/*********************************************************************** FONCTION : ---------- File OpenGl_tsm_ws : REMARQUES: ---------- HISTORIQUE DES MODIFICATIONS : -------------------------------- xx-xx-xx : xxx ; Creation. 02-07-96 : FMN ; Suppression WSWSHeight, WSWSWidth et WSType 17-07-96 : FMN ; Ajout WSZbuffer 24-04-97 : FMN ; Ajout displaylist pour le mode transient 07-08-97 : PCT ; ajout texture environnante 22-10-01 : SAV ; added flag WSDepthTest to control depth testing 24-10-01 : SAV ; added flag WSGLLight to control GL_LIGHTING particularly, this thechnique is used in triedron displaying. ************************************************************************/ #ifndef OPENGL_TSM_WS_H #define OPENGL_TSM_WS_H #define G003 /* EUG 11-01-00 backfacing management */ #define BUC61044 /* SAV ; added functionality to control gl depth testing from higher API */ #define BUC61045 /* SAV ; added functionality to control gl lighting from higher API */ #define OCC1188 /* SAV Added 23-12-02 background texture attribute */ #include typedef enum { WSTextureEnv, WSSurfaceDetail, WSFilters, WSWindow, WSWidth, WSHeight, WSDbuff, WSViewStid, WSLights, WSViews, WSBackground, WSNeedsClear, WSHighlights, WSDepthCues, WSTransparency, WSZbuffer, WSTransient, WSRetainMode, WSUpdateState, WSPixmap, WSGLXPixmap, WSDepth #ifdef G003 , WSBackfacing #endif /* G003 */ #ifdef BUC61044 , WSDepthTest #endif #ifdef BUC61045 , WSGLLight #endif #ifdef OCC1188 , WSBgTexture #endif , WSBgGradient } TWSAttri; extern TStatus TsmRegisterWsid( Tint ); extern TStatus TsmSetWSAttri( Tint, TWSAttri, cmn_key_data ); extern TStatus TsmGetWSAttri( Tint, TWSAttri, cmn_key_data ); /* struct_id, size, ws, actual_size */ extern TStatus TsmGetWSPosted( Tint, Tint, Tint*, Tint* ); extern TStatus TsmUnregisterWsid( Tint wsid ); extern TStatus TsmInitUpdateState(); #endif