// File: AIS_AngleDimension.cdl // Created: Tue Dec 5 15:09:04 1996 // Author: Arnaud BOUZY/Odile Olivier // #define BUC60655 //GG 22/03/00 Enable to compute correctly // the arrow size at object creation time. #define BUC60915 //GG 05/06/01 Enable to compute the requested arrow size // if any in all dimensions. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //======================================================================= //function : Constructor //purpose : ConeAngle dimension //======================================================================= AIS_AngleDimension::AIS_AngleDimension( const TopoDS_Face& aCone, const Standard_Real aVal, const TCollection_ExtendedString& aText, const gp_Pnt& aPosition, const DsgPrs_ArrowSide /*aSymbolPrs*/, const Standard_Real anArrowSize): myNbShape(1) { myCone = aCone; myVal = aVal; myText = aText; myPosition = aPosition; mySymbolPrs = DsgPrs_AS_BOTHAR; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_True; #ifdef BUC60915 SetArrowSize( anArrowSize ); #else myArrowSize = anArrowSize; #endif } //======================================================================= //function : Constructor //purpose : ConeAngle dimension //======================================================================= AIS_AngleDimension::AIS_AngleDimension( const TopoDS_Face& aCone, const Standard_Real aVal, const TCollection_ExtendedString& aText): myNbShape(1) { //#ifdef DEB cout << "Call new AngleDimension for cone's angle" << endl; //#endif gp_Pnt tmpPnt(0., 0., 0.); myCone = aCone; myVal = aVal; myText = aText; myPosition = tmpPnt; mySymbolPrs = DsgPrs_AS_BOTHAR; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_True; myArrowSize = 0.0; } //======================================================================= //function : Constructor //purpose : TwoEdgesAngle dimension //======================================================================= AIS_AngleDimension::AIS_AngleDimension(const TopoDS_Edge& aFirstEdge, const TopoDS_Edge& aSecondEdge, const Handle (Geom_Plane)& aPlane, const Standard_Real aVal, const TCollection_ExtendedString& aText) :AIS_Relation(), myNbShape(2) { #ifdef DEB cout << endl << "Call new AngleDimension for edges, default" << endl; #endif myFShape = aFirstEdge; mySShape = aSecondEdge; myVal = aVal; myPlane = aPlane; myText = aText; mySymbolPrs = DsgPrs_AS_BOTHAR; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_True; myArrowSize = myVal / 100.; } //======================================================================= //function : Constructor //purpose : TwoEdgesAngle dimension (avec position et texte) //======================================================================= AIS_AngleDimension::AIS_AngleDimension( const TopoDS_Edge& aFirstEdge, const TopoDS_Edge& aSecondEdge, const Handle (Geom_Plane)& aPlane, const Standard_Real aVal, const TCollection_ExtendedString& aText, const gp_Pnt& aPosition, const DsgPrs_ArrowSide aSymbolPrs, const Standard_Real anArrowSize): myNbShape(2) { #ifdef DEB cout << endl << "Call new AngleDimension for edges" << endl; #endif myFShape = aFirstEdge; mySShape = aSecondEdge; myVal = aVal; myPlane = aPlane; myText = aText; mySymbolPrs = aSymbolPrs; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_False; #ifdef BUC60915 SetArrowSize( anArrowSize ); #else myArrowSize = anArrowSize; #endif myPosition = aPosition; } //======================================================================= //function : Constructor //purpose : TwoPlanarFacesAngle dimension //======================================================================= AIS_AngleDimension::AIS_AngleDimension( const TopoDS_Face& aFirstFace, const TopoDS_Face& aSecondFace, const gp_Ax1& anAxis, const Standard_Real aVal, const TCollection_ExtendedString& aText): myNbShape(2), myAxis(anAxis) { #ifdef DEB cout << endl << "Call new AngleDimension for planar faces, default" << endl; #endif myFShape = aFirstFace; mySShape = aSecondFace; AIS::GetPlaneFromFace( aFirstFace, myFirstPlane, myFirstBasisSurf, myFirstSurfType, myFirstOffset ); AIS::GetPlaneFromFace( aSecondFace, mySecondPlane, mySecondBasisSurf, mySecondSurfType, mySecondOffset ); //POP init champ myPlane myPlane = new Geom_Plane(myFirstPlane); myVal = aVal; myText = aText; mySymbolPrs = DsgPrs_AS_BOTHAR; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_True; myArrowSize = myVal / 100.; } //======================================================================= //function : Constructor //purpose : TwoPlanarFacesAngle dimension (avec position et texte) //======================================================================= AIS_AngleDimension::AIS_AngleDimension( const TopoDS_Face& aFirstFace, const TopoDS_Face& aSecondFace, const gp_Ax1& anAxis, const Standard_Real aVal, const TCollection_ExtendedString& aText, const gp_Pnt& aPosition, const DsgPrs_ArrowSide aSymbolPrs, const Standard_Real anArrowSize): myNbShape(2), myAxis(anAxis) { #ifdef DEB cout << endl << "Call new AngleDimension for planar faces" << endl; #endif myFShape = aFirstFace; mySShape = aSecondFace; AIS::GetPlaneFromFace( aFirstFace, myFirstPlane, myFirstBasisSurf, myFirstSurfType, myFirstOffset ); AIS::GetPlaneFromFace( aSecondFace, mySecondPlane, mySecondBasisSurf, mySecondSurfType, mySecondOffset ); //POP init champ myPlane myPlane = new Geom_Plane(myFirstPlane); myVal = aVal; myText = aText; mySymbolPrs = aSymbolPrs; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_False; #ifdef BUC60915 SetArrowSize( anArrowSize ); #else myArrowSize = anArrowSize; #endif myPosition = aPosition; } //======================================================================= //function : AIS_AngleDimension //purpose : Two curvilinear faces dimension //======================================================================= AIS_AngleDimension::AIS_AngleDimension( const TopoDS_Face& aFFace, const TopoDS_Face& aSFace, const Standard_Real aVal, const TCollection_ExtendedString& aText ): myNbShape(2) { #ifdef DEB cout << endl << "Call new AngleDimension for curvilinear faces, default" << endl; #endif SetFirstShape( aFFace ); SetSecondShape( aSFace ); myVal = aVal; myText = aText; mySymbolPrs = DsgPrs_AS_BOTHAR; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_True; myArrowSize = myVal / 100.; } //======================================================================= //function : AIS_AngleDimension //purpose : //======================================================================= AIS_AngleDimension::AIS_AngleDimension( const TopoDS_Face& aFFace, const TopoDS_Face& aSFace, const Standard_Real aVal, const TCollection_ExtendedString& aText, const gp_Pnt& aPosition, const DsgPrs_ArrowSide aSymbolPrs, const Standard_Real anArrowSize): myNbShape(2) { #ifdef DEB cout << endl << "Call new AngleDimension for curvilinear faces" << endl; #endif SetFirstShape( aFFace ); SetSecondShape( aSFace ); myVal = aVal; myText = aText; mySymbolPrs = DsgPrs_AS_BOTHAR; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_True; mySymbolPrs = aSymbolPrs; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_False; #ifdef BUC60915 SetArrowSize( anArrowSize ); #else myArrowSize = anArrowSize; #endif myPosition = aPosition; } //======================================================================= //function : SetConeFace //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::SetConeFace( const TopoDS_Face& aConeFace ) { myCone = aConeFace; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : SetFirstShape //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::SetFirstShape( const TopoDS_Shape& aFShape ) { myFShape = aFShape; if (myFShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE) { AIS::GetPlaneFromFace( TopoDS::Face( myFShape ), myFirstPlane, myFirstBasisSurf, myFirstSurfType, myFirstOffset ); if (myFirstSurfType == AIS_KOS_Cylinder) myAxis = (Handle( Geom_CylindricalSurface )::DownCast( myFirstBasisSurf ))->Cylinder().Axis(); else if (myFirstSurfType == AIS_KOS_Cone) myAxis = (Handle( Geom_ConicalSurface )::DownCast( myFirstBasisSurf ))->Cone().Axis(); else if (myFirstSurfType == AIS_KOS_Revolution) myAxis = (Handle( Geom_SurfaceOfRevolution )::DownCast( myFirstBasisSurf ))->Axis(); else if (myFirstSurfType == AIS_KOS_Extrusion) { myAxis.SetDirection((Handle( Geom_SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion )::DownCast( myFirstBasisSurf )) ->Direction() ); //myAxis.SetLocation( ??? ); } } } //======================================================================= //function : SetSecondShape //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::SetSecondShape( const TopoDS_Shape& aSShape ) { mySShape = aSShape; if (myFShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE) AIS::GetPlaneFromFace( TopoDS::Face( mySShape ), mySecondPlane, mySecondBasisSurf, mySecondSurfType, mySecondOffset ); } ///======================================================================= //function : Compute //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::Compute(const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d)&, const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation, const Standard_Integer) { aPresentation->Clear(); if( myNbShape == 1 ) { // cout << "Computing for cone' angle " << endl; ComputeConeAngle(aPresentation); return; } switch (myFShape.ShapeType()) { case TopAbs_FACE : { // cas angle entre deux faces ComputeTwoFacesAngle(aPresentation); } break; case TopAbs_EDGE : { // cas angle entre deux edges ComputeTwoEdgesAngle(aPresentation); } break; default: break; } } //======================================================================= //function : Compute //purpose : : to avoid warning //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::Compute(const Handle(Prs3d_Projector)& aProjector, const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation) { // Standard_NotImplemented::Raise("AIS_AngleDimension::Compute(const Handle(Prs3d_Projector)&,const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)&)"); PrsMgr_PresentableObject::Compute( aProjector , aPresentation ) ; } //======================================================================= //function : Compute //purpose : : to avoid warning //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::Compute(const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager2d)& aPresentationManager2d, const Handle(Graphic2d_GraphicObject)& aGraphicObject, const Standard_Integer anInteger) { // Standard_NotImplemented::Raise("AIS_AngleDimension::Compute(const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager2d)&,const Handle(Graphic2d_GraphicObject)&,const Standard_Integer)"); PrsMgr_PresentableObject::Compute( aPresentationManager2d ,aGraphicObject,anInteger) ; } void AIS_AngleDimension::Compute(const Handle_Prs3d_Projector& aProjector, const Handle_Geom_Transformation& aTransformation, const Handle_Prs3d_Presentation& aPresentation) { // Standard_NotImplemented::Raise("AIS_AngleDimension::Compute(const Handle_Prs3d_Projector&, const Handle_Geom_Transformation&, const Handle_Prs3d_Presentation&)"); PrsMgr_PresentableObject::Compute( aProjector , aTransformation , aPresentation ) ; } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeSelection //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::ComputeSelection(const Handle(SelectMgr_Selection)& aSelection, const Standard_Integer) { if ( myNbShape == 1 ) { // cout << "Computing selection for cone's angle " << endl; ComputeConeAngleSelection(aSelection); return; } if (myFShape.IsNull()) return; if (myFShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE ) Compute3DSelection(aSelection); else Compute2DSelection(aSelection); // Text Handle( SelectMgr_EntityOwner ) own = new SelectMgr_EntityOwner( this, 7 ); Standard_Real size(Min(myVal/100.+1.e-6,myArrowSize+1.e-6)); Handle( Select3D_SensitiveBox ) box = new Select3D_SensitiveBox( own, myPosition.X(), myPosition.Y(), myPosition.Z(), myPosition.X() + size, myPosition.Y() + size, myPosition.Z() + size); aSelection->Add(box); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeConeAngle //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::ComputeConeAngle(const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation) { if( myCone.IsNull() ) return; gp_Pln aPln; gp_Cone aCone; gp_Circ myCircle; gp_Pnt Apex; Handle( Geom_Surface ) aSurf; //a surface from the Face Handle( Geom_OffsetSurface ) aOffsetSurf; Handle( Geom_ConicalSurface ) aConicalSurf; Handle( Geom_SurfaceOfRevolution ) aRevSurf; Handle( Geom_Line ) aLine; BRepAdaptor_Surface tmpSurf(myCone); TopoDS_Face aFace; AIS_KindOfSurface aSurfType; Standard_Real Offset = 0. ; Handle( Standard_Type ) aType; Standard_Real maxV = tmpSurf.FirstVParameter(); Standard_Real minV = tmpSurf.LastVParameter(); AIS::GetPlaneFromFace( myCone, aPln, aSurf, aSurfType, Offset ); if ( aSurfType == AIS_KOS_Revolution ) { //surface of revolution aRevSurf = Handle( Geom_SurfaceOfRevolution )::DownCast( aSurf ); gp_Lin ln( aRevSurf->Axis() ); Handle( Geom_Curve ) tmpCrv = aRevSurf->BasisCurve(); if ( tmpCrv ->DynamicType() != STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Line) ) return; //Must be a part of line Standard_Real par; gp_Pnt fst = tmpSurf.Value(0., minV); gp_Pnt lst = tmpSurf.Value(0., maxV); gp_Vec vec1(fst, lst); par = ElCLib::Parameter( ln, fst ); gp_Pnt fst2 = ElCLib::Value( par, ln ); //projection fst on ln par = ElCLib::Parameter( ln, lst ); gp_Pnt lst2 = ElCLib::Value( par, ln ); //projection lst on ln gp_Vec vec2(fst2, lst2); // Check if two parts of revolution are parallel ( it's a cylinder ) or normal (it's a circle ) if( vec1.IsParallel( vec2,Precision::Angular() ) || vec1.IsNormal( vec2,Precision::Angular() ) ) return; gce_MakeCone mkCone(aRevSurf->Axis(), fst, lst); aCone = mkCone.Value(); Apex = aCone.Apex(); } else { aType = aSurf->DynamicType(); if ( aType == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_OffsetSurface) || Offset > 0.01 ) { //offset surface aOffsetSurf = new Geom_OffsetSurface (aSurf, Offset); aSurf = aOffsetSurf->Surface(); BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace mkFace(aSurf, Precision::Confusion()); mkFace.Build(); if( !mkFace.IsDone() ) return; tmpSurf.Initialize( mkFace.Face() ); } aCone = tmpSurf.Cone(); aConicalSurf = Handle( Geom_ConicalSurface)::DownCast( aSurf ); Apex = aConicalSurf->Apex(); } Handle(Geom_Curve) aCurve; //A circle where the angle is drawn if ( myAutomaticPosition ) { Standard_Real midV = ( minV + maxV ) / 2.5; aCurve = aSurf->VIso(midV); myCircle = Handle(Geom_Circle)::DownCast(aCurve)->Circ(); myPosition = ElCLib::Value(Standard_PI/2.0, myCircle); myAutomaticPosition = Standard_False; } else { Standard_Real U, V; ElSLib::Parameters(aCone, myPosition, U, V); aCurve = aSurf->VIso(V); myCircle = Handle(Geom_Circle)::DownCast(aCurve)->Circ(); } //__________________________________________________________________ aCurve = aSurf->VIso(maxV); gp_Circ CircVmax = Handle(Geom_Circle)::DownCast(aCurve)->Circ(); aCurve = aSurf->VIso(minV); gp_Circ CircVmin = Handle(Geom_Circle)::DownCast(aCurve)->Circ(); //__________________________________________________________________ if( CircVmax.Radius() < CircVmin.Radius() ) { gp_Circ tmpCirc = CircVmax; CircVmax = CircVmin; CircVmin = tmpCirc; } DsgPrs_AnglePresentation::Add(aPresentation, myDrawer, myVal, myText, myCircle, myPosition, Apex, CircVmin, CircVmax, myArrowSize); // cout << "ComputeConeAngle is over" << endl; } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeTwoFacesAngle //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::ComputeTwoFacesAngle(const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation) { if (myFirstSurfType == AIS_KOS_Plane) ComputeTwoPlanarFacesAngle( aPresentation ); else ComputeTwoCurvilinearFacesAngle( aPresentation ); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeTwoCurvilinearFacesAngle //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::ComputeTwoCurvilinearFacesAngle(const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation) { AIS::ComputeAngleBetweenCurvilinearFaces( TopoDS::Face( myFShape ), TopoDS::Face( mySShape ), myFirstBasisSurf, mySecondBasisSurf, myFirstSurfType, mySecondSurfType, myAxis, myVal, myAutomaticPosition, myPosition, myCenter, myFAttach, mySAttach, myFDir, mySDir, myPlane ); if (myAutomaticPosition && myIsSetBndBox) myPosition = AIS::TranslatePointToBound( myPosition, gp_Dir( gp_Vec( myCenter, myPosition ) ), myBndBox ); Handle(Prs3d_AngleAspect) la = myDrawer->AngleAspect(); Handle(Prs3d_ArrowAspect) arr = la->ArrowAspect(); #ifdef BUC60915 if( !myArrowSizeIsDefined ) { #endif Standard_Real arrsize = myCenter.Distance( myPosition ); if ( (myArrowSize-arrsize) < 0.1 ) arrsize = myArrowSize; if (arrsize == 0.) arrsize = 1.; #ifdef BUC60915 myArrowSize = arrsize; } arr->SetLength( myArrowSize ); #else arr->SetLength(arrsize); #endif if (myVal <= Precision::Angular() || Abs( PI-myVal ) <= Precision::Angular()) DsgPrs_AnglePresentation::Add(aPresentation, myDrawer, myVal, myText, myCenter, myFAttach, mySAttach, myFDir, mySDir, myPlane->Pln().Axis().Direction(), Standard_False, // not plane myAxis, myPosition, mySymbolPrs); else DsgPrs_AnglePresentation::Add(aPresentation, myDrawer, myVal, myText, myCenter, myFAttach, mySAttach, myFDir, mySDir, myFDir ^ mySDir, Standard_False, // not plane myAxis, myPosition, mySymbolPrs); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeTwoPlanarFacesAngle //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::ComputeTwoPlanarFacesAngle( const Handle( Prs3d_Presentation )& aPresentation ) { AIS::ComputeAngleBetweenPlanarFaces( TopoDS::Face( myFShape ), TopoDS::Face( mySShape ), mySecondBasisSurf, myAxis, myVal, myAutomaticPosition, myPosition, myCenter, myFAttach, mySAttach, myFDir, mySDir ); if (myAutomaticPosition && myIsSetBndBox) myPosition = AIS::TranslatePointToBound( myPosition, gp_Dir( gp_Vec( myCenter, myPosition ) ), myBndBox ); Handle(Prs3d_AngleAspect) la = myDrawer->AngleAspect(); Handle(Prs3d_ArrowAspect) arr = la->ArrowAspect(); #ifdef BUC60915 if( !myArrowSizeIsDefined ) { #endif Standard_Real arrsize = myCenter.Distance( myPosition ); if ( (myArrowSize-arrsize) < 0.1 ) arrsize = myArrowSize; if (arrsize == 0.) arrsize = 1.; #ifdef BUC60915 myArrowSize = arrsize; } arr->SetLength( myArrowSize ); #else arr->SetLength(arrsize); #endif DsgPrs_AnglePresentation::Add(aPresentation, myDrawer, myVal, myText, myCenter, myFAttach, mySAttach, myFDir, mySDir, myAxis.Direction(), Standard_True, myAxis, myPosition, mySymbolPrs); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeTwoEdgesAngle //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::ComputeTwoEdgesAngle(const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation) { BRepAdaptor_Curve cu1(TopoDS::Edge(myFShape)); BRepAdaptor_Curve cu2(TopoDS::Edge(mySShape)); if ((cu1.GetType() != GeomAbs_Line) || (cu2.GetType() != GeomAbs_Line)) return; // current face BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace makeface(myPlane->Pln()); TopoDS_Face face(makeface.Face()); BRepAdaptor_Surface adp(makeface.Face()); // 3d lines Handle(Geom_Line) geom_lin1,geom_lin2; gp_Pnt ptat11,ptat12,ptat21,ptat22;//,pint3d; Standard_Boolean isInfinite1,isInfinite2; Handle(Geom_Curve) extCurv; Standard_Integer copyOfMyExtShape = myExtShape; if (!AIS::ComputeGeometry(TopoDS::Edge(myFShape), TopoDS::Edge(mySShape), myExtShape, geom_lin1, geom_lin2, ptat11, ptat12, ptat21, ptat22, extCurv, isInfinite1, isInfinite2, myPlane)) { return; } // Temporary: computation of myVal // myVal = Abs(geom_lin1->Lin().Angle( geom_lin2->Lin())); // Pb with angles JPR if (copyOfMyExtShape != 0) myExtShape = copyOfMyExtShape; // 2d lines => projection of 3d on current plane //POP pour NT Handle(Geom2d_Curve) geoC1 = GeomAPI::To2d(geom_lin1,myPlane->Pln()); Handle(Geom2d_Line) lin1_2d = *((Handle(Geom2d_Line)*)& geoC1); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) geoC2 = GeomAPI::To2d(geom_lin2,myPlane->Pln()); Handle(Geom2d_Line) lin2_2d = *((Handle(Geom2d_Line)*)& geoC2); #ifdef BUC60915 if( !myArrowSizeIsDefined ) { #endif Standard_Real arrSize1(myArrowSize),arrSize2(myArrowSize); if (!isInfinite1) arrSize1 = ptat11.Distance(ptat12)/100.; if (!isInfinite2) arrSize2 = ptat21.Distance(ptat22)/100.; #ifdef BUC60655 myArrowSize = Min(myArrowSize,Max(arrSize1,arrSize2)); #else myArrowSize = Min(myArrowSize,Min(arrSize1,arrSize2)); #endif #ifdef BUC60915 } #endif // Processing in case of 2 parallel straight lines if (lin1_2d->Lin2d().Direction() .IsParallel(lin2_2d->Lin2d().Direction(),Precision::Angular())) { ComputeTwoEdgesNullAngle(aPresentation, geom_lin1, geom_lin2, ptat11,ptat12, ptat21,ptat22, isInfinite1,isInfinite2); } // Processing in case of 2 non-parallel straight lines else { ComputeTwoEdgesNotNullAngle(aPresentation, geom_lin1, geom_lin2, ptat11, ptat12, ptat21, ptat22, isInfinite1,isInfinite2); } if ( (myExtShape != 0) && !extCurv.IsNull()) { gp_Pnt pf, pl; if ( myExtShape == 1 ) { if (!isInfinite1) { pf = ptat11; pl = ptat12; } aPresentation->SetInfiniteState(isInfinite1); ComputeProjEdgePresentation(aPresentation,TopoDS::Edge(myFShape),geom_lin1,pf,pl); } else { if (!isInfinite2) { pf = ptat21; pl = ptat22; } aPresentation->SetInfiniteState(isInfinite2); ComputeProjEdgePresentation(aPresentation,TopoDS::Edge(mySShape),geom_lin2,pf,pl); } } } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeTwoEdgesNotNullAngle //purpose : //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::ComputeTwoEdgesNotNullAngle(const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation, const Handle(Geom_Line)& l1, const Handle(Geom_Line)& l2, const gp_Pnt& ptat11, const gp_Pnt& ptat12, const gp_Pnt& ptat21, const gp_Pnt& ptat22, const Standard_Boolean isInfinite1, const Standard_Boolean isInfinite2) { // current face BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace makeface(myPlane->Pln()); TopoDS_Face face(makeface.Face()); BRepAdaptor_Surface adp(makeface.Face()); // 2d lines => projection of 3d on current plane Handle(Geom2d_Curve) geoC1 = GeomAPI::To2d(l1,myPlane->Pln()); const Handle(Geom2d_Line)& l1_2d = *((Handle(Geom2d_Line)*)& geoC1); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) geoC2 = GeomAPI::To2d(l2,myPlane->Pln()); const Handle(Geom2d_Line)& l2_2d = *((Handle(Geom2d_Line)*)& geoC2); //---------------------------------------------------------- // Computation of myCenter //---------------------------------------------------------- IntAna2d_AnaIntersection inter(l1_2d->Lin2d(),l2_2d->Lin2d()); if (!inter.IsDone()) return; if (!inter.NbPoints()) return; gp_Pnt2d pint(inter.Point(1).Value()); myCenter = adp.Value(pint.X(),pint.Y()); //---------------------------------------------------------- // Computation of the 2 directions //---------------------------------------------------------- gp_Dir d1,d2; if (!isInfinite1) { if (myCenter.SquareDistance(ptat11) > myCenter.SquareDistance(ptat12)) d1 = gp_Dir(gp_Vec(myCenter,ptat11)); else d1 = gp_Dir(gp_Vec(myCenter,ptat12)); } else d1 = l1->Lin().Direction(); if (!isInfinite2) { if (myCenter.SquareDistance(ptat21) > myCenter.SquareDistance(ptat22)) d2 = gp_Dir(gp_Vec(myCenter,ptat21)); else d2 = gp_Dir(gp_Vec(myCenter,ptat22)); } else d2 = l2->Lin().Direction(); if (!isInfinite1) { Standard_Boolean In1(Standard_False); if ( !(Abs(d1.Angle(d2) - Abs(myVal)) <= Precision::Confusion()) && (Abs(myVal) < PI) ) { Standard_Real parcent1 = ElCLib::Parameter(l1->Lin(), myCenter); Standard_Real par11 = ElCLib::Parameter(l1->Lin(), ptat11); Standard_Real par12 = ElCLib::Parameter(l1->Lin(), ptat12); if ( par11 < par12) { if ( ( parcent1> par11) && (parcent1< par12)) { In1 = Standard_True; d1.Reverse(); } } else { if ( ( parcent1> par12) && (parcent1< par11)) { In1 = Standard_True; d1.Reverse(); } } if ( !In1) { d2.Reverse(); } } } myFDir = d1; mySDir = d2; gp_Lin theaxis; gp_Lin gpl1 = l1->Lin(); gp_Lin gpl2 = l2->Lin(); theaxis = gp_Lin(myCenter,myFDir^mySDir); if (myVal > PI) { theaxis.Reverse(); } gp_Pnt curpos; TColStd_Array1OfReal tabdist(1,4); if (!isInfinite1) { tabdist(1) = theaxis.Distance(ptat11); tabdist(2) = theaxis.Distance(ptat12); } else { tabdist(1) = tabdist(2) = 0.; } if (!isInfinite2) { tabdist(3) = theaxis.Distance(ptat21); tabdist(4) = theaxis.Distance(ptat22); } else { tabdist(3) = tabdist(4) = 0.; } if (myAutomaticPosition) { Standard_Real length_1(RealLast()); if (!isInfinite1) length_1 = .75*Abs(tabdist(2)-tabdist(1))+Min(tabdist(1),tabdist(2)); Standard_Real length_2(RealLast()); if (!isInfinite2) length_2 = .75*Abs(tabdist(4)-tabdist(3))+Min(tabdist(3),tabdist(4)); Standard_Real theLength(Min(length_1,length_2)); if (Precision::IsInfinite(theLength)) theLength = 50.; myFAttach = myCenter.Translated(gp_Vec(d1)*theLength); mySAttach = myCenter.Translated(gp_Vec(d2)*theLength); if (!isInfinite1) { Standard_Real par_p1_attach(ElCLib::Parameter(gpl1,myFAttach)); Standard_Real par11 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl1,ptat11); Standard_Real par12 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl1,ptat12); if (par_p1_attach > par11 && par_p1_attach > par12) { par_p1_attach = Max(par11,par12); myFAttach = ElCLib::Value(par_p1_attach,gpl1); } else if (par_p1_attach < par11 && par_p1_attach < par12) { par_p1_attach = Min(par11,par12); myFAttach = ElCLib::Value(par_p1_attach,gpl1); } } if (!isInfinite2) { Standard_Real par_p2_attach(ElCLib::Parameter(gpl2,mySAttach)); Standard_Real par21 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl2,ptat21); Standard_Real par22 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl2,ptat22); if (par_p2_attach > par21 && par_p2_attach > par22) { par_p2_attach = Max(par21,par22); mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(par_p2_attach,gpl2); } else if (par_p2_attach < par21 && par_p2_attach < par22) { par_p2_attach = Min(par21,par22); mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(par_p2_attach,gpl2); } } if ( myVal < PI) curpos.SetXYZ(.5*(myFAttach.XYZ()+mySAttach.XYZ())); else { curpos.SetXYZ(.5*(myFAttach.XYZ()+mySAttach.XYZ())); gp_Vec transl(curpos, myCenter); transl*= 2; curpos.Translate(transl); } gp_Ax2 ax(myCenter,myFDir.Crossed(mySDir),myFDir); gp_Circ circle(ax,theLength); Standard_Real par = ElCLib::Parameter(circle,curpos); curpos = ElCLib::Value(par,circle); // small offset like in LengthDimension gp_Vec transl(myCenter, curpos); transl*= 0.3; curpos.Translate(transl); if (myIsSetBndBox) curpos = AIS::TranslatePointToBound( curpos, gp_Dir( gp_Vec( myCenter, curpos ) ), myBndBox ); myPosition = curpos; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_True; } else { // point is projected on the plane gp_Pnt2d pointOnPln(ProjLib::Project(myPlane->Pln(),myPosition)); myPosition = BRepAdaptor_Surface(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(myPlane->Pln()).Face()).Value(pointOnPln.X(),pointOnPln.Y()); curpos = myPosition; Standard_Real dist(curpos.Distance(myCenter)); if (dist<=Precision::Confusion()) { gp_XYZ delta(1.,1.,1.); curpos.SetXYZ(curpos.XYZ()+delta); dist = curpos.Distance(myCenter); } // To learn if it is necessary to take distance -dist or not // it is necessary to know if we are in the sector opposite to the angle // if not : we are in the opposite sector if the coordinates // of curpos in point (d1,d2) are negative gp_Ax2 ax(myCenter,myFDir.Crossed(mySDir),myFDir); gp_Circ circle(ax,dist); #ifdef DEB // gp_Pnt p1(myCenter.Translated(gp_Vec(d1)*dist)); #endif gp_Pnt p2(myCenter.Translated(gp_Vec(d2)*dist)); Standard_Real uc1 = 0; Standard_Real uc2 = ElCLib::Parameter(circle, p2 ); Standard_Real uco = ElCLib::Parameter(circle, curpos ); Standard_Real udeb = uc1; Standard_Real ufin = uc2; if (uco > ufin) { if (Abs(myVal) udeb+PI && uco < ufin+PI){ dist = -dist; } } } gp_Pnt p1_attach(myCenter.Translated(gp_Vec(d1)*dist)); gp_Pnt p2_attach(myCenter.Translated(gp_Vec(d2)*dist)); if (!isInfinite1) { Standard_Real par_p1_attach(ElCLib::Parameter(gpl1,p1_attach)); Standard_Real par11 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl1,ptat11); Standard_Real par12 