#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2006-2007 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. """\

This is an attempt to implement Mark's \"Starting NE-1\" slideshow ideas. This is just a little prototype, and is meant to be tweaked as we discuss things and reach a consensus about what kind of UI behavior we want.

This prototype is done in Qt 4. It will encourage people to change over, and a Qt 3 prototype would grow useless soon, and I can't practically maintain both versions.


When we start, there are no workspaces up. We can bring up one or more workspaces by selecting File->New. (Some day, File->Open will also work.)

We probably need a concept of an active workspace, even if it's only the one that the cursor is above right now. We at least need this to decide which of the toolbar buttons to gray out.

Tab widget: model tree, property manager

Each workspace has its own tabbed area on the left side. There are two tabs, the model tree and a second tab. The second tab could be a property manager or any dialog that is appropriate at the moment. The tabbed area for each workspace works completely independently.

Command Manager Toolbar

Until we bring up a workspace, the area for the workspace is empty, and no command buttons are shown. Once there is at least one workspace, a bunch of command buttons become available: Features, Sketch, Build, Dimension, and Simulator.

Explain what these do....

It would make sense to me that usually, a command button will bring up a dialog in the second tab of the tab widget. Is that right?

Menu Bar

This is the typical menu bar that almost every graphical-interface program has, starting with \"File\" and \"Edit\"...

Toolbar Buttons

That's the kind of stuff we already have in NE-1. Those are applicable in many situations, though in practice some will be grayed out, depending on which workspace is active.

