#ifndef InterfaceGraphic_Visual3dHeader #define InterfaceGraphic_Visual3dHeader /* Copyright (C) 1991,1992,1993 by MATRA DATAVISION, FRANCE This software is furnished in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other copy thereof may not be provided or otherwise be made available to any other person. No title to an ownership of the software is hereby transferred. At the termination of the contract, the software and all copies of this software must be deleted. Facility : CAS-CADE V1 */ /* CAL 02/08/94 * #include * Retrait de InterfaceGraphic_X11.hxx et declaration de Window * a la mode X11 dans les structures CALL_DEF_VIEW et CALL_DEF_PICK. * En effet, un #define Opposite 4 se trouve dans X11/X.h * et rentre en conflit avec la methode Opposite de math_Matrix. * * PCT 05/08/97 * ajout support texture mapping * * EUG 21/09/99 G003 * degenerated mode support Add fields IsDegenerates,IsDegeneratesPrev,Backfacing in CALL_DEF_VIEW structure. * VKH 25/01/00 G004 * Dump a view Add CALL_DEF_BITMAP reference in CALL_DEF_VIEW */ #ifndef RIC120302 #define RIC120302 /*GG Add NEW fields in CALL_DEF_VIEW structure // to manage graphic context and call back */ #endif #include #ifdef RIC120302 #include #include #endif typedef float CALL_DEF_MATRIX4X4[4][4]; /* SOMMET */ typedef struct { float x, y, z; } CALL_DEF_VERTEX; /* MODELE CLIPPING */ typedef struct { int WsId; int ViewId; int PlaneId; int Active; float CoefA; float CoefB; float CoefC; float CoefD; } CALL_DEF_PLANE; /* SOURCE LUMINEUSE */ typedef struct { int WsId; int ViewId; int LightId; int Active; int LightType; int Headlight; CALL_DEF_COLOR Color; CALL_DEF_VERTEX Position; CALL_DEF_VERTEX Direction; float Concentration; float Attenuation[2]; float Angle; } CALL_DEF_LIGHT; /* ORIENTATION */ typedef struct { CALL_DEF_VERTEX ViewReferencePoint; CALL_DEF_VERTEX ViewReferencePlane; CALL_DEF_VERTEX ViewReferenceUp; float ViewScaleX; float ViewScaleY; float ViewScaleZ; int IsCustomMatrix; float ModelViewMatrix[4][4]; } CALL_DEF_VIEWORIENTATION; /* MAPPING */ typedef struct { int Projection; CALL_DEF_VERTEX ProjectionReferencePoint; float ViewPlaneDistance; float BackPlaneDistance; float FrontPlaneDistance; struct { float um, vm, uM, vM; } WindowLimit; int IsCustomMatrix; float ProjectionMatrix[4][4]; } CALL_DEF_VIEWMAPPING; /* CONTEXT */ typedef struct { int Aliasing; int BackZClipping; int FrontZClipping; int DepthCueing; float ZClipFrontPlane; float ZClipBackPlane; float DepthFrontPlane; float DepthBackPlane; int ZBufferActivity; int Model; int Visualization; int NbActiveLight; CALL_DEF_LIGHT *ActiveLight; int NbActivePlane; CALL_DEF_PLANE *ActivePlane; int TexEnvId; int SurfaceDetail; } CALL_DEF_VIEWCONTEXT; /* VUE */ typedef struct { int WsId; int ViewId; void *ptrView; int IsDeleted; int IsOpen; int Active; CALL_DEF_VIEWORIENTATION Orientation; CALL_DEF_VIEWMAPPING Mapping; CALL_DEF_VIEWORIENTATION OrientationReset; CALL_DEF_VIEWMAPPING MappingReset; CALL_DEF_VIEWCONTEXT Context; CALL_DEF_WINDOW DefWindow; CALL_DEF_BITMAP DefBitmap; void *ptrUnderLayer; void *ptrOverLayer; int IsDegenerates; int IsDegeneratesPrev; int Backfacing; #ifdef RIC120302 Aspect_RenderingContext GContext; Aspect_GraphicCallbackProc GDisplayCB; void* GClientData; #endif void *ptrFBO; } CALL_DEF_VIEW; /* REPERAGE */ typedef struct { int WsId; int ViewId; int x, y; CALL_DEF_WINDOW DefWindow; struct { float aperture; int order; int depth; } Context; struct { int depth; int *listid; int *listpickid; int *listelem; } Pick; } CALL_DEF_PICK; #endif /* InterfaceGraphic_Visual3dHeader */