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl1,ptat12); if (par_p1_attach > par11 && par_p1_attach > par12) { par_p1_attach = Max(par11,par12); p1_attach = ElCLib::Value(par_p1_attach,gpl1); } else if (par_p1_attach < par11 && par_p1_attach < par12) { par_p1_attach = Min(par11,par12); p1_attach = ElCLib::Value(par_p1_attach,gpl1); } } myFAttach = p1_attach; if (!isInfinite2) { Standard_Real par_p2_attach(ElCLib::Parameter(gpl2,p2_attach)); Standard_Real par21 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl2,ptat21); Standard_Real par22 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl2,ptat22); if (par_p2_attach > par21 && par_p2_attach > par22) { par_p2_attach = Max(par21,par22); p2_attach = ElCLib::Value(par_p2_attach,gpl2); } else if (par_p2_attach < par21 && par_p2_attach < par22) { par_p2_attach = Min(par21,par22); p2_attach = ElCLib::Value(par_p2_attach,gpl2); } } mySAttach = p2_attach; } myAxis = theaxis.Position(); //-------------------------------------------------------- // Computation of the presentation //-------------------------------------------------------- Handle(Prs3d_AngleAspect) la = myDrawer->AngleAspect(); Handle(Prs3d_ArrowAspect) arr = la->ArrowAspect(); arr->SetLength(myArrowSize); DsgPrs_AnglePresentation::Add(aPresentation, myDrawer, myVal, myText, myCenter, myFAttach, mySAttach, myFDir, mySDir, curpos, mySymbolPrs); } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeTwoEdgesNullAngle //purpose : compute the presentation of a angle dimension if it's null. // -> the aim of the computation is to have a constant radius // during the dimension moving : the radius is independant // of the cursor position, it's equal to a arbitrary value //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::ComputeTwoEdgesNullAngle(const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation, const Handle(Geom_Line)& l1, const Handle(Geom_Line)& l2, const gp_Pnt& ptat11, const gp_Pnt& ptat12, const gp_Pnt& ptat21, const gp_Pnt& ptat22, const Standard_Boolean isInfinite1, const Standard_Boolean isInfinite2) { // current face BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace makeface(myPlane->Pln()); TopoDS_Face face(makeface.Face()); BRepAdaptor_Surface adp(makeface.Face()); // 2d lines => projection of 3d on current plane Handle(Geom2d_Curve) geoC1 = GeomAPI::To2d(l1,myPlane->Pln()); Handle(Geom2d_Line) l1_2d = *((Handle(Geom2d_Line)*)& geoC1); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) geoC2 = GeomAPI::To2d(l2,myPlane->Pln()); Handle(Geom2d_Line) l2_2d = *((Handle(Geom2d_Line)*)& geoC2); gp_Lin gpl1 = l1->Lin(); gp_Lin gpl2 = l2->Lin(); //------------------------------------------------------------ // Computation of myCenter // -> Point located on the median of 2 straight lines, // is calculated as located between 2 closest points // of each straight line. //----------------------------------------------------------- // theLength : radius of the future circle Standard_Real theLength = gpl1.Distance(gpl2.Location()); // processing of the particular case when 2 straight lines are coincident Standard_Boolean SameLines(Standard_False); if ( theLength <= Precision::Confusion()) { SameLines = Standard_True; if (!isInfinite1) { if (!isInfinite2) theLength = 0.75 * Max( ptat11.Distance(ptat12), ptat21.Distance(ptat22)); else theLength = 0.75*ptat11.Distance(ptat12); } else { if (!isInfinite2) theLength = 0.75*ptat21.Distance(ptat22); else theLength = 50.; } } else theLength = theLength*8/10; gp_Pnt pmin1 ,pmin2; if (!isInfinite1 && !isInfinite2) { pmin1 = ptat11; pmin2 = ptat21; Standard_Real dis = ptat11.Distance(ptat21); Standard_Real dis2 = ptat11.Distance(ptat22); if ( dis2 < dis) { pmin1 = ptat11; pmin2 = ptat22; dis = dis2; } dis2 = ptat12.Distance(ptat22); if ( dis2 < dis) { pmin1 = ptat12; pmin2 = ptat22; dis = dis2; } dis2 = ptat12.Distance(ptat21); if ( dis2 < dis) { pmin1 = ptat12; pmin2 = ptat21; dis = dis2; } myCenter.SetXYZ( (pmin1.XYZ() + pmin2.XYZ()) / 2. ); } else { gp_Pnt pntOnl1 = gpl1.Location(); gp_Pnt pntOnl2 = ElCLib::Value(ElCLib::Parameter(gpl1,pntOnl1),gpl2); myCenter.SetXYZ( (pntOnl1.XYZ() + pntOnl2.XYZ()) / 2. ); } // directions gp_Dir d1,d2; if (!isInfinite1) { if (myCenter.SquareDistance(ptat11) > myCenter.SquareDistance(ptat12)) d1 = gp_Dir(gp_Vec(myCenter,ptat11)); else d1 = gp_Dir(gp_Vec(myCenter,ptat12)); } else d1 = gpl1.Direction(); if (!isInfinite2) { if (myCenter.SquareDistance(ptat21) > myCenter.SquareDistance(ptat22)) d2 = gp_Dir(gp_Vec(myCenter,ptat21)); else d2 = gp_Dir(gp_Vec(myCenter,ptat22)); } else d2 = gpl2.Direction(); gp_Dir theaxis; if ( SameLines ) theaxis = myPlane->Pln().Axis().Direction(); else { theaxis = gp_Dir(d1^d2); gp_Vec V1(d1); gp_Vec V2(d2); if ( V1.CrossMagnitude(V2) < 0 ) theaxis.Reverse(); } gp_Pnt curpos; // cursor position TColStd_Array1OfReal tabdist(1,4); gp_Pnt P1, P2; // points at intersection of the circle with 2 straight lines if (myAutomaticPosition) { if (!isInfinite1) { tabdist(1) = myCenter.Distance(ptat11); tabdist(2) = myCenter.Distance(ptat12); } else { tabdist(1) = tabdist(2) = 0.; } if (!isInfinite2) { tabdist(3) = myCenter.Distance(ptat21); tabdist(4) = myCenter.Distance(ptat22); } else { tabdist(3) = tabdist(4) = 0.; } if ( SameLines ) { myFAttach = myCenter; mySAttach = myCenter; P1 = myFAttach; P2 = mySAttach; myCenter.Translate(gp_Vec(d1)*theLength); // calculate attachments of the face // -> they are points of intersection if // intersection is outside of the edges Standard_Real pparam = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl1,myFAttach); Standard_Real pparam1 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl1,ptat11); Standard_Real pparam2 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl1,ptat12); if (!isInfinite1) { if ( pparam1 < pparam2 ) { if ( pparam < pparam1 ) myFAttach = ptat11; else if ( pparam > pparam2) myFAttach = ptat12; } else { if ( pparam < pparam2) myFAttach = ptat12; else if ( pparam > pparam1) myFAttach = ptat11; } } if (!isInfinite2) { pparam = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl2,myFAttach); pparam1 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl2,ptat21); pparam2 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl2,ptat22); if ( pparam1 < pparam2 ) { if ( pparam < pparam1 ) mySAttach = ptat21; else if ( pparam > pparam2) mySAttach = ptat22; } else { if ( pparam < pparam2) mySAttach = ptat22; else if ( pparam > pparam1) mySAttach = ptat21; } } } // Case of disconneted lines else { gp_Ax2 AX(myCenter,theaxis,d1); Handle(Geom_Circle) circle = new Geom_Circle(AX,theLength); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) geoCurve = GeomAPI::To2d(circle,myPlane->Pln()); Handle(Geom2d_Circle) c2d = *((Handle(Geom2d_Circle)*)& geoCurve); // calculate the intersection of circle with l1 Standard_Real pparam; // parameter of the point of intersection on l1 IntAna2d_AnaIntersection inter(l1_2d->Lin2d(),c2d->Circ2d()); gp_Pnt2d pint1(inter.Point(1).Value()); gp_Pnt2d pint2(inter.Point(2).Value()); gp_Pnt