// File: AIS_IdenticRelation.cxx // Created: Mon Mar 3 17:21:37 1997 // Author: Jean-Pierre COMBE // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // jfa 15/10/2000 #include #include static Standard_Real Modulo2PI(const Standard_Real ANGLE) { if ( ANGLE < 0 ) return Modulo2PI(ANGLE + 2*PI); else if ( ANGLE >= 2*PI ) return Modulo2PI(ANGLE - 2*PI); return ANGLE; } static Standard_Boolean IsEqual2PI(const Standard_Real angle1, const Standard_Real angle2, const Standard_Real precision) { Standard_Real diff = Abs(angle1-angle2); if ( diff < precision ) return Standard_True; else if ( Abs(diff-2*PI) < precision ) return Standard_True; return Standard_False; } // jfa 15/10/2000 end //======================================================================= //function : AIS_Sort //purpose : sort an array of parameters in increasing order // updates and according to //======================================================================= static void AIS_Sort(Standard_Real tab1[4], gp_Pnt tab2[4], Standard_Integer tab3[4]) { Standard_Boolean found = Standard_True; Standard_Real cur; gp_Pnt cur1; Standard_Integer cur2; while (found) { found = Standard_False; for (Standard_Integer i=0; i< 3; i++) { if (tab1[i+1] < tab1[i]) { found = Standard_True; cur = tab1[i]; cur1 = tab2[i]; cur2 = tab3[i]; tab1[i] = tab1[i+1]; tab2[i] = tab2[i+1]; tab3[i] = tab3[i+1]; tab1[i+1] = cur; tab2[i+1] = cur1; tab3[i+1] = cur2; } } } } //======================================================================= //function : ConnectedEdges //purpose : //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean ConnectedEdges(const TopoDS_Wire& WIRE, const TopoDS_Vertex& V, TopoDS_Edge& E1, TopoDS_Edge& E2) { TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape vertexMap; TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors (WIRE,TopAbs_VERTEX,TopAbs_EDGE,vertexMap); Standard_Boolean found(Standard_False); TopoDS_Vertex theVertex; for (Standard_Integer i=1; i<=vertexMap.Extent() && !found; i++) { if (vertexMap.FindKey(i).IsSame(V)) { theVertex = TopoDS::Vertex(vertexMap.FindKey(i)); found = Standard_True; } } if (!found) { E1.Nullify(); E2.Nullify(); return Standard_False; } TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape iterator(vertexMap.FindFromKey(theVertex)); if (iterator.More()) { E1 = TopoDS::Edge(iterator.Value()); iterator.Next(); } else { E1.Nullify(); return Standard_False; } if (iterator.More()) { E2 = TopoDS::Edge(iterator.Value()); iterator.Next(); } else { E2.Nullify(); return Standard_False; } if (iterator.More()) { E1.Nullify(); E2.Nullify(); return Standard_False; } return Standard_True; } // jfa 16/10/2000 //======================================================================= //function : ComputeAttach //purpose : Compute a point on the arc of // between and // corresponding to // Returns result into // Note : This function is to be used only in the case of circles. // The parameter is in/out. //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean ComputeAttach(const gp_Circ& thecirc, const gp_Pnt& aFAttach, const gp_Pnt& aSAttach, gp_Pnt& aPosition) { gp_Pnt curpos = aPosition; // Case of confusion between the current position and the center // of the circle -> we move the current position Standard_Real confusion (Precision::Confusion()); gp_Pnt aCenter = thecirc.Location(); if ( aCenter.Distance(curpos) <= confusion ) { gp_Vec vprec(aCenter, aFAttach); vprec.Normalize(); curpos.Translate(vprec*1e-5); } Standard_Real pcurpos = ElCLib::Parameter(thecirc,curpos); Standard_Real pFAttach = ElCLib::Parameter(thecirc,aFAttach); Standard_Real pSAttach = ElCLib::Parameter(thecirc,aSAttach); Standard_Real pSAttachM = pSAttach; Standard_Real deltap = pSAttachM - pFAttach; if ( deltap < 0 ) { deltap += 2*Standard_PI; pSAttachM += 2*Standard_PI; } pSAttachM -= pFAttach; Standard_Real pmiddleout = pSAttachM/2.0 + Standard_PI; Standard_Real pcurpos1 = pcurpos; // define where curpos lays if ( pcurpos1 < pFAttach ) { pcurpos1 = pcurpos1 + 2*Standard_PI - pFAttach; if ( pcurpos1 > pSAttachM ) // out { if ( pcurpos1 > pmiddleout ) pcurpos = pFAttach; else pcurpos = pSAttach; } } else if ( pcurpos1 > (pFAttach + deltap) ) // out { pcurpos1 -= pFAttach; if ( pcurpos1 > pmiddleout ) pcurpos = pFAttach; else pcurpos = pSAttach; } aPosition = ElCLib::Value(pcurpos,thecirc); return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeAttach //purpose : Compute a point on the arc of ellipse // between and // corresponding to // Returns result into // Note : This function is to be used only in the case of ellipses. // The parameter is in/out. //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean ComputeAttach(const gp_Elips& theEll, const gp_Pnt& aFAttach, const gp_Pnt& aSAttach, gp_Pnt& aPosition) { gp_Pnt curpos = aPosition; // Case of confusion between the current position and the center // of the circle -> we move the current position Standard_Real confusion (Precision::Confusion()); gp_Pnt aCenter = theEll.Location(); if ( aCenter.Distance(curpos) <= confusion ) { gp_Vec vprec(aCenter, aFAttach); vprec.Normalize(); curpos.Translate(vprec*1e-5); } // for ellipses it's not good Standard_Real pcurpos = ElCLib::Parameter(theEll,curpos); Handle(Geom_Ellipse) theEllg = new Geom_Ellipse(theEll); GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve aProj (curpos, theEllg); Standard_Real pcurpos = aProj.LowerDistanceParameter(); Standard_Real pFAttach = ElCLib::Parameter(theEll,aFAttach); Standard_Real pSAttach = ElCLib::Parameter(theEll,aSAttach); Standard_Real pSAttachM = pSAttach; Standard_Real deltap = pSAttachM - pFAttach; if ( deltap < 0 ) { deltap += 2*Standard_PI; pSAttachM += 2*Standard_PI; } pSAttachM -= pFAttach; Standard_Real pmiddleout = pSAttachM/2.0 + Standard_PI; Standard_Real pcurpos1 = pcurpos; // define where curpos lays if ( pcurpos1 < pFAttach ) { pcurpos1 = pcurpos1 + 2*Standard_PI - pFAttach; if ( pcurpos1 > pSAttachM ) // out { if ( pcurpos1 > pmiddleout ) pcurpos = pFAttach; else pcurpos = pSAttach; } } else if ( pcurpos1 > (pFAttach + deltap) ) // out { pcurpos1 -= pFAttach; if ( pcurpos1 > pmiddleout ) pcurpos = pFAttach; else pcurpos = pSAttach; } aPosition = ElCLib::Value(pcurpos,theEll); return Standard_True; } // jfa 16/10/2000 end //======================================================================= //function : AIS_IdenticRelation //purpose : //======================================================================= AIS_IdenticRelation::AIS_IdenticRelation(const TopoDS_Shape& FirstShape, const TopoDS_Shape& SecondShape, const Handle(Geom_Plane)& aPlane) :isCircle(Standard_False) { myFShape = FirstShape; mySShape = SecondShape; myPlane = aPlane; } //======================================================================= //function : Compute //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_IdenticRelation::Compute(const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d)&, const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aprs, const Standard_Integer) { aprs->Clear(); switch ( myFShape.ShapeType() ) { case TopAbs_VERTEX: { switch ( mySShape.ShapeType() ) { case TopAbs_VERTEX: { ComputeTwoVerticesPresentation(aprs); } break; case TopAbs_EDGE: { ComputeOneEdgeOVertexPresentation(aprs); } break; default: break; } } break; case TopAbs_EDGE: { switch ( mySShape.ShapeType() ) { case TopAbs_VERTEX: { ComputeOneEdgeOVertexPresentation(aprs); } break; case TopAbs_EDGE: { ComputeTwoEdgesPresentation(aprs); } break; default: break; } } break; default: break; } } //======================================================================= //function : Compute //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_IdenticRelation::Compute(const Handle(Prs3d_Projector)& aProjector, const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation) { // Standard_NotImplemented::Raise("AIS_IdenticRelation::Compute(const Handle(Prs3d_Projector)&,const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)&)"); PrsMgr_PresentableObject::Compute( aProjector , aPresentation ) ; } //======================================================================= //function : Compute //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_IdenticRelation::Compute(const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager2d)& aPresentationManager2d, const Handle(Graphic2d_GraphicObject)& aGraphicObject, const Standard_Integer anInteger) { // Standard_NotImplemented::Raise("AIS_IdenticRelation::Compute(const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager2d)&,const Handle(Graphic2d_GraphicObject)&,const Standard_Integer)"); PrsMgr_PresentableObject::Compute( aPresentationManager2d ,aGraphicObject,anInteger) ; } void AIS_IdenticRelation::Compute(const Handle_Prs3d_Projector& aProjector, const Handle_Geom_Transformation& aTransformation, const Handle_Prs3d_Presentation& aPresentation) { // Standard_NotImplemented::Raise("AIS_IdenticRelation::Compute(const Handle_Prs3d_Projector&, const Handle_Geom_Transformation&, const Handle_Prs3d_Presentation&)"); PrsMgr_PresentableObject::Compute( aProjector , aTransformation , aPresentation ) ; } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeSelection //purpose : function used to compute the selection associated to the // "identic" presentation // note : if we are in the case of lines, we create a segment between // myFAttach and mySAttach. In the case of Circles, we create // an arc of circle between the sames points. We Add a segment // to link Position to its projection on the curve described // before. //======================================================================= void AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeSelection(const Handle(SelectMgr_Selection)& aSelection, const Standard_Integer) { Handle(SelectMgr_EntityOwner) own = new SelectMgr_EntityOwner(this,7); Handle(Select3D_SensitiveSegment) seg; // attachement point of the segment linking position to the curve gp_Pnt attach; Standard_Real confusion (Precision::Confusion()); if ( myFAttach.IsEqual(mySAttach, confusion) ) { attach = myFAttach; } else { // jfa 24/10/2000 if ( myFShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE ) { Handle(Geom_Curve) curv1,curv2; gp_Pnt firstp1,lastp1,firstp2,lastp2; Standard_Boolean isInfinite1,isInfinite2; Handle(Geom_Curve) extCurv; if ( !AIS::ComputeGeometry(TopoDS::Edge(myFShape),TopoDS::Edge(mySShape), myExtShape,curv1,curv2, firstp1,lastp1,firstp2,lastp2, extCurv,isInfinite1,isInfinite2,myPlane) ) return; if ( isCircle ) // case of Circles { Handle(Geom_Circle) thecirc = (Handle(Geom_Circle)&) curv1; Standard_Real udeb = ElCLib::Parameter(thecirc->Circ(),myFAttach); Standard_Real ufin = ElCLib::Parameter(thecirc->Circ(),mySAttach); Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) thecu = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(thecirc,udeb,ufin); Handle(Select3D_SensitiveCurve) scurv = new Select3D_SensitiveCurve(own, thecu); aSelection->Add(scurv); attach = myPosition; ComputeAttach(thecirc->Circ(),myFAttach,mySAttach,attach); } else if ( curv1->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Ellipse)) ) // case of ellipses { Handle(Geom_Ellipse) theEll = (Handle(Geom_Ellipse)&) curv1; Standard_Real udeb = ElCLib::Parameter(theEll->Elips(),myFAttach); Standard_Real ufin = ElCLib::Parameter(theEll->Elips(),mySAttach); Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) thecu = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(theEll,udeb,ufin); Handle(Select3D_SensitiveCurve) scurv = new Select3D_SensitiveCurve(own, thecu); aSelection->Add(scurv); attach = myPosition; ComputeAttach(theEll->Elips(),myFAttach,mySAttach,attach); } else if ( curv1->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Line)) ) // case of Lines { seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment(own, myFAttach, mySAttach); aSelection->Add(seg); //attach = projection of Position() on the curve; gp_Vec