// This file is generated by WOK (CPPExt). // Please do not edit this file; modify original file instead. // The copyright and license terms as defined for the original file apply to // this header file considered to be the "object code" form of the original source. #ifndef _Vrml_LOD_HeaderFile #define _Vrml_LOD_HeaderFile #ifndef _Standard_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_DefineHandle_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_Vrml_LOD_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_TColStd_HArray1OfReal_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _gp_Vec_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Boolean_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _MMgt_TShared_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_OStream_HeaderFile #include #endif class TColStd_HArray1OfReal; class gp_Vec; //! defines a LOD (level of detailization) node of VRML specifying properties
//! of geometry and its appearance.
//! This group node is used to allow applications to switch between
//! various representations of objects automatically. The children of this
//! node typically represent the same object or objects at the varying
//! of Levels Of Detail (LOD), from highest detail to lowest.
//! The specified center point of the LOD is transformed by current
//! transformation into world space, and yhe distancefrom the transformed
//! center to the world-space eye point is calculated.
//! If thedistance is less than the first value in the ranges array,
//! than the first child of the LOD group is drawn. If between
//! the first and second values in the range array, the second child
//! is drawn, etc.
//! If there are N values in the range array, the LOD group should
//! have N+1 children.
//! Specifying too few children will result in the last child being
//! used repeatedly for the lowest lewels of detail; if too many children
//! are specified, the extra children w ll be ignored.
//! Each value in the ranges array should be greater than the previous
//! value, otherwise results are undefined.
class Vrml_LOD : public MMgt_TShared { public: Standard_EXPORT Vrml_LOD(); Standard_EXPORT Vrml_LOD(const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& aRange,const gp_Vec& aCenter); Standard_EXPORT void SetRange(const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& aRange) ; Standard_EXPORT Handle_TColStd_HArray1OfReal Range() const; Standard_EXPORT void SetCenter(const gp_Vec& aCenter) ; Standard_EXPORT gp_Vec Center() const; Standard_EXPORT Standard_OStream& Print(Standard_OStream& anOStream) const; DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI(Vrml_LOD) protected: private: Handle_TColStd_HArray1OfReal myRange; gp_Vec myCenter; Standard_Boolean myRangeFlag; }; // other Inline functions and methods (like "C++: function call" methods) #endif