Int1 = adp.Value(pint1.X(),pint1.Y()); gp_Pnt Int2 = adp.Value(pint2.X(),pint2.Y()); gp_Dir I1I2(gp_Vec(Int1,Int2)); if ( d1*I1I2 > 0 ) { myFAttach = Int2; pparam = inter.Point(2).ParamOnFirst(); } else { myFAttach = Int1; pparam = inter.Point(1).ParamOnFirst(); } P1 = myFAttach; Standard_Real pparam1; Standard_Real pparam2; if (!isInfinite1) { pparam1 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl1,ptat11); pparam2 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl1,ptat12); if ( pparam1 < pparam2 ) { if ( pparam < pparam1 ) myFAttach = ptat11; else if ( pparam > pparam2) myFAttach = ptat12; } else { if ( pparam < pparam2) myFAttach = ptat12; else if ( pparam > pparam1) myFAttach = ptat11; } } pparam = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl2,P1); mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(pparam, gpl2); P2 = mySAttach; if (!isInfinite2) { pparam1 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl2,ptat21); pparam2 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl2,ptat22); if ( pparam1 < pparam2 ) { if ( pparam < pparam1 ) mySAttach = ptat21; else if ( pparam > pparam2) mySAttach = ptat22; } else { if ( pparam < pparam2) mySAttach = ptat22; else if ( pparam > pparam1) mySAttach = ptat21; } } } curpos.SetXYZ(.5*(P1.XYZ()+P2.XYZ())); gp_Ax2 ax(myCenter,theaxis,d1); gp_Circ circle(ax,theLength); Standard_Real par = ElCLib::Parameter(circle,curpos); curpos = ElCLib::Value(par,circle); if (myIsSetBndBox) curpos = AIS::TranslatePointToBound( curpos, gp_Dir( gp_Vec( myCenter, curpos ) ), myBndBox ); myPosition =curpos; myAutomaticPosition = Standard_True; } else { curpos = myPosition; gp_Lin Media(myCenter, gpl1.Direction()); Standard_Real pcurpos = ElCLib::Parameter(Media, curpos); myCenter = ElCLib::Value(pcurpos, Media); // the centre is translated to avoid a constant radius! myCenter.Translate(-theLength*gp_Vec(gpl1.Direction())); gp_Ax2 AX(myCenter,theaxis,gpl1.Direction()); Handle(Geom_Circle) circle = new Geom_Circle(AX,theLength); // re-update curpos pcurpos = ElCLib::Parameter(circle->Circ(), curpos); curpos = ElCLib::Value(pcurpos, circle->Circ()); Handle(Geom2d_Curve) geoCurve = GeomAPI::To2d(circle,myPlane->Pln()); Handle(Geom2d_Circle) c2d = *((Handle(Geom2d_Circle)*)& geoCurve); // calculate the point of intersection of circle with l1 IntAna2d_AnaIntersection inter(l1_2d->Lin2d(),c2d->Circ2d()); gp_Pnt2d pint1(inter.Point(1).Value()); gp_Pnt2d pint2(inter.Point(2).Value()); gp_Pnt Int1 = adp.Value(pint1.X(),pint1.Y()); gp_Pnt Int2 = adp.Value(pint2.X(),pint2.Y()); if ( curpos.SquareDistance(Int1) < curpos.SquareDistance(Int2)) myFAttach = Int1; else myFAttach = Int2; P1 = myFAttach; // calculate the point of intersection of circle with l2 // -> this is the projection because the centre of circle // is in the middle of l1 and l2 Standard_Real pparam = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl2,myFAttach); mySAttach = ElCLib::Value(pparam, gpl2); P2 = mySAttach; Standard_Real par_attach(ElCLib::Parameter(gpl1,myFAttach)); Standard_Real par1,par2; if (!isInfinite1) { par1 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl1,ptat11); par2 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl1,ptat12); if (par1 < par2) { if ( par_attach < par1 ) myFAttach = ptat11; else if ( par_attach > par2) myFAttach = ptat12; } else { if ( par_attach < par2 ) myFAttach = ptat12; else if ( par_attach > par1) myFAttach = ptat11; } } par_attach = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl2,mySAttach); if (!isInfinite2) { par1 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl2,ptat21); par2 = ElCLib::Parameter(gpl2,ptat22); if (par1 < par2) { if ( par_attach < par1 ) mySAttach = ptat21; else if ( par_attach > par2) mySAttach = ptat22; } else { if ( par_attach < par2 ) mySAttach = ptat22; else if ( par_attach > par1) mySAttach = ptat21; } } } myFDir = gp_Dir(gp_Vec(myCenter,P1)); mySDir = gp_Dir(gp_Vec(myCenter,P2)); //-------------------------------------------------------- // Computation of the presentation //-------------------------------------------------------- Handle(Prs3d_AngleAspect) la = myDrawer->AngleAspect(); Handle(Prs3d_ArrowAspect) arr = la->ArrowAspect(); arr->SetLength(myArrowSize); if (SameLines) DsgPrs_AnglePresentation::Add(aPresentation, myDrawer, myVal, myText, myCenter, myFAttach, mySAttach, myFDir, mySDir, theaxis, Standard_True, myAxis, curpos, DsgPrs_AS_NONE); else DsgPrs_AnglePresentation::Add(aPresentation, myDrawer, myVal, myText, myCenter, myFAttach, mySAttach, myFDir, mySDir, curpos, mySymbolPrs); } //======================================================================= //function : Compute3DSelection // purpose : compute the zones of selection for an angle dimension // between 2 faces //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::Compute3DSelection( const Handle( SelectMgr_Selection )& aSelection ) { gp_Circ AngleCirc, AttachCirc; Standard_Real FirstParAngleCirc, LastParAngleCirc, FirstParAttachCirc, LastParAttachCirc; gp_Pnt EndOfArrow1, EndOfArrow2, ProjAttachPoint2; gp_Dir DirOfArrow1, DirOfArrow2; gp_Dir axisdir = (myVal <= Precision::Angular() || Abs( PI-myVal ) <= Precision::Angular())? myPlane->Pln().Axis().Direction() : (myFDir ^ mySDir); Standard_Boolean isPlane = (myFirstSurfType == AIS_KOS_Plane)? Standard_True : Standard_False; Standard_Real ArrowLength = myDrawer->AngleAspect()->ArrowAspect()->Length(); DsgPrs::ComputeFacesAnglePresentation( ArrowLength, myVal, myCenter, myFAttach, mySAttach, myFDir, mySDir, axisdir, isPlane, myAxis, myPosition, AngleCirc, FirstParAngleCirc, LastParAngleCirc, EndOfArrow1, EndOfArrow2, DirOfArrow1, DirOfArrow2, ProjAttachPoint2, AttachCirc, FirstParAttachCirc, LastParAttachCirc ); Handle( SelectMgr_EntityOwner ) own = new SelectMgr_EntityOwner( this, 7 ); Handle( Select3D_SensitiveSegment ) seg; Handle( Geom_TrimmedCurve ) curve; Handle( Select3D_SensitiveCurve ) SensCurve; // Angle's arc or line if (myVal > Precision::Angular() && Abs( PI-myVal ) > Precision::Angular()) { curve = new Geom_TrimmedCurve( new Geom_Circle( AngleCirc ), FirstParAngleCirc, LastParAngleCirc ); SensCurve = new Select3D_SensitiveCurve( own, curve ); aSelection->Add( SensCurve ); } else // angle's line { gp_Vec ArrowVec( DirOfArrow1 ); ArrowVec *= ArrowLength; gp_Pnt FirstPoint, LastPoint; if (myPosition.Distance( EndOfArrow1 ) > ArrowLength) { FirstPoint = myPosition; LastPoint = EndOfArrow1.Translated( ArrowVec ); if (myPosition.SquareDistance( LastPoint ) < myPosition.SquareDistance( EndOfArrow1 )) LastPoint = EndOfArrow1.Translated( -ArrowVec ); } else { FirstPoint = EndOfArrow1.Translated( ArrowVec ); LastPoint = EndOfArrow1.Translated( -ArrowVec ); } seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment( own, FirstPoint, LastPoint ); aSelection->Add( seg ); } if (! myFAttach.IsEqual( EndOfArrow1, Precision::Confusion() )) { seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment( own, myFAttach, EndOfArrow1 ); aSelection->Add( seg ); } if (! ProjAttachPoint2.IsEqual( EndOfArrow2, Precision::Confusion() )) { seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment( own, ProjAttachPoint2, EndOfArrow2 ); aSelection->Add( seg ); } // Line or arc from mySAttach to its "projection" if (! mySAttach.IsEqual( ProjAttachPoint2, Precision::Confusion() )) { if (isPlane) { seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment( own, mySAttach, ProjAttachPoint2 ); aSelection->Add( seg ); } else { curve = new Geom_TrimmedCurve( new Geom_Circle( AttachCirc ), FirstParAttachCirc, LastParAttachCirc ); SensCurve = new Select3D_SensitiveCurve( own, curve ); aSelection->Add( SensCurve ); } } // Text Standard_Real size(Min(myVal/100.