# Copyright 2004-2009 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details.
CrystalShape.py -- handle freehand curves for crystal-cutting (?)
@author: Huaicai, maybe others
@version: $Id$
@copyright: 2004-2009 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details.
bruce 071215 split class CrystalShape out of shape.py into its own module.
Module classification:
Contains graphics_behavior and operations and perhaps internal transient
model code, all to help the graphics_mode (and command?) for Build Crystal
(presently an unsplit_mode, BuildCrystal_Command). So the overall classification
is not clear -- for now say "command" since nothing less does all the above.
But it'll end up in a package for Build Crystal, so this might be ok.
[bruce 071215]
Note about cleaning up how this uses ColorSortedDisplayList [bruce 090114]:
* it allocates one, and sometimes draws it in the usual ColorSorter.start/finish
manner, other times uses glCallList on its .dl directly, and other times
directly compiles its own OpenGL code into its .dl member.
* part of this could be converted into CSDL.draw() calls,
but the direct compiling of our own OpenGL code into a display list
kept in the CSDL is not a formally supported use of the CSDL,
and it won't necessarily keep working with CSDL.draw() (once we're using
batched shader primitives for any primitives we draw here). Either we should
add that kind of feature to the CSDL API (let any CSDL contain one or more
optional "extra display lists for arbitrary outside use, to be drawn whenever
that CSDL is drawn"), or fix this in some other way.
* Until then, this code may stop drawing properly when batched shader primitives
are fully implemented, and its use of .dl may become the only reason we need to
keep that member around in CSDL.
from Numeric import dot, floor
from geometry.VQT import vlen, V
from OpenGL.GL import glNewList, glEndList, glCallList
from graphics.drawing.drawers import drawCircle
from graphics.drawing.drawers import genDiam
from graphics.drawing.CS_draw_primitives import drawcylinder
from graphics.drawing.CS_draw_primitives import drawsphere
from graphics.drawing.CS_draw_primitives import drawline
from graphics.drawing.ColorSorter import ColorSorter
from graphics.drawing.ColorSortedDisplayList import ColorSortedDisplayList
from utilities.constants import SUBTRACT_FROM_SELECTION
from utilities.constants import OUTSIDE_SUBTRACT_FROM_SELECTION
from utilities.constants import ADD_TO_SELECTION
from utilities.constants import START_NEW_SELECTION
from utilities.constants import white
from utilities.debug import print_compact_traceback
from geometry.BoundingBox import BBox
from graphics.behaviors.shape import simple_shape_2d
from graphics.behaviors.shape import get_selCurve_color
from graphics.behaviors.shape import shape
from model.bonds import bond_atoms
# ==
class _Circle(simple_shape_2d):
Represents the area of a circle ortho projection intersecting with a slab.
def __init__(self, shp, ptlist, origin, selSense, **opts):
ptlist: the circle center and a point on the perimeter
simple_shape_2d.__init__( self, shp, ptlist, origin, selSense, opts)
def draw(self):
the profile circle draw
color = get_selCurve_color(self.selSense)
drawCircle(color, self.ptlist[0], self.rad, self.slab.normal)
def isin(self, pt):
Test if a point is in the area
if self.slab and not self.slab.isin(pt):
return False
p2d = self.project_2d(pt)
dist = vlen(p2d - self.cirCenter)
if dist <= self.rad :
return True
return False
def _computeBBox(self):
Construct the 3D bounding box for this volume.
self.rad = vlen(self.ptlist[1] - self.ptlist[0])
self.cirCenter = self.project_2d(self.ptlist[0])
bbhi = self.cirCenter + V(self.rad, self.rad)
bblo = self.cirCenter - V(self.rad, self.rad)
x, y = self.right, self.up
self.bbox = BBox(V(bblo, bbhi), V(x, y), self.slab)
# ==
class CrystalShape(shape):
This class is used to create cookies. It supports multiple parallel layers,
each curve sits on a particular layer.
