// This file is generated by WOK (CPPExt). // Please do not edit this file; modify original file instead. // The copyright and license terms as defined for the original file apply to // this header file considered to be the "object code" form of the original source. #ifndef _IGESSolid_Ellipsoid_HeaderFile #define _IGESSolid_Ellipsoid_HeaderFile #ifndef _Standard_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_DefineHandle_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_IGESSolid_Ellipsoid_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _gp_XYZ_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _IGESData_IGESEntity_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Real_HeaderFile #include #endif class gp_XYZ; class gp_Pnt; class gp_Dir; //! defines Ellipsoid, Type <168> Form Number <0>
//! in package IGESSolid
//! The ellipsoid is a solid bounded by the surface defined
//! by:
//! X^2 Y^2 Z^2
//! ----- + ----- + ----- = 1
//! LX^2 LY^2 LZ^2
class IGESSolid_Ellipsoid : public IGESData_IGESEntity { public: Standard_EXPORT IGESSolid_Ellipsoid(); //! This method is used to set the fields of the class
//! Ellipsoid
//! - aSize : Lengths in the local X,Y,Z directions
//! - aCenter : Center point of ellipsoid (default (0,0,0))
//! - anXAxis : Unit vector defining local X-axis
//! default (1,0,0)
//! - anZAxis : Unit vector defining local Z-axis
//! default (0,0,1)
Standard_EXPORT void Init(const gp_XYZ& aSize,const gp_XYZ& aCenter,const gp_XYZ& anXAxis,const gp_XYZ& anZAxis) ; //! returns the size
Standard_EXPORT gp_XYZ Size() const; //! returns the length in the local X-direction
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real XLength() const; //! returns the length in the local Y-direction
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real YLength() const; //! returns the length in the local Z-direction
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real ZLength() const; //! returns the center of the ellipsoid
Standard_EXPORT gp_Pnt Center() const; //! returns the center of the ellipsoid after applying
//! TransformationMatrix
Standard_EXPORT gp_Pnt TransformedCenter() const; //! returns the vector corresponding to the local X-direction
Standard_EXPORT gp_Dir XAxis() const; //! returns the vector corresponding to the local X-direction
//! after applying TransformationMatrix
Standard_EXPORT gp_Dir TransformedXAxis() const; //! returns the vector corresponding to the local Y-direction
//! which is got by taking cross product of ZAxis and XAxis
Standard_EXPORT gp_Dir YAxis() const; //! returns the vector corresponding to the local Y-direction
//! (which is got by taking cross product of ZAxis and XAxis)
//! after applying TransformationMatrix
Standard_EXPORT gp_Dir TransformedYAxis() const; //! returns the vector corresponding to the local Z-direction
Standard_EXPORT gp_Dir ZAxis() const; //! returns the vector corresponding to the local Z-direction
//! after applying TransformationMatrix
Standard_EXPORT gp_Dir TransformedZAxis() const; DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI(IGESSolid_Ellipsoid) protected: private: gp_XYZ theSize; gp_XYZ theCenter; gp_XYZ theXAxis; gp_XYZ theZAxis; }; // other Inline functions and methods (like "C++: function call" methods) #endif