// This file is generated by WOK (CPPExt). // Please do not edit this file; modify original file instead. // The copyright and license terms as defined for the original file apply to // this header file considered to be the "object code" form of the original source. #ifndef _GeomFill_Pipe_HeaderFile #define _GeomFill_Pipe_HeaderFile #ifndef _Standard_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Macro_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Real_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_Geom_Surface_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_GeomFill_LocationLaw_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_GeomFill_SectionLaw_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Integer_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Boolean_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_Geom_Curve_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _GeomFill_Trihedron_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_Geom2d_Curve_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _GeomAbs_Shape_HeaderFile #include #endif class Adaptor3d_HCurve; class Geom_Surface; class GeomFill_LocationLaw; class GeomFill_SectionLaw; class Standard_ConstructionError; class Geom_Curve; class Geom2d_Curve; class gp_Dir; class TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve; //! Describes functions to construct pipes. A pipe is built by
//! sweeping a curve (the section) along another curve (the path).
//! The Pipe class provides the following types of construction:
//! - pipes with a circular section of constant radius,
//! - pipes with a constant section,
//! - pipes with a section evolving between two given curves.
//! All standard specific cases are detected in order to build,
//! where required, a plane, cylinder, cone, sphere, torus,
//! surface of linear extrusion or surface of revolution.
//! Generally speaking, the result is a BSpline surface (NURBS).
//! A Pipe object provides a framework for:
//! - defining the pipe to be built,
//! - implementing the construction algorithm, and
//! - consulting the resulting surface.
//! There are several methods to instantiate a Pipe:
//! 1) give a path and a radius : the section is
//! a circle. This location is the first point
//! of the path, and this direction is the first
//! derivate (calculate at the first point ) of
//! the path.
//! 2) give a path and a section.
//! Differtent options are available
//! 2.a) Use the classical Frenet trihedron
//! - or the CorrectedFrenet trihedron
//! (To avoid twisted surface)
//! - or a constant trihedron to have all the sections
//! in a same plane
//! 2.b) Define a ConstantBinormal Direction to keep the
//! same angle beetween the Direction and the sections
//! along the sweep surface.
//! 2.c) Define the path by a surface and a 2dcurve,
//! the surface is used to define the trihedron's normal.
//! It is usefull to keep a constant angle beetween
//! input surface and the pipe. --
//! 3) give a path and two sections. The section
//! evoluate from First to Last Section.
//! 3) give a path and N sections. The section
//! evoluate from First to Last Section.
//! In general case the result is a NURBS. But we
//! can generate plane, cylindrical, spherical,
//! conical, toroidal surface in some particular case.
//! The natural parametrization of the result is:
//! U-Direction along the section.
//! V-Direction along the path.
//! But, in some particular case, the surface must
//! be construct otherwise.
//! The method "EchangeUV" return false in such cases.
class GeomFill_Pipe { public: void* operator new(size_t,void* anAddress) { return anAddress; } void* operator new(size_t size) { return Standard::Allocate(size); } void operator delete(void *anAddress) { if (anAddress) Standard::Free((Standard_Address&)anAddress); } //! Constructs an empty algorithm for building pipes. Use
//! the function Init to initialize it.
Standard_EXPORT GeomFill_Pipe(); Standard_EXPORT GeomFill_Pipe(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& Path,const Standard_Real Radius); //! Create a pipe with a constant section
//! () and a path ()
//! Option can be - GeomFill_IsCorrectedFrenet
//! - GeomFill_IsFrenet
//! - GeomFill_IsConstant
Standard_EXPORT GeomFill_Pipe(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& Path,const Handle(Geom_Curve)& FirstSect,const GeomFill_Trihedron Option = GeomFill_IsCorrectedFrenet); //! Create a pipe with a constant section
//! () and a path defined by and
Standard_EXPORT GeomFill_Pipe(const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Path,const Handle(Geom_Surface)& Support,const Handle(Geom_Curve)& FirstSect); //! Create a pipe with a constant section
//! () and a path and a fixed
//! binormal direction
Standard_EXPORT GeomFill_Pipe(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& Path,const Handle(Geom_Curve)& FirstSect,const gp_Dir& Dir); //! Create a pipe with an evolving section
//! The section evoluate from First to Last Section
Standard_EXPORT GeomFill_Pipe(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& Path,const Handle(Geom_Curve)& FirstSect,const Handle(Geom_Curve)& LastSect); //! Create a pipe with N sections
//! The section evoluate from First to Last Section
Standard_EXPORT GeomFill_Pipe(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& Path,const TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve& NSections); //! Create a pipe with a constant radius with 2
//! guide-line.