def __init__(self, right, up, normal, mode, latticeType):
shape.__init__(self, right, up, normal)
# Each element is a dictionary object storing "carbon" info for a layer
self.carbonPosDict = {}
self.hedroPosDict = {}
self.markedAtoms = {}
# Each element is a dictionary for the bonds info for a layer
self.bondLayers = {}
self.displist = ColorSortedDisplayList()
self.havelist = 0
self.dispMode = mode
self.latticeType = latticeType
self.layerThickness = {}
self.layeredCurves = {} # A list of (merged bb, curves) for each layer
def pushdown(self, lastLayer):
Put down one layer from last layer
th, n = self.layerThickness[lastLayer]
#print "th, n", th, n
return th * n
def _saveMaxThickness(self, layer, thickness, normal):
if layer not in self.layerThickness:
self.layerThickness[layer] = (thickness, normal)
elif thickness > self.layerThickness[layer][0]:
self.layerThickness[layer] = (thickness, normal)
def isin(self, pt, curves = None):
returns 1 if is properly enclosed by the curves.
#& To do: docstring needs to be updated. mark 060211.
# bruce 041214 comment: this might be a good place to exclude points
# which are too close to the screen to be drawn. Not sure if this
# place would be sufficient (other methods call c.isin too).
# Not done yet. ###e
val = 0
if not curves: curves = self.curves
for c in curves:
if c.selSense == START_NEW_SELECTION or c.selSense == ADD_TO_SELECTION:
val = val or c.isin(pt)
val = val and c.isin(pt)
val = val and not c.isin(pt)
return val
def pickCircle(self, ptlist, origin, selSense, layer, slabC):
Add a new circle to the shape.
c = _Circle(self, ptlist, origin, selSense, slab = slabC)
self._saveMaxThickness(layer, slabC.thickness, slabC.normal)
self._cutCookie(layer, c)
self._addCurve(layer, c)
def pickline(self, ptlist, origin, selSense, layer, slabC):
Add a new curve to the shape.
Args define the curve (see curve) and the selSense operator
for the curve telling whether it adds or removes material.
# Review: does "(see curve)" in this docstring
# refer to class curve in shape.py,
# which is not used in this module which was split from shape.py?
# If not, what does it mean?
# [bruce 071215 question]
c = shape.pickline(self, ptlist, origin, selSense, slab = slabC)
self._saveMaxThickness(layer, slabC.thickness, slabC.normal)
self._cutCookie(layer, c)
self._addCurve(layer, c)
def pickrect(self, pt1, pt2, org, selSense, layer, slabC):
Add a new rectangle to the shape.
Args define the rectangle and the selSense operator
for the curve telling whether it adds or removes material.
c = shape.pickrect(self, pt1, pt2, org, selSense, slab = slabC)
self._saveMaxThickness(layer, slabC.thickness, slabC.normal)
self._cutCookie(layer, c)
self._addCurve(layer, c)
def _updateBBox(self, curveList):
Recompute the bounding box for the list of curves
bbox = BBox()
for c in curveList[1:]:
curveList[0] = bbox
def undo(self, currentLayer):
This would work for shapes, if anyone called it.
if self.layeredCurves.has_key(currentLayer):
curves = self.layeredCurves[currentLayer]
if len(curves) > 1:
curves = curves[:-1]
self.layeredCurves[currentLayer] = curves
##Kludge to make the undo work.
self.carbonPosDict[currentLayer] = {}
self.hedroPosDict[currentLayer] = {}
self.bondLayers[currentLayer] = {}
for c in curves[1:]:
self._cutCookie(currentLayer, c)
self.havelist = 0
def clear(self, currentLayer):
This would work for shapes, if anyone called it.
curves = self.layeredCurves[currentLayer]
curves = []
self.layeredCurves[currentLayer] = curves
self.havelist = 0
def anyCurvesLeft(self):
Return True if there are curve(s) left, otherwise, False.
This can be used by user to decide if the shape object
can be deleted.
