#ifndef __INTERFACE_GRAPHIC_WNT_HXX # define __INTERFACE_GRAPHIC_WNT_HXX #ifdef WNT # include # ifdef DrawText # undef DrawText # endif /* DrawText */ //for common type naming # define DISPLAY char # define WINDOW HWND # define GLCONTEXT HGLRC # define GLDRAWABLE HDC # define GET_GL_CONTEXT() wglGetCurrentContext () # define GET_GLDEV_CONTEXT() wglGetCurrentDC() # define GL_MAKE_CURRENT(a,b,c) wglMakeCurrent(b,c) #ifdef DrawText # undef DrawText #endif /* DrawText */ #define WDF_NOERASEBKGRND 0x00000001 #define WDF_FOREIGN 0x00000002 typedef struct window_data { void* WNT_Window_Ptr; // pointer to WNT_Window void* WNT_WDriver_Ptr; // pointer to WNT_WDriver or Visual3d_View void* WNT_VMgr; // pointer to Visual3d_ViewManager HPALETTE hPal; // palette handle or NULL HBITMAP hBmp; // double buffer bitmap handle or NULL DWORD dwFlags; // additional information } WINDOW_DATA; #define faUnderlined 0x00000001 #define faItalic 0x00000002 #define faStrikeOut 0x00000004 #define faBold 0x00000008 #define faHeight 0x00000010 #define faAngle 0x00000020 #define faWidth 0x00000040 #define faSlant 0x00000080 typedef struct font_data { BOOL fdUnderlined; BOOL fdItalic; BOOL fdStrikeOut; LONG fdBold; LONG fdHeight; LONG fdOrientation; LONG fdWidth; LONG fdSlant; } FONT_DATA; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ __declspec( dllimport ) long InterfaceGraphic_RealizePalette ( HDC, HPALETTE, BOOL, BOOL ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif //WNT #endif /* __INTERFACE_GRAPHIC_WNT_HXX */