// Copyright 2006-2007 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. #ifndef NE1_HDF5_SIMRESULTS_H #define NE1_HDF5_SIMRESULTS_H #include #include #include "hdf5.h" #include "SimResultsDataStore.h" #define HDF5_SIM_RESULT_FILENAME "sim_results.h5" #define GROUP_NAME_SIZE_HINT 64 #define USE_CHUNKING 1 #define USE_SHUFFLING 1 #define USE_COMPRESSION 1 #define COMPRESSION_LVL 6 #define TOTAL_ENERGY_MSRMT 0 #define IDEAL_TEMPERATURE_MSRMT 1 #define PRESSURE_MSRMT 2 namespace ne1 { /* CLASS: FrameSetInfo */ /** * Used internally to HDF5_SimResults. */ class FrameSetInfo { public: FrameSetInfo() { currentFrameIndex = 0; timestampsDatasetId = 0; atomIdsDatasetId = 0; atomicNumbersDatasetId = 0; atomPositionsDatasetId = 0; atomVelocitiesDatasetId = 0; bondsDatasetId = 0; measurementsDatasetId = 0; } int currentFrameIndex; hid_t timestampsDatasetId; hid_t atomIdsDatasetId; hid_t atomicNumbersDatasetId; hid_t atomPositionsDatasetId; hid_t atomVelocitiesDatasetId; hid_t bondsDatasetId; hid_t measurementsDatasetId; }; /* CLASS: HDF5_SimResults */ /** * HDF5 implementation of SimResultsDataStore. * * Hierarchy: \code / Name, Description, Notes - attributes Parameters/ - attributes StartStep, MaxSteps Timestep, EnvironmentTemperature, EnvironmentPressure InputFilePaths/ key = filePath attributes Results/ - attributes RunResult StepCount StartTime CPU_RunningTime, WallRunningTime ExtensionData/ name/ key=int-attribute, float-attribute key=int-array-dataset, float-array-dataset FrameSets/ name/ AggregationMode, StepsPerFrame - attributes Timestamps - dataset AtomIds - dataset, AtomicNumbers - dataset AtomPositions, AtomVelocities - dataset Bonds - dataset Measurements - dataset \endcode */ class HDF5_SimResults : public SimResultsDataStore { public: HDF5_SimResults(); ~HDF5_SimResults(); int openDataStore(const char* directory, std::string& message); void synchronize(); int getName(std::string& name) const; int setName(const std::string& name, std::string& message); int getDescription(std::string& description) const; int setDescription(const std::string& description, std::string& message); int getNotes(std::string& notes) const; int setNotes(const std::string& notes, std::string& message); int getTimestep(float& timestep) const; int setTimestep(const float& timestep, std::string& message); int getStartStep(int& startStep) const; int setStartStep(const int& startStep, std::string& message); int getMaxSteps(int& maxSteps) const; int setMaxSteps(const int& maxSteps, std::string& message); int getEnvironmentTemperature(float& envTemp) const; int setEnvironmentTemperature(const float& envTemp, std::string& message); int getEnvironmentPressure(float& envPress) const; int setEnvironmentPressure(const float& envPress, std::string& message); std::vector getFilePathKeys() const; int getFilePath(const char* key, std::string& filePath) const; int setFilePath(const char* key, const char* filePath, std::string& message); int getRunResult(int& result, std::string& failureDescription) const; int setRunResult(const int& code, const char* failureDescription, std::string& message); int getStepCount(int& stepCount) const; int setStepCount(const int& stepCount, std::string& message); int getStartTime(time_t& startTime) const; int setStartTime(const time_t& startTime, std::string& message); int getCPU_RunningTime(float& cpuRunningTime) const; int setCPU_RunningTime(const float& cpuRunningTime, std::string& message); int getWallRunningTime(float& wallRunningTime) const; int setWallRunningTime(const float& wallRunningTime, std::string& message); std::vector getFrameSetNames() const; int addFrameSet(const char* name, std::string& message); int getAggregationMode(const char* frameSetName, int& mode) const; int setAggregationMode(const char* frameSetName, const int& mode, std::string& message); int getStepsPerFrame(const char* frameSetName, int& stepsPerFrame) const; int setStepsPerFrame(const char* frameSetName, const int& stepsPerFrame, std::string& message); void getFrameCount(const char* frameSetName, int& frameCount); int getFrameTimes(const char* frameSetName, float* frameTimes, std::string& message); int getFrameTime(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, float& time, std::string& message); int addFrame(const char* frameSetName, const float& time, int& frameIndex, std::string& message); void getFrameAtomIdsCount(const char* frameSetName, unsigned int& atomIdsCount); int getFrameAtomIds(const char* frameSetName, unsigned int* atomIds, std::string& message); int setFrameAtomIds(const char* frameSetName, const unsigned int* atomIds, const unsigned int& atomIdsCount, std::string& message); int getFrameAtomicNumbers(const char* frameSetName, unsigned int* atomicNumbers, std::string& message); int setFrameAtomicNumbers(const char* frameSetName, const unsigned int* atomicNumbers, const unsigned int& atomicNumbersCount, std::string& message); int