function cmd = plot_wait(name) % Present replotting output options and await command % % Note that this function works in Octave version 2.0.16, but not in % Octave version 2.1.57. % Partial work around: After using this function, do "gset term fig" % (fig big may not work at all in the later Octave version). rotx = 30; rotz = 60; cmd = 'dummy'; while (cmd!='') cmd = input(['Press a key to continue [f/e/p=save ',name,'.fig/eps/ps, P=print, n=name, x=re-X, y=re-Y, r=rotate-Z, R=rotate-X]...'],'s'); if cmd=='n' name = input('Change file name to: ','s'); end if cmd=='f' subcmd = input('Figure plot [n]ormal, [b]ig or [p]ortrait? ','s'); if (subcmd=='p') __gnuplot_set__ term fig big portrait; else if (subcmd=='b') __gnuplot_set__ term fig big; else __gnuplot_set__ term fig; endif endif eval(['__gnuplot_set__ output "',name,'.fig"']); replot; __gnuplot_set__ term x11; printf('%s %s.%s\n','Saved',name,'fig'); end if cmd=='e' __gnuplot_set__ term post eps; eval(['__gnuplot_set__ output "',name,'.eps"']); replot; __gnuplot_set__ term x11; printf('%s %s.%s\n','Saved',name,'eps'); end if cmd=='p' __gnuplot_set__ size 0.721,0.721; __gnuplot_set__ term post portrait; eval(['__gnuplot_set__ output "',name,'.ps"']); replot; __gnuplot_set__ size 1.0,1.0; __gnuplot_set__ term x11; printf('%s %s.%s\n','Saved',name,'ps'); end if cmd=='P' [u_status, u_msg] = unlink(['print-tmp-',name,'.ps']); %__gnuplot_set__ size 0.721,0.721; __gnuplot_set__ term post landscape; eval(['__gnuplot_set__ output "print-tmp-',name,'.ps"']); replot; __gnuplot_set__ size 1.0,1.0; __gnuplot_set__ term x11; system(['lp -dhp "print-tmp-',name,'.ps"']); printf('Sending to spool: ',name); for spooldelay=0:5, printf('+'); fflush(1); sleep(1); endfor printf('\nPrinting\n',name); [u_status, u_msg] = unlink(['print-tmp-',name,'.ps']); end if cmd=='x' xrg = input('Set X-range to [default=[-1.0 1.0]]: '); if isempty(xrg) xrg = [-1.0 1.0]; endif if (length(xrg)!=2) xrg = [-1.0 xrg(1)]; endif eval(['__gnuplot_set__ xrange [',num2str(xrg(1)),':',num2str(xrg(2)),'];']); replot; endif if cmd=='y' yrg = input('Set Y-range to [default=[-1.0 1.0]]: '); if isempty(yrg) yrg = [-1.0 1.0]; endif if (length(yrg)!=2) yrg = [-1.0 yrg(1)]; endif eval(['__gnuplot_set__ yrange [',num2str(yrg(1)),':',num2str(yrg(2)),'];']); replot; endif if cmd=='r' rotz = rotz + 30; if (rotz>=360) rotz = 0; endif eval(['__gnuplot_set__ view ',num2str(rotx),', ',num2str(rotz),', 1, 1']); replot endif if cmd=='R' rotx = rotx + 30; if (rotx>=180) rotx = 0; endif eval(['__gnuplot_set__ view ',num2str(rotx),', ',num2str(rotz),', 1, 1']); replot endif endwhile __gnuplot_set__ term x11; endfunction