# Copyright 2004-2007 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. """ jigs_planes.py -- Classes for Plane jigs, including RectGadget, GridPlane, and (in its own module) ESPImage. @author: Huaicai (I think), Ninad (I think), maybe others @version: $Id$ @copyright: 2004-2007 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. History: 050927. Split off Plane jigs from jigs.py into this file. Mark bruce 071215 split class ESPImage into its own file. TODO: Split more. Perhaps merge GridPlane with Plane (reference plane). """ import math from Numeric import size, add from OpenGL.GL import glPushMatrix from OpenGL.GL import glTranslatef from OpenGL.GL import glRotatef from OpenGL.GL import glPopMatrix from graphics.drawing.drawers import drawLineLoop from graphics.drawing.draw_grid_lines import drawGPGrid from graphics.drawing.draw_grid_lines import drawSiCGrid from geometry.VQT import V, Q, A, cross from graphics.rendering.povray.povheader import povpoint from model.jigs import Jig from utilities.constants import black from utilities.constants import gray from utilities.prefs_constants import SQUARE_GRID from utilities.prefs_constants import SOLID_LINE from geometry.BoundingBox import BBox from commands.GridPlaneProperties.GridPlaneProp import GridPlaneProp # == RectGadget class RectGadget(Jig): """ Abstract superclass for GridPlane and ESPImage. """ is_movable = True #mark 060120 mutable_attrs = ('center', 'quat') copyable_attrs = Jig.copyable_attrs + ('width', 'height') + mutable_attrs def __init__(self, assy, list, READ_FROM_MMP): Jig.__init__(self, assy, list) self.width = 20 self.height = 20 self.assy = assy self.cancelled = True # We will assume the user will cancel self.atomPos = [] if not READ_FROM_MMP: self.__init_quat_center(list) def _um_initargs(self): #bruce 051013 [as of 060209 this is probably well-defined and correct # (for most Jig subclasses), but not presently used] """ Return args and kws suitable for __init__. [Overrides Jig._um_initargs; see its docstring.] """ return (self.assy, self.atoms, True), {} def setAtoms(self, atomlist): """ Override the version from Jig. Removed adding jig to atoms """ if self.atoms: print "fyi: bug? setAtoms overwrites existing atoms on %r" % self self.atoms = list(atomlist) def __init_quat_center(self, list): for a in list:#[:3]: self.atomPos += [a.posn()] planeNorm = self._getPlaneOrientation(self.atomPos) self.quat = Q(V(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), planeNorm) self.center = add.reduce(self.atomPos)/len(self.atomPos) def __computeBBox(self): """ Compute current bounding box. """ hw = self.width/2.0; hh = self.height/2.0 corners_pos = [V(-hw, hh, 0.0), V(-hw, -hh, 0.0), V(hw, -hh, 0.0), V(hw, hh, 0.0)] abs_pos = [] for pos in corners_pos: abs_pos += [self.quat.rot(pos) + self.center] return BBox(abs_pos) def __getattr__(self, name): # in class RectGadget if name == 'bbox': return self.__computeBBox() elif name == 'planeNorm': return self.quat.rot(V(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) elif name == 'right': return self.quat.rot(V(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) elif name == 'up': return self.quat.rot(V(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) else: raise AttributeError, 'RectGadget has no "%s"' % name #bruce 060209 revised text def getaxis(self): # todo: merge somehow with getaxis methods on other Nodes return self.planeNorm # axis is normal to plane of RectGadget. Mark 060120 def move(self, offset): """ Move the plane by , which is a 'V' object. """ ###k NEEDS REVIEW: does this conform to the new Node API method 'move', # or should it do more invalidations / change notifications / updates? # [bruce 070501 question] self.center += offset def rot(self, q): self.quat += q def needs_atoms_to_survive(self): # [Huaicai 9/30/05] """ Overrided method inherited from Jig. This is used to tell if the jig can be copied even if it doesn't have atoms. """ return False def _getPlaneOrientation(self, atomPos): assert len(atomPos) >= 3 v1 = atomPos[-2] - atomPos[-1] v2 = atomPos[-3] - atomPos[-1] return cross(v1, v2) def _mmp_record_last_part(self, mapping): return "" ## def is_disabled(self): ## """ ## """ ## return False ###[Huaicai 9/29/05: The following two methods are temporarily copied here, this is try to fix jig copy related bugs ### not fully analyzed how the copy works yet. It fixed some problems, but not sure if it's completely right. def copy_full_in_mapping(self, mapping): #bruce 070430 revised to honor mapping.assy clas = self.__class__ new = clas(mapping.assy, [], True) # don't pass any atoms yet (maybe not all of them are yet copied) # [Note: as of about 050526, passing atomlist of [] is permitted for motors, but they assert it's []. # Before that, they didn't even accept the arg.] # Now, how to copy all the desired state? We could wait til fixup stage, then use mmp write/read methods! # But I'd rather do this cleanly and have the mmp methods use these, instead... # by declaring copyable attrs, or so. new._orig = self new._mapping = mapping new.name = "[being copied]" # should never be seen mapping.do_at_end( new._copy_fixup_at_end) #k any need to call mapping.record_copy?? # [bruce comment 050704: if we could easily tell here that none of our atoms would get copied, # and if self.needs_atoms_to_survive() is true, then we should return None (to fix bug 743) here; # but since we can't easily tell that, we instead kill the copy # in _copy_fixup_at_end if it has no atoms when that func is done.] return new def _copy_fixup_at_end(self): # warning [bruce 050704]: some of this code is copied in jig_Gamess.py's Gamess.cm_duplicate method. """ [Private method] This runs at the end of a copy operation to copy attributes from the old jig (which could have been done at the start but might as well be done now for most of them) and copy atom refs (which has to be done now in case some atoms were not copied when the jig itself was). Self is the copy, self._orig is the original. """ orig = self._orig del self._orig mapping = self._mapping del self._mapping copy = self orig.copy_copyable_attrs_to(copy) # replaces .name set by __init__ self.own_mutable_copyable_attrs() # eliminate unwanted sharing of mutable copyable_attrs if orig.picked: # clean up weird color attribute situation (since copy is not picked) # by modifying color attrs as if we unpicked the copy self.color = self.normcolor #nuats = [] #for atom in orig.atoms: #nuat = mapping.mapper(atom) #if nuat is not None: #nuats.append(nuat) #if len(nuats) < len(orig.atoms) and not self.name.endswith('-frag'): # similar code is in chunk, both need improving #self.name += '-frag' #if nuats or not self.needs_atoms_to_survive(): #self.setAtoms(nuats) #else: ##bruce 050704 to fix bug 743 #self.kill() #e jig classes with atom-specific info would have to do more now... we could call a 2nd method here... # or use list of classnames to search for more and more specific methods to call... # or just let subclasses extend this method in the usual way (maybe not doing those dels above). return pass # end of class RectGadget # == GridPlane class GridPlane(RectGadget): """ """ #bruce 060212 include superclass mutables (might fix some bugs); see analogous ESPImage comments for more info own_mutable_attrs = ('grid_color', ) mutable_attrs = own_mutable_attrs + RectGadget.mutable_attrs copyable_attrs = RectGadget.copyable_attrs + ('line_type', 'grid_type', 'x_spacing', 'y_spacing') + own_mutable_attrs sym = "GridPlane" #bruce 070604 removed space (per Mark decision) icon_names = ["modeltree/Grid_Plane.png", "modeltree/Grid_Plane-hide.png"] # Added gridplane icons. Mark 050915. mmp_record_name = "gridplane" featurename = "Grid Plane" #bruce 051203 def __init__(self, assy, list, READ_FROM_MMP = False): RectGadget.