// This file is generated by WOK (CPPExt). // Please do not edit this file; modify original file instead. // The copyright and license terms as defined for the original file apply to // this header file considered to be the "object code" form of the original source. #ifndef _PCollection_HAsciiString_HeaderFile #define _PCollection_HAsciiString_HeaderFile #ifndef _Standard_Macro_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_DefineHandle_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_PCollection_HAsciiString_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _TCollection_AsciiString_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Integer_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Boolean_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Real_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_PCollection_HAsciiString_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Character_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _DBC_VArrayOfCharacter_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Persistent_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_CString_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_PCollection_HExtendedString_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_OStream_HeaderFile #include #endif class Standard_OutOfRange; class Standard_NegativeValue; class Standard_NumericError; class TCollection_AsciiString; class PCollection_HExtendedString; class DBC_VArrayOfCharacter; class PCollection_HAsciiString : public Standard_Persistent { public: //! Creation and initialization with the string S.
Standard_EXPORT PCollection_HAsciiString(const Standard_CString S); //! Creation and initialization with the string S from TCollection.
Standard_EXPORT PCollection_HAsciiString(const TCollection_AsciiString& S); //! Creation and initialization with the character C.
Standard_EXPORT PCollection_HAsciiString(const Standard_Character C); //! Creation of a sub-string of the string S.
//! The sub-string starts at the index FromIndex and ends
//! at the index ToIndex
Standard_EXPORT PCollection_HAsciiString(const Handle(PCollection_HAsciiString)& S,const Standard_Integer FromIndex,const Standard_Integer ToIndex); //! Creation by converting an extended string to a normal
//! string. Raises OutOfRange if the String is not in the "Ascii range".
Standard_EXPORT PCollection_HAsciiString(const Handle(PCollection_HExtendedString)& S); //! Creation and initialization by converting the real
//! value into a string.
//! F describes a format using "C" conventions.
Standard_EXPORT PCollection_HAsciiString(const Standard_Real R,const Standard_CString F = "%f"); //! Creation and initialization by converting the Integer
//! value into a string.
//! F describes a format using "C" conventions.
Standard_EXPORT PCollection_HAsciiString(const Standard_Integer I,const Standard_CString F = "%d"); //! Pushing a string at the end of the string me
Standard_EXPORT void Append(const Handle(PCollection_HAsciiString)& S) ; //! Converts the first character into its corresponding
//! upper-case character and the other characters into lowercase
Standard_EXPORT void Capitalize() ; //! center
//! Length becomes equal to Width and the new characters are
//! equal to Filler
//! Raises an exception if Width is less than zero
//! if Width < Length nothing happens
Standard_EXPORT void Center(const Standard_Integer Width,const Standard_Character Filler) ; //! Substitutes all the characters equal to C by NewC in the
//! string .The substition can be case sensitive.
Standard_EXPORT void ChangeAll(const Standard_Character C,const Standard_Character NewC,const Standard_Boolean CaseSensitive) ; //! Remove all characters in the string .
//! Length is equal to zero now.
Standard_EXPORT void Clear() ; //! Converts a persistent HAsciiString to a non
//! persistent AsciiString.
Standard_EXPORT TCollection_AsciiString Convert() const; //! Returns the index of the first character of founded in .
//! The search begins to the index FromIndex and ends to the
//! the index ToIndex.
//! Returns zero if failure.
//! Raises an exception if FromIndex or ToIndex is out of range.
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer FirstLocationInSet(const Handle(PCollection_HAsciiString)& Set,const Standard_Integer FromIndex,const Standard_Integer ToIndex) const; //! Returns the index of the first character of
//! that is not present in the set .
//! The search begins to the index FromIndex and ends to the
//! the index ToIndex in .
//! Returns zero if failure.
//! Raises an exception if FromIndex or ToIndex is out of range.
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer FirstLocationNotInSet(const Handle(PCollection_HAsciiString)& Set,const Standard_Integer FromIndex,const Standard_Integer ToIndex) const; //! Pushing a string after a specific index in the string .
//! Raises an exception if Index is out of bounds.
Standard_EXPORT void InsertAfter(const Standard_Integer Index,const Handle(PCollection_HAsciiString)& S) ; //! Pushing a string before a specific index in the string
//! Raises an exception if Index is out of bounds
Standard_EXPORT void InsertBefore(const Standard_Integer Index,const Handle(PCollection_HAsciiString)& S) ; //! Returns the integer value corresponding to the string
//! Raises an exception if the string does not correspond to
//! an integer value.
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer IntegerValue() const; //! Test if characters are different
//! between and .
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsDifferent(const Handle(PCollection_HAsciiString)& other) const; //! Returns True if the string contains zero character
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsEmpty() const; //! Returns TRUE if is 'ASCII' greater than .
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsGreater(const Handle(PCollection_HAsciiString)& other) const; //! Returns True if the string contains an integer value.
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsIntegerValue() const; //! Returns TRUE if is 'ASCII' less than .
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsLess(const Handle(PCollection_HAsciiString)& other) const; //! Returns True if the string contains an Real value.
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsRealValue() const; //! Returns True if two strings are equal.
//! The comparison is case sensitive.
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsSameString(const Handle(PCollection_HAsciiString)& S) const; //! Returns True if two strings are equal.
