# Copyright 2008 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. """ FixedBBProteinSim_PropertyManager.py The FixedBBProteinSim_PropertyManager class provides a Property Manager for the B{Fixed Backbone protein sequence design} command on the flyout toolbar in the Build > Protein mode. @author: Urmi @version: $Id$ @copyright: 2008 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. """ import string import foundation.env as env from PyQt4.Qt import SIGNAL from PyQt4.Qt import Qt from PyQt4 import QtGui from PyQt4.Qt import QString from PM.PM_PushButton import PM_PushButton from PM.PM_GroupBox import PM_GroupBox from PM.PM_TextEdit import PM_TextEdit from PM.PM_CheckBox import PM_CheckBox from PM.PM_Constants import PM_DONE_BUTTON from PM.PM_Constants import PM_WHATS_THIS_BUTTON from PM.PM_SpinBox import PM_SpinBox from command_support.Command_PropertyManager import Command_PropertyManager _superclass = Command_PropertyManager class FixedBBProteinSim_PropertyManager(Command_PropertyManager): """ The FixedBBProteinSim_PropertyManager class provides a Property Manager for the B{Fixed backbone Protein Sequence Design} command on the flyout toolbar in the Build > Protein > Simulate mode. @ivar title: The title that appears in the property manager header. @type title: str @ivar pmName: The name of this property manager. This is used to set the name of the PM_Dialog object via setObjectName(). @type name: str @ivar iconPath: The relative path to the PNG file that contains a 22 x 22 icon image that appears in the PM header. @type iconPath: str """ title = "Fixed Backbone Design" pmName = title iconPath = "ui/actions/Command Toolbar/BuildProtein/FixedBackbone.png" def __init__( self, command ): """ Constructor for the property manager. """ _superclass.__init__(self, command) self.showTopRowButtons( PM_DONE_BUTTON | \ PM_WHATS_THIS_BUTTON) msg = "Choose from the various options below to design "\ "an optimized fixed backbone protein sequence with Rosetta." self.updateMessage(msg) return def connect_or_disconnect_signals(self, isConnect = True): """ Connect or disconnect widget signals sent to their slot methods. This can be overridden in subclasses. By default it does nothing. @param isConnect: If True the widget will send the signals to the slot method. @type isConnect: boolean """ if isConnect: change_connect = self.win.connect else: change_connect = self.win.disconnect change_connect(self.ex1Checkbox, SIGNAL("stateChanged(int)"), self.update_ex1) change_connect(self.ex1aroCheckbox, SIGNAL("stateChanged(int)"), self.update_ex1aro) change_connect(self.ex2Checkbox, SIGNAL("stateChanged(int)"), self.update_ex2) change_connect(self.ex2aroOnlyCheckbox, SIGNAL("stateChanged(int)"), self.update_ex2aro_only) change_connect(self.ex3Checkbox, SIGNAL("stateChanged(int)"), self.update_ex3) change_connect(self.ex4Checkbox, SIGNAL("stateChanged(int)"), self.update_ex4) change_connect(self.rotOptCheckbox, SIGNAL("stateChanged(int)"), self.update_rot_opt) change_connect(self.tryBothHisTautomersCheckbox, SIGNAL("stateChanged(int)"), self.update_try_both_his_tautomers) change_connect(self.softRepDesignCheckbox, SIGNAL("stateChanged(int)"), self.update_soft_rep_design) change_connect(self.useElecRepCheckbox, SIGNAL("stateChanged(int)"), self.update_use_elec_rep) change_connect(self.norepackDisulfCheckbox, SIGNAL("stateChanged(int)"), self.update_norepack_disulf) #signal slot connections for the push buttons change_connect(self.okButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.runRosettaFixedBBSim) return #Protein Display methods def show(self): """ Shows the Property Manager. """ #@REVIEW: Why does it create sequence editor here? Also, is it #required to be done before the superclass.show call? Similar code #found in CompareProteins_PM and some other files --Ninad 2008-10-02 self.sequenceEditor = self.win.createProteinSequenceEditorIfNeeded() self.sequenceEditor.hide() _superclass.show(self) return def _addGroupBoxes( self ): """ Add the Property Manager group boxes. """ self._pmGroupBox1 = PM_GroupBox( self, title = "Rosetta Fixed backbone sequence design") self._loadGroupBox1( self._pmGroupBox1 ) return def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in group box. """ self.numSimSpinBox = PM_SpinBox( pmGroupBox, labelColumn = 0, label = "Number of simulations:", minimum = 1, maximum = 999, setAsDefault = False, spanWidth = False) self.ex1Checkbox = PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text = "Expand rotamer library for chi1 angle", state = Qt.Unchecked, setAsDefault = False, widgetColumn = 0, spanWidth = True) self.ex1aroCheckbox = PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text = "Use large chi1 library for aromatic residues", state = Qt.Unchecked, setAsDefault = False, widgetColumn = 0, spanWidth = True) self.ex2Checkbox = PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text = "Expand rotamer library for chi2 angle", state = Qt.Unchecked, setAsDefault = False, widgetColumn = 0, spanWidth = True) self.ex2aroOnlyCheckbox = PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text = "Use large chi2 library only for aromatic residues", state = Qt.Unchecked, setAsDefault = False, widgetColumn = 0, spanWidth = True) self.ex3Checkbox = PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text = "Expand rotamer library for chi3 angle", state = Qt.Unchecked, setAsDefault = False, widgetColumn = 0, spanWidth = True) self.ex4Checkbox = PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text ="Expand rotamer library for chi4 angle", state = Qt.Unchecked, setAsDefault = False, widgetColumn = 0, spanWidth = True) self.rotOptCheckbox = PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text ="Optimize one-body energy", state = Qt.Unchecked, setAsDefault = False, widgetColumn = 0, spanWidth = True) self.tryBothHisTautomersCheckbox = PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text ="Try both histidine tautomers", state = Qt.Unchecked, setAsDefault = False, widgetColumn = 0, spanWidth = True) self.softRepDesignCheckbox = PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text ="Use softer Lennard-Jones repulsive term", state = Qt.Unchecked, setAsDefault = False, widgetColumn = 0, spanWidth = True) self.useElecRepCheckbox = PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text ="Use electrostatic repulsion", state = Qt.Unchecked, setAsDefault = False, widgetColumn = 0, spanWidth = True) self.norepackDisulfCheckbox = PM_CheckBox(pmGroupBox, text ="Don't re-pack disulphide bonds", state = Qt.Unchecked, setAsDefault = False, widgetColumn = 0, spanWidth = True) self.otherCommandLineOptions = PM_TextEdit(pmGroupBox, label = "Command line options:", spanWidth = True) self.otherCommandLineOptions.setFixedHeight(80) self.okButton = PM_PushButton( pmGroupBox, text = "Launch Rosetta", setAsDefault = True, spanWidth = True) return def _addWhatsThisText( self ): """ What's This text for widgets in this Property Manager. """ pass def _addToolTipText(self): """ Tool Tip text for widgets in this Property Manager. """ pass def update_ex1(self, state): """ Update the command text edit depending on the state of the update_ex1 checkbox @param state:state of the update_ex1 checkbox @type state: int """ otherOptionsText = str(self.otherCommandLineOptions.toPlainText()) if self.ex1Checkbox.isChecked() == True: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText + ' -ex1 ' else: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText.replace(' -ex1 ', '') self.otherCommandLineOptions.setText(otherOptionsText) return def update_ex1aro(self, state): """ Update the command text edit depending on the state of the update_ex1aro checkbox @param state:state of the update_ex1aro checkbox @type state: int """ otherOptionsText = str(self.otherCommandLineOptions.toPlainText()) if self.ex1aroCheckbox.isChecked() == True: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText + ' -ex1aro ' else: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText.replace(' -ex1aro ', '') self.otherCommandLineOptions.setText(otherOptionsText) return def update_ex2(self, state): """ Update the command text edit depending on the state of the update_ex2 checkbox @param state:state of the update_ex2 checkbox @type state: int """ otherOptionsText = str(self.otherCommandLineOptions.toPlainText()) if self.ex2Checkbox.isChecked() == True: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText + ' -ex2 ' else: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText.replace(' -ex2 ', '') self.otherCommandLineOptions.setText(otherOptionsText) return def update_ex2aro_only(self, state): """ Update the command text edit depending on the state of the update_ex2aro_only checkbox @param state:state of the update_ex2aro_only checkbox @type state: int """ otherOptionsText = str(self.otherCommandLineOptions.toPlainText()) if self.ex2aroOnlyCheckbox.isChecked() == True: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText + ' -ex2aro_only ' else: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText.replace(' -ex2aro_only ', '') self.otherCommandLineOptions.setText(otherOptionsText) return def update_ex3(self, state): """ Update the command text edit depending on the state of the update_ex3 checkbox @param state:state of the update_ex3 checkbox @type state: int """ otherOptionsText = str(self.otherCommandLineOptions.toPlainText()) if self.ex3Checkbox.isChecked() == True: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText + ' -ex3 ' else: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText.replace(' -ex3 ', '') self.otherCommandLineOptions.setText(otherOptionsText) return def update_ex4(self, state): """ Update the command text edit depending on the state of the update_ex4 checkbox @param state:state of the update_ex4 checkbox @type state: int """ otherOptionsText = str(self.otherCommandLineOptions.toPlainText()) if self.ex4Checkbox.isChecked() == True: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText + ' -ex4 ' else: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText.replace(' -ex4 ', '') self.otherCommandLineOptions.setText(otherOptionsText) return def update_rot_opt(self, state): """ Update the command text edit depending on the state of the update_rot_opt checkbox @param state:state of the update_rot_opt checkbox @type state: int """ otherOptionsText = str(self.otherCommandLineOptions.toPlainText()) if self.rotOptCheckbox.isChecked() == True: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText + ' -rot_opt ' else: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText.replace(' -rot_opt ', '') self.otherCommandLineOptions.setText(otherOptionsText) return def update_try_both_his_tautomers(self, state): """ Update the command text edit depending on the state of the update_try_both_his_tautomers checkbox @param state:state of the update_try_both_his_tautomers checkbox @type state: int """ otherOptionsText = str(self.otherCommandLineOptions.toPlainText()) if self.tryBothHisTautomersCheckbox.isChecked() == True: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText + ' -try_both_his_tautomers ' else: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText.replace(' -try_both_his_tautomers ', '') self.otherCommandLineOptions.setText(otherOptionsText) return def update_soft_rep_design(self, state): """ Update the command text edit depending on the state of the update_soft_rep_design checkbox @param state:state of the update_soft_rep_design checkbox @type state: int """ otherOptionsText = str(self.otherCommandLineOptions.toPlainText()) if self.softRepDesignCheckbox.isChecked() == True: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText + ' -soft_rep_design ' else: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText.replace(' -soft_rep_design ', '') self.otherCommandLineOptions.setText(otherOptionsText) return def update_use_elec_rep(self, state): """ Update the command text edit depending on the state of the update_use_elec_rep checkbox @param state:state of the update_use_elec_rep checkbox @type state: int """ otherOptionsText = str(self.otherCommandLineOptions.toPlainText()) if self.useElecRepCheckbox.isChecked() == True: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText + ' -use_electrostatic_repulsion ' else: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText.replace(' -use_electrostatic_repulsion ', '') self.otherCommandLineOptions.setText(otherOptionsText) return def update_norepack_disulf(self, state): """ Update the command text edit depending on the state of the update_no_repack checkbox @param state:state of the update_no_repack checkbox @type state: int """ otherOptionsText = str(self.otherCommandLineOptions.toPlainText()) if self.norepackDisulfCheckbox.isChecked() == True: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText + ' -norepack_disulf ' else: otherOptionsText = otherOptionsText.replace(' -norepack_disulf ', '') self.otherCommandLineOptions.setText(otherOptionsText) return def runRosettaFixedBBSim(self): """ Get all the parameters from the PM and run a rosetta simulation. """ proteinChunk = self.win.assy.getSelectedProteinChunk() if not proteinChunk: msg = "You must select a single protein to run a Rosetta Fixed Backbone simulation." self.updateMessage(msg) return otherOptionsText = str(self.otherCommandLineOptions.toPlainText()) numSim = self.numSimSpinBox.value() argList = [numSim, otherOptionsText, proteinChunk.name] from simulation.ROSETTA.rosetta_commandruns import rosettaSetup_CommandRun if argList[0] > 0: cmdrun = rosettaSetup_CommandRun(self.win, argList, "ROSETTA_FIXED_BACKBONE_SEQUENCE_DESIGN") cmdrun.run() return