// This file is generated by WOK (CPPExt). // Please do not edit this file; modify original file instead. // The copyright and license terms as defined for the original file apply to // this header file considered to be the "object code" form of the original source. #ifndef _BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace_HeaderFile #define _BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace_HeaderFile #ifndef _Standard_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Macro_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _BRepLib_MakeFace_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShape_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Handle_Geom_Surface_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Real_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _Standard_Boolean_HeaderFile #include #endif #ifndef _BRepBuilderAPI_FaceError_HeaderFile #include #endif class StdFail_NotDone; class TopoDS_Face; class gp_Pln; class gp_Cylinder; class gp_Cone; class gp_Sphere; class gp_Torus; class Geom_Surface; class TopoDS_Wire; //! Provides methods to build faces.
//! A face may be built :
//! * From a surface.
//! - Elementary surface from gp.
//! - Surface from Geom.
//! * From a surface and U,V values.
//! * From a wire.
//! - Find the surface automatically if possible.
//! * From a surface and a wire.
//! - A flag Inside is given, when this flag is True
//! the wire is oriented to bound a finite area on
//! the surface.
//! * From a face and a wire.
//! - The new wire is a perforation.
class BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace : public BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShape { public: void* operator new(size_t,void* anAddress) { return anAddress; } void* operator new(size_t size) { return Standard::Allocate(size); } void operator delete(void *anAddress) { if (anAddress) Standard::Free((Standard_Address&)anAddress); } //! Not done.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(); //! Load a face. Usefull to add wires.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const TopoDS_Face& F); //! Make a face from a plane.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const gp_Pln& P); //! Make a face from a cylinder.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const gp_Cylinder& C); //! Make a face from a cone.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const gp_Cone& C); //! Make a face from a sphere.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const gp_Sphere& S); //! Make a face from a torus.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const gp_Torus& C); //! Make a face from a Surface. Accepts tolerance value (TolDegen)
//! for resolution of degenerated edges.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const Handle(Geom_Surface)& S,const Standard_Real TolDegen); //! Make a face from a plane.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const gp_Pln& P,const Standard_Real UMin,const Standard_Real UMax,const Standard_Real VMin,const Standard_Real VMax); //! Make a face from a cylinder.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const gp_Cylinder& C,const Standard_Real UMin,const Standard_Real UMax,const Standard_Real VMin,const Standard_Real VMax); //! Make a face from a cone.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const gp_Cone& C,const Standard_Real UMin,const Standard_Real UMax,const Standard_Real VMin,const Standard_Real VMax); //! Make a face from a sphere.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const gp_Sphere& S,const Standard_Real UMin,const Standard_Real UMax,const Standard_Real VMin,const Standard_Real VMax); //! Make a face from a torus.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const gp_Torus& C,const Standard_Real UMin,const Standard_Real UMax,const Standard_Real VMin,const Standard_Real VMax); //! Make a face from a Surface. Accepts tolerance value (TolDegen)
//! for resolution of degenerated edges.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const Handle(Geom_Surface)& S,const Standard_Real UMin,const Standard_Real UMax,const Standard_Real VMin,const Standard_Real VMax,const Standard_Real TolDegen); //! Find a surface from the wire and make a face.
//! if is true, the computed surface will be
//! a plane. If it is not possible to find a plane, the
//! flag NotDone will be set.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const TopoDS_Wire& W,const Standard_Boolean OnlyPlane = Standard_False); //! Make a face from a plane and a wire.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const gp_Pln& P,const TopoDS_Wire& W,const Standard_Boolean Inside = Standard_True); //! Make a face from a cylinder and a wire.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const gp_Cylinder& C,const TopoDS_Wire& W,const Standard_Boolean Inside = Standard_True); //! Make a face from a cone and a wire.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const gp_Cone& C,const TopoDS_Wire& W,const Standard_Boolean Inside = Standard_True); //! Make a face from a sphere and a wire.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const gp_Sphere& S,const TopoDS_Wire& W,const Standard_Boolean Inside = Standard_True); //! Make a face from a torus and a wire.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const gp_Torus& C,const TopoDS_Wire& W,const Standard_Boolean Inside = Standard_True); //! Make a face from a Surface and a wire.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const Handle(Geom_Surface)& S,const TopoDS_Wire& W,const Standard_Boolean Inside = Standard_True); //! Adds the wire in the face
//! A general method to create a face is to give
//! - a surface S as the support (the geometric domain) of the face,
//! - and a wire W to bound it.
