/* © Copyright 2008 Randal A. Koene With design assistance from J. van Pelt & A. van Ooyen, and support from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Program Computational Life Sciences grant CLS2003 (635.100.005) and from the EC Marie Curie Research and Training Network (RTN) NEURoVERS-it 019247. This file is part of NETMORPH. NETMORPH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. NETMORPH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NETMORPH. If not, see . */ // neuron.cc // Randal A. Koene, 20041118 #include #include "neuron.hh" #include "fibre_elongation_model.hh" #include "axon_direction_model.hh" #include "Sampled_Output.hh" #include "BigString.hh" #include "network.hh" //neuron * processing_neuron = NULL; // *** this cannot be global when parallel processing const char neuron_type_name[][25] = {"Principal Neuron", "Interneuron", "Multipolar NonPyramidal", "Bipolar", "Pyramidal", "Untyped Neuron"}; const char neuron_short_name[][12] = {"principal", "interneuron", "multipolar", "bipolar", "pyramidal", "untyped"}; // [UPDATE 20080702:] The case in which we define INCLUDE_SCHEMA_PARENT_SET_PROTOCOL_DIRECTION_MODELS is now REQUIRED for compilation. const char natural_subset_idstr[NUM_NATURAL_SPS][40] = { "", "all_axons.", "all_dendrites.", "all_multipolar_axons.", "all_multipolar_dendrites.", "all_bipolar_axons.", "all_bipolar_dendrites.", "all_pyramidal_axons.", "all_pyramidal_dendrites.", "all_interneuron_axons.", "all_interneuron_dendrites.", "all_apical_pyramidal_dendrites."}; // Whether to use the hypothesis that apical attraction to chemical at pia // and axonal repulsion from that same chemical not only affects growth // direction but also initial segment positioning, i.e. place axon and // apical dendrites opposite each other rather than relating them only to // the center of gravity of basal dendritic trees. bool pia_attraction_repulsion_hypothesis = true; /* Parameter specification following model selection: ------------------------------------------------- The general_neuron_parameters_interface demonstrates a clear standardized method for the specification of parameter values for successively more constrained subsets of components, after a model has been selected. This process involves the allocation of "schema" objects with parameter values, as specified at a given resolution (e.g. the default settings at the global or general level), of which the schema object subsequently modifies some values that are specific to the subset that the schema represents. The schema objects are "cloned" in the components that belong to the corresponding subset. See http://rak.minduploading.org:8080/caspan/Members/randalk/model-specification-implementation/. For the most advanced example that follows guidelines (as of 20060313) see fibre_elongation_model.hh and fibre_elongation_model.cc, and the comments and TL references there. For comments about parameter copying and for the implementation rule regarding t_0 of a model instance (the prev_t parameter), see TL#200603140355.2. */ general_neuron_parameters_interface general_neuron_parameters; // Arrays containing compile-time default values // principal, interneuron, multipolar, bipolar, pyramidal, untyped int min_basal[UNTYPED_NEURON+1] = { 2, 2, 2, 1, 4, 2 }; int max_basal[UNTYPED_NEURON+1] = { 5, 4, 5, 1, 8, 5 }; double min_angle[UNTYPED_NEURON+1] = { 0.1*M_PI, 0.1*M_PI, 0.1*M_PI, 0.1*M_PI, 0.1*M_PI, 0.1*M_PI }; double max_angle[UNTYPED_NEURON+1] = { 0.5*M_PI, 2.0*M_PI, 2.0*M_PI, 0.25*M_PI, 0.5*M_PI, 0.5*M_PI }; int max_axons[UNTYPED_NEURON+1] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; basal_force_model bfm = unrestricted_bfm; String bfmstr[NUM_bfm] = { "unrestricted", "surface_division", "forced_drift", }; long num_neurons_created = 0; void natural_set_model_error(natural_schema_parent_set natural_set_id, String modelstr) { // PROTOCOL: Do not allow sets with undefined model schemas. String setstr(natural_subset_idstr[natural_set_id]); if (natural_set_id==universal_sps) setstr = "universal"; error("Error: Natural set '"+setstr+"' has no associated "+modelstr+" model schema.