#!/bin/sh # Usage: ./runSEMBot.sh &> SEMBot.log # Create timestamp echo `date +"%a %b %e %T EDT %Y"` > SEMBot.timestamp # Remove files used to check for command successes rm -f SVN-D/cad/src/epydoc.config # Update codebase svn update cd SVN-D svn update cd .. if [ "$LC_ALL" = "" ] then LC_ALL="C" export LC_ALL fi # Check if the codebase update was successful by checking for the existence of # the file we deleted earlier. if [ ! -e SVN-D/cad/src/epydoc.config ]; then RESULT="Failed" else RESULT=Success fi echo ${RESULT} > NE1_Docs.result # Run API documentation generation echo "Running updateNE1_Documentation.sh, output in NE1_Docs.log" ./updateNE1_Documentation.sh &>NE1_Docs.log echo "Running updateNV1_Documentation.sh, output in NV1_Docs.log" ./updateNV1_Documentation.sh &>NV1_Docs.log echo "Running updateHDF5_Documentation.sh, output in HDF5_Docs.log" ./updateHDF5_Documentation.sh &> HDF5_Docs.log # # QA Test Harness # # Create the QA Test Harness timestamp echo `date +"%a %b %e %T EDT %Y"` > QA_TestHarness.timestamp # Run Pylint echo "Running runPylint.sh, output in Pylint.log" ./runPylint.sh &> Pylint.log if [ `grep -c Traceback Pylint.log` != 0 ]; then RESULT="Failed" else RESULT=Success fi echo ${RESULT} > QA_TestHarness.result # Run dependency cycles discovery script ./updateDependencyGraphs.sh &> DependencyCycles.log # Run nightly build #./runNightlyBuild.sh &>NightlyBuild.log REVNUM=`svn info | grep "Revision:" | cut -d ":" -f 2` echo "Completed on revision:$REVNUM" > SEMBot.result