__init__(self, assy, list, READ_FROM_MMP) self.color = black # Border color self.normcolor = black self.grid_color = gray self.grid_type = SQUARE_GRID # Grid patterns: "SQUARE_GRID" or "SiC_GRID" # Grid line types: "NO_LINE", "SOLID_LINE", "DASHED_LINE" or "DOTTED_LINE" self.line_type = SOLID_LINE # Changed the spacing to 2 to 1. Mark 050923. self.x_spacing = 5.0 # 5 Angstroms self.y_spacing = 5.0 # 5 Angstroms def setProps(self, name, border_color, width, height, center, wxyz, grid_type, \ line_type, x_space, y_space, grid_color): self.name = name; self.color = self.normcolor = border_color; self.width = width; self.height = height; self.center = center; self.quat = Q(wxyz[0], wxyz[1], wxyz[2], wxyz[3]) self.grid_type = grid_type; self.line_type = line_type; self.x_spacing = x_space; self.y_spacing = y_space; self.grid_color = grid_color def _getinfo(self): return "[Object: Grid Plane] [Name: " + str(self.name) + "] " def getstatistics(self, stats): stats.num_gridplane += 1 def set_cntl(self): self.cntl = GridPlaneProp(self, self.assy.o) def make_selobj_cmenu_items(self, menu_spec): """ Add GridPlane specific context menu items to the list when self is the selobj (i.e. the selected object under the cursor when the context menu is displayed). @param menu_spec: A list of context menu items, where each member is a tuple (menu item string, method). @type menu_spec: list @note: This only works in "Build Atoms" (depositAtoms) mode. """ item = ('Hide', self.Hide) menu_spec.append(item) menu_spec.append(None) # Separator item = ('Edit Properties...', self.edit) menu_spec.append(item) def _draw_jig(self, glpane, color, highlighted = False): """ Draw a Grid Plane jig as a set of grid lines. """ glPushMatrix() glTranslatef( self.center[0], self.center[1], self.center[2]) q = self.quat glRotatef( q.angle*180.0/math.pi, q.x, q.y, q.z) hw = self.width/2.0; hh = self.height/2.0 corners_pos = [V(-hw, hh, 0.0), V(-hw, -hh, 0.0), V(hw, -hh, 0.0), V(hw, hh, 0.0)] if highlighted: grid_color = color else: grid_color = self.grid_color if self.picked: drawLineLoop(self.color, corners_pos) else: drawLineLoop(color, corners_pos) if self.grid_type == SQUARE_GRID: drawGPGrid(glpane, grid_color, self.line_type, self.width, self.height, self.x_spacing, self.y_spacing, q.unrot(self.assy.o.up), q.unrot(self.assy.o.right)) else: drawSiCGrid(grid_color, self.line_type, self.width, self.height, q.unrot(self.assy.o.up), q.unrot(self.assy.o.right)) glPopMatrix() def mmp_record_jigspecific_midpart(self): """ format: width height (cx, cy, cz) (w, x, y, z) grid_type line_type x_space y_space (gr, gg, gb) """ color = map(int, A(self.grid_color)*255) dataline = "%.2f %.2f (%f, %f, %f) (%f, %f, %f, %f) %d %d %.2f %.2f (%d, %d, %d)" % \ (self.width, self.height, self.center[0], self.center[1], self.center[2], self.quat.w, self.quat.x, self.quat.y, self.quat.z, self.grid_type, self.line_type, self.x_spacing, self.y_spacing, color[0], color[1], color[2]) return " " + dataline def writepov(self, file, dispdef): if self.hidden: return if self.is_disabled(): return #bruce 050421 hw = self.width/2.0; hh = self.height/2.0 corners_pos = [V(-hw, hh, 0.0), V(-hw, -hh, 0.0), V(hw, -hh, 0.0), V(hw, hh, 0.0)] povPlaneCorners = [] for v in corners_pos: povPlaneCorners += [self.quat.rot(v) + self.center] strPts = ' %s, %s, %s, %s ' % tuple(map(povpoint, povPlaneCorners)) color = '%s>' % (povStrVec(self.color),) file.write('grid_plane(' + strPts + color + ') \n') pass # end of class GridPlane # == def povStrVec(va): # review: refile in povheader or so? [bruce 071215 comment] # used in other modules too rstr = '<' for ii in range(size(va)): rstr += str(va[ii]) + ', ' return rstr #end