\n"); } void region_natural_set_model_error(region * r, natural_schema_parent_set natural_set_id, String modelstr) { // PROTOCOL: Do not allow sets with undefined model schemas. String setstr(natural_subset_idstr[natural_set_id]); if (natural_set_id==universal_sps) setstr = "universal"; String regstr; if (!r) regstr = "universal network"; else regstr = r->Name(); error("Error: Region '"+regstr+"' natural set '"+setstr+"' has no associated "+modelstr+" model schema.\n"); } int superior_schema_index(region * r, int schema_index) { if (!r) return superior_natural_set[schema_index]; return schema_index; // same schema in universal network } void general_neuron_parameters_interface::parse_CLP(Command_Line_Parameters & clp) { error("Error: Please use the general_neuron_parameters_interface::parse_CLP(Command_Line_Parameters & clp, network & net) function in order to access network regions.\n"); } void general_neuron_parameters_interface::parse_CLP(Command_Line_Parameters & clp, network & net) { // PROTOCOL: Defined sets, including natural sets, receive schema objects, either due // to explicit specification, or by inheriting the model and parameter choices from // an immediate superior set. [See task log entries of DIL#20070612153815.1.] int n; if ((n=clp.Specifies_Parameter("pia_attraction_repulsion_hypothesis"))>=0) pia_attraction_repulsion_hypothesis = (downcase(clp.ParValue(n))==String("true")); if ((n=clp.Specifies_Parameter("use_specified_basal_direction"))>=0) { use_specified_basal_direction = (downcase(clp.ParValue(n))==String("true")); if (use_specified_basal_direction) { if ((n=clp.Specifies_Parameter("specified_basal_direction_theta"))>=0) specified_basal_direction_theta = atof(clp.ParValue(n)); #ifdef VECTOR3D if ((n=clp.Specifies_Parameter("specified_basal_direction_phi"))>=0) specified_basal_direction_phi = atof(clp.ParValue(n)); #endif bool compute_direction_from_euler = false; double x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0; if ((n=clp.Specifies_Parameter("specified_basal_direction_relx"))>=0) { x = atof(clp.ParValue(n)); compute_direction_from_euler = true; } if ((n=clp.Specifies_Parameter("specified_basal_direction_rely"))>=0) { y = atof(clp.ParValue(n)); compute_direction_from_euler = true; } #ifdef VECTOR3D if ((n=clp.Specifies_Parameter("specified_basal_direction_relz"))>=0) { z = atof(clp.ParValue(n)); compute_direction_from_euler = true; } #endif if (compute_direction_from_euler) { spatial apdir(x,y,z); apdir.convert_to_spherical(); specified_basal_direction_theta = apdir.Y(); #ifdef VECTOR3D specified_basal_direction_phi = apdir.Z(); #endif } } } if ((n=clp.Specifies_Parameter("apical_specified_overrides_centroid"))>=0) apical_specified_overrides_centroid = (downcase(clp.ParValue(n))==String("true")); // Population specific model selection (see TL#200807020156.12): cached_net_ptr = &net; String popid; // popid="" is the universal network model identifier // 1. We prepare schema arrays according to the number of regions defined int numschemasets = net.Regions().length()+1; // index 0 is for the universal network structure_initialization_region_subset_schemas = new region_structure_initialization_ptr[numschemasets]; direction_model_region_subset_schemas = new region_direction_model_base_ptr[numschemasets]; branching_model_region_subset_schemas = new region_branching_model_base_ptr[numschemasets]; TSBM_region_subset_schemas = new region_TSBM_base_ptr[numschemasets]; TSTM_region_subset_schemas = new region_TSTM_base_ptr[numschemasets]; branch_angle_model_region_subset_schemas = new region_branch_angle_model_base_ptr[numschemasets]; arbor_elongation_model_region_subset_schemas = new region_arbor_elongation_model_base_ptr[numschemasets]; terminal_segment_elongation_model_region_subset_schemas = new region_terminal_segment_elongation_model_base_ptr[numschemasets]; elongation_rate_initialization_model_region_subset_schemas = new region_elongation_rate_initialization_model_base_ptr[numschemasets]; for (int i=0; iNext(); if (r) popid = r->Name()+'.'; regid++; } while (r); if ((n=clp.Specifies_Parameter("figattr_connections_threshold"))>=0) { if (figattr_connections_thresholdlist) delete[] figattr_connections_thresholdlist; figattr_connections_thresholdlist = str2vec(clp.ParValue(n),&figattr_connections_thresholdlistlength); figattr_connections_threshold = figattr_connections_thresholdlist[0]; for (int i = 1; ireport_parameters(); // general terminal segment elongation model res += "\nGeneral terminal segment elongation model: "; switch (general_terminal_segment_elongation_model) { case inertia_tsem: res += "inertia."; break;; default: res += "simple (or not)."; } if (!general_terminal_segment_elongation_model_root.empty()) res += " (contributing models with root "+general_terminal_segment_elongation_model_root+".)"; //res += general_terminal_segment_elongation_model_schema->report_parameters(); // natural subsets // [***INCOMPLETE] Does this report the model class, or any information // about contributing models or their parameters? if (!cached_net_ptr) error("Error: Please use the general_neuron_parameters_interface::parse_CLP(Command_Line_Parameters & clp, network & net) function in order to cache a pointer for network regions access.\n"); int numschemasets = cached_net_ptr->Regions().length()+1; for (int regid = 0; regidRegions().el(regid-1)->Name(); res += "':"; for (natural_schema_parent_set i = universal_sps; ireport_parameters(); } } for (natural_schema_parent_set i = universal_sps; ireport_parameters(); } } for (natural_schema_parent_set i = universal_sps; ireport_parameters(); if (i==universal_sps) if (!universal_elongation_rate_initialization_model_root.empty()) res += " (contributing models with root "+universal_elongation_rate_initialization_model_root+".)"; } } for (natural_schema_parent_set i = universal_sps; ireport_parameters(); if (i==universal_sps) if (!universal_direction_model_root.empty()) res += " (contributing models with root "+universal_direction_model_root+".)"; } } for (natural_schema_parent_set i = universal_sps; ireport_parameters(); if (i==universal_sps) if (!universal_branching_model_root.empty()) res += " (contributing models with root "+universal_branching_model_root+".)"; } } for (natural_schema_parent_set i = universal_sps; ireport_parameters(); if (i==universal_sps) if (!universal_TSBM_root.empty()) res += " (contributing models with root "+universal_TSBM_root+".)"; } } for (natural_schema_parent_set i = universal_sps; ireport_parameters(); if (i==universal_sps) if (!universal_TSTM_root.empty()) res += " (contributing models with root "+universal_TSTM_root+".)"; } } for (natural_schema_parent_set i = universal_sps; ireport_parameters(); if (i==universal_sps) if (!universal_branch_angle_model_root.empty()) res += " (contributing models with root "+universal_branch_angle_model_root+".)"; } } } if (!elongation_rate_initialization_model_region_subset_schemas[0][universal_sps]) res += "\nUniversal elongation_rate_initialization model: length_distribution"; if (!direction_model_region_subset_schemas[0][universal_sps]) res += "\nUniversal direction model: radial"; if (!branching_model_region_subset_schemas[0][universal_sps]) res += "\nUniversal branching model: van_Pelt"; if (!branch_angle_model_region_subset_schemas[0][universal_sps]) res += "\nUniversal branch angle model: balanced_forces"; res += '\n'; res += "Lowest threshold strength at which abstract connections are shown (when drawn): " + String(figattr_connections_threshold,"%.3f\n"); if (figattr_connections_thresholdlist) { res += "Using list of thresholds in abstract connection figures: "; for (int i = 0; i(e)->Collect_Data(nsb); PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,inputstructure.head(),1) static_cast(e)->Collect_Data(nsb); } #endif int neuron::number_of_synapses() { int sum = 0; PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(connection,outputconnections.head(),1) sum += e->Synapses()->length(); return sum; } int neuron::total_input_segments() { int res = 0; PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,inputstructure.head(),1) res += e->count_segments(); return res; } int neuron::total_output_segments() { int res = 0; PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,outputstructure.head(),1) res += e->count_segments(); return res; } int