObject from AIS inherits SelectableObject from SelectMgr ---Purpose: -- Defines a class of objects with display and selection services. -- Entities which are visualized and selected are -- Interactive Objects. You can make use of classes of -- standard Interactive Objects for which all necessary -- methods have already been programmed, or you can -- implement your own classes of Interactive Objects. -- Specific attributes of entities such as arrow aspect for -- dimensions must be loaded in a Drawer. This Drawer -- is then applied to the Interactive Object in view. -- There are four types of Interactive Object in AIS: the -- construction element or Datum, the Relation, which -- includes both dimensions and constraints, the Object, -- and finally, when the object is of an unknown type, the None type. -- Inside these categories, a signature, or index, -- provides the possibility of additional characterization. -- By default, the Interactive Object has a None type -- and a signature of 0. If you want to give a particular -- type and signature to your interactive object, you must -- redefine the methods, Signature and Type. -- Warning -- In the case of attribute methods, methods for -- standard attributes are virtual. They must be -- redefined by the inheriting classes. Setcolor for a -- point and Setcolor for a plane, for example, do not -- affect the same attributes in the Drawer. uses Trsf from gp, NameOfColor from Quantity, Color from Quantity, Ratio from Quantity, ListOfTransient from TColStd, ListOfInteger from TColStd, Box from Bnd, NameOfMaterial from Graphic3d, MaterialAspect from Graphic3d, Drawer from AIS, PToContext from AIS, TypeOfPresentation3d from PrsMgr, InteractiveContext from AIS, KindOfInteractive from AIS, TypeOfFacingModel from Aspect, TypeOfDegenerateModel from Aspect, Transformation from Geom, Presentation from Prs3d, BasicAspect from Prs3d, -- 22-03-04 OCC4895 SAN High-level interface for controlling polygon offsets PresentationManager from PrsMgr, Presentation from PrsMgr -- 22-03-04 OCC4895 SAN High-level interface for controlling polygon offsets is Initialize (aTypeOfPresentation3d: TypeOfPresentation3d from PrsMgr = PrsMgr_TOP_AllView) ; ---Purpose: The TypeOfPresention3d means that the interactive object -- may have a presentation dependant of the view of Display ---Category: Virtual methods to be redefined... Type (me) returns KindOfInteractive from AIS is virtual; ---Purpose: -- Returns the kind of Interactive Object: -- - None -- - Datum -- - Relation -- - Object -- By default, the interactive object has a None type. -- Because specific shapes entail different behavior -- according to their sub-shapes, you may need to -- create a Local Context. This will allow you to -- specify the additional characteristics which you -- need to handle these shapes. Signature(me) returns Integer from Standard is virtual; ---Purpose: Specifies additional characteristics of Interactive -- Objects. A signature is, in fact, an index with integer -- values assigned different properties. -- This method is frequently used in conjuction with -- Type to give a particular type and signature to an -- Interactive Object. By default, the Interactive Object -- has a None type and a signature of 0. Among the -- datums, this signature is attributed to the shape -- The remaining datums have the following default signatures: -- - Point signature 1 -- - Axis signature 2 -- - Trihedron signature 3 -- - PlaneTrihedron signature 4 -- - Line signature 5 -- - Circle signature 6 -- - Plane signature 7. AcceptShapeDecomposition(me) returns Boolean from Standard is virtual; ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Informs the graphic context that the interactive Object -- may be decomposed into sub-shapes for dynamic selection. -- The most used Interactive Object is AIS_Shape. -- Activation methods for standard selection modes are -- proposed in the Interactive Context. These include -- selection by vertex or by edges. For datums with the -- same behavior as AIS_Shape, such as vetices and -- edges, we must redefine the virtual method so that -- AcceptShapeDecomposition returns false. -- Rule for selection : -- Mode 0 : Selection of the interactive Object itself -- Mode 1 : Selection of vertices -- Mode 2 : Selection Of Edges -- Mode 3 : Selection Of Wires -- Mode 4 : Selection Of Faces ... SetCurrentFacingModel(me: mutable; aModel: TypeOfFacingModel from Aspect = Aspect_TOFM_BOTH_SIDE); ---Purpose: change the current facing model apply on polygons for -- SetColor(), SetTransparency(), SetMaterial() methods -- default facing model is Aspect_TOFM_TWO_SIDE. This mean that attributes is -- applying both on the front and back face. CurrentFacingModel(me) returns TypeOfFacingModel from Aspect; ---Purpose: Returns the current facing model which is in effect. SetColor(me:mutable;aColor:Color from Quantity) is virtual; SetColor(me:mutable;aColor:NameOfColor from Quantity) is virtual; ---Purpose: only the interactive obj knowns which Drawer attribute -- is affected by the color (ex: for a wire, it's the -- wireaspect field of the drawer, but for a vertex, only -- the point aspect field is affected by the