""" from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui from PyQt4.Qt import QWidget from PyQt4.Qt import QGLWidget from PyQt4.Qt import QDialog from PyQt4.Qt import QMainWindow from PyQt4.Qt import QSizePolicy from PyQt4.Qt import QIcon from PyQt4.Qt import QGLFormat from PyQt4.Qt import QVBoxLayout from PyQt4.Qt import QTextEdit from PyQt4.Qt import QTextOption from PyQt4.Qt import QPushButton from PyQt4.Qt import SIGNAL from PyQt4.Qt import QTimer from PyQt4.Qt import QHBoxLayout from PyQt4.Qt import QGridLayout import modelTree.modelTreeGui as modelTreeGui # Hunt for the icons directory icons = 'icons' for i in range(3): import os if os.path.exists(icons + '/MainWindowUI_image1.png'): break icons = '../' + icons class PartWindow(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.setWindowTitle("My Part Window") self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self) layout.setMargin(0) layout.setSpacing(0) ######################### holder = QWidget() holder.setMaximumWidth(200) sublayout = QVBoxLayout(holder) sublayout.setMargin(0) sublayout.setSpacing(0) layout.addWidget(holder) ### self.featureManager = QtGui.QTabWidget() self.featureManager.setCurrentIndex(0) self.featureManager.setMaximumWidth(200) self.modelTreeTab = QtGui.QWidget() self.featureManager.addTab(self.modelTreeTab, "Model Tree") modelTreeTabLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.modelTreeTab) modelTreeTabLayout.setMargin(0) modelTreeTabLayout.setSpacing(0) self.propertyManagerTab = QtGui.QWidget() self.featureManager.addTab(self.propertyManagerTab, "Property Manager") sublayout.addWidget(self.featureManager) ### self.modelTree = modelTreeGui.TestWrapper() self.modelTree.addIconButton(QIcon(icons + '/GrapheneGeneratorDialog_image3.png'), self.dismiss) modelTreeTabLayout.addWidget(self.modelTree) self.glpane = GLPane() layout.addWidget(self.glpane) def setRowCol(self, row, col): self.row, self.col = row, col def dismiss(self): self.parent.removePartWindow(self) ######################################################################## class GLPane(QGLWidget): def __init__(self, master=None): glformat = QGLFormat() glformat.setStencil(True) QGLWidget.__init__(self, glformat, master) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) ########################################################################## class GridPosition: def __init__(self): self.row, self.col = 0, 0 self.availableSlots = [ ] self.takenSlots = { } def next(self, widget): if len(self.availableSlots) > 0: row, col = self.availableSlots.pop(0) else: row, col = self.row, self.col if row == col: # when on the diagonal, start a new self.column self.row = 0 self.col = col + 1 elif row < col: # continue moving down the right edge until we're about # to hit the diagonal, then start a new bottom self.row if row == col - 1: self.row = row + 1 self.col = 0 else: self.row = row + 1 else: # move right along the bottom edge til you hit the diagonal self.col = col + 1 self.takenSlots[widget] = (row, col) return row, col def removeWidget(self, widget): rc = self.takenSlots[widget] self.availableSlots.append(rc) del self.takenSlots[widget] class AboutWindow(QDialog): def __init__(self, html, width=600, timeout=None): QDialog.__init__(self) self.setMinimumWidth(width) self.setObjectName("About NanoEngineer-1") TextEditLayout = QVBoxLayout(self) TextEditLayout.setSpacing(0) TextEditLayout.setMargin(0) self.text_edit = QTextEdit(self) self.text_edit.setHtml(html) self.text_edit.setReadOnly(True) self.text_edit.setWordWrapMode(QTextOption.WordWrap) TextEditLayout.addWidget(self.text_edit) self.quit_button = QPushButton("OK") TextEditLayout.addWidget(self.quit_button) self.connect(self.quit_button, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.close) if timeout is not None: self.qt = QTimer() self.qt.setInterval(1000*timeout) self.qt.start() self.connect(self.qt, SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.close) self.show() self.exec_() MAIN_WINDOW_SIZE = (800, 600) class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.setWindowTitle("My Main Window") self.setMinimumWidth(MAIN_WINDOW_SIZE[0]) self.setMinimumHeight(MAIN_WINDOW_SIZE[1]) self.statusbar = QtGui.QStatusBar(self) self.statusbar.showMessage("Status message") self.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) ################################################ self.menubar = self.menuBar() # Any menu action makes the status bar message disappear fileMenu = QtGui.QMenu(self.menubar) fileMenu.setTitle("File") self.menubar.addAction(fileMenu.menuAction()) newAction = QtGui.QAction("New", self) newAction.setIcon(QtGui.QtIcon(icons + '/GroupPropDialog_image0.png')) fileMenu.addAction(newAction) openAction = QtGui.QAction("Open", self) openAction.setIcon(QtGui.QtIcon(icons + "/MainWindowUI_image1")) fileMenu.addAction(openAction) saveAction = QtGui.QAction("Save", self) saveAction.setIcon(QtGui.QtIcon(icons + "/MainWindowUI_image2")) fileMenu.addAction(saveAction) self.connect(newAction,SIGNAL("activated()"),self.fileNew) self.connect(openAction,SIGNAL("activated()"),self.fileOpen) self.connect(saveAction,SIGNAL("activated()"),self.fileSave) for otherMenuName in ('Edit', 'View', 'Display', 'Select', 'Modify', 'NanoHive-1'): otherMenu = QtGui.QMenu(self.menubar) otherMenu.setTitle(otherMenuName) self.menubar.addAction(otherMenu.menuAction()) helpMenu = QtGui.QMenu(self.menubar) helpMenu.setTitle("Help") self.menubar.addAction(helpMenu.menuAction()) aboutAction = QtGui.QAction("About", self) aboutAction.setIcon(QtGui.QtIcon(icons + '/MainWindowUI_image0.png')) helpMenu.addAction(aboutAction) self.connect(aboutAction,SIGNAL("activated()"),self.helpAbout) ############################################## self.setMenuBar(self.menubar) centralwidget = QWidget() self.setCentralWidget(centralwidget) layout = QVBoxLayout(centralwidget) layout.setMargin(0) layout.setSpacing(0) middlewidget = QWidget() self.bigButtons = QWidget() bblo = QHBoxLayout(self.bigButtons) bblo.setMargin(0) bblo.setSpacing(0) self.bigButtons.setMinimumHeight(50) self.bigButtons.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed) for name in ('Features', 'Sketch', 'Build', 'Dimension', 'Simulator'): btn = QPushButton(self.bigButtons) btn.setMaximumWidth(80) btn.setMinimumHeight(50) btn.setText(name) self.bigButtons.layout().addWidget(btn) self.bigButtons.hide() layout.addWidget(self.bigButtons) self.littleIcons = QWidget() self.littleIcons.setMinimumHeight(30) self.littleIcons.setMaximumHeight(30) lilo = QHBoxLayout(self.littleIcons) lilo.setMargin(0) lilo.setSpacing(0) pb = QPushButton(self.littleIcons) pb.setIcon(QIcon(icons + '/GroupPropDialog_image0.png')) self.connect(pb,SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.fileNew) lilo.addWidget(pb) for x in "1 2 4 5 6 7 8 18 42 10 43 150 93 94 97 137".split(): pb = QPushButton(self.littleIcons) pb.setIcon(QIcon(icons + '/MainWindowUI_image' + x + '.png')) lilo.addWidget(pb) layout.addWidget(self.littleIcons) layout.addWidget(middlewidget) self.layout = QGridLayout(middlewidget) self.layout.setMargin(0) self.layout.setSpacing(2) self.gridPosition = GridPosition() self.numParts = 0 self.show() explainWindow = AboutWindow("Select Help->About" " for instructions...", 200, 3) def removePartWindow(self, pw): self.layout.removeWidget(pw) self.gridPosition.removeWidget(pw) self.numParts -= 1 if self.numParts == 0: self.bigButtons.hide() def fileNew(self): if self.numParts == 0: self.bigButtons.show() self.numParts += 1 pw = PartWindow(self) row, col = self.gridPosition.next(pw) self.layout.addWidget(pw, row, col) def fileOpen(self): print "Let's pretend we're opening a file" def fileSave(self): print "Let's pretend we're saving a file" def helpAbout(self): AboutWindow(__doc__) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) mainWin = MainWindow() mainWin.show() sys.exit(app.exec_())