# Copyright 2008 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. """ @author: Mark @version: $Id$ @copyright: 2008 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. """ import foundation.changes as changes from commands.SelectChunks.SelectChunks_GraphicsMode import SelectChunks_GraphicsMode from command_support.EditCommand import EditCommand from utilities.constants import red from dna.commands.OrderDna.OrderDna_PropertyManager import OrderDna_PropertyManager from graphics.drawing.drawDnaLabels import draw_dnaBaseNumberLabels # == GraphicsMode part _superclass_for_GM = SelectChunks_GraphicsMode class OrderDna_GraphicsMode( SelectChunks_GraphicsMode ): """ Graphics mode for "Order DNA" command. """ def _drawLabels(self): """ Overrides suoerclass method. @see: GraphicsMode._drawLabels() """ _superclass_for_GM._drawLabels(self) draw_dnaBaseNumberLabels(self.glpane) # == Command part class OrderDna_Command(EditCommand): """ """ # class constants commandName = 'ORDER_DNA' featurename = "Order DNA" from utilities.constants import CL_EXTERNAL_ACTION command_level = CL_EXTERNAL_ACTION GraphicsMode_class = OrderDna_GraphicsMode PM_class = OrderDna_PropertyManager command_should_resume_prevMode = True command_has_its_own_PM = True flyoutToolbar = None def _getFlyoutToolBarActionAndParentCommand(self): """ Overides superclass method. @see: self.command_update_flyout() """ flyoutActionToCheck = 'orderDnaAction' parentCommandName = 'BUILD_DNA' return flyoutActionToCheck, parentCommandName def keep_empty_group(self, group): """ Returns True if the empty group should not be automatically deleted. otherwise returns False. The default implementation always returns False. Subclasses should override this method if it needs to keep the empty group for some reasons. Note that this method will only get called when a group has a class constant autdelete_when_empty set to True. (and as of 2008-03-06, it is proposed that dna_updater calls this method when needed. @see: Command.keep_empty_group() which is overridden here. """ bool_keep = EditCommand.keep_empty_group(self, group) if not bool_keep: #Lets just not delete *ANY* DnaGroup while in OrderDna_Command #Although OrderDna command can only be accessed through #BuildDna_EditCommand, it could happen (due to a bug) that the #previous command is not BuildDna_Editcommand. So bool_keep #in that case will return False propmting dna updater to even delete #the empty DnaGroup (if it becomes empty for some reasons) of the #BuildDna command. To avoid this ,this method will instruct # to keep all instances of DnaGroup even when they might be empty. if isinstance(group, self.assy.DnaGroup): bool_keep = True #Commented out code that shows what I was planning to implement #earlier. ##previousCommand = self.commandSequencer.prevMode # keep_empty_group: .struct ##if previousCommand.commandName == 'BUILD_DNA': ##if group is previousCommand.struct: ##bool_keep = True return bool_keep