// Copyright 2006-2007 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. #ifndef PTO3D_H_INCLUDED #define PTO3D_H_INCLUDED #include #include "String.h" class pto2D; // do not include pto2D.h here: circular definition class pto3D { public: float x, y, z; pto3D (void) { x = 0.0f; y = 0.0f; z = 0.0f; } pto3D (double X, double Y, double Z) { x = (float) X; y = (float) Y; z = (float) Z; } void giroxr (double theta); void giroxg (double thetag); void giroyr (double theta); void giroyg (double thetag); void girozr (double theta); void girozg (double thetag); void rgirox (float ct, float st); void rgiroy (float ct, float st); void rgiroz (float ct, float st); /** rotate theta degrees about the x axis */ pto3D ngiroxr (double theta); pto3D ngiroxg (double thetag); /** rotate theta degrees about the y axis */ pto3D ngiroyr (double theta); pto3D ngiroyg (double thetag); /** rotate theta degrees about the z axis */ pto3D ngirozr (double theta); pto3D ngirozg (double thetag); /** rotate theta degrees about the x axis y cierto punto*/ void giroxr (double theta, pto3D paux); void giroxg (double thetag, pto3D pau); /** rotate theta degrees about the y axis */ void giroyr (double theta, pto3D paux); void giroyg (double thetag, pto3D pau); /** rotate theta degrees about the z axis */ void girozr (double theta, pto3D paux); void girozg (double thetag, pto3D pau); /////////////////////////////////////////////////// pto3D ngirar (double theta, pto3D eje); pto3D ngirag (double thetag, pto3D pau); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// pto3D mas (pto3D pto2); pto3D menos (pto3D pto2); double prodesc (pto3D pto2); pto3D prodvect (pto3D pto2); double dista (pto3D pto2); pto3D escala (double factor); double anguloconr (pto3D pto2); double angulocong (pto3D pto2); double modulo (); pto3D proyeccplano (pto3D pto2); //ACLARACION dihedro positivo es cuando, mirando en el sentido marcado double dihedror (pto3D ptoc, pto3D pto1); double dihedrog (pto3D ptoc, pto3D pto1); pto3D aversor (void); void versoriza (void); pto3D clona (void); pto3D ptomediocon (pto3D v1); pto3D ptopondcon (pto3D v1, double param); pto2D a2D (void); /* http://gethelp.devx.com/techtips/cpp_pro/10min/10min0400.asp */ friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, const pto3D& a) { s << ""; return s; } int valid(void) { return x < 0.5e20 || y < 0.5e20 || z < 0.5e20; } }; static pto3D INVALID_PTO3D = pto3D(1.0e20, 1.0e20, 1.0e20); #endif