# # Makefile for dil2al # (by Randal A. Koene, randalk@minduploading.org) # # Instructions to insure a successful make: # 1. Insure that LIB_PATH points to the directory in which # -X11 and -Xext libraries can be found # 2. Edit the include paths (e.g. -I/usr/openwin/include) in # CPPFLAGS to refelect the correct location of g++, -X11 # and -Xext include files # 3. Make sure the dynamic shared libraries can be located by # ld.so.1 at runtime (e.g. define an environment variable # setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/openwin/lib") ########################################################## ## Compiler ## -------- CC=gcc CCPP=g++ ########################################################## INCLUDES= -I$(HOME)/src/include ########################################################## ## Machine selection ## ----------------- ## aurora (x86): MACHSPEC= MACHSTR= GCCTUNE=$(if $(shell gcc -v 2>&1 | grep "^gcc version[^0-9]*[4-9][.]"),-mtune=native) #MACHOPT= MACHOPT=-march=native $(GCCTUNE) -mfpmath=sse ## ## kenji (SUN Ultra): #MACHSPEC= -DSUN_RX #MACHSTR=SUN ## ########################################################## ### Attempting a temporary fix for gcc 4.x compilation of dil2al ### (This should be replaced by actual source code modification.) CPPTEMPWORKAROUND=-fno-access-control RXSPECIAL=-Wno-error ########################################################## ## Regular Expression Library ## -------------------------- ## (Suggestion: Using regex-gnu.h guarantees the greatest ## amount of compatibility and identical behaviour on all ## platforms, since it is included with the dil2al source ## code and has been adapted for reliable use with C++.) ## ## regex-gnu.h adapted for integration with C++: GCC3FXTRA=$(if $(shell gcc -v 2>&1 | grep "^gcc version[^0-9]*[3-9][.]"),-Wno-unused-function) ALT_REGEX=regex-gnu.o ALT_REGEX_H=\"regex-gnu.h\" CFXTRA= -D__DIL2AL__ -DSTDC_HEADERS -pedantic -Wall -Wno-char-subscripts $(GCC3FXTRA) CPPXTRA= -D__DIL2AL__ -D_ALT_REGEX_H=$(ALT_REGEX_H) $(MACHOPT) -mieee-fp -ffast-math -D_USE_ALT_REGEX -D_CPP_REGEX -DDEFAULTHOMEDIR=\"$(HOME)\" -pedantic -Wall $(GCC3FXTRA) $(CPPTEMPWORKAROUND) REGEXSTR=regex-gnu_for_C++ ## ## rx.h: #ALT_REGEX=rx.o #ALT_REGEX_H= #CFXTRA= -D__DIL2AL__ #CPPXTRA= -D__DIL2AL__ -D_BIGREGEX_HAS_RM_SPEP #REGEXSTR=rx ## ## generic GNU regex (Linux/GNU specific): #ALT_REGEX=regex.o #ALT_REGEX_H=regex.h #CFXTRA= #CPPXTRA= -D_ALT_REGEX_H=$(ALT_REGEX_H) -D_USE_ALT_REGEX -D__DIL2AL__ -D_BIGREGEX_HAS_RM_SPEP #REGEXSTR=regex ## ## system (SUN specific): #ALT_REGEX= #ALT_REGEX_H= #CFXTRA= -DSYSTEM_RX #CPPXTRA= -D__DIL2AL__ -DSYSTEM_RX #REGEXSTR=system ########################################################## ########################################################## ## Safe Regular Expressions ## ------------------------ ## assume '\0' within String length and rm structure has ## no sp/ep pointers: #SAFEREGEX= ## make no assumptions: SAFEREGEX= -D_BIGREGEX_SAFE_MATCHES ########################################################## ########################################################## ## Compiler Options ## ---------------- ## debugging information: #COMPOPT= -g #OPTSTR=debugging_info ## generate profile information for use with gprof: #COMPOPT= -g -O6 #OPTSTR=profiling ## optimized: COMPOPT= -O3 OPTSTR=optimized ########################################################## ########################################################## ## C++ Specific Compiler Options ## ----------------------------- ## debugging information: #CPPOPT= ## generate profile information for use with gprof: #CPPOPT= ## optimized: CPPOPT= -felide-constructors ## uncomment the following optimization option only if ## you have an older C++ compiler