neuron::total_input_terminal_segments() { int res = 0; PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,inputstructure.head(),1) res += e->count_terminal_segments(); return res; } int neuron::total_output_terminal_segments() { int res = 0; PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,outputstructure.head(),1) res += e->count_terminal_segments(); return res; } void neuron::abstract_connections() { PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(connection,outputconnections.head(),1) e->abstract(); // [***INCOMPLETE] The following should probably be un-set if arbor // development or some such process again affects this neuron. abstracted_connections = true; } void neuron::move(spatial & pos) { // Recenter a neuron on pos. spatial addvec(pos); addvec -= P; P = pos; // move the soma center PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,inputstructure.head(),1) e->move_add(addvec); PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,outputstructure.head(),1) e->move_add(addvec); PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(connection,outputconnections.head(),1) { PLL_LOOP_FORWARD_NESTED(synapse,e->Synapses()->head(),1,s) { s->move_add(addvec); } } } void neuron::fanin_rot() { net_fanin_histogram.collect=(statsattr_fan_in_analysis==dendrite_fs); PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,inputstructure.head(),1) e->fanin_rot(); net_fanin_histogram.collect=(statsattr_fan_in_analysis==axon_fs); PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,outputstructure.head(),1) e->fanin_rot(); PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(connection,outputconnections.head(),1) { PLL_LOOP_FORWARD_NESTED(synapse,e->Synapses()->head(),1,s) { s->fanin_rot(); } } } Fig_Object * neuron::net_Fig() { /* Documentation: The parameter "figattr_box_fibre_independently" allows fibre that is within a zoom box to be drawn, even if the neuron that the fibre belongs to is not within the box. For sanity reasons, setting this parameter automatically also sets figattr_fibres_nobox=false. */ double x, y; static const int somafillstyle[2] = { -1, 20 }; P.plane_mapped(x,y); // cout << "Nx=" << x << ", Ny=" << y << '\n'; //cout << '<'; cout.flush(); Fig_Circle * neuron_fig = NULL; if (fig_in_zoom(P)) { if ((figattr_show_neurons) && (fig_cell_is_visible())) { long X,Y,R; long color=0; if (figattr_use_color) color=figneuroncolor; X=(long) (x*figscale); Y=(long) (y*figscale); R=(long) (figscale*radius); if (R==0) R = 1; neuron_fig = new Fig_Circle(0,1,color,color,998,somafillstyle[figattr_fill_somas],0.0,0.0,X,Y,R,X,Y,X+150,Y+75); // ,9,20 [pre20070709, fillcolor used to be 7] } } else if (!figattr_box_fibre_independently) return NULL; Fig_Group * connections_fig = NULL; if ((figattr_show_abstract_connections) && (outputconnections.head())) { connections_fig = new Fig_Group(); // *** can add info in comment here long x1,y1; if (figattr_use_color) _figvar_connection_color=figconnectionscolor; double axonoffset=0.70711*radius; x1=FIGSCALED(x+axonoffset); y1=FIGSCALED(y+axonoffset); _figvar_connection_axon_x=FIGSCALED(x+axonoffset+axonoffset); _figvar_connection_axon_y=FIGSCALED(y+axonoffset+axonoffset); // A small axon segment is drawn at 45 degrees anti-clockwise from the // downward direction. From there, lines are drawn to connected neuron // centers. if (fig_cell_is_visible()) connections_fig->Add_Fig_Object(new Fig_Line(0,1,_figvar_connection_color,7,_figvar_connection_depth,-1,0.0,0,0, x1,y1,_figvar_connection_axon_x,_figvar_connection_axon_y)); if (fig_presyn_is_visible()) { PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(connection,outputconnections.head(),1) connections_fig->Add_Fig_Object(e->net_Fig()); } else { PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(connection,outputconnections.head(),1) if (e->PostSynaptic()->fig_postsyn_is_visible()) connections_fig->Add_Fig_Object(e->net_Fig()); } if (fig_report_depth()) progress("Reported Connections Depth = "+String((long) _figvar_connection_depth)+'\n'); _figvar_connection_depth--; if (_figvar_connection_depth<10) _figvar_connection_depth = 997; } //cout << '1'; cout.flush(); Fig_Group * postsynaptic_structures_fig = NULL; if ((figattr_show_postsynaptic_structure) && (inputstructure.head())) { postsynaptic_structures_fig = new Fig_Group(); // *** can add info in comment here if (figattr_use_color) _figvar_connection_color=figdendritescolor; PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,inputstructure.head(),1) postsynaptic_structures_fig->Add_Fig_Object(e->net_Fig()); _figvar_connection_depth--; if (_figvar_connection_depth<10) _figvar_connection_depth = 997; } Fig_Group * presynaptic_structures_fig = NULL; if ((figattr_show_presynaptic_structure) && (inputstructure.head())) { presynaptic_structures_fig = new Fig_Group(); // *** can add info in comment here if (figattr_use_color) _figvar_connection_color=figaxonscolor; PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,outputstructure.head(),1) presynaptic_structures_fig->Add_Fig_Object(e->net_Fig()); /* PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(presynaptic_structure,outputstructure.head(),1) { Fig_Object * fo = e->net_Fig(); presynaptic_structures_fig->Add_Fig_Object(fo); cout << "
 cout << fo->str();
 cout << "
\n"; }*/ _figvar_connection_depth--; if (_figvar_connection_depth<10) _figvar_connection_depth = 997; } Fig_Group * synapse_structures_fig = NULL; if ((figattr_show_synapse_structure) && (outputconnections.head())) { synapse_structures_fig = new Fig_Group(); // *** can add info in comment here if (figattr_use_color) _figvar_connection_color=figsynapsescolor; // [***NOTE] This is superceded by color allocation within synapse::net_Fig(). // ***synapse_inventory[syntype_GluR][0]++; PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(connection,outputconnections.head(),1) { // ***synapse_inventory[syntype_iGluR][0]++; PLL_LOOP_FORWARD_NESTED(synapse,e->Synapses()->head(),1,s) { // ***synapse_inventory[syntype_mGluR][0]++; synapse_structures_fig->Add_Fig_Object(s->net_Fig()); } } _figvar_connection_depth--; if (_figvar_connection_depth<10) _figvar_connection_depth = 997; } //cout << '>'; cout.flush(); if ((!connections_fig) && (!postsynaptic_structures_fig) && (!presynaptic_structures_fig) && (!synapse_structures_fig)) return neuron_fig; Fig_Group * neuron_structure_fig = new Fig_Group(); neuron_structure_fig->Add_Fig_Object(neuron_fig); neuron_structure_fig->Add_Fig_Object(connections_fig); neuron_structure_fig->Add_Fig_Object(postsynaptic_structures_fig); neuron_structure_fig->Add_Fig_Object(presynaptic_structures_fig); neuron_structure_fig->Add_Fig_Object(synapse_structures_fig); return neuron_structure_fig; } Txt_Object * neuron::net_Txt() { (*Txt_neuronlist) += String(Txt_neuronindex); (*Txt_neuronlist) += ','; (*Txt_neuronlist) += String((long) this); (*Txt_neuronlist) += ','; (*Txt_neuronlist) += neuron_short_name[TypeID()]; (*Txt_neuronlist) += ','; int regnum = -1; if (eq) regnum = eq->Net()->Regions().find(*this); if (regnum>=0) (*Txt_neuronlist) += eq->Net()->Regions().el(regnum)->Name(); else (*Txt_neuronlist) += "universal"; double x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0; P.get_all(x,y,z); (*Txt_neuronlist) += String(x,",%f"); (*Txt_neuronlist) += String(y,",%f"); (*Txt_neuronlist) += String(z,",%f\n"); progress(" synapses ("); if (outputconnections.head()) { PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(connection,outputconnections.head(),1) { PLL_LOOP_FORWARD_NESTED(synapse,e->Synapses()->head(),1,s) s->net_Txt(); progress("*"); } } if (outattr_track_nodegenesis) { progress(") structure("); parsing_fs_type = dendrite_fs; PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,inputstructure.head(),1) e->net_Txt(); progress("dendrites,"); parsing_fs_type = axon_fs; PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,outputstructure.head(),1) e->net_Txt(); progress("axons)\n"); } else progress(")\n"); Txt_neuronindex++; return NULL; } VRML_Object * neuron::net_VRML() { if (fig_in_zoom(P)) { (*VRML_neuronlist) += "\n\n"; (*VRML_neuronlist) += "\n\n"; } else if (!figattr_box_fibre_independently) return NULL; // [***INCOMPLETE] Continue implementing below. //if (outputconnections.head()) { // PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(connection,outputconnections.head(),1) { // PLL_LOOP_FORWARD_NESTED(synapse,e->Synapses()->head(),1,s) s->net_VRML(); // } //} parsing_fs_type = dendrite_fs; PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,inputstructure.head(),1) e->net_VRML(); parsing_fs_type = axon_fs; PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,outputstructure.head(),1) e->net_VRML(); VRML_neuronindex++; return NULL; } #ifdef VECTOR3D void neuron::net_Slice(Slice * slice) { // [***INCOMPLETE] Change the return type. // Efficiency: Determine which spatial segments are contained in or intersect with a slice. Determine which fiber segments // belong to those spatial segments. For those fiber segments, call net_Slice(). // [***INCOMPLETE] Within slices, draw neurons, call net_Slice() for fibers. // [***NOTE} I am implementing this in 2 steps: (1) I implement calling all fibers and having them test for intersection with slices, // (2) I make it more efficient using spatial segments. // [***NOTE] I will look for notes that I made about efficient implementations for the generation of voxels or slice images at a specific resolution. // [***NOTE] Keep in mind the imaging process used. // A. Collect neuron figure object. #ifdef INCLUDE_INCOMPLETE_SLICE_CODE Fig_Soma * neuron_fig = NULL; // Fig_Soma draws a soma with cell walls between axon and dendrite segments in the visible surface. if (slice->contains(P,radius)) { long X,Y,R; long color=0; if (figattr_use_color) color=figneuroncolor; X=(long) (x*figscale); Y=(long) (y*figscale); // *** CORRECT THIS R=(long) (figscale*radius); if (R==0) R = 1; neuron_fig = new Fig_Soma(0,1,color,7,998,-1,0.0,0.0,X,Y,R,X,Y,X+150,Y+75); // ,9,20 } // B. Collect presynaptic and postsynaptic fiber objects. Fig_Group * postsynaptic_structures_fig = NULL; if (inputstructure.head()) { postsynaptic_structures_fig = new Fig_Group(); PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,inputstructure.head(),1) postsynaptic_structures_fig->Add_Fig_Object(e->net_Slice()); _figvar_connection_depth--; if (_figvar_connection_depth<10) _figvar_connection_depth = 997; } Fig_Group * presynaptic_structures_fig = NULL; if (inputstructure.head()) { presynaptic_structures_fig = new Fig_Group(); PLL_LOOP_FORWARD(fibre_structure,outputstructure.head(),1) presynaptic_structures_fig->Add_Fig_Object(e->net_Slice()); _figvar_connection_depth--; if (_figvar_connection_depth<10) _figvar_connection_depth = 997; } #endif // C. Collect synapse objects. // Combine all the objects and return them. } #endif void principal::parse_CLP(Command_Line_Parameters & clp) { // Note: Facilities for setting the parameters of individual neurons, as well as of all pyramidal neurons can be implemented here. // [***INCOMPLETE] Ideally, this should be settable per region label and per structure, i.e. basal dendrites, apical dendrites and axons. int n; neuron_type nt = this->TypeID(); if ((n=clp.Specifies_Parameter(String(neuron_short_name[nt])+".min_basal"))>=0) min_basal[nt] = atoi(clp.ParValue(n)); if ((n=clp.Specifies_Parameter(String(neuron_short_name[nt])+".max_basal"))>=0) max_basal[nt] = atoi(clp.ParValue(n)); if ((n=clp.Specifies_Parameter(String(neuron_short_name[nt])+".basal.minangle"))>=0) min_angle[nt] = atof(clp.ParValue(n)); if ((n=clp.Specifies_Parameter(String(neuron_short_name[nt])+".basal.maxangle"))>=0) max_angle[nt] = atof(clp.ParValue(n)); if ((n=clp.Specifies_Parameter(String(neuron_short_name[nt])+".basal.force_model"))>=0) for (int i = 0; i < (int) NUM_bfm; i++) if (downcase(clp.ParValue(n))==bfmstr[i]) { bfm = (basal_force_model) i; break; } // Specific to this neuron: } void multipolar_nonpyramidal::surface_division_basal_force_model(int numpoles, double mintotlength, double maxtotlength, double minangle, double maxangle, const spatial & rc, bool isinputstructure, int _typeid) { // 1. Compute the average surface area available to each. double dnumpoles = (double) numpoles; mintotlength /= dnumpoles; maxtotlength /= dnumpoles; // Approximating: Calculating angles on available circle rather than sphere, then comparing with angles between vectors. spatial * S1array = new spatial[numpoles]; // 2. Place randomly, use surface distance to angle conversion to test distance to nearest neighbors for acceptance or renewed placement attempt. #ifdef VECTOR3D double minsepangle = (2.0*(maxangle-minangle)) / dnumpoles; double sinphi(sin(rc.Z())), cosphi(cos(rc.Z())); double sintheta(sin(rc.Y())), costheta(cos(rc.Y())); for (int i = 0; i500)) { warning("Warning: Unable to place arbors at desired minimum angular separation.