Standard_EXPORT GeomFill_Pipe(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& Path,const Handle(Geom_Curve)& Curve1,const Handle(Geom_Curve)& Curve2,const Standard_Real Radius); //! Create a pipe with a constant radius with 2
//! guide-line.
Standard_EXPORT GeomFill_Pipe(const Handle(Adaptor3d_HCurve)& Path,const Handle(Adaptor3d_HCurve)& Curve1,const Handle(Adaptor3d_HCurve)& Curve2,const Standard_Real Radius); //! Create a pipe with a constant section and with 1
//! guide-line.
//! Use the function Perform to build the surface.
//! All standard specific cases are detected in order to
//! construct, according to the respective geometric
//! nature of Path and the sections, a planar, cylindrical,
//! conical, spherical or toroidal surface, a surface of
//! linear extrusion or a surface of revolution.
//! In the general case, the result is a BSpline surface
//! (NURBS) built by approximation of a series of sections where:
//! - the number of sections N is chosen automatically
//! by the algorithm according to the respective
//! geometries of Path and the sections. N is greater than or equal to 2;
//! - N points Pi (with i in the range [ 1,N ]) are
//! defined at regular intervals along the curve Path
//! from its first point to its end point. At each point Pi,
//! a coordinate system Ti is computed with Pi as
//! origin, and with the tangential and normal vectors
//! to Path defining two of its coordinate axes.
//! In the case of a pipe with a constant circular section,
//! the first section is a circle of radius Radius centered
//! on the origin of Path and whose "Z Axis" is aligned
//! along the vector tangential to the origin of Path. In the
//! case of a pipe with a constant section, the first section
//! is the curve FirstSect. In these two cases, the ith
//! section (for values of i greater than 1) is obtained by
//! applying to a copy of this first section the geometric
//! transformation which transforms coordinate system
//! T1 into coordinate system Ti.
//! In the case of an evolving section, N-2 intermediate
//! curves Si are first computed (if N is greater than 2,
//! and with i in the range [ 2,N-1 ]) whose geometry
//! evolves regularly from the curve S1=FirstSect to the
//! curve SN=LastSect. The first section is FirstSect,
//! and the ith section (for values of i greater than 1) is
//! obtained by applying to the curve Si the geometric
//! transformation which transforms coordinate system
//! T1 into coordinate system Ti.
Standard_EXPORT GeomFill_Pipe(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& Path,const Handle(Adaptor3d_HCurve)& Guide,const Handle(Geom_Curve)& FirstSect,const Standard_Boolean ByACR,const Standard_Boolean rotat); Standard_EXPORT void Init(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& Path,const Standard_Real Radius) ; Standard_EXPORT void Init(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& Path,const Handle(Geom_Curve)& FirstSect,const GeomFill_Trihedron Option = GeomFill_IsCorrectedFrenet) ; Standard_EXPORT void Init(const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)& Path,const Handle(Geom_Surface)& Support,const Handle(Geom_Curve)& FirstSect) ; Standard_EXPORT void Init(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& Path,const Handle(Geom_Curve)& FirstSect,const gp_Dir& Dir) ; Standard_EXPORT void Init(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& Path,const Handle(Geom_Curve)& FirstSect,const Handle(Geom_Curve)& LastSect) ; Standard_EXPORT void Init(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& Path,const TColGeom_SequenceOfCurve& NSections) ; //! Create a pipe with a constant radius with 2
//! guide-line.