that does not optimize ## return values unless explicitly told to do so with ## the now deprecated `named return value' extension: #CPPOPT= $(CPPOPT) -D_USE_NAMED_RETURN_VALUE_EXTENSION ########################################################## CFLAGS= $(COMPOPT) $(MACHSPEC) $(CFXTRA) CPPFLAGS= $(COMPOPT) $(CPPOPT) $(MACHSPEC) $(CPPXTRA) $(SAFEREGEX) $(INCLUDES) .INIT: @echo '-------------------------------------------------------------------' @echo 'Compilation options: $(MACHSTR), $(OPTSTR), $(REGEXSTR)' @echo '-------------------------------------------------------------------' all: dil2al dil2al.o: dil2al.cc dil2al.hh BigString.hh BigRegex.hh rx.h regex.h regex-gnu.h $(CCPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(COLORS) -c dil2al.cc -o dil2al.o alcomp.o: alcomp.cc dil2al.hh BigString.hh BigRegex.hh rx.h regex.h regex-gnu.h $(CCPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(COLORS) -c alcomp.cc -o alcomp.o diladmin.o: diladmin.cc dil2al.hh BigString.hh BigRegex.hh rx.h regex.h regex-gnu.h $(CCPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(COLORS) -c diladmin.cc -o diladmin.o utilities.o: utilities.cc dil2al.hh BigString.hh BigRegex.hh rx.h regex.h regex-gnu.h $(CCPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(COLORS) -c utilities.cc -o utilities.o tladmin.o: tladmin.cc dil2al.hh BigString.hh BigRegex.hh rx.h regex.h regex-gnu.h $(CCPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(COLORS) -c tladmin.cc -o tladmin.o note.o: note.cc dil2al.hh BigString.hh BigRegex.hh rx.h regex.h regex-gnu.h $(CCPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(COLORS) -c note.cc -o note.o controller.o: controller.cc dil2al.hh BigString.hh BigRegex.hh rx.h regex.h regex-gnu.h $(CCPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(COLORS) -c controller.cc -o controller.o tlfilter.o: tlfilter.cc dil2al.hh BigString.hh BigRegex.hh rx.h regex.h regex-gnu.h $(CCPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(COLORS) -c tlfilter.cc -o tlfilter.o ppfilter.o: ppfilter.cc dil2al.hh BigString.hh BigRegex.hh rx.h regex.h regex-gnu.h $(CCPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(COLORS) -c ppfilter.cc -o ppfilter.o search.o: search.cc dil2al.hh BigString.hh BigRegex.hh rx.h regex.h regex-gnu.h $(CCPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(COLORS) -c search.cc -o search.o finances.o: finances.cc dil2al.hh BigString.hh BigRegex.hh rx.h regex.h regex-gnu.h $(CCPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(COLORS) -c finances.cc -o finances.o cksum.o: cksum.cc cksum.hh BigString.hh rx.h regex.h regex-gnu.h $(CCPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(COLORS) -c cksum.cc -o cksum.o BigString.o: BigString.cc BigString.hh $(CCPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(COLORS) -c BigString.cc -o BigString.o BigRegex.o: BigRegex.cc BigRegex.hh rx.h regex.h regex-gnu.h $(CCPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(COLORS) -c BigRegex.cc -o BigRegex.o regex.o: regex.c regex.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c regex.c -o regex.o regex-gnu.o: regex-gnu.c regex-gnu.h $(CCPP) $(CFLAGS) -c regex-gnu.c -o regex-gnu.o rx.o: rx.c rx.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(COLORS) $(RXSPECIAL) -c rx.c -o rx.o dil2al: dil2al.o alcomp.o diladmin.o utilities.o tladmin.o note.o controller.o tlfilter.o ppfilter.o search.o finances.o cksum.o BigString.o BigRegex.o regex-gnu.o regex.o rx.o $(CCPP) $(CPPFLAGS) dil2al.o alcomp.o diladmin.o utilities.o tladmin.o note.o controller.o tlfilter.o ppfilter.o search.o finances.o cksum.o $(ALT_REGEX) BigString.o BigRegex.o -o dil2al $(LIB_PATH) clean: rm -r -f *.o $(NAME) doc++: rm -r -f html doc++ -d html spiker.dxx