Welcome to the Nanorex Software-Engineering Mechanisms Robot (SEMBot).

Summary This mechanism updates a local copy of the NE1 codebase, then automates the execution of the following set of software engineering tools against that codebase.
Last run (Run every night.)
Last result
Log SEMBot.log
Notes SEMBot files are checked in under /cad/src/tools/SEMBot/ and are updated before each run.

QA Test Harness
Summary This mechanism runs the following Quality Assurance tools: Pylint and a custom dependency cycles discovery tool. Coming soon: Pychecker, Pyunit, and more.
Last run (Run every night.)
Last results
Pylint:  out of 10.0 Detail (Filtered: W0403* W0611* E0602*)
Import dependencies: Modules (arcs):   depend.dot
Packages (arcs):   dependpack.dot
Logs Pylint.log DependencyCycles.log
Notes Pylint: Each convention, refactor, warning, and error message code is following by a brief description, but if that is insufficient, you can get a slightly more informative description for it here: Pylint man page

* W0403 - Relative import warning. Emitted when an import statement uses a package-relative pathname (which confuses our import-analysis tools).

* W0611 - Unused import warning. Emitted when an imported module or variable is not used.

* E0602 - Undefined variable error. Emitted when a non-builtin symbol is used, but no definition or import of it can be found.

Import dependencies: For modules, only import cycles are shown; fewer arcs is better. Zero is ideal, but not always practical with respect to code clarity and convenience. This graph may be incomplete if any relative import warnings (W0403) are reported above. For packages, all imports are shown; black arcs are fine, red arcs are deprecated. (However, as of Jan 1, 2008, the package import tool has not been updated to handle the latest package classification, so the package graph is not very meaningful at the moment.)

API Documentation Generation
Summary This mechanism
  1. Runs Epydoc on the code to generate formatted NE1 API documentation.
  2. Runs Doxygen on the NV1 and HDF5_SimResults code to generate formatted NV1 API Documentation and HDF5_SimResults API Documentation
Last run (Updated every night.)
Last result NE1 docs: , NV1 docs: , HDF5 docs:
Log NE1_Docs.log, NV1_Docs.log, HDF5_Docs.log
Notes NE1 Docs: NE1's Epydoc configuration file is checked in as /cad/src/epydoc.config and is updated before each Epydoc run.

To add images to your Epydoc documentation, use the following format: IMAGE(URL) which gets transcribed as <img src="URL">

Epydoc chokes on __author__ = ['Mark', 'Bruce'] so please use __author__ = "Mark, Bruce" instead.

NV1 Docs: NV1's Doxygen configuration file is checked in as /cad/plugins/NanoVision-1/src/Documentation/doxygen.cfg and is updated before each Doxygen run.

HDF5_SimResults Docs: HDF5_SimResults' Doxygen configuration file is checked in as /cad/plugins/HDF5_SimResults/src/Documentation/doxygen.cfg and is updated before each Doxygen run.

Nightly Builds
Summary Currently disabled.