\n Affected neuron type: "+String(neuron_type_name[TypeID()])+", neuron ID:"+String((long) numerical_ID())+", angle constraints: ["+String(minangle,"%.3f,")+String(maxangle,"%.3f")+"], number of arbors: "+String((long) numpoles)+".\n"); break; } } while (!acceptinit); } #endif for (int i = 0; icenter_of_gravity(cg); cg -= P; cg.Negate(); cg += P; initialize_multipolar_output_structure(mintotlength,maxtotlength,numpoles,0.0,0.1*M_PI,cg,multipolartreesmaxdeviation); } else initialize_multipolar_output_structure(mintotlength,maxtotlength,numpoles,0.0,2.0*M_PI); } void multipolar_nonpyramidal::initialize_input_structure(double mintotlength, double maxtotlength) { int numpoles = X_misc.get_rand_range(min_basal[TypeID()],max_basal[TypeID()]); initialize_multipolar_input_structure(mintotlength,maxtotlength,numpoles,min_angle[TypeID()],max_angle[TypeID()]); } void multipolar_nonpyramidal::parse_CLP(Command_Line_Parameters & clp) { // Note: Facilities for setting the parameters of individual neurons, as well as of all pyramidal neurons can be implemented here. // [***INCOMPLETE] Ideally, this should be settable per region label and per structure, i.e. basal dendrites, apical dendrites and axons. principal::parse_CLP(clp); int n; neuron_type nt = TypeID(); if ((n=clp.Specifies_Parameter(String(neuron_short_name[nt])+".max_axons"))>=0) max_axons[nt] = atoi(clp.ParValue(n)); // Specific to this neuron: } void bipolar::initialize_output_structure(double mintotlength, double maxtotlength) { int numpoles = 1; double maxangle = M_PI/2.0; double maxdeviation = bipolartreesmaxdeviation; if (!random_orientation) { maxangle = random_orientation_amplitude; maxdeviation = random_orientation_amplitude; } if (inputstructure.tail()) { spatial cg; if (pia_attraction_repulsion_hypothesis) { cg = inputstructure.tail()->P0; cg -= P; // relative to neuron center cg.Negate(); cg += P; } else { inputstructure.head()->center_of_gravity(cg); } initialize_multipolar_output_structure(mintotlength,maxtotlength,numpoles,0.0,maxangle,cg,maxdeviation); } else initialize_multipolar_output_structure(mintotlength,maxtotlength,numpoles,0.0,maxangle); } void bipolar::initialize_input_structure(double mintotlength, double maxtotlength) { // A bipolar cell typically has one axon and one dendrite extending at opposite // ends. int numbasal = X_misc.get_rand_range(min_basal[TypeID()],max_basal[TypeID()]); #ifdef DIVIDE_INITLENGTHS_OVER_ARBORS mintotlength /= (double) (numbasal+1); maxtotlength /= (double) (numbasal+1); #endif double maxangle = 0.1*M_PI; double maxdeviation = bipolartreesmaxdeviation; if (!random_orientation) { maxangle = random_orientation_amplitude; maxdeviation = random_orientation_amplitude; } if (outputstructure.tail()) { // axon was placed first spatial cg; outputstructure.head()->center_of_gravity(cg); initialize_multipolar_input_structure(mintotlength,maxtotlength,numbasal,min_angle[TypeID()],max_angle[TypeID()],cg,bipolartreesmaxdeviation); } else { // placing dendritic trees first initialize_multipolar_input_structure(mintotlength,maxtotlength,numbasal,min_angle[TypeID()],max_angle[TypeID()]); } } void pyramidal::initialize_output_structure(double mintotlength, double maxtotlength) { int numpoles = 1; double maxangle = M_PI/2.0; double maxdeviation = pyramidaltreesmaxdeviation; if (!random_orientation) { maxangle = random_orientation_amplitude; maxdeviation = random_orientation_amplitude; } if (inputstructure.tail()) { spatial cg; if (pia_attraction_repulsion_hypothesis) { cg = inputstructure.tail()->P0; cg -= P; // relative to neuron center cg.Negate(); cg += P; } else { inputstructure.head()->center_of_gravity(cg); } initialize_multipolar_output_structure(mintotlength,maxtotlength,numpoles,0.0,maxangle,cg,maxdeviation); } else