//! The bounds of the face can also be defined by four parameter values
//! umin, umax, vmin, vmax which determine isoparametric limitations on
//! the parametric space of the surface. In this way, a patch is
//! defined. The parameter values are optional. If they are omitted, the
//! natural bounds of the surface are used. A wire is automatically
//! built using the defined bounds. Up to four edges and four vertices
//! are created with this wire (no edge is created when the
//! corresponding parameter value is infinite).
//! Wires can then be added using the function Add to define other
//! restrictions on the face. These restrictions represent holes. More
//! than one wire may be added by this way, provided that the wires do
//! not cross each other and that they define only one area on the
//! surface. (Be careful, however, as this is not checked).
//! Forbidden addition of wires
//! Note that in this schema, the third case is valid if edges of the
//! wire W are declared internal to the face. As a result, these edges
//! are no longer bounds of the face.
//! A default tolerance (Precision::Confusion()) is given to the face,
//! this tolerance may be increased during construction of the face
//! using various algorithms.
//! Rules applied to the arguments
//! For the surface:
//! - The surface must not be a 'null handle'.
//! - If the surface is a trimmed surface, the basis surface is used.
//! - For the wire: the wire is composed of connected edges, each
//! edge having a parametric curve description in the parametric
//! domain of the surface; in other words, as a pcurve.
//! For the parameters:
//! - The parameter values must be in the parametric range of the
//! surface (or the basis surface, if the surface is trimmed). If this
//! condition is not satisfied, the face is not built, and the Error
//! function will return BRepBuilderAPI_ParametersOutOfRange.
//! - The bounding parameters p1 and p2 are adjusted on a periodic
//! surface in a given parametric direction by adding or subtracting
//! the period to obtain p1 in the parametric range of the surface and
//! such p2, that p2 - p1 <= Period, where Period is the period of the
//! surface in this parametric direction.
//! - A parameter value may be infinite. There will be no edge and
//! no vertex in the corresponding direction.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(const TopoDS_Face& F,const TopoDS_Wire& W); //! Initializes (or reinitializes) the
//! construction of a face by creating a new object which is a copy of
//! the face F, in order to add wires to it, using the function Add.
//! Note: this complete copy of the geometry is only required if you
//! want to work on the geometries of the two faces independently.
Standard_EXPORT void Init(const TopoDS_Face& F) ; //! Initializes (or reinitializes) the construction of a face on
//! the surface S. If Bound is true, a wire is
//! automatically created from the natural bounds of the
//! surface S and added to the face in order to bound it. If
//! Bound is false, no wire is added. This option is used
//! when real bounds are known. These will be added to
//! the face after this initialization, using the function Add.
//! TolDegen parameter is used for resolution of degenerated edges
//! if calculation of natural bounds is turned on.
Standard_EXPORT void Init(const Handle(Geom_Surface)& S,const Standard_Boolean Bound,const Standard_Real TolDegen) ; //! Initializes (or reinitializes) the construction of a face on
//! the surface S, limited in the u parametric direction by
//! the two parameter values UMin and UMax and in the
//! v parametric direction by the two parameter values VMin and VMax.
//! Warning
//! Error returns:
//! - BRepBuilderAPI_ParametersOutOfRange
//! when the parameters given are outside the bounds of the
//! surface or the basis surface of a trimmed surface.
//! TolDegen parameter is used for resolution of degenerated edges.
Standard_EXPORT void Init(const Handle(Geom_Surface)& S,const Standard_Real UMin,const Standard_Real UMax,const Standard_Real VMin,const Standard_Real VMax,const Standard_Real TolDegen) ; //! Adds the wire W to the constructed face as a hole.
//! Warning
//! W must not cross the other bounds of the face, and all
//! the bounds must define only one area on the surface.
//! (Be careful, however, as this is not checked.)
//! Example
//! // a cylinder
//! gp_Cylinder C = ..;
//! // a wire
//! TopoDS_Wire W = ...;
//! BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace MF(C);
//! MF.Add(W);
//! TopoDS_Face F = MF;
Standard_EXPORT void Add(const TopoDS_Wire& W) ; //! Returns true if this algorithm has a valid face.
Standard_EXPORT virtual Standard_Boolean IsDone() const; //! Returns the construction status
//! BRepBuilderAPI_FaceDone if the face is built, or
//! - another value of the BRepBuilderAPI_FaceError
//! enumeration indicating why the construction failed, in
//! particular when the given parameters are outside the
//! bounds of the surface.
Standard_EXPORT BRepBuilderAPI_FaceError Error() const; //! Returns the constructed face.
//! Exceptions
//! StdFail_NotDone if no face is built.
Standard_EXPORT const TopoDS_Face& Face() const; Standard_EXPORT operator TopoDS_Face() const; protected: private: BRepLib_MakeFace myMakeFace; }; // other Inline functions and methods (like "C++: function call" methods) #endif