Standard_EXPORT void Init(const Handle(Adaptor3d_HCurve)& Path,const Handle(Adaptor3d_HCurve)& Curve1,const Handle(Adaptor3d_HCurve)& Curve2,const Standard_Real Radius) ; //! Initializes this pipe algorithm to build the following surface:
//! - a pipe with a constant circular section of radius
//! Radius along the path Path, or
//! - a pipe with constant section FirstSect along the path Path, or
//! - a pipe where the section evolves from FirstSect to
//! LastSect along the path Path.
//! Use the function Perform to build the surface.
//! Note: a description of the resulting surface is given under Constructors.
Standard_EXPORT void Init(const Handle(Geom_Curve)& Path,const Handle(Adaptor3d_HCurve)& Guide,const Handle(Geom_Curve)& FirstSect,const Standard_Boolean ByACR,const Standard_Boolean rotat) ; //! Builds the pipe defined at the time of initialization of this
//! algorithm. A description of the resulting surface is given under Constructors.
//! If WithParameters (defaulted to false) is set to true, the
//! approximation algorithm (used only in the general case
//! of construction of a BSpline surface) builds the surface
//! with a u parameter corresponding to the one of the path.
//! Exceptions
//! Standard_ConstructionError if a surface cannot be constructed from the data.
//! Warning: It is the old Perform method, the next methode is recommended.
Standard_EXPORT void Perform(const Standard_Boolean WithParameters = Standard_False,const Standard_Boolean myPolynomial = Standard_False) ; //! detects the particular cases. And compute the surface.
//! if none particular case is detected we make an approximation
//! with respect of the Tolerance , the continuty , the
//! maximum degree , the maximum number of span
//! and the spine parametrization.
//! If we can't create a surface with the data
Standard_EXPORT void Perform(const Standard_Real Tol,const Standard_Boolean Polynomial,const GeomAbs_Shape Conti = GeomAbs_C1,const Standard_Integer MaxDegree = 11,const Standard_Integer NbMaxSegment = 30) ; //! Returns the surface built by this algorithm.
//! Warning
//! Do not use this function before the surface is built (in this
//! case the function will return a null handle).
const Handle_Geom_Surface& Surface() const; //! The u parametric direction of the surface constructed by
//! this algorithm usually corresponds to the evolution
//! along the path and the v parametric direction
//! corresponds to the evolution along the section(s).
//! However, this rule is not respected when constructing
//! certain specific Geom surfaces (typically cylindrical
//! surfaces, surfaces of revolution, etc.) for which the
//! parameterization is inversed.
//! The ExchangeUV function checks for this, and returns
//! true in all these specific cases.
//! Warning
//! Do not use this function before the surface is built.
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ExchangeUV() const; //! Sets a flag to try to create as many planes,
//! cylinder,... as possible. Default value is
//! .
void GenerateParticularCase(const Standard_Boolean B) ; //! Returns the flag.
Standard_Boolean GenerateParticularCase() const; //! Returns the approximation's error. if the Surface
//! is plane, cylinder ... this error can be 0.
Standard_Real ErrorOnSurf() const; protected: private: Standard_EXPORT void Init() ; //! The result () is an approximation. Using
//! to do that. If
//! is set to , the
//! apprxoximation will be done in respect to the spine
//! parametrization.
Standard_EXPORT void ApproxSurf(const Standard_Boolean WithParameters) ; Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean KPartT4() ; Standard_Real myRadius; Standard_Real myError; Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve myAdpPath; Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve myAdpFirstSect; Handle_Adaptor3d_HCurve myAdpLastSect; Handle_Geom_Surface mySurface; Handle_GeomFill_LocationLaw myLoc; Handle_GeomFill_SectionLaw mySec; Standard_Integer myType; Standard_Boolean myExchUV; Standard_Boolean myKPart; Standard_Boolean myPolynomial; }; #include // other Inline functions and methods (like "C++: function call" methods) #endif