//! The comparison is case sensitive if the flag is set.
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsSameString(const Handle(PCollection_HAsciiString)& S,const Standard_Boolean CaseSensitive) const; //! Removes all space characters in the begining of the
//! string.
Standard_EXPORT void LeftAdjust() ; //! Left justify.
//! Length becomes equal to Width and the new characters are
//! equal to Filler.
//! If Width < Length nothing happens.
//! Raises an exception if Width is less than zero.
Standard_EXPORT void LeftJustify(const Standard_Integer Width,const Standard_Character Filler) ; //! Number of characters of the String.
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer Length() const; //! Returns the index of the nth occurence of the character C
//! in the string from the starting index FromIndex to the
//! ending index ToIndex.
//! Returns zero if failure.
//! Raises an exception if FromIndex or ToIndex is out of range.
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer Location(const Standard_Integer N,const Standard_Character C,const Standard_Integer FromIndex,const Standard_Integer ToIndex) const; //! Returns an index in the string of the first occurence
//! of the string S in the string from the starting index
//! FromIndex to the ending index ToIndex
//! returns zero if failure
//! Raises an exception if FromIndex or ToIndex is out of range.
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer Location(const Handle(PCollection_HAsciiString)& S,const Standard_Integer FromIndex,const Standard_Integer ToIndex) const; //! Converts any upper-case character to its corresponding
//! lower-case character in the string . If there is no
//! corresponding lower-case character, the character is
//! unchanged
//! before
//! me = "aBAcd123"
//! after
//! me = "abacd123"
Standard_EXPORT void Lowercase() ; //! Pushing a string at the begining of the string
//! before
//! me = "cde" , S = "ab"
//! after
//! me = "abcde" , S = "ab"
Standard_EXPORT void Prepend(const Handle(PCollection_HAsciiString)& S) ; //! Prints the content of on the stream S.
Standard_EXPORT void Print(Standard_OStream& S) const; //! Returns the real value corresponding to the string .
//! Raises an exception if the string does not correspond to a real value.
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real RealValue() const; //! Removes the character located at the index Index in the string.
//! Raises an exception if Index is out of bounds.
Standard_EXPORT void Remove(const Standard_Integer Index) ; //! Removes all the characters from the index FromIndex to the
//! index ToIndex.
//! Raises an exception if FromIndex or ToIndex is out of bounds.
Standard_EXPORT void Remove(const Standard_Integer FromIndex,const Standard_Integer ToIndex) ; //! Removes all the occurences of the character C in the string
Standard_EXPORT void RemoveAll(const Standard_Character C,const Standard_Boolean CaseSensitive) ; //! Removes all space characters at the end of the string.
Standard_EXPORT void RightAdjust() ; //! Right justify.
//! Length becomes equal to Width and the new characters are
//! equal to Filler.
//! If Width < Length nothing happens.
//! Raises an exception if Width is less than zero.
Standard_EXPORT void RightJustify(const Standard_Integer Width,const Standard_Character Filler) ; //! Substitutes the character located to the position Index
//! by the character C.
//! Raises an exception if the Index is out of bounds.
Standard_EXPORT void SetValue(const Standard_Integer Index,const Standard_Character C) ; //! Substitutes from the index Index to the end by the string S.
//! Raises an exception if Index is out of bounds.
Standard_EXPORT void SetValue(const Standard_Integer Index,const Handle(PCollection_HAsciiString)& S) ; //! Splits a string of characters into two sub-strings.
Standard_EXPORT Handle_PCollection_HAsciiString Split(const Standard_Integer Index) ; //! Creation of a sub-string of the string .
//! The sub-string starts to the index Fromindex and ends
//! to the index ToIndex.
//! Raises an exception if ToIndex or FromIndex is out of bounds.
Standard_EXPORT Handle_PCollection_HAsciiString SubString(const Standard_Integer FromIndex,const Standard_Integer ToIndex) const; //! Extracts token from .
//! The token extracted is the indice number .
Standard_EXPORT Handle_PCollection_HAsciiString Token(const Standard_CString separators = " \t",const Standard_Integer whichone = 1) const; //! Transforms all the characters into upper-case.
//! If there is no corresponding upper-case character, the
//! character is unchanged.
Standard_EXPORT void Uppercase() ; //! Length of the string ignoring all spaces (' ') and the
//! control character at the end.
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer UsefullLength() const; //! Returns the character of index Index of the string
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Character Value(const Standard_Integer Index) const; Standard_EXPORT virtual void ShallowDump(Standard_OStream& s) const; PCollection_HAsciiString( ) { } PCollection_HAsciiString(const Storage_stCONSTclCOM& a) : Standard_Persistent(a) { } const DBC_VArrayOfCharacter& _CSFDB_GetPCollection_HAsciiStringData() const { return Data; } DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI(PCollection_HAsciiString) protected: private: //! Assigns the field of the current structure with
//! the given value.Private method.
Standard_EXPORT void Assign(const DBC_VArrayOfCharacter& TheData) ; DBC_VArrayOfCharacter Data; }; // other Inline functions and methods (like "C++: function call" methods) inline void ShallowDump(const Handle_PCollection_HAsciiString& me,Standard_OStream& s) { me->ShallowDump(s); } #endif