color) -- WARNING : Do not forget to set the corresponding fields -- here (hasOwnColor and myOwnColor) UnsetColor(me:mutable) is virtual; ---Purpose: Removes color settings. Only the Interactive Object -- knows which Drawer attribute is affected by the color -- setting. For a wire, for example, wire aspect is the -- attribute affected. For a vertex, however, only point -- aspect is affected by the color setting. SetWidth(me:mutable; aValue:Real from Standard) is virtual; ---Purpose: Allows you to provide the setting aValue for width. -- Only the Interactive Object knows which Drawer -- attribute is affected by the width setting. UnsetWidth(me:mutable) is virtual; AcceptDisplayMode(me;aMode:Integer from Standard) returns Boolean from Standard is virtual; ---Purpose: Returns true if the class of objects accepts the display mode aMode. -- The interactive context can have a default mode of -- representation for the set of Interactive Objects. This -- mode may not be accepted by a given class of -- objects. Consequently, this virtual method allowing us -- to get information about the class in question must be implemented. DefaultDisplayMode(me) returns Integer from Standard is virtual; ---Purpose: Returns the default display mode. This method is to -- be implemented when the main mode is not mode 0. Redisplay (me:mutable; AllModes:Boolean from Standard =Standard_False); ---Purpose: Updates the active presentation; if = Standard_True -- all the presentations inside are recomputed. SetInfiniteState(me:mutable;aFlag:Boolean from Standard = Standard_True); ---Purpose: Sets the infinite state flag aFlage. -- if = True , the interactiveObject is -- considered as infinite, i.e. its graphic presentations -- are not taken in account for View FitAll... IsInfinite(me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---C++: inline ---Purpose: -- Returns true if the interactive object is infinite. In this -- case, its graphic presentations are not taken into -- account in the fit-all view. ---Category: Link To InteractiveContext HasInteractiveContext(me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: Indicates whether the Interactive Object has a pointer -- to an interactive context. GetContext(me) returns InteractiveContext from AIS; ---Purpose: Returns the context pointer to the interactive context. SetContext(me:mutable; aCtx : InteractiveContext from AIS) is virtual; ---Purpose: Sets the interactive context aCtx and provides a link -- to the default drawing tool or "Drawer" if there is none. HasOwner (me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: Returns true if the object has an owner attributed to it. -- The owner can be a shape for a set of sub-shapes or -- a sub-shape for sub-shapes which it is composed of, -- and takes the form of a transient. GetOwner (me) returns any Transient from Standard; ---Purpose: Returns the owner of the Interactive Object. -- The owner can be a shape for a set of sub-shapes or -- a sub-shape for sub-shapes which it is composed of, -- and takes the form of a transient. -- There are two types of owners: -- - Direct owners, decomposition shapes such as -- edges, wires, and faces. -- - Users, presentable objects connecting to sensitive -- primitives, or a shape which has been decomposed. ---C++: inline ---C++: return const& SetOwner (me : mutable; ApplicativeEntity : Transient from Standard); ---Purpose: Allows you to attribute the owner ApplicativeEntity to -- an Interactive Object. This can be a shape for a set of -- sub-shapes or a sub-shape for sub-shapes which it -- is composed of. The owner takes the form of a transient. ---C++: inline ClearOwner(me:mutable); ---Purpose: Each Interactive Object has methods which allow us -- to attribute an Owner to it in the form of a Transient. -- This method removes the owner from the graphic entity. HasUsers(me) returns Boolean from Standard; Users(me) returns ListOfTransient from TColStd; ---C++: inline ---C++: return const& AddUser(me:mutable; aUser : Transient from Standard); ClearUsers(me:mutable); ---Category: "STANDARD" LOCAL ATTRIBUTES : -- -- -Local DisplayMode -- -Color -- -width of lines or points -- -typeOfLine or Marker Aspect -- -material name (if needed) -- -transparency (if needed) -- -- Specific attributes of entities (such as -- arrow aspect for dimensions) must be -- loaded in a Drawer; this drawer is then -- applied to InteractiveObject WARNING : -- Here the Methods for standard attributes -- are virtual and do nothing they must be -- redefined by the inheriting classes -- (setcolor for a point and setcolor for a plane -- don't affect the same attributes in the Drawer) HasDisplayMode (me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: -- Returns true if the Interactive Object has a display -- mode setting. Otherwise, it is displayed in Neutral Point. ---C++: inline SetDisplayMode(me : mutable; aMode : Integer from Standard); ---Purpose: Sets the display mode aMode for the interactive object. -- An object can have its own temporary display mode, -- which is different from that proposed by the interactive context. -- The range of possibilities currently proposed is the following: -- - AIS_WireFrame -- - AIS_Shaded -- - AIS_QuickHLR -- - AIS_ExactHLR -- This range can, however, be extended through the creation of new display modes. UnsetDisplayMode(me : mutable); ---Purpose: Removes display mode settings from the interactive object. ---C++: inline DisplayMode(me) returns Integer; ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Returns the display mode setting of the Interactive Object. -- The range of possibilities is the following: -- - AIS_WireFrame -- - AIS_Shaded -- - AIS_QuickHLR -- - AIS_ExactHLR -- This range can, however, be extended through the -- creation of new display modes. HasSelectionMode(me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: Allows you to change the selection mode of an -- Interactive Object. -- The default selection mode setting is 0. -- For shapes, for example, the selection modes are as follows: -- - mode 0 - selection of the shape itself -- - mode 1 - selection of vertices -- - mode 2 - selection of edges -- - mode 3 - selection of wires -- - mode 4 - selection of faces -- - mode 5 - selection of shells -- - mode 6 - selection of solids -- - mode 7 - selection of compounds -- For trihedra, on the other hand, the selection modes are the following four: -- - mode 0 - selection of a trihedron -- - mode 1 - selection of its origin -- - mode 2 - selection of its axes -- - mode 3 - selection of its planes SelectionMode(me) returns Integer from Standard; ---Purpose: Returns the selection mode of the interactive object. SetSelectionMode(me:mutable; aMode: Integer from Standard); ---Purpose: You can change the default selection mode index -- aMode of an Interactive Object. -- This is only of interest if you decide that mode 0 -- adopted by convention will not do. UnsetSelectionMode(me:mutable); ---Purpose: You can change the default selection mode index of -- an Interactive Object. -- This is only of interest if you decide that the 0 mode -- adopted by convention will not do. ---C++: inline SelectionPriority(me) returns Integer from Standard; ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Returns the selection priority setting. -1 indicates that there is none. -- You can modify the selection priority of an owner to -- make one entity more selectionable than another one. -- The default selection priority for an owner is 5, for -- example. To increase selection priority, choose a -- setting between 5 and 10. An entity with priority 7 will -- take priority over one with a setting of 6 if both -- objects are selected at the same time. -- You could give vertices priority 8, edges priority 7, -- faces priority 6, and shapes priority 5. If a vertex, an -- edge and a face are simultaneously detected during -- selection, only the vertex will then be highlighted. -- For trihedra, for example, the default priorities are the following four: -- - priority 1 - a trihedron -- - priority 5 - its origin -- - priority 3 - its axes -- - priority 2 - its planes SetSelectionPriority(me:mutable; aPriority : Integer from Standard); ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Allows you to provide a setting aPriority for selection priority. -- You can modify selection priority of an owner to make -- one entity more selectionable than another one. The -- default selection priority for an owner is 5, for -- example. To increase selection priority, choose a -- setting between 5 and 10. An entity with priority 7 will -- take priority over one with a setting of 6. UnsetSelectionPriority(me:mutable); ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Removes the setting for selection priority. SelectionPriority then returns -1. HasSelectionPriority(me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Returns true if there is a setting for selection priority. -- You can modify selection priority of an owner to make -- one entity more selectionable than another one. The -- default selection priority for an owner is 5, for -- example. To increase selection priority, choose a -- setting between 5 and 10. An entity with priority 7 will -- take priority over one with a setting of 6. HasHilightMode(me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Returns true if the Interactive Object is in highlight mode. HilightMode(me) returns Integer from Standard ; ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Returns the setting for highlight mode. -- At dynamic detection, the presentation echoed by the -- Interactive Context, is by default the presentation -- already on the screen. You can specify a Highlight -- presentation mode which is valid no matter what the -- active representation of the object. It makes no -- difference whether this choice is temporary or -- definitive. To do this, we use the following functions: -- - SetHilightMode -- - UnSetHilightMode -- In the case of a shape, whether it is visualized in -- wireframe presentation or with shading, we want to -- systematically highlight the wireframe presentation. -- Consequently, we set the highlight mode to 0. SetHilightMode(me:mutable;anIndex : Integer from Standard); ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Sets the highlight mode anIndex for the interactive object. -- If, for example, you