# Copyright 2004-2008 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details.
@author: Mark
Mark 2007-05-17: This used to be generated from its .ui file. Now it uses PropMgrBaseClass
to construct its property manager dialog.
Mark 2007-07-24: Now uses new PM module.
Mark 2007-08-06: Renamed GrapheneGeneratorDialog to GrapheneGeneratorPropertyManager.
Ninad 2008-07-22/23: ported this to EditCommand API (new superclass
from model.bonds import CC_GRAPHITIC_BONDLENGTH
from PM.PM_GroupBox import PM_GroupBox
from PM.PM_DoubleSpinBox import PM_DoubleSpinBox
from PM.PM_ComboBox import PM_ComboBox
from command_support.EditCommand_PM import EditCommand_PM
from PM.PM_Constants import PM_DONE_BUTTON
from PM.PM_Constants import PM_WHATS_THIS_BUTTON
from PM.PM_Constants import PM_CANCEL_BUTTON
from PM.PM_Constants import PM_PREVIEW_BUTTON
_superclass = EditCommand_PM
class GrapheneGeneratorPropertyManager(EditCommand_PM):
The GrapheneGeneratorPropertyManager class provides a Property Manager
for the "Build > Graphene (Sheet)" command.
# The title that appears in the property manager header.
title = "Graphene Generator"
# The name of this property manager. This will be set to
# the name of the PM_Dialog object via setObjectName().
pmName = title
# The relative path to PNG file that appears in the header.
iconPath = "ui/actions/Tools/Build Structures/Graphene.png"
def __init__( self, command ):
Construct the "Build Graphene" Property Manager.
_superclass.__init__( self, command )
msg = "Edit the parameters below and click the Preview "\
"button to preview the graphene sheet. Clicking Done "\
"inserts it into the model."
self.updateMessage(msg = msg)
self.showTopRowButtons( PM_DONE_BUTTON | \
def _addGroupBoxes(self):
Add the group boxes to the Graphene Property Manager dialog.
self.pmGroupBox1 = \
PM_GroupBox( self,
title = "Graphene Parameters" )
def _loadGroupBox1(self, pmGroupBox):
Load widgets in groubox 1.
self.heightField = \
PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox,
label = "Height :",
value = 20.0,
setAsDefault = True,
minimum = 1.0,
maximum = 100.0,
singleStep = 1.0,
decimals = 3,
suffix = ' Angstroms')
self.widthField = \
PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox,
label = "Width :",
value = 20.0,
setAsDefault = True,
minimum = 1.0,
maximum = 100.0,
singleStep = 1.0,
decimals = 3,
suffix = ' Angstroms')
self.bondLengthField = \
PM_DoubleSpinBox( pmGroupBox,
label = "Bond Length :",
setAsDefault = True,
minimum = 1.0,
maximum = 3.0,
singleStep = 0.1,
decimals = 3,
suffix = ' Angstroms')
endingChoices = ["None", "Hydrogen", "Nitrogen"]
self.endingsComboBox= \
PM_ComboBox( pmGroupBox,
label = "Endings :",
choices = endingChoices,
index = 0,
setAsDefault = True,
spanWidth = False )
def getParameters(self):
Return the parameters from this property manager
to be used to create the graphene sheet.
@return: A tuple containing the parameters
@rtype: tuple
@see: L{Graphene_EditCommand._gatherParameters()} where this is used
height = self.heightField.value()
width = self.widthField.value()
bond_length = self.bondLengthField.value()
endings = self.endingsComboBox.currentIndex()
return (height, width, bond_length, endings)
def _addWhatsThisText(self):
What's This text for widgets in this Property Manager.
from ne1_ui.WhatsThisText_for_PropertyManagers import whatsThis_GrapheneGeneratorPropertyManager
def _addToolTipText(self):
Tool Tip text for widgets in this Property Manager.
from ne1_ui.ToolTipText_for_PropertyManagers import ToolTip_GrapheneGeneratorPropertyManager