# Copyright 2004-2007 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. """\ jobqueue.py $Id$ Python code for parallelizing various kinds of jobs on a cluster of Linux/Unix/Mac machines. Initially being used for raytracing jobs, but should be useful for other things, perhaps parallel simulations some day. """ import os, sys, types, threading, time, string worker_list = [ 'localhost' ] DEBUG = 0 if os.environ.has_key("DEBUG"): DEBUG = string.atoi(os.environ["DEBUG"]) all_workers_stop = False def do(cmd): print cmd if os.system(cmd) != 0: raise Exception(cmd) class Worker(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, jobqueue, machine, workdir): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.machine = machine self.jobqueue = jobqueue self.workdir = workdir if machine in ('localhost', ''): self.do = do self.get = self._local_get self.put = self._local_put else: self.do = self._remote_do self.get = self._remote_get self.put = self._remote_put def _remote_do(self, cmd): do('ssh ' + self.machine + ' ' + cmd) def _local_put(self, filelist, srcdir): # Transfer files from host to worker, NON DESTRUCTIVELY do('for x in %s; do cp %s/$x %s; done' % (" ".join(filelist), srcdir, self.workdir)) def _local_get(self, filelist, dstdir): # Transfer files from host to worker do('for x in %s; do mv %s/$x %s; done' % (" ".join(filelist), self.workdir, dstdir)) def _remote_put(self, filelist, srcdir): # Transfer files from host to worker do('(cd %s; tar cf - %s) | gzip | ssh %s "(cd %s; gunzip | tar xf -)"' % (srcdir, " ".join(filelist), self.machine, self.workdir)) def _remote_get(self, filelist, dstdir): # Transfer files from host to worker do('ssh %s "(cd %s; tar cf - %s)" | gzip | (cd %s; gunzip | tar xf -)' % (self.machine, self.workdir, " ".join(filelist), dstdir)) # Each worker grabs a new jobs as soon as he finishes the previous # one. This allows mixing of slower and faster worker machines; # each works at capacity. def run(self): global all_workers_stop self.do('mkdir -p ' + self.workdir) while not all_workers_stop: job = self.jobqueue.get() if job is None: return try: job.go(self) self.do('rm -rf ' + self.workdir) self.do('mkdir -p ' + self.workdir) except: all_workers_stop = True raise _which_job = 0 class Job: def __init__(self, srcdir, dstdir, inputfiles, outputfiles): global _which_job self.index = index = _which_job _which_job += 1 self.srcdir = srcdir self.dstdir = dstdir self.inputfiles = inputfiles self.outputfiles = outputfiles def shellScript(self): raise Exception, 'overload me' def preJob(self, worker): pass def postJob(self, worker): pass def go(self, worker): self.preJob(worker) scriptname = 'job_%08d.sh' % self.index longname = os.path.join(self.srcdir, scriptname) script = ("(cd " + worker.workdir + "\n" + (self.shellScript()) + ")\n") if DEBUG >= 1: print worker.machine + ' <<<\n' + script + '>>>' outf = open(longname, 'w') outf.write(script) outf.close() os.system('chmod +x ' + longname) worker.put(self.inputfiles + [ scriptname ], self.srcdir) worker.do(os.path.join(worker.workdir, scriptname)) worker.get(self.outputfiles, self.dstdir) self.postJob(worker) class JobQueue: def __init__(self, _worker_list=None): if _worker_list is None: _worker_list = worker_list self.worker_pool = worker_pool = [ ] self.jobqueue = [ ] self._lock = threading.Lock() for macdir in _worker_list: try: machine, workdir = macdir except: machine = macdir assert type(machine) is types.StringType workdir = '/tmp/jobqueue' worker = Worker(self, machine, workdir) worker_pool.append(worker) def append(self, job): self._lock.acquire() # thread safety self.jobqueue.append(job) self._lock.release() def get(self): self._lock.acquire() # thread safety try: r = self.jobqueue.pop(0) except IndexError: r = None self._lock.release() return r def start(self): for worker in self.worker_pool: worker.start() def wait(self): busy_workers = self.worker_pool[:] while True: busy_workers = filter(lambda x: x.isAlive(), busy_workers) if len(busy_workers) == 0: break if all_workers_stop: raise Exception('somebody stopped') time.sleep(0.5) def runjobs(mydir, infiles, outfiles, script): """Here is a simple usage, if each job takes one input file and produces one output file, and if we use the same directory for srcdir and dstdir. """ q = JobQueue(worker_list) for ifile, ofile in map(None, infiles, outfiles): class MyJob(Job): def shellScript(self, script=script, ifile=ifile, ofile=ofile): return script % { 'ifile': ifile, 'ofile': ofile } q.append(MyJob(mydir, mydir, [ifile], [ofile])) q.start() q.wait() # ============================================================ if __name__ == "__main__": worker_list = [ 'localhost' ] # , 'server', 'mac', 'laptop' ] mydir = '/tmp/tryit' os.system('rm -rf ' + mydir) os.system('mkdir -p ' + mydir) N = 20 inputfiles = [ ] outputfiles = [ ] for i in range(N): ifile = 'input%03d' % i ofile = 'output%03d' % i inputfiles.append(ifile) outputfiles.append(ofile) outf = open(os.path.join(mydir, ifile), 'w') outf.write('hello\n') outf.close() runjobs(mydir, inputfiles, outputfiles, """sleep 20 if [ -f %(ifile)s ]; then cp %(ifile)s %(ofile)s else echo BAD > %(ofile)s fi """) # verify correct outputs, and clean up for ofile in outputfiles: assert open(os.path.join(mydir, ofile)).read() == 'hello\n'