initialize_multipolar_output_structure(mintotlength,maxtotlength,numpoles,0.0,maxangle); } void pyramidal::initialize_input_structure(double mintotlength, double maxtotlength) { // The typical input structure should consist of a basal dendritic region // and an apical dendrite at the opposite side of the neuron. The axon // should project out of the center of the basal dendritic region. // Note that in network::develop_connection_structure this function is // called before the function for output_structure, since dgm is // initialized before agm. // The Apical Dendrite is initialized last. According to the comments and // code of initialize_multiple_poles_common(), this means that the Apical // Dendrite is the last dendritic arbor in the list of input structures // (this is accessed as the tail() of the list). int numbasal = X_misc.get_rand_range(min_basal[TypeID()],max_basal[TypeID()]); #ifdef DIVIDE_INITLENGTHS_OVER_ARBORS double mintotapicallength = mintotlength / ((double) (numbasal+1)); double mintotbasallength = mintotlength - mintotapicallength; double maxtotapicallength = maxtotlength / ((double) (numbasal+1)); double maxtotbasallength = maxtotlength - maxtotapicallength; #else double mintotapicallength = mintotlength; double mintotbasallength = mintotlength; double maxtotapicallength = maxtotlength; double maxtotbasallength = maxtotlength; #endif double maxangle = 0.1*M_PI; double maxdeviation = pyramidaltreesmaxdeviation; if (!random_orientation) { maxangle = random_orientation_amplitude; maxdeviation = random_orientation_amplitude; } if (outputstructure.tail()) { // axon was placed first spatial cg; outputstructure.head()->center_of_gravity(cg); // 1. initializing the basal dendritic region initialize_multipolar_input_structure(mintotbasallength,maxtotbasallength,numbasal,min_angle[TypeID()],max_angle[TypeID()],cg,pyramidaltreesmaxdeviation); // 2. initializing the apical dendrite if (!pia_attraction_repulsion_hypothesis) inputstructure.head()->center_of_gravity(cg); // prioretize center of gravity of basal dendritic trees cg -= P; cg.Negate(); cg += P; initialize_multipolar_input_structure(mintotapicallength,maxtotapicallength,1,0.0,maxangle,cg,maxdeviation,ALL_APICAL_PYRAMIDAL_DENDRITES_AEM); } else { // placing dendritic trees first // 1. initializing the basal dendritic region initialize_multipolar_input_structure(mintotbasallength,maxtotbasallength,numbasal,min_angle[TypeID()],max_angle[TypeID()]); // 2. initializing the apical dendrite if ((use_specified_basal_direction) && (apical_specified_overrides_centroid)) initialize_multipolar_input_structure(mintotapicallength,maxtotapicallength,1,0.0,maxangle,ALL_APICAL_PYRAMIDAL_DENDRITES_AEM); else { spatial cg; inputstructure.head()->center_of_gravity(cg); cg -= P; cg.Negate(); cg += P; initialize_multipolar_input_structure(mintotapicallength,maxtotapicallength,1,0.0,maxangle,cg,maxdeviation,ALL_APICAL_PYRAMIDAL_DENDRITES_AEM); } } } void interneuron::initialize_output_structure(double mintotlength, double maxtotlength) { // 3. initializing the axon int numpoles = 1; // random_int(interneuron_axon_mintrees,interneuron_axon_maxtrees); if (inputstructure.tail()) { spatial cg; inputstructure.head()->center_of_gravity(cg); cg -= P; cg.Negate(); cg += P; initialize_multipolar_output_structure(mintotlength,maxtotlength,numpoles,0.0,0.1*M_PI,cg,pyramidaltreesmaxdeviation); } else initialize_multipolar_output_structure(mintotlength,maxtotlength,numpoles,0.0,2.0*M_PI); } void interneuron::initialize_input_structure(double mintotlength, double maxtotlength) { int numpoles = X_misc.get_rand_range(min_basal[TypeID()],max_basal[TypeID()]); initialize_multipolar_input_structure(mintotlength,maxtotlength,numpoles,min_angle[TypeID()],max_angle[TypeID()]); } Fig_Object * electrode::net_Fig() { if (!figattr_show_electrodes) return NULL; double x, y; P.plane_mapped(x,y); if (!fig_in_zoom(P)) return NULL; long X,Y,R; long fillstyle=-1; if (figattr_use_color) fillstyle=20; X=FIGSCALED(x); Y=FIGSCALED(y); R=FIGSCALED(radius); if (R==0) R = 1; return new Fig_Circle(0,1,0,3,999,fillstyle,0.0,0.0,X,Y,R,X,Y,X+150,Y+75);}