v1 (myFAttach, mySAttach); gp_Vec v2 (myFAttach, myPosition); if ( v1.IsParallel(v2, Precision::Angular()) ) { attach = mySAttach; } else { gp_Lin ll (myFAttach, gp_Dir(v1)); attach = ElCLib::Value(ElCLib::Parameter(ll,myPosition), ll); } } else return; } // else if ( myFShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX ) // { // } // jfa 24/10/2000 end } // Creation of the segment linking the attachement point with the // position if ( !attach.IsEqual(myPosition, confusion) ) { seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment(own, attach, myPosition); aSelection->Add(seg); } } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeTwoEdgesPresentation //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeTwoEdgesPresentation(const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPrs) { Handle(Geom_Curve) curv1,curv2; gp_Pnt firstp1,lastp1,firstp2,lastp2; Standard_Boolean isInfinite1,isInfinite2; Handle(Geom_Curve) extCurv; if (!AIS::ComputeGeometry(TopoDS::Edge(myFShape), TopoDS::Edge(mySShape), myExtShape, curv1, curv2, firstp1, lastp1, firstp2, lastp2, extCurv, isInfinite1,isInfinite2, myPlane)) return; aPrs->SetInfiniteState((isInfinite1 || isInfinite2) && myExtShape != 0); // Treatement of the case of lines if ( curv1->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Line)) && curv2->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Line)) ) { // we take the line curv1 like support Handle(Geom_Line) thelin; if (isInfinite1 && !isInfinite2) thelin = (Handle(Geom_Line)&) curv2; else if (!isInfinite1 && isInfinite2) thelin = (Handle(Geom_Line)&) curv1; else thelin = (Handle(Geom_Line)&) curv1; ComputeTwoLinesPresentation(aPrs, thelin, firstp1, lastp1, firstp2, lastp2, isInfinite1, isInfinite2); } // Treatement of the case of circles else if ( curv1->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Circle)) && curv2->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Circle)) ) { //gp_Pnt curpos; isCircle = Standard_True; // useful for ComputeSelection const Handle(Geom_Circle)& thecirc = (Handle(Geom_Circle)&) curv1; ComputeTwoCirclesPresentation(aPrs, thecirc, firstp1, lastp1, firstp2, lastp2); } // jfa 10/10/2000 // Treatement of the case of ellipses else if ( curv1->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Ellipse)) && curv2->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Ellipse)) ) { const Handle(Geom_Ellipse)& theEll = (Handle(Geom_Ellipse)&) curv1; ComputeTwoEllipsesPresentation(aPrs, theEll, firstp1, lastp1, firstp2, lastp2); } // jfa 10/10/2000 end else return; // Calculate presentation of projected edges if ( (myExtShape != 0) && !extCurv.IsNull()) { if (myExtShape == 1 ) ComputeProjEdgePresentation(aPrs, TopoDS::Edge(myFShape), curv1, firstp1, lastp1); else ComputeProjEdgePresentation(aPrs, TopoDS::Edge(mySShape), curv2, firstp2, lastp2); } } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeTwoLinesPresentation //purpose : Compute the presentation of the 'identic' constraint // between two lines ( which are equal) //input : : the // : first extremity of the 1st curve of the constraint // : last extremity of the 1st curve of the constraint // : first extremity of the 2nd curve of the constraint // :last extremity of the 2nd curve of the constraint //======================================================================= void AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeTwoLinesPresentation(const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPrs, const Handle(Geom_Line)& thelin, gp_Pnt& firstp1, gp_Pnt& lastp1, gp_Pnt& firstp2, gp_Pnt& lastp2, const Standard_Boolean isInfinite1, const Standard_Boolean isInfinite2) { if (isInfinite1 && isInfinite2) { if ( myAutomaticPosition ) { myFAttach = mySAttach = thelin->Lin().Location(); gp_Pnt curpos; gp_Pln pln(myPlane->Pln()); gp_Dir dir(pln.XAxis().Direction()); gp_Vec transvec = gp_Vec(dir)*myArrowSize; curpos = myFAttach.Translated(transvec);; myPosition = curpos; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_True; } else { myFAttach = mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(ElCLib::Parameter(thelin->Lin(),myPosition),thelin->Lin()); } TCollection_ExtendedString vals(" =="); DsgPrs_IdenticPresentation::Add(aPrs, myDrawer, vals, myFAttach, myPosition); } else { // Computation of the parameters of the 4 points on the line Standard_Real pf1, pf2, pl1, pl2; pf1 = ElCLib::Parameter(thelin->Lin(), firstp1); pl1 = ElCLib::Parameter(thelin->Lin(), lastp1); pf2 = ElCLib::Parameter(thelin->Lin(), firstp2); pl2 = ElCLib::Parameter(thelin->Lin(), lastp2); if (isInfinite1) { pf1 = pf2; pl1 = pl2; firstp1 = firstp2; lastp1 = lastp2; } else if (isInfinite2) { pf2 = pf1; pl2 = pl1; firstp2 = firstp1; lastp2 = lastp1; } Standard_Real tabRang1[4]; // array taht contains the parameters of the 4 points // ordered by increasing abscisses. gp_Pnt tabRang2[4]; // array containing the points corresponding to the // parameters in tabRang1 Standard_Integer tabRang3[4]; // array containing the number of the curve( 1 or 2) // of which belongs each point of tabRang2 // Filling of the arrays tabRang1[0] = pf1; tabRang2[0] = firstp1; tabRang3[0] = 1; tabRang1[1] = pf2; tabRang2[1] = firstp2; tabRang3[1] = 2; tabRang1[2] = pl1; tabRang2[2] = lastp1; tabRang3[2] = 1; tabRang1[3] = pl2; tabRang2[3] = lastp2; tabRang3[3] = 2; // Sort of the array of parameters (tabRang1) AIS_Sort(tabRang1, tabRang2, tabRang3); // Computation of myFAttach and mySAttach according to the // position of the 2 linear edges gp_Pnt curpos; gp_Pnt middle; if ( (tabRang1[0] == tabRang1[1]) && (tabRang1[2] == tabRang1[3]) ) { middle.SetXYZ((tabRang2[1].XYZ() + tabRang2[2].XYZ())/2. ); Standard_Real pmiddle = (tabRang1[1] + tabRang1[2]) / 2.; Standard_Real delta = (tabRang1[3] - tabRang1[0])/ 5.; myFAttach = ElCLib::Value(pmiddle-delta, thelin->Lin()); mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(pmiddle+delta, thelin->Lin()); } else if ( tabRang1[1] == tabRang1[2] ) { middle = tabRang2[1]; Standard_Real delta1 = tabRang1[1] - tabRang1[0]; Standard_Real delta2 = tabRang1[3] - tabRang1[2]; if ( delta1 > delta2 ) delta1 = delta2; myFAttach = ElCLib::Value(tabRang1[1]-delta1/2., thelin->Lin()); mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(tabRang1[1]+delta1/2., thelin->Lin()); } // Case of 2 disconnected segments -> the symbol completes the gap // between the 2 edges //-------------------------------- else if ( (tabRang3[0] == tabRang3[1]) && (tabRang1[1] != tabRang1[2])) { middle.SetXYZ((tabRang2[1].XYZ() + tabRang2[2].XYZ())/2. ); myFAttach = tabRang2[1]; mySAttach = tabRang2[2]; } else if ( (tabRang3[0] != tabRang3[1]) && (tabRang3[1] != tabRang3[2]) // Intersection && (tabRang1[1] != tabRang1[2]) ) { middle.SetXYZ((tabRang2[1].XYZ() + tabRang2[2].XYZ())/2. ); myFAttach = tabRang2[1]; mySAttach = tabRang2[2]; } else { // Inclusion myFAttach.SetXYZ((tabRang2[0].XYZ() + tabRang2[1].XYZ())/2. ); mySAttach.SetXYZ((tabRang2[1].XYZ() + tabRang2[2].XYZ())/2. ); middle.SetXYZ( (myFAttach.XYZ() + mySAttach.XYZ() )/2.); } if ( myAutomaticPosition ) { gp_Vec vtrans(myFAttach, mySAttach); vtrans.Normalize(); vtrans.Cross(gp_Vec(myPlane->Pln().Axis().Direction())); vtrans *= ComputeSegSize(); curpos = middle.Translated(vtrans); myPosition = curpos; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_True; } else { curpos = myPosition; Standard_Real pcurpos = ElCLib::Parameter(thelin->Lin() ,curpos); Standard_Real dist = thelin->Lin().Distance(curpos); gp_Pnt proj = ElCLib::Value( pcurpos, thelin->Lin()); gp_Vec trans; Standard_Real confusion(Precision::Confusion()); if ( dist >= confusion ) { trans = gp_Vec(proj, curpos); trans.Normalize(); } Standard_Real pf = ElCLib::Parameter(thelin->Lin() ,myFAttach); Standard_Real pl = ElCLib::Parameter(thelin->Lin() ,mySAttach); if ( pcurpos <= pf ) { pcurpos = pf + 1e-5; curpos = ElCLib::Value( pcurpos, thelin->Lin()); if ( dist >= confusion ) curpos.Translate(trans*dist); } else if ( pcurpos >= pl ) { pcurpos = pl - 1e-5; curpos = ElCLib::Value( pcurpos, thelin->Lin()); if ( dist >= confusion ) curpos.Translate(trans*dist); } SetPosition(curpos); } // Display of the presentation TCollection_ExtendedString vals(" =="); DsgPrs_IdenticPresentation::Add(aPrs, myDrawer, vals, myFAttach, mySAttach, curpos); } } // jfa 17/10/2000 //======================================================================= //function : ComputeTwoCirclesPresentation //purpose : Compute the presentation of the 'identic' constraint // between two circles ( which are equal) //input : : the circle // : first extremity of the 1st curve of the constraint // : last extremity of the 1st curve of the constraint // : first extremity of the 2nd curve of the constraint // :last extremity of the 2nd curve of the constraint //======================================================================= void AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeTwoCirclesPresentation(const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPrs, const Handle(Geom_Circle)& thecirc, const gp_Pnt& firstp1, const gp_Pnt& lastp1, const gp_Pnt& firstp2, const gp_Pnt& lastp2) { Standard_Real confusion (Precision::Confusion()); // Searching of complete circles Standard_Boolean circ1complete = (firstp1.IsEqual(lastp1, confusion)); Standard_Boolean circ2complete = (firstp2.IsEqual(lastp2, confusion)); myCenter = thecirc->Location(); Standard_Real aSegSize = thecirc->Radius()/5.0; Standard_Real rad = Standard_PI/5.0; // I. Case of 2 complete circles if ( circ1complete && circ2complete ) { if (myAutomaticPosition) { Standard_Real pfirst1 = ElCLib::Parameter(thecirc->Circ(), firstp1); myFAttach = ElCLib::Value(Modulo2PI(pfirst1-rad), thecirc->Circ()); mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(Modulo2PI(pfirst1+rad), thecirc->Circ()); gp_Pnt curpos = ElCLib::Value(pfirst1,thecirc->Circ()); gp_Vec vtrans(myCenter, curpos); vtrans.Normalize(); vtrans *= aSegSize; curpos.Translate(vtrans); myPosition = curpos; } else ComputeNotAutoCircPresentation(thecirc); } // II. Case of one complete circle and one arc else if ( (circ1complete && !circ2complete) || (!circ1complete && circ2complete) ) { gp_Pnt firstp, lastp; if ( circ1complete && !circ2complete) { firstp = firstp2; lastp = lastp2; } else { firstp = firstp1; lastp = lastp1; } if (myAutomaticPosition) { ComputeAutoArcPresentation(thecirc, firstp, lastp); } else { ComputeNotAutoArcPresentation(thecirc, firstp, lastp); } } // III and IV. Case of two arcs else if ( !circ1complete && !circ2complete ) { // We project all the points on the circle Standard_Real pf1, pf2, pl1, pl2; pf1 = ElCLib::Parameter(thecirc->Circ(), firstp1); pf2 = ElCLib::Parameter(thecirc->Circ(), firstp2); pl1 = ElCLib::Parameter(thecirc->Circ(), lastp1); pl2 = ElCLib::Parameter(thecirc->Circ(), lastp2); // III. Arcs with common ends // III.1. First of one and last of another if ( IsEqual2PI(pl1,pf2,confusion) || IsEqual2PI(pf1,pl2,confusion) ) { gp_Pnt curpos(0.,0.,0.); Standard_Real att=0.; if ( IsEqual2PI(pl1,pf2,confusion) ) { att = pl1; curpos = lastp1; } else if ( IsEqual2PI(pf1,pl2,confusion) ) { att = pf1; curpos = firstp1; } Standard_Real maxrad = Min(Modulo2PI(pl1 - pf1),Modulo2PI(pl2 - pf2))*3/4; if ( rad > maxrad ) rad = maxrad; Standard_Real pFAttach = Modulo2PI(att - rad); Standard_Real pSAttach = Modulo2PI(att + rad); myFAttach = ElCLib::Value(pFAttach, thecirc->Circ()); mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(pSAttach, thecirc->Circ()); if ( myAutomaticPosition ) { gp_Vec vtrans(myCenter,curpos); vtrans.Normalize(); vtrans *= aSegSize; curpos.Translate(vtrans); myPosition = curpos; } } // III.2. Two first or two last else if ( IsEqual2PI(pf1,pf2,confusion) || IsEqual2PI(pl1,pl2,confusion) ) { Standard_Real l1 = Modulo2PI(pl1 - pf1); Standard_Real l2 = Modulo2PI(pl2 - pf2); gp_Pnt firstp,lastp; if ( l1 < l2 ) { firstp = firstp1; lastp = lastp1; } else { firstp = firstp2; lastp = lastp2; } if ( myAutomaticPosition ) { ComputeAutoArcPresentation(thecirc, firstp, lastp); } else { ComputeNotAutoArcPresentation(thecirc, firstp, lastp); } } // IV. All others arcs (without common ends) else { // order the parameters; first will be pf1 Standard_Real pl1m = Modulo2PI(pl1 - pf1); Standard_Real pf2m = Modulo2PI(pf2 - pf1); Standard_Real pl2m = Modulo2PI(pl2 - pf1); Standard_Boolean case1 = Standard_False; // 1 - not intersecting arcs // 2 - intersecting arcs, but one doesn't contain another // 3a - first arc contains the second one // 3b - second arc contains the first one // 4 - two intersections gp_Pnt firstp, lastp; if ( pl1m < pf2m ) // 1 or 2b or 3b { if ( pl1m < pl2m ) // 1 or 3b { if ( pl2m < pf2m ) // 3b { firstp = firstp1; lastp = lastp1; } else // 1 { case1 = Standard_True; Standard_Real deltap1 = Modulo2PI(pf1 - pl2); Standard_Real deltap2 = Modulo2PI(pf2 - pl1); if ( ((deltap1 < deltap2) && (deltap1 < 2*rad)) || ((deltap2 < deltap1) && (deltap2 > 2*rad)) ) // deltap2 { firstp = lastp1; lastp = firstp2; } else // deltap1 { firstp = lastp2; lastp = firstp1; } } } else // 2b { firstp = firstp1; lastp = lastp2; } } else // 2a or 3a or 4 { if ( pl1m < pl2m ) // 2a { firstp = firstp2; lastp = lastp1; } else // 3a or 4 { if ( pl2m > pf2m ) // 3a { firstp = firstp2; lastp = lastp2; } else // 4 { Standard_Real deltap1 = Modulo2PI(pl1 - pf2); Standard_Real deltap2 = Modulo2PI(pl2 - pf1); if ( ((deltap1 < deltap2) && (deltap1 < 2*rad)) || ((deltap2 < deltap1) && (deltap2 > 2*rad)) ) // deltap2 { firstp = firstp1; lastp = lastp2; } else // deltap1 { firstp = firstp2; lastp = lastp1; } } } } if ( myAutomaticPosition ) { ComputeAutoArcPresentation(thecirc,firstp,lastp,case1); } else { if ( case1 ) { myFAttach = firstp; mySAttach = lastp; } else ComputeNotAutoArcPresentation(thecirc, firstp, lastp); } } } // Display of the presentation TCollection_ExtendedString vals(" =="); gp_Pnt attach = myPosition; ComputeAttach(thecirc->Circ(),myFAttach,mySAttach,attach); DsgPrs_IdenticPresentation::Add(aPrs, myDrawer, vals, myPlane->Pln().Position().Ax2(), myCenter, myFAttach, mySAttach, myPosition, attach); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeAutoArcPresentation //purpose : Compute the presentation of the constraint where we are // not in the case of dragging. //======================================================================= void AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeAutoArcPresentation(const Handle(Geom_Circle)& thecirc, const gp_Pnt& firstp, const gp_Pnt& lastp, const Standard_Boolean isstatic) { Standard_Real aSegSize = thecirc->Radius()/5.0; Standard_Real rad = Standard_PI/5.0; Standard_Real pFA = ElCLib::Parameter(thecirc->Circ(),firstp); Standard_Real pSA = ElCLib::Parameter(thecirc->Circ(),lastp); Standard_Real maxrad = Modulo2PI(pSA - pFA)/2.0; if ( (rad > maxrad) || isstatic ) rad = maxrad; Standard_Real pmiddle = Modulo2PI(pFA + Modulo2PI(pSA - pFA)/2.0); myFAttach = ElCLib::Value(Modulo2PI(pmiddle - rad),thecirc->Circ()); mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(Modulo2PI(pmiddle + rad),thecirc->Circ()); gp_Pnt curpos = ElCLib::Value(pmiddle,thecirc->Circ()); gp_Vec vtrans(myCenter, curpos); vtrans.Normalize(); vtrans *= aSegSize; myPosition = curpos.Translated(vtrans); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeNotAutoCircPresentation //purpose : Compute the presentation of the constraint where we are // in the case of dragging. // Note : This function is to be used only in the case of full circles. // The symbol of the constraint moves together with arc // representing the constraint around all the circle. //======================================================================= void AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeNotAutoCircPresentation(const Handle(Geom_Circle)& thecirc) { gp_Pnt curpos = myPosition; Handle(Geom_Circle) cirNotAuto = new Geom_Circle(thecirc->Circ()); // Case of confusion between the current position and the center // of the circle -> we move the current position Standard_Real confusion (Precision::Confusion()); if ( myCenter.Distance(curpos) <= confusion ) { gp_Vec vprec(myCenter, myFAttach); vprec.Normalize(); curpos.Translate(vprec*1e-5); } Standard_Real rad = Standard_PI/5.0; Standard_Real pcurpos = ElCLib::Parameter(cirNotAuto->Circ(),curpos); Standard_Real pFAttach = pcurpos - rad; Standard_Real pSAttach = pcurpos + rad; myFAttach = ElCLib::Value(pFAttach,cirNotAuto->Circ()); mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(pSAttach,cirNotAuto->Circ()); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeNotAutoArcPresentation //purpose : Compute the presentation of the constraint where we are // in the case of dragging. // Note : This function is to be used only in the case of circles. // The symbol of the constraint moves only between myFAttach // and mySAttach. //======================================================================= void AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeNotAutoArcPresentation(const Handle(Geom_Circle)& thecirc, const gp_Pnt& pntfirst, const gp_Pnt& pntlast) { gp_Pnt curpos = myPosition; gp_Circ cirNotAuto = thecirc->Circ(); Standard_Real pFPnt = ElCLib::Parameter(cirNotAuto, pntfirst); Standard_Real pSPnt = ElCLib::Parameter(cirNotAuto, pntlast); Standard_Real deltap = Modulo2PI(pSPnt - pFPnt)/2.0; Standard_Real rad = Standard_PI/5; if ( deltap < rad ) { myFAttach = pntfirst; mySAttach = pntlast; } else { gp_Pnt aFPnt = ElCLib::Value(Modulo2PI(pFPnt + rad), cirNotAuto); gp_Pnt aSPnt = ElCLib::Value(Modulo2PI(pSPnt - rad), cirNotAuto); ComputeAttach(cirNotAuto,aFPnt,aSPnt,curpos); Standard_Real pcurpos = ElCLib::Parameter(cirNotAuto,curpos); myFAttach = ElCLib::Value(pcurpos - rad, cirNotAuto); mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(pcurpos + rad, cirNotAuto); } } // jfa 17/10/2000 end // jfa 18/10/2000 //======================================================================= //function : ComputeTwoEllipsesPresentation //purpose : Compute the presentation of the 'identic' constraint // between two ellipses (which are equal) //input : : the ellipse // : first extremity of the 1st curve of the constraint // : last extremity of the 1st curve of the constraint // : first extremity of the 2nd curve of the constraint // :last extremity of the 2nd curve of the constraint //======================================================================= void AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeTwoEllipsesPresentation(const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPrs, const Handle(Geom_Ellipse)& theEll, const gp_Pnt& firstp1, const gp_Pnt& lastp1, const gp_Pnt& firstp2, const gp_Pnt& lastp2) { Standard_Real confusion (Precision::Confusion()); // Searching of complete ellipses Standard_Boolean circ1complete = (firstp1.IsEqual(lastp1, confusion)); Standard_Boolean circ2complete = (firstp2.IsEqual(lastp2, confusion)); myCenter = theEll->Location(); Standard_Real aSegSize = theEll->MajorRadius()/5.0; Standard_Real rad = Standard_PI/5.0; // I. Case of 2 complete ellipses if ( circ1complete && circ2complete ) { if (myAutomaticPosition) { Standard_Real pfirst1 = ElCLib::Parameter(theEll->Elips(), firstp1); myFAttach = ElCLib::Value(Modulo2PI(pfirst1-rad), theEll->Elips()); mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(Modulo2PI(pfirst1+rad), theEll->Elips()); gp_Pnt curpos = ElCLib::Value(pfirst1,theEll->Elips()); gp_Vec vtrans(myCenter, curpos); vtrans.Normalize(); vtrans *= aSegSize; curpos.Translate(vtrans); myPosition = curpos; } else ComputeNotAutoElipsPresentation(theEll); } // II. Case of one complete circle and one arc else if ( (circ1complete && !circ2complete) || (!circ1complete && circ2complete) ) { gp_Pnt firstp, lastp; if ( circ1complete && !circ2complete) { firstp = firstp2; lastp = lastp2; } else { firstp = firstp1; lastp = lastp1; } if (myAutomaticPosition) { ComputeAutoArcPresentation(theEll, firstp, lastp); } else { ComputeNotAutoArcPresentation(theEll, firstp, lastp); } } // III and IV. Case of two arcs else if ( !circ1complete && !circ2complete ) { // We project all the points on the circle Standard_Real pf1, pf2, pl1, pl2; pf1 = ElCLib::Parameter(theEll->Elips(), firstp1); pf2 = ElCLib::Parameter(theEll->Elips(), firstp2); pl1 = ElCLib::Parameter(theEll->Elips(), lastp1); pl2 = ElCLib::Parameter(theEll->Elips(), lastp2); // III. Arcs with common ends // III.1. First of one and last of another if ( IsEqual2PI(pl1,pf2,confusion) || IsEqual2PI(pf1,pl2,confusion) ) { gp_Pnt curpos; Standard_Real att=0.; if ( IsEqual2PI(pl1,pf2,confusion) ) { att = pl1; curpos = lastp1; } else if ( IsEqual2PI(pf1,pl2,confusion) ) { att = pf1; curpos = firstp1; } Standard_Real maxrad = Min(Modulo2PI(pl1 - pf1),Modulo2PI(pl2 - pf2))*3/4; if ( rad > maxrad ) rad = maxrad; Standard_Real pFAttach = Modulo2PI(att - rad); Standard_Real pSAttach = Modulo2PI(att + rad); myFAttach = ElCLib::Value(pFAttach, theEll->Elips()); mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(pSAttach, theEll->Elips()); if ( myAutomaticPosition ) { gp_Vec vtrans(myCenter,curpos); vtrans.Normalize(); vtrans *= aSegSize; curpos.Translate(vtrans); myPosition = curpos; } } // III.2. Two first or two last else if ( IsEqual2PI(pf1,pf2,confusion) || IsEqual2PI(pl1,pl2,confusion) ) { Standard_Real l1 = Modulo2PI(pl1 - pf1); Standard_Real l2 = Modulo2PI(pl2 - pf2); gp_Pnt firstp,lastp; if ( l1 < l2 ) { firstp = firstp1; lastp = lastp1; } else { firstp = firstp2; lastp = lastp2; } if ( myAutomaticPosition ) { ComputeAutoArcPresentation(theEll, firstp, lastp); } else { ComputeNotAutoArcPresentation(theEll, firstp, lastp); } } // IV. All others arcs (without common ends) else { // order the parameters; first will be pf1 Standard_Real pl1m = Modulo2PI(pl1 - pf1); Standard_Real pf2m = Modulo2PI(pf2 - pf1); Standard_Real pl2m = Modulo2PI(pl2 - pf1); Standard_Boolean case1 = Standard_False; // 1 - not intersecting arcs // 2 - intersecting arcs, but one doesn't contain another // 3a - first arc contains the second one // 3b - second arc contains the first one // 4 - two intersections gp_Pnt firstp, lastp; if ( pl1m < pf2m ) // 1 or 2b or 3b { if ( pl1m < pl2m ) // 1 or 3b { if ( pl2m < pf2m ) // 3b { firstp = firstp1; lastp = lastp1; } else // 1 { case1 = Standard_True; Standard_Real deltap1 = Modulo2PI(pf1 - pl2); Standard_Real deltap2 = Modulo2PI(pf2 - pl1); if ( ((deltap1 < deltap2) && (deltap1 < 2*rad)) || ((deltap2 < deltap1) && (deltap2 > 2*rad)) ) // deltap2 { firstp = lastp1; lastp = firstp2; } else // deltap1 { firstp = lastp2; lastp = firstp1; } } } else // 2b { firstp = firstp1; lastp = lastp2; } } else // 2a or 3a or 4 { if ( pl1m < pl2m ) // 2a { firstp = firstp2; lastp = lastp1; } else // 3a or 4 { if ( pl2m > pf2m ) // 3a { firstp = firstp2; lastp = lastp2; } else // 4 { Standard_Real deltap1 = Modulo2PI(pl1 - pf2); Standard_Real deltap2 = Modulo2PI(pl2 - pf1); if ( ((deltap1 < deltap2) && (deltap1 < 2*rad)) || ((deltap2 < deltap1) && (deltap2 > 2*rad)) ) // deltap2 { firstp = firstp1; lastp = lastp2; } else // deltap1 { firstp = firstp2; lastp = lastp1; } } } } if ( myAutomaticPosition ) { ComputeAutoArcPresentation(theEll,firstp,lastp,case1); } else { if ( case1 ) { myFAttach = firstp; mySAttach = lastp; } else ComputeNotAutoArcPresentation(theEll, firstp, lastp); } } } // Display of the presentation TCollection_ExtendedString vals(" =="); gp_Pnt attach = myPosition; ComputeAttach(theEll->Elips(),myFAttach,mySAttach,attach); DsgPrs_IdenticPresentation::Add(aPrs, myDrawer, vals, theEll->Elips(), myFAttach, mySAttach, myPosition, attach); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeAutoArcPresentation //purpose : Compute the presentation of the constraint where we are // not in the case of dragging. //======================================================================= void AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeAutoArcPresentation(const Handle(Geom_Ellipse)& theEll, const gp_Pnt& firstp, const gp_Pnt& lastp, const Standard_Boolean isstatic) { Standard_Real aSegSize = theEll->MajorRadius()/5.0; Standard_Real rad = Standard_PI/5.0; gp_Elips anEll = theEll->Elips(); Standard_Real pFA = ElCLib::Parameter(anEll,firstp); Standard_Real pSA = ElCLib::Parameter(anEll,lastp); Standard_Real maxrad = Modulo2PI(pSA - pFA)/2.0; if ( (rad > maxrad) || isstatic ) rad = maxrad; Standard_Real pmiddle = Modulo2PI(pFA + Modulo2PI(pSA - pFA)/2.0); myFAttach = ElCLib::Value(Modulo2PI(pmiddle - rad),anEll); mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(Modulo2PI(pmiddle + rad),anEll); gp_Pnt curpos = ElCLib::Value(pmiddle,anEll); gp_Vec vtrans(myCenter, curpos); vtrans.Normalize(); vtrans *= aSegSize; myPosition = curpos.Translated(vtrans); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeNotAutoElipsPresentation //purpose : Compute the presentation of the constraint where we are // in the case of dragging. // Note : This function is to be used only in the case of ellipses. // The symbol of the constraint moves only between myFAttach // and mySAttach. //======================================================================= void AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeNotAutoElipsPresentation(const Handle(Geom_Ellipse)& theEll) { gp_Pnt curpos = myPosition; gp_Elips anEll = theEll->Elips(); // Case of confusion between the current position and the center // of the ellipse -> we move the current position Standard_Real confusion (Precision::Confusion()); if ( myCenter.Distance(curpos) <= confusion ) { gp_Vec vprec(myCenter, myFAttach); vprec.Normalize(); curpos.Translate(vprec*1e-5); } Standard_Real rad = Standard_PI/5.0; // Standard_Real pcurpos = ElCLib::Parameter(anEll,curpos); GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve aProj (curpos, theEll); Standard_Real pcurpos = aProj.LowerDistanceParameter(); Standard_Real pFAttach = pcurpos - rad; Standard_Real pSAttach = pcurpos + rad; myFAttach = ElCLib::Value(pFAttach,anEll); mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(pSAttach,anEll); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeNotAutoArcPresentation //purpose : Compute the presentation of the constraint where we are // in the case of dragging. // Note : This function is to be used only in the case of ellipses. // The symbol of the constraint moves only between myFAttach // and mySAttach. //======================================================================= void AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeNotAutoArcPresentation(const Handle(Geom_Ellipse)& theEll, const gp_Pnt& pntfirst, const gp_Pnt& pntlast) { gp_Pnt curpos = myPosition; gp_Elips anEll = theEll->Elips(); Standard_Real pFPnt = ElCLib::Parameter(anEll, pntfirst); Standard_Real pSPnt = ElCLib::Parameter(anEll, pntlast); Standard_Real deltap = Modulo2PI(pSPnt - pFPnt)/2.0; Standard_Real rad = Standard_PI/5; if ( deltap < rad ) { myFAttach = pntfirst; mySAttach = pntlast; } else { gp_Pnt aFPnt = ElCLib::Value(Modulo2PI(pFPnt + rad), anEll); gp_Pnt aSPnt = ElCLib::Value(Modulo2PI(pSPnt - rad), anEll); ComputeAttach(anEll,aFPnt,aSPnt,curpos); // Standard_Real pcurpos = ElCLib::Parameter(anEll,curpos); GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve aProj (curpos, theEll); Standard_Real pcurpos = aProj.LowerDistanceParameter(); myFAttach = ElCLib::Value(pcurpos - rad, anEll); mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(pcurpos + rad, anEll); } } // jfa 18/10/2000 end //======================================================================= //function : ComputeTwoVerticesPresentation //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeTwoVerticesPresentation(const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPrs) { Standard_Boolean isOnPlane1, isOnPlane2; const TopoDS_Vertex& FVertex = TopoDS::Vertex(myFShape); const TopoDS_Vertex& SVertex = TopoDS::Vertex(mySShape); AIS::ComputeGeometry(FVertex, myFAttach, myPlane, isOnPlane1); AIS::ComputeGeometry(SVertex, mySAttach, myPlane, isOnPlane2); if (isOnPlane1 && isOnPlane2) myExtShape = 0; else if ( isOnPlane1 && !isOnPlane2) myExtShape = 2; else if (!isOnPlane1 && isOnPlane2) myExtShape = 1; else return ; // The attachement points are the points themselves that must be //identical myFAttach = BRep_Tool::Pnt(FVertex); mySAttach = myFAttach; gp_Pnt curpos; if (myAutomaticPosition) { //Computation of the size of the symbol Standard_Real symbsize = ComputeSegSize(); if (symbsize <= Precision::Confusion()) symbsize = 1.; symbsize*=5; // Computation of the direction of the segment of the presentation // we take the median of the edges connected to vertices gp_Dir dF, dS; gp_Dir myDir; TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfTransient it(Users()); if (it.More()) { const Handle(AIS_Shape)& USER = Handle(AIS_Shape)::DownCast(it.Value()); if (!USER.IsNull()) { const TopoDS_Shape& SH =USER->Shape(); if ( (!SH.IsNull()) && (SH.ShapeType() == TopAbs_WIRE) ) { const TopoDS_Wire& WIRE = TopoDS::Wire(USER->Shape()); Standard_Boolean done = ComputeDirection(WIRE,FVertex,dF); if (!done) return; done = ComputeDirection(WIRE,SVertex,dS); if (!done) return; } else return; } else return; // computation of the segment direction like average // of the 2 computed directions. if ( dF.IsParallel(dS, Precision::Angular()) ) { myDir = dF.Crossed(myPlane->Pln().Axis().Direction()); } else { myDir.SetXYZ(dF.XYZ() + dS.XYZ()); } curpos = myFAttach.Translated(gp_Vec(myDir)*symbsize) ; } // jfa 11/10/2000 else { curpos = myFAttach; } // jfa 11/10/2000 end myPosition = curpos; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_False; } else { curpos = myPosition; } // Presentation computation TCollection_ExtendedString vals(" ++"); DsgPrs_IdenticPresentation::Add(aPrs, myDrawer, vals, myFAttach, curpos); // Calculate the projection of vertex if ( myExtShape == 