# Copyright 2004-2008 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. """ selectMode.py -- Select Chunks and Select Atoms modes, also used as superclasses for some other modes @version: $Id$ @copyright: 2004-2008 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. - Ninad 070216 moved selectAtomsMode and selectMolsMode out of selectMode.py -- Update 2008-08-22: class selectMolsMode and SelectAtomsMode have been deprecated and are replaced by SelectChunks_Command and SelectAtoms_Command(the change was made perhaps sometime last year) """ from commands.Select.Select_Command import Select_basicCommand from commands.Select.Select_GraphicsMode import Select_basicGraphicsMode from command_support.modes import anyMode class selectMode(Select_basicCommand, Select_basicGraphicsMode, anyMode): """ """ # NOTE: Inheriting from superclass anymode is harmless. It is done as # Not sure whether it's needed. It is put in case there is an isinstance # assert in other code # Ignore it for now, because it will go away when everything is split and # we simplify these split modes to have only the main two classes. def __init__(self, commandSequencer): glpane = commandSequencer.assy.glpane Select_basicCommand.__init__(self, commandSequencer) # was just basicCommand in original Select_basicGraphicsMode.__init__(self, glpane) # was just basicGraphicsMode in original return # (the rest would come from basicMode if post-inheriting it worked, # or we could split it out of basicMode as a post-mixin to use there and here) def __get_command(self): return self command = property(__get_command) def __get_graphicsMode(self): return self graphicsMode = property(__get_graphicsMode)