+1.e-6,myArrowSize+1.e-6)); Handle( Select3D_SensitiveBox ) box = new Select3D_SensitiveBox( own, myPosition.X(), myPosition.Y(), myPosition.Z(), myPosition.X() + size, myPosition.Y() + size, myPosition.Z() + size); aSelection->Add(box); } //======================================================================= //function : Compute2DSelection //purpose : compute zones of selection on a side of angle between 2 edges // Special processing of zero angles! //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::Compute2DSelection(const Handle(SelectMgr_Selection)& aSelection) { BRepAdaptor_Curve cu1(TopoDS::Edge(myFShape)); BRepAdaptor_Curve cu2(TopoDS::Edge(mySShape)); gp_Lin l1(cu1.Line()); gp_Lin l2(cu2.Line()); // it is patch! if (Abs( myVal ) <= Precision::Angular() || Abs( PI - myVal ) <= Precision::Angular()) /* //--------------------------------------------------------- // Cas de droites paralleles ( <=> angle nul a PI pres) if ((Abs(l1.Angle(l2)) < Precision::Angular()) || (Abs((l1.Angle(l2) - PI)) < Precision::Angular()) ) */ { Standard_Real distLL= l1.Distance(l2); if ( Abs(distLL) <= Precision::Confusion() ) { gp_Pnt ptat11 = cu1.Value(cu1.FirstParameter()); gp_Pnt ptat12 = cu1.Value(cu1.LastParameter()); gp_Pnt ptat21 = cu2.Value(cu2.FirstParameter()); gp_Pnt ptat22 = cu2.Value(cu2.LastParameter()); distLL = 0.75 * Max( ptat11.Distance(ptat12), ptat21.Distance(ptat22)); ComputeNull2DSelection(aSelection, distLL); } else { ComputeNull2DSelection(aSelection, distLL*8/10); } } //---------------------------------------------------------- // Classic case ( angle != 0 ) else { if (myFDir.IsParallel(mySDir,Precision::Angular())) { Standard_Real distLL= l1.Distance(l2); if ( Abs(distLL) <= Precision::Confusion() ) { gp_Pnt ptat11 = cu1.Value(cu1.FirstParameter()); gp_Pnt ptat12 = cu1.Value(cu1.LastParameter()); gp_Pnt ptat21 = cu2.Value(cu2.FirstParameter()); gp_Pnt ptat22 = cu2.Value(cu2.LastParameter()); distLL = 0.75 * Max( ptat11.Distance(ptat12), ptat21.Distance(ptat22)); ComputeNull2DSelection(aSelection, distLL*8/10); } } else { gp_Dir Norm = myFDir.Crossed(mySDir); gp_Ax2 ax(myCenter,Norm,myFDir); gp_Circ cer(ax,myCenter.Distance(myPosition)); gp_Vec vec1(myFDir); Standard_Boolean nullrad(Standard_False); if (cer.Radius() == 0.) { cer.SetRadius(1.); nullrad = Standard_True; } vec1 *= cer.Radius(); gp_Pnt p1 = myCenter.Translated(vec1); gp_Vec vec2(mySDir); vec2 *= cer.Radius(); gp_Pnt p2 = myCenter.Translated(vec2); Standard_Real uc1 = 0.; Standard_Real uc2 = ElCLib::Parameter(cer,p2); Standard_Real uco; if (nullrad) uco = ElCLib::Parameter(cer,p1); else uco = ElCLib::Parameter(cer,myPosition); Standard_Real udeb = uc1; Standard_Real ufin = uc2; if (uco > ufin) { if (Abs(myVal) udeb+PI && uco < ufin+PI){ udeb = udeb + PI; ufin = ufin + PI; uc1 = udeb; uc2 = ufin; } } } if (uco > ufin) { if ((uco-uc2) < (uc1-uco+(2*PI))) ufin = uco; else udeb = uco - 2*PI; } p1 = ElCLib::Value(udeb,cer); p2 = ElCLib::Value(ufin,cer); //Create 2 owners for each part of the arrow Handle(AIS_DimensionOwner) own1 = new AIS_DimensionOwner(this,7); Handle(AIS_DimensionOwner) own2 = new AIS_DimensionOwner(this,7); if (myExtShape != 0) { if (myExtShape == 1) { own1->SetShape(mySShape); own2->SetShape(mySShape); } else { own1->SetShape(myFShape); own2->SetShape(myFShape); } } else { own1->SetShape(myFShape); own2->SetShape(mySShape); } Handle(Geom_Circle) thecirc = new Geom_Circle(cer); Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) thecu1 = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(thecirc,udeb,(udeb+ufin)/2); Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) thecu2 = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(thecirc,(udeb+ufin)/2,ufin); Handle(Select3D_SensitiveCurve) scurv = new Select3D_SensitiveCurve(own1,thecu1); aSelection->Add(scurv); scurv = new Select3D_SensitiveCurve(own2,thecu2); aSelection->Add(scurv); Handle(Select3D_SensitiveSegment) seg; if (!myFAttach.IsEqual(p1,Precision::Confusion())) { seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment(own1,myFAttach,p1); aSelection->Add(seg); } if (!mySAttach.IsEqual(p2,Precision::Confusion())) { seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment(own2,mySAttach,p2); aSelection->Add(seg); } } } } //======================================================================= //function : Compute2DNullSelection //purpose : for dimension of null angle //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::ComputeNull2DSelection( const Handle(SelectMgr_Selection)& aSelection, const Standard_Real distLL) { gp_Dir Norm; if ( myFDir.IsParallel(mySDir, Precision::Angular()) ) { Norm = myPlane->Pln().Axis().Direction(); } else Norm = myFDir.Crossed(mySDir); gp_Ax2 ax(myCenter,Norm,myFDir); gp_Circ cer(ax,distLL); gp_Vec vec1(myFDir); vec1 *= cer.Radius(); gp_Pnt p1 = myCenter.Translated(vec1); gp_Vec vec2(mySDir); vec2 *= cer.Radius(); gp_Pnt p2 = myCenter.Translated(vec2); // calcul de parametres de debut et de fin des extremites de l'arc Standard_Real uc1 = 0.; Standard_Real uc2 = ElCLib::Parameter(cer,p2); Standard_Real uco = ElCLib::Parameter(cer,myPosition); Standard_Real udeb = uc1; Standard_Real ufin = uc2; if (uco > ufin) { if (Abs(myVal) udeb+PI && uco < ufin+PI){ udeb = udeb + PI; ufin = ufin + PI; uc1 = udeb; uc2 = ufin; } } } if (uco > ufin) { if ((uco-uc2) < (uc1-uco+(2*PI))) { ufin = uco; } else { udeb = uco - 2*PI; } } //Create 2 owners for each part of the arrow Handle(AIS_DimensionOwner) own1 = new AIS_DimensionOwner(this,7); Handle(AIS_DimensionOwner) own2 = new AIS_DimensionOwner(this,7); if (myExtShape != 0) { if (myExtShape == 1) { own1->SetShape(mySShape); own2->SetShape(mySShape); } else { own1->SetShape(myFShape); own2->SetShape(myFShape); } } else { own1->SetShape(myFShape); own2->SetShape(mySShape); } Handle(Geom_Circle) thecirc = new Geom_Circle(cer); if ( udeb != ufin ) { Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) thecu1 = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(thecirc,udeb,(udeb+ufin)/2); Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) thecu2 = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(thecirc,(udeb+ufin)/2,ufin); Handle(Select3D_SensitiveCurve) scurv = new Select3D_SensitiveCurve(own1,thecu1); aSelection->Add(scurv); scurv = new