class unused_methods_in_class_MT_View: #removed from it, bruce 081216 def repaint_some_nodes_NOT_YET_USED(self, nodes): #bruce 080507 experimental, for cross-highlighting; maybe not used; rename? """ For each node in nodes, repaint that node, if it was painted the last time we repainted self as a whole. (If it wasn't, it might not be an error, if it was due to that node being inside a closed group, or to a future optim for nodes not visible due to scrolling, or if we're being called on a new node before it got painted here the first time; so we print no warning unless debug flags are set.) Optimization for non-visible nodes (outside scrollarea viewport) is permitted, but not implemented as of 080507. @warning: this can only legally be called during a paintEvent on self. Otherwise it doesn't paint (but causes no harm, I think) and Qt prints errors to the console. THE INITIAL IMPLEM IN THE CALLERS IGNORES THIS ISSUE AND THEREFORE DOESN'T YET WORK. See code comments for likely fix. """ # See docstring comment about the caller implem not yet working. # The fix will probably be for the outer-class methods to queue up the # nodes to repaint incrementally, and do the necessary update calls # so that a paintEvent can occur, and set enough new flags to make it # incremental, so its main effect will just be to call this method. # The danger is that other update calls (not via our modelTreeGui's mt_update method) # are coming from Qt and need to be non-incremental. (Don't know, should find out.) # So an initial fix might just ignore the "incremental" issue # except for deferring the mt_update effects themselves # (but I'm not sure if those effects are legal inside paintEvent!). if not self._painted: # called too early; not an error return # (Possible optim: it will often happen that none of the passed nodes # have stored positions. We could check for this first and not bother # to set up the painter in that case. I'm guessing this is not needed.) painter = QtGui.QPainter() painter.begin(self) try: for node in nodes: where = self._painted.get(node) # (x, y) or None if where: print "mt debug fyi: repainting %r" % (node,) #### remove when works x, y = where _paintnode(node, painter, x, y, self.palette_widget, option_holder = self) else: print "mt debug fyi: NOT repainting %r" % (node,) #### remove when works continue finally: painter.end() return # WARNING: the following methods duplicate some of the code in # _our_QItemDelegate in the other MT implem, far above [now removed]. # Also, they are mostly not yet used (still true, 070612). They might be # used to help make in-place node-label-edit work again. def createEditor(self, node): """ Create and return a QLineEdit child widget to serve as an editor for the given node; initialize its text. """ parent = self qle = QLineEdit(parent) self.setEditorData(qle, node) return qle def setEditorData(self, lineEdit, node): """ copy the editable data from node to lineEdit """ value = lineEdit.setText(value) return def setModelData(self, lineEdit, node): """ copy the editable data from lineEdit to node (if permitted); display a statusbar message about the result """ # Note: try_rename checks node.rename_enabled() # BUG: try_rename doesn't handle unicode (though it seems to handle some non-ascii chars somehow) # Note: see similar code in a method in another class in this file. oldname = ok, text = node.try_rename( lineEdit.text() ) # if ok, text is the new text, perhaps modified; # if not ok, text is an error message if ok: msg = "Renamed node [%s] to [%s]" % (oldname, text) ##e need quote_html?? self.statusbar_message(msg) ## self.modeltreegui.mt_update() #e might be redundant with caller; if so, might be a speed hit else: msg = "Can't rename node [%s]: %s" % (oldname, text) # text is reason why not self.statusbar_message(msg) return def updateEditorGeometry(self, editor, option, index): rect = option.rect rect.setX(rect.x() + _ICONSIZE[0]) qfm = QFontMetrics(editor.font()) width = qfm.width(editor.text()) + 10 width = min(width, rect.width() - _ICONSIZE[0]) ## parent = self.parent() parent = self width = min(width, parent.width() - 50 - rect.x()) rect.setWidth(width) editor.setGeometry(rect) return