1) ComputeProjVertexPresentation(aPrs,FVertex,myFAttach); else if ( myExtShape == 2) ComputeProjVertexPresentation(aPrs,SVertex,mySAttach); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeSegSize //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Real AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeSegSize() const { return 1.; } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeDirection //purpose : Compute a direction according to the different geometric // elements connected to the vertex , in way to not have // overlap between the symbol and them. //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeDirection(const TopoDS_Wire& aWire, const TopoDS_Vertex& VERT, gp_Dir& dF) const { // we take the median of the edges connected to vertices TopoDS_Edge edg1,edg2; ConnectedEdges(aWire,VERT,edg1,edg2); if ( edg1.IsNull() && edg2.IsNull() ) { return Standard_False; } Handle(Geom_Curve) curv1,curv2; gp_Pnt firstp1,lastp1,firstp2,lastp2; // Case with 2 edges connected to the vertex if ( !edg1.IsNull() && !edg2.IsNull() ) { if ( !AIS::ComputeGeometry(edg1,edg2, curv1,curv2, firstp1, lastp1, firstp2, lastp2,myPlane)) return Standard_False; gp_Dir d1, d2; if ( curv1->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Circle)) ) { d1 = ComputeCircleDirection((Handle(Geom_Circle)&) curv1, VERT); } else if (curv1->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Line)) ) { d1 = ComputeLineDirection((Handle(Geom_Line)&) curv1, firstp1); } else return Standard_False; if ( curv2->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Circle)) ) { d2 = ComputeCircleDirection( (Handle(Geom_Circle)&) curv2, VERT); } else if (curv2->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Line)) ) { d2 =ComputeLineDirection( (Handle(Geom_Line)&) curv2, firstp2); } else return Standard_False; if ( !d1.IsParallel(d2, Precision::Angular() )) dF.SetXYZ( (d1.XYZ() + d2.XYZ())/2 ); else { dF= d1.Crossed(myPlane->Pln().Axis().Direction()); } } // Case where is at an extremity of a wire. else { TopoDS_Edge VEdge; if ( !edg1.IsNull() ) VEdge = edg1; else if (!edg2.IsNull() ) VEdge = edg2; else return Standard_False; if ( !AIS::ComputeGeometry(VEdge, curv1, firstp1, lastp1) ) return Standard_False; if ( curv1->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Circle)) ) { dF = ComputeCircleDirection( (Handle(Geom_Circle)&) curv1, VERT); } else if (curv1->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Line)) ) { dF = ComputeLineDirection( (Handle(Geom_Line)&) curv1, firstp1); } else return Standard_False; } return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeLineDirection //purpose : //======================================================================= gp_Dir AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeLineDirection(const Handle(Geom_Line)& lin, const gp_Pnt& firstP) const { gp_Dir dir; dir = lin->Lin().Direction(); if ( !myFAttach.IsEqual(firstP, Precision::Confusion()) ) dir.Reverse(); return dir; } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeCircleDirection //purpose : //======================================================================= gp_Dir AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeCircleDirection(const Handle(Geom_Circle)& circ, const TopoDS_Vertex& VERT) const { gp_Vec V(circ->Location(),BRep_Tool::Pnt(VERT)); return gp_Dir(V); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeOneEdgeOVertexPresentation //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_IdenticRelation::ComputeOneEdgeOVertexPresentation(const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPrs) { TopoDS_Vertex V; TopoDS_Edge E; Standard_Integer numedge; if (myFShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX) { V = TopoDS::Vertex(myFShape); E = TopoDS::Edge(mySShape); numedge = 2;// edge = 2nd shape } else { V = TopoDS::Vertex(mySShape); E = TopoDS::Edge(myFShape); numedge = 1; // edge = 1st shape } gp_Pnt ptonedge1,ptonedge2; Handle(Geom_Curve) aCurve; Handle(Geom_Curve) extCurv; Standard_Boolean isInfinite; Standard_Boolean isOnPlanEdge, isOnPlanVertex; if (!AIS::ComputeGeometry(E,aCurve,ptonedge1,ptonedge2,extCurv,isInfinite,isOnPlanEdge,myPlane)) return; aPrs->SetInfiniteState(isInfinite); AIS::ComputeGeometry(V, myFAttach, myPlane, isOnPlanVertex); // only the curve can be projected if (!isOnPlanEdge && !isOnPlanVertex) return; if (!isOnPlanEdge) { if (numedge == 1) myExtShape = 1; else myExtShape = 2; } else if (!isOnPlanVertex) { if (numedge == 1) myExtShape = 2; else myExtShape = 1; } // The attachement points are the point myFAttach = BRep_Tool::Pnt(V); mySAttach = myFAttach; gp_Pnt curpos; if (myAutomaticPosition) { //Computation of the size of the symbol Standard_Real symbsize = ComputeSegSize(); symbsize*=5; // Computation of the direction of the segment of the presentation // we take the median of the edges connected to vertices gp_Dir myDir; if ( aCurve->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Line))) { myDir = ((Handle(Geom_Line)&) aCurve)->Lin().Direction(); myDir.Cross(myPlane->Pln().Axis().Direction()); } else if (aCurve->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Circle))) { Handle(Geom_Circle) CIR = (Handle(Geom_Circle)&) aCurve; myDir.SetXYZ(myFAttach.XYZ() - CIR->Location().XYZ()); } // jfa 10/10/2000 else if (aCurve->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Ellipse))) { Handle(Geom_Ellipse) CIR = (Handle(Geom_Ellipse)&) aCurve; myDir.SetXYZ(myFAttach.XYZ() - CIR->Location().XYZ()); } // jfa 10/10/2000 end curpos = myFAttach.Translated(gp_Vec(myDir)*symbsize) ; myPosition = curpos; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_True; } else { curpos = myPosition; } // Presentation computation TCollection_ExtendedString vals(" -+-"); DsgPrs_IdenticPresentation::Add(aPrs, myDrawer, vals, myFAttach, curpos); if (myExtShape != 0) { if (!extCurv.IsNull()) { // the edge is not in the WP ComputeProjEdgePresentation(aPrs,E,(Handle(Geom_Line)&) aCurve,ptonedge1,ptonedge2); } } }