see also model/ since then moved to outtakes ===== from modelTree/ _DEBUG_PREFTREE = False # bruce 050602 experiment; do not commit with True from end of get_topnodes in TreeModel if _DEBUG_PREFTREE: #bruce 050602 try: from foundation.Utility import Node ## print "reloading prefsTree" import model.prefsTree as _X reload(_X) from model.prefsTree import prefsTree # constructor for an object which has a tree of nodes and controls them = prefsTree(self.assy) # guess; guessing it's ok to remake it each time ptnode = assert ptnode is not None assert isinstance(ptnode, Node) topnodes.append(ptnode) except: print_compact_traceback("error importing prefsTree or making one: ") from TreeModel.make_cmenuspec... just before copy, cut, delete # Customize command [bruce 050602 experiment -- unfinished and commented out ###@@@] # [later comment, bruce 050704: I think this was intended to suggest PrefsNodes applicable to the selected item or items, # and to make them and group them with it. Or (later) to put up a dialog whose end result might be to do that.] # Provide this when all items are in the same group? no, any items could be grouped... # so for initial experiments, always provide it. If it's a submenu, the selected items might affect # what's in it, and some things in it might be already checkmarked if PrefsNodes are above them ... # for very initial experiment let's provide it only for single items. # Do we ask them what can be customized about them? I guess so. ##unfinished... ## if _DEBUG_PREFTREE and len(nodeset) == 1: ## mspec = nodeset[0].customize_menuspec() ## submenu = [] ====== from from model.prefsTree import MainPrefsGroupPart in class Assembly: prefs_node = None #bruce 050602; default value of instance variable; experimental near end of topnode_partmaker_pairs: if self.prefs_node is not None: res.append(( self.prefs_node, MainPrefsGroupPart )) near end of topnodes_with_own_parts if self.prefs_node is not None: res.append( self.prefs_node) in valid_selgroup: if not (self.root.is_ascendant(sg) or self.prefs_node is sg): #bruce 050602 kluge: added prefs_node return False # can this ever happen??