#!/bin/sh # This should be run from the packaging directory # set up package version information cd Suite PKNG_DIR=`pwd` cd .. if [ -x $PKNG_DIR/ver_info.sh ] then . $PKNG_DIR/ver_info.sh else NE1_VERSION="1.1.1" GMX_VERSION="3.3.3" QMX_VERSION="0.5.1" PREF_VER="0.0.2" SIM_VERSION="0.1.0" fi RC_NUMBER="0" TAR_DIR="/tmp/dist_tars" FORCE_REMOVE=0 cd .. || exit 1 TOP_LEVEL=`pwd` # See if we are being run from somwhere that makes sense if [ ! -e cad/src -o ! -e packaging ] then echo "Error in directory structure" exit 1 fi # Check to figure out if the tars directory exists and what to do about it. if [ -e $TAR_DIR ] then answer="n" if [ $FORCE_REMOVE -eq 0 ] then echo "Remove the old tars directory: $TAR_DIR? (y/N)" read answer fi if [ $FORCE_REMOVE -ne 0 -o "$answer" = "y" -o "$answer" = "Y" ] then rm -rf $TAR_DIR else echo "Remove the old tars directory manually please." exit 1 fi fi # Create the output directory for the tar files mkdir $TAR_DIR # Create the Suite tar file echo "Creating $TAR_DIR/NanoEngineer-1_Suite_v$NE1_VERSION.tar.gz" tar -cz --exclude "*packaging/*" --exclude "*packaging" --exclude "*src/experimental*" --exclude "*/\.svn/*" --exclude "*\.svn" -f /tmp/dist_tars/NanoEngineer-1_Suite_v$NE1_VERSION.tar.gz * || exit 1 # Create the NE1 tar file echo "Creating $TAR_DIR/NanoEngineer-1_v$NE1_VERSION.tar.gz" tar -cz --exclude "*packaging/*" --exclude "*packaging" --exclude "*src/experimental*" --exclude "*/\.svn/*" --exclude "*\.svn" -X packaging/Win32/exclude_files.txt -f /tmp/dist_tars/NanoEngineer-1_v$NE1_VERSION.tar.gz * || exit 1 # Create the GROMACS tar file echo "Creating GROMACS_$GMX_VERSION.tar.gz" echo "GROMACS is a stock $GMX_VERSION - skipping" || exit 1 # Create the QuteMolX tar file echo "Creating $TAR_DIR/QuteMolX_$QMX_VERSION.tar.gz" cd $TOP_LEVEL/cad/plugins/QuteMol || exit 1 tar -cz --exclude "*packaging/*" --exclude "*packaging" --exclude "*/\.svn/*" --exclude "*\.svn" -f $TAR_DIR/QuteMolX_$QMX_VERSION.tar.gz qutemol || exit 1 # Create the HDF5_SimResults tar file #echo "Creating $TAR_DIR/HDF5_SimResults_0.1.0.tar.gz" #cd $TOP_LEVEL/cad/plugins || exit 1 #tar -cz --exclude "*packaging/*" --exclude "*packaging" --exclude "*/\.svn/*" --exclude "*\.svn" -f $TAR_DIR/HDF5_SimResults_$SIM_VERSION.tar.gz HDF5_SimResults || exit 1