// This file is generated by WOK (CPPExt). // Please do not edit this file; modify original file instead. // The copyright and license terms as defined for the original file apply to // this header file considered to be the "object code" form of the original source. #ifndef _DBRep_HideData_HeaderFile #define _DBRep_HideData_HeaderFile #ifndef _Standard_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Macro_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Integer_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _gp_Trsf_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Real_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _HLRBRep_ListOfBPoint_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _TopoDS_Shape_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Boolean_HeaderFile #include #endif class gp_Trsf; class TopoDS_Shape; class Draw_Display; class Draw_Color; //! This class stores all the informations concerning
//! hidden lines on a view.
//! * View number
//! * Matrix of projection
//! * Type of projection, focal
//! * Arrays of 3d points
//! A drawable shape contains a list of such objects
//! to store the hidden lines for each view. The
//! IsSame method is used to check if hidden lines
//! must be recompiled.
class DBRep_HideData { public: void* operator new(size_t,void* anAddress) { return anAddress; } void* operator new(size_t size) { return Standard::Allocate(size); } void operator delete(void *anAddress) { if (anAddress) Standard::Free((Standard_Address&)anAddress); } Standard_EXPORT DBRep_HideData(); //! ViewId is the view number
//! TProj the projection
//! Focal <= 0 means parallel projection
//! Alg : the hidden lines
Standard_EXPORT void Set(const Standard_Integer ViewId,const gp_Trsf& TProj,const Standard_Real Focal,const TopoDS_Shape& S,const Standard_Real ang) ; Standard_Integer ViewId() const; Standard_Real Angle() const; //! Returns True if the projection is the same
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsSame(const gp_Trsf& TProj,const Standard_Real Focla) const; Standard_EXPORT void DrawOn(Draw_Display& D,const Standard_Boolean withRg1,const Standard_Boolean withRgN,const Standard_Boolean withHid,const Draw_Color& VisCol,const Draw_Color& HidCol) ; //! Returns the subshape touched by the last pick.
Standard_EXPORT const TopoDS_Shape& LastPick() const; protected: private: Standard_Integer myView; gp_Trsf myTrsf; Standard_Real myFocal; HLRBRep_ListOfBPoint myBiPntVis; HLRBRep_ListOfBPoint myBiPntHid; TopoDS_Shape myPickShap; Standard_Real myAngle; }; #include // other Inline functions and methods (like "C++: function call" methods) #endif