#!/bin/sh -x # The same checks for a stored version in /c/ are not in Pref_Mod # as they are for gromacs and qutemol. This is because pref_modifier changes # with every version number. Plus, it only adds about two minutes to the build # time. Also, this file uses the NE1_Build_Constants for the version number. # The NE1 and Suite Installers modify this, so if this script is run manually, # Make sure to make the necessary changes. if [ "$1" = "" ] then PREF_VERSION="0.0.1" else PREF_VERSION="$1" fi TOP_LEVEL=`pwd` echo $TOP_LEVEL | grep "Pref_Mod" if [ "$?" != "0" ] then echo "This is not a valid build area" exit 1 fi rm -rf build dist cp ../../cad/src/NE1_Build_Constants.py . /c/python24/python setup_win.py py2exe # There's no installer for this since it's not released with anything other # than the suite installer.