// This file is generated by WOK (CPPExt). // Please do not edit this file; modify original file instead. // The copyright and license terms as defined for the original file apply to // this header file considered to be the "object code" form of the original source. #ifndef _IGESGeom_TrimmedSurface_HeaderFile #define _IGESGeom_TrimmedSurface_HeaderFile #ifndef _Standard_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_DefineHandle_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_IGESGeom_TrimmedSurface_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_IGESData_IGESEntity_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Integer_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_IGESGeom_CurveOnSurface_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_IGESGeom_HArray1OfCurveOnSurface_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _IGESData_IGESEntity_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Boolean_HeaderFile #include #endif class IGESData_IGESEntity; class IGESGeom_CurveOnSurface; class IGESGeom_HArray1OfCurveOnSurface; class Standard_OutOfRange; //! defines IGESTrimmedSurface, Type <144> Form <0>
//! in package IGESGeom
//! A simple closed curve in Euclidean plane divides the
//! plane in to two disjoint, open connected components; one
//! bounded, one unbounded. The bounded one is called the
//! interior region to the curve. Unbounded component is called
//! exterior region to the curve. The domain of the trimmed
//! surface is defined as the interior of the outer boundaries
//! and exterior of the inner boundaries and includes the
//! boundary curves.
class IGESGeom_TrimmedSurface : public IGESData_IGESEntity { public: Standard_EXPORT IGESGeom_TrimmedSurface(); //! This method is used to set the fields of the class
//! TrimmedSurface
//! - aSurface : Surface to be trimmed
//! - aFlag : Outer boundary type
//! False = The outer boundary is the boundary of
//! rectangle D which is the domain of the
//! surface to be trimmed
//! True = otherwise
//! - anOuter : Closed curve which constitutes outer boundary
//! - allInners : Array of closed curves which constitute the
//! inner boundary
Standard_EXPORT void Init(const Handle(IGESData_IGESEntity)& aSurface,const Standard_Integer aFlag,const Handle(IGESGeom_CurveOnSurface)& anOuter,const Handle(IGESGeom_HArray1OfCurveOnSurface)& allInners) ; //! returns the surface to be trimmed
Standard_EXPORT Handle_IGESData_IGESEntity Surface() const; //! returns True if outer contour exists
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean HasOuterContour() const; //! returns the outer contour of the trimmed surface
Standard_EXPORT Handle_IGESGeom_CurveOnSurface OuterContour() const; //! returns the outer contour type of the trimmed surface
//! 0 : The outer boundary is the boundary of D
//! 1 : otherwise
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer OuterBoundaryType() const; //! returns the number of inner boundaries
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer NbInnerContours() const; //! returns the Index'th inner contour
//! raises exception if Index <= 0 or Index > NbInnerContours()
Standard_EXPORT Handle_IGESGeom_CurveOnSurface InnerContour(const Standard_Integer Index) const; DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI(IGESGeom_TrimmedSurface) protected: private: Handle_IGESData_IGESEntity theSurface; Standard_Integer theFlag; Handle_IGESGeom_CurveOnSurface theOuterCurve; Handle_IGESGeom_HArray1OfCurveOnSurface theInnerCurves; }; // other Inline functions and methods (like "C++: function call" methods) #endif