getFrameAtomPositions(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const unsigned int& atomCount, float* positions, std::string& message); int setFrameAtomPositions(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const float* positions, const unsigned int& atomCount, std::string& message); int getFrameAtomVelocities(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const unsigned int& atomCount, float* velocities, std::string& message); int setFrameAtomVelocities(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const float* velocities, const unsigned int& atomCount, std::string& message); void getFrameBondsCount(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, unsigned int& bondCount); int getFrameBonds(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, void* bonds, std::string& message); int setFrameBonds(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const void* bonds, const unsigned int& bondCount, std::string& message); int getFrameTotalEnergy(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, float& totalEnergy, std::string& message); int setFrameTotalEnergy(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const float& totalEnergy, std::string& message); int getFrameIdealTemperature(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, float& idealTemperature, std::string& message); int setFrameIdealTemperature(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const float& idealTemperature, std::string& message); int getFramePressure(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, float& pressure, std::string& message); int setFramePressure(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const float& pressure, std::string& message); private: // HDF5 type identifiers hid_t bondTypeId; hid_t bondsVariableLengthId; hid_t fileId; // HDF5 file identifier std::string dataStoreDirectory; std::map frameSetInfoMap; void closeDatasets(); void openDatasets(); int checkFrameExistence(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, std::string& message); int checkFrameSetDatasetExistence(const char* frameSetName, hid_t& datasetId, const char* datasetName, std::string& message); int checkTimestampsExistence(const char* frameSetName, std::string& message); int checkFrameSetExistence(const char* frameSetName, std::string& message); int createMeasurementsDataset(const char* frameSetName, hid_t& datasetId, std::string& message); int createBondsDataset(const char* frameSetName, const unsigned int& bondCount, hid_t& datasetId, std::string& message); int create3D_AtomFloatsDataset(const char* frameSetName, const char* dataSetName, const unsigned int& atomCount, hid_t& datasetId, std::string& message); int createTimestampsDataset(const char* frameSetName, hid_t& datasetId, std::string& message); int writeMeasurement(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const int& measurementIndex, const float& value, const hid_t& datasetId, std::string& message); int writeBonds(const int& frame, const unsigned int& bondCount, const void* bonds, hid_t datasetId, std::string& message); int writeAtomUInts(const char* frameSetName, const char* dataSetName, const unsigned int* atomUInts, const unsigned int& atomUIntsCount, hid_t& datasetId, std::string& message); int write3SpaceAtomFloats(const int& frame, const unsigned int& atomCount, const float* data, hid_t datasetId, std::string& message); int writeTimestamp(const int& frame, const float& time, hid_t datasetId, std::string& message); int readMeasurement(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const int& measurementIndex, const hid_t& datasetId, float& value, std::string& message); int read3SpaceAtomFloats(const int& frame, const unsigned int& atomCount, float* data, hid_t datasetId, std::string& message); int readTimestamp(const int& frame, float& time, hid_t datasetId, std::string& message) const; int getStringAttribute(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& attributeName, std::string& attributeValue) const; int setStringAttribute(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& attributeName, const std::string& value, std::string& message); int getIntAttribute(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& attributeName, int& attributeValue) const; int setIntAttribute(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& attributeName, const int& value, std::string& message); int getFloatAttribute(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& attributeName, float& attributeValue) const; int setFloatAttribute(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& attributeName, const float& value, std::string& message); int getTimeAttribute(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& attributeName, time_t& attributeValue) const; int setTimeAttribute(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& attributeName, const time_t& value, std::string& message); }; } // ne1:: #endif