want to systematically highlight -- the wireframe presentation of a shape - whether -- visualized in wireframe presentation or with shading - -- you set the highlight mode to 0. UnsetHilightMode(me:mutable); ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Allows the user to take a given Prs for hilight -- ex : for a shape which would be displayed in shading mode -- the hilight Prs is the wireframe mode. -- if No specific hilight mode is defined, the displayed Prs -- will be the hilighted one. HasColor (me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Returns true if the Interactive Object has color. Color(me) returns NameOfColor from Quantity is virtual; ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Returns the color setting of the Interactive Object. Color(me; aColor: out Color from Quantity) is virtual; ---C++: inline HasWidth(me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Returns true if the Interactive Object has width. Width(me) returns Real from Standard ; --- Purpose: Returns the width setting of the Interactive Object. HasMaterial(me) returns Boolean from Standard ; ---Purpose: Returns true if the Interactive Object has a setting for material. Material(me) returns NameOfMaterial from Graphic3d is virtual; ---Purpose: Returns the current material setting. -- This will be on of the following materials: -- - Brass -- - Bronze -- - Gold -- - Pewter -- - Silver -- - Stone. SetMaterial(me:mutable;aName:NameOfMaterial from Graphic3d) is virtual; ---Purpose: Sets the name aName for material defining this -- display attribute for the interactive object. -- Material aspect determines shading aspect, color and -- transparency of visible entities. SetMaterial(me:mutable;aName:MaterialAspect from Graphic3d) is virtual; --- Purpose: Sets the material aMat defining this display attribute -- for the interactive object. -- Material aspect determines shading aspect, color and -- transparency of visible entities. UnsetMaterial(me:mutable) is virtual; ---Purpose: Removes the setting for material. SetTransparency(me:mutable;aValue : Real from Standard=0.6) is virtual; ---Purpose: Attributes a setting aValue for transparency. -- The transparency value should be between 0.0 and 1.0. -- At 0.0 an object will be totally opaque, and at 1.0, fully transparent. -- Warning At a value of 1.0, there may be nothing visible. IsTransparent(me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Returns true if there is a transparency setting. Transparency(me) returns Real from Standard is virtual; ---Purpose: Returns the transparency setting. -- This will be between 0.0 and 1.0. -- At 0.0 an object will be totally opaque, and at 1.0, fully transparent. UnsetTransparency(me:mutable) is virtual; ---Purpose: Removes the transparency setting. The object is opaque by default. SetAttributes(me:mutable; aDrawer: Drawer from AIS) is virtual; ---Purpose: Initializes the drawing tool aDrawer. Attributes(me) returns any Drawer from AIS; ---C++: return const& ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Returns the attributes settings. UnsetAttributes(me:mutable) is virtual; ---Purpose: Clears settings provided by the drawing tool aDrawer. ---Category: information about Prs to be recomputed -- after local attributes change... to be removed... RecomputeEveryPrs(me) returns Boolean is virtual private; MustRecomputePrs(me;aMode : Integer from Standard) is private; ListOfRecomputeModes(me)returns ListOfInteger from TColStd is private; ---C++: return const& SetRecomputeOk(me:mutable) is private; -- 22-03-04 OCC4895 SAN High-level interface for controlling polygon offsets Fill(me: mutable; aPresentationManager: PresentationManager from PrsMgr; aPresentation: mutable Presentation from PrsMgr; aMode: Integer from Standard = 0) is redefined protected; -- 22-03-04 OCC4895 SAN High-level interface for controlling polygon offsets State(me:mutable;theState: Integer from Standard) ; ---C++: inline State(me) returns Integer from Standard ; ---C++: inline SetDegenerateModel ( me : mutable; aModel : TypeOfDegenerateModel from Aspect = Aspect_TDM_WIREFRAME; aRatio : Ratio from Quantity = 0.0) is virtual; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Sets the model of degeneration for the shaded representation -- according to the degenerate ratio >= 0. & <= 1. where : -- = 0. indicate that all polygons of the object -- will be displayed. -- = 1. indicate that no polygons will be displayed !! -- When is > 0 & < 1. the corresponding amount -- of object polygons will be displayed with a random method. -- Warning: the degenerate structure is shown only when -- the animation and degenerate flags are set to TRUE -- in V3d_View::SetAnimationMode(..) -- Category: Methods to manage the object degeneration DegenerateModel ( me ; aRatio: out Ratio from Quantity ) returns TypeOfDegenerateModel from Aspect is virtual; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: returns the current degeneration model and ratio -- for the polygons ---Category: Inquire methods SetTransformation ( me : mutable; aTranformation: Transformation from Geom; postConcatenate: Boolean from Standard = Standard_False; updateSelection: Boolean