Select3D_SensitiveCurve(own2,thecu2); aSelection->Add(scurv); } else { // find end of segment to allow selection gp_Vec VTrans(myFDir.Crossed(Norm)); Handle(Select3D_SensitiveSegment) seg1; seg1 = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment(own1, p1, p1.Translated( VTrans*distLL/10 ) ); aSelection->Add(seg1); seg1 = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment(own2, p2, p2.Translated(-VTrans*distLL/10 ) ); aSelection->Add(seg1); } Handle(Select3D_SensitiveSegment) seg; if (!myFAttach.IsEqual(p1,Precision::Confusion())) { seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment(own1,myFAttach,p1); aSelection->Add(seg); } if (!mySAttach.IsEqual(p2,Precision::Confusion())) { seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment(own2,mySAttach,p2); aSelection->Add(seg); } } //======================================================================= //function : ComputeConeAngleSelection //purpose : for cone angle //======================================================================= void AIS_AngleDimension::ComputeConeAngleSelection(const Handle(SelectMgr_Selection)& aSelection) { if( myCone.IsNull() ) return; Handle( SelectMgr_EntityOwner ) owner = new SelectMgr_EntityOwner( this, 7 ); Handle( Select3D_SensitiveSegment ) seg; gp_Pln aPln; gp_Cone aCone; gp_Circ myCircle; gp_Pnt Apex; Handle( Geom_Surface ) aSurf; //a surface from the Face Handle( Geom_OffsetSurface ) aOffsetSurf; Handle( Geom_ConicalSurface ) aConicalSurf; Handle( Geom_SurfaceOfRevolution ) aRevSurf; Handle( Geom_Line ) aLine; BRepAdaptor_Surface tmpSurf(myCone); TopoDS_Face aFace; AIS_KindOfSurface aSurfType; Standard_Real Offset = 0. ; Handle( Standard_Type ) aType; Standard_Real maxV = tmpSurf.FirstVParameter(); Standard_Real minV = tmpSurf.LastVParameter(); AIS::GetPlaneFromFace( myCone, aPln, aSurf, aSurfType, Offset ); if ( aSurfType == AIS_KOS_Revolution ) { //surface of revolution aRevSurf = Handle( Geom_SurfaceOfRevolution )::DownCast( aSurf ); gp_Lin ln( aRevSurf->Axis() ); Handle( Geom_Curve ) tmpCrv = aRevSurf->BasisCurve(); if ( tmpCrv ->DynamicType() != STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_Line) ) return; //Must be a part of line Standard_Real par; gp_Pnt fst = tmpSurf.Value(0., minV); gp_Pnt lst = tmpSurf.Value(0., maxV); gp_Vec vec1(fst, lst); par = ElCLib::Parameter( ln, fst ); gp_Pnt fst2 = ElCLib::Value( par, ln ); //projection fst on ln par = ElCLib::Parameter( ln, lst ); gp_Pnt lst2 = ElCLib::Value( par, ln ); //projection lst on ln gp_Vec vec2(fst2, lst2); // Check if two parts of revolution are parallel ( it's a cylinder ) or normal (it's a circle ) if( vec1.IsParallel( vec2,Precision::Angular() ) || vec1.IsNormal( vec2,Precision::Angular() ) ) return; gce_MakeCone mkCone(aRevSurf->Axis(), fst, lst); aCone = mkCone.Value(); Apex = aCone.Apex(); } else { aType = aSurf->DynamicType(); if ( aType == STANDARD_TYPE(Geom_OffsetSurface) || Offset > 0.01 ) { //offset surface aOffsetSurf = new Geom_OffsetSurface (aSurf, Offset); aSurf = aOffsetSurf->Surface(); BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace mkFace(aSurf, Precision::Confusion()); mkFace.Build(); if( !mkFace.IsDone() ) return; tmpSurf.Initialize( mkFace.Face() ); } aCone = tmpSurf.Cone(); aConicalSurf = Handle( Geom_ConicalSurface)::DownCast( aSurf ); Apex = aConicalSurf->Apex(); } Handle(Geom_Curve) aCurve; //A circle where the angle is drawn if ( myAutomaticPosition ) { Standard_Real midV = ( minV + maxV ) / 2.5; aCurve = aSurf->VIso(midV); myCircle = Handle(Geom_Circle)::DownCast(aCurve)->Circ(); myPosition = ElCLib::Value(Standard_PI / 2.0, myCircle); myAutomaticPosition = Standard_False; } else { Standard_Real U, V; ElSLib::Parameters(aCone, myPosition, U, V); aCurve = aSurf->VIso(V); myCircle = Handle(Geom_Circle)::DownCast(aCurve)->Circ(); } //__________________________________________________________________ aCurve = aSurf->VIso(maxV); gp_Circ CircVmax = Handle(Geom_Circle)::DownCast(aCurve)->Circ(); aCurve = aSurf->VIso(minV); gp_Circ CircVmin = Handle(Geom_Circle)::DownCast(aCurve)->Circ(); //__________________________________________________________________ if( CircVmax.Radius() < CircVmin.Radius() ) { gp_Circ tmpCirc = CircVmax; CircVmax = CircVmin; CircVmin = tmpCirc; } Standard_Boolean IsArrowOut = Standard_True; //Is arrows inside or outside of the cone //Standard_Real PntOnMainAxis = 0; //Is projection of aPosition inside of the cone = 0, above = 1, or below = -1 gp_Pnt AttachmentPnt; gp_Pnt OppositePnt; gp_Pnt aPnt, tmpPnt; Quantity_Length X,Y,Z; Standard_Real param = ElCLib::Parameter(myCircle, myPosition); aPnt = Apex; gp_Pnt P1 = ElCLib::Value(0., myCircle); gp_Pnt P2 = ElCLib::Value(Standard_PI, myCircle); gce_MakePln mkPln(P1, P2, aPnt); // create a plane whitch defines plane for projection aPosition on it aPnt = AIS::ProjectPointOnPlane(myPosition, mkPln.Value()); tmpPnt = aPnt; if( aPnt.Distance(P1) < aPnt.Distance(P2) ){ AttachmentPnt = P1; OppositePnt = P2; } else { AttachmentPnt = P2; OppositePnt = P1; } aPnt = AttachmentPnt ; // Creating of circle whitch defines a plane for a dimension arc gp_Vec Vec(AttachmentPnt, Apex); // Dimension arc is a part of the circle Vec.Scale(2); aPnt.Translate(Vec); GC_MakeCircle mkCirc(AttachmentPnt, OppositePnt, aPnt); gp_Circ aCircle2 = mkCirc.Value()->Circ(); Standard_Integer i; Standard_Real AttParam = ElCLib::Parameter(aCircle2, AttachmentPnt); Standard_Real OppParam = ElCLib::Parameter(aCircle2, OppositePnt); while ( AttParam >= 2*Standard_PI ) AttParam -= 2*Standard_PI; while ( OppParam >= 2*Standard_PI ) OppParam -= 2*Standard_PI; if( myPosition.Distance( myCircle.Location() ) <= myCircle.Radius() ) if( 2 * myCircle.Radius() > aCircle2.Radius() * 0.4 ) IsArrowOut = Standard_False; //four times more than an arrow size Graphic3d_Array1OfVertex V(1, 12); Standard_Real angle; param = ElCLib::Parameter(aCircle2, tmpPnt); if(IsArrowOut) { angle = OppParam - AttParam + Standard_PI/6; //An angle between AttParam and OppParam + 30 degrees param = AttParam - Standard_PI/12; //out parts of dimension line are 15 degrees while ( angle > 2*Standard_PI ) angle -= 2*Standard_PI; for( i = 0; i <= 11; i++ ) { //calculating of arc aPnt = ElCLib::Value(param + angle/11 * i, aCircle2); aPnt.Coord(X, Y, Z); V(i+1).SetCoord(X, Y, Z); } } else { angle = OppParam - AttParam; param = AttParam; while ( angle > 2*Standard_PI ) angle -= 2*Standard_PI; for( i = 0; i <= 11; i++ ) { //calculating of arc aPnt = ElCLib::Value(param + angle/11 * i, aCircle2); aPnt.Coord(X, Y, Z); V(i+1).SetCoord(X, Y, Z); } } for(i = 1; i<=11; i++) { V(i).Coord(X, Y, Z); P1.SetCoord(X, Y, Z); V(i+1).Coord(X, Y, Z); P1.SetCoord(X, Y, Z); seg = new Select3D_SensitiveSegment(owner, P1, P2); aSelection->Add(seg); } tmpPnt = tmpPnt.Translated(gp_Vec(0, 0, -1)*2); Standard_Real size(Min(myVal/100.+1.e-6,myArrowSize+1.e-6)); Handle( Select3D_SensitiveBox ) box = new Select3D_SensitiveBox( owner, tmpPnt.X(), tmpPnt.Y(), tmpPnt.Z(), tmpPnt.X() + size, tmpPnt.Y() + size, tmpPnt.Z() + size); aSelection->Add(box); }