@echo off rem Launch MS VC with environment prepared for building OCCT rem Use: rem - first argument specifies version of Visual Studio (vc8, vc9, or vc10), rem - second argument specifies mode (win32 or win64), rem - third argument specifies building mode (Release or Debug) rem - fourth argument is path to MS project solution rem Default options are: rem vc8 win32 Debug adm\win32\vc8\OCCT.sln rem Set build mode set CASDEB=d if not "%3" == "" ( if /I "%3" == "Debug" ( set CASDEB=d ) else if /I "%3" == "Release" ( set CASDEB= ) else ( echo Error: third argument ^(%3^) should specify build mode, echo one of: Debug or Release exit ) ) rem Set build environment call "%~dp0env_build.bat" %1 %2 rem Define path to project file set "PRJFILE=%~dp0\adm\win%ARCH%\%VCVER%\OCCT.sln" if not "%4" == "" ( set "PRJFILE=%4" ) rem Launch Visual Studio - either professional (devenv) or Express, as available if exist "%DevEnvDir%\devenv.exe" ( start devenv.exe "%PRJFILE%" /useenv ) else if exist "%DevEnvDir%\VCExpress.exe" ( start VCExpress.exe "%PRJFILE%" /useenv ) else ( echo Error: Could not find MS Visual Studio ^(%VCVER%^) echo Check relevant environment variable ^(e.g. VS80COMNTOOLS for vc8^) )