from Standard = Standard_True) is static; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Transforms all presentations of the object -- and replace the actual transformation matrix if is FALSE. -- Note that the selection must be updated only at the end of -- object animation when is TRUE ---Category: Transformation method UnsetTransformation ( me : mutable ) is static; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Deactivate the current transformation ---Category: Transformation method Transformation ( me : mutable ) returns Transformation from Geom is static; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns the current transformation associated -- to the first available presentation of this object. ---Category: Inquire transformation method HasTransformation ( me ) returns Boolean from Standard is static; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns TRUE when this object is transformed ---Category: Inquire transformation method HasPresentation ( me ) returns Boolean from Standard is static; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns TRUE when this object has a presentation -- in the current DisplayMode() ---Category: Inquire transformation method Presentation ( me ) returns Presentation from Prs3d is static; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns the current presentation of this object -- according to the current DisplayMode() ---Category: Inquire transformation method SetAspect ( me : mutable; anAspect: any BasicAspect from Prs3d; globalChange: Boolean from Standard = Standard_True) is static; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Sets the graphic basic aspect to the current presentation. -- When is TRUE , the full object presentation -- is changed. -- When is FALSE , only the current group -- of the object presentation is changed. ---Category: Graphic attributes management -- 22-03-04 OCC4895 SAN High-level interface for controlling polygon offsets SetPolygonOffsets ( me : mutable; aMode : Integer from Standard; aFactor : Real from Standard = 1.0; aUnits : Real from Standard = 0.0 ) is virtual; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Sets up polygon offsets for this object. -- It modifies all existing presentations of (if any), -- so it is reasonable to call this method after has been displayed. -- Otherwise, Compute() method should pass Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d -- aspect from to Graphic3d_Group to make polygon offsets work. -- -- parameter can contain various combinations of -- Aspect_PolygonOffsetMode enumeration elements (Aspect_POM_None means -- that polygon offsets are not changed). -- If is different from Aspect_POM_Off and Aspect_POM_None, then and -- arguments are used by graphic renderer to calculate a depth offset value: -- -- offset = * m + * r, where -- m - maximum depth slope for the polygon currently being displayed, -- r - minimum window coordinates depth resolution (implementation-specific). -- -- Deafult settings for OCC 3D viewer: mode = Aspect_POM_Fill, factor = 1., units = 0. -- -- Negative offset values move polygons closer to the viewport, -- while positive values shift polygons away. -- Consult OpenGL reference for details (glPolygonOffset function description). -- -- NOTE: This method has a side effect - it creates own shading aspect -- if not yet created, so it is better to set up object material, -- color, etc. first. ---Category: Graphic attributes management HasPolygonOffsets ( me ) returns Boolean from Standard is virtual; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns Standard_True if has non-null shading aspect ---Category: Inquire methods PolygonOffsets ( me; aMode : out Integer from Standard; aFactor : out Real from Standard; aUnits : out Real from Standard ) is virtual; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Retrieves current polygon offsets settings from . ---Category: Inquire methods fields myCTXPtr : PToContext from AIS; -- The reference to applicative World... myOwner : Transient from Standard; myUsers : ListOfTransient from TColStd; -- The Information Fields myDrawer : Drawer from AIS is protected ; myTransparency : Real from Standard is protected; -- GER61351 myOwnColor : NameOfColor from Quantity is protected; myOwnColor : Color from Quantity is protected; myOwnMaterial : NameOfMaterial from Graphic3d is protected; ---myOwnMaterial : NameOfPhysicalMaterial from Graphic3d is protected; mySelPriority : Integer from Standard; myDisplayMode : Integer from Standard ; mySelectionMode : Integer from Standard; myHilightMode : Integer from Standard is protected; myOwnWidth : Real from Standard is protected; myInfiniteState : Boolean from Standard is protected; hasOwnColor : Boolean from Standard is protected; hasOwnMaterial : Boolean from Standard is protected ; myCurrentFacingModel: TypeOfFacingModel from Aspect is protected; -- the management field (to be removed)... myRecomputeEveryPrs : Boolean from Standard is protected; myToRecomputeModes : ListOfInteger from TColStd is protected; mystate : Integer from Standard; myHasTransformation : Boolean from Standard; friends class InteractiveContext from AIS end InteractiveObject;