for cbs in self.layeredCurves.values():
if len(cbs) > 1:
return True
return False
def combineLayers(self):
# Experimental code to add all curves and bbox together
# to make the molmake working. It may be removed later.
for cbs in self.layeredCurves.values():
if cbs:
self.curves += cbs[1:]
def _hashAtomPos(self, pos):
return int(dot(V(1000000, 1000, 1), floor(pos * 1.2)))
def _addCurve(self, layer, c):
Add curve into its own layer, update the bbox
self.havelist = 0
if not layer in self.layeredCurves:
bbox = BBox()
self.layeredCurves[layer] = [bbox, c]
self.layeredCurves[layer] += [c]
def _cellDraw(self, color, p0, p1):
hasSinglet = False
if type(p1) == type((1,)):
v1 = p1[0]
hasSinglet = True
v1 = p1
if self.dispMode == 'Tubes':
drawcylinder(color, p0, v1, 0.2)
drawsphere(color, p0, 0.5, 1)
if hasSinglet:
drawsphere(color, v1, 0.2, 1)
drawsphere(color, v1, 0.5, 1)
drawline(white, p0, v1)
def _anotherDraw(self, layerColor):
The original way of selecting cookies, but do it layer by layer,
so we can control how to display each layer.
if self.havelist:
glNewList(self.displist.dl, GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE)
for layer in self.layeredCurves.keys():
bbox = self.layeredCurves[layer][0]
curves = self.layeredCurves[layer][1:]
if not curves:
color = layerColor[layer]
for c in curves:
bblo, bbhi = bbox.data[1], bbox.data[0]
allCells = genDiam(bblo - 1.6, bbhi + 1.6, self.latticeType)
for cell in allCells:
for pp in cell:
p1 = p2 = None
if self.isin(pp[0], curves):
if self.isin(pp[1], curves):
p1 = pp[0]; p2 = pp[1]
p1 = pp[0]; p2 = ((pp[1]+pp[0])/2, )
elif self.isin(pp[1], curves):
p1 = pp[1]; p2 = ((pp[1]+pp[0])/2, )
if p1 and p2:
self._cellDraw(color, p1, p2)
# bruce 041028 -- protect against exceptions while making display
# list, or OpenGL will be left in an unusable state (due to the lack
# of a matching glEndList) in which any subsequent glNewList is an
# invalid operation. (Also done in chem.py; see more comments there.)
print_compact_traceback( "bug: exception in shape.draw's displist; ignored: ")
self.havelist = 1 #
def _cutCookie(self, layer, c):
For each user defined curve, cut the crystal for it, store carbon postion into a
global dictionary, store the bond information into each layer.
self.havelist = 0
bblo, bbhi = c.bbox.data[1], c.bbox.data[0]
#Without +(-) 1.6, crystal for lonsdaileite may not be right
allCells = genDiam(bblo - 1.6, bbhi + 1.6, self.latticeType)
if self.carbonPosDict.has_key(layer):
carbons = self.carbonPosDict[layer]
carbons = {}
if self.hedroPosDict.has_key(layer):
hedrons = self.hedroPosDict[layer]
hedrons = {}
markedAtoms = self.markedAtoms
if not self.bondLayers or not self.bondLayers.has_key(layer):
bonds = self.bondLayers[layer]
for cell in allCells:
for pp in cell:
ppInside = [False, False]
for ii in range(2):
if c.isin(pp[ii]):
ppInside[ii] = True
if ppInside[0] or ppInside[1]:
self._logic0Bond(carbons, bonds, markedAtoms, hedrons, ppInside, pp)
self. _removeMarkedAtoms(bonds, markedAtoms, carbons, hedrons)
#& This differs from the standard selection scheme for Shift + Drag. mark 060211.
#& This is marked for removal. mark 060320.
if not self.bondLayers or not self.bondLayers.has_key(layer):
bonds = self.bondLayers[layer]
newBonds = {}; newCarbons = {}; newHedrons = {};
insideAtoms = {}
newStorage = (newBonds, newCarbons, newHedrons)
for cell in allCells:
for pp in cell:
pph = [None, None]
for ii in range(2):
if c.isin(pp[ii]):
pph[ii] = self._hashAtomPos(pp[ii])
if bonds.has_key(pph[ii]):
insideAtoms[pph[ii]] = pp[ii]
if (not pph[0]) and pph[1] and carbons.has_key(pph[1]):
pph[0] = self._hashAtomPos(pp[0])
if bonds.has_key(pph[0]):
newCarbons[pph[1]] = pp[1]
newHedrons[pph[0]] = pp[0]
if not newBonds.has_key(pph[0]):
newBonds[pph[0]] = [(pph[1], 1)]
newBonds[pph[0]] += [(pph[1], 1)]
if insideAtoms:
self._logic2Bond(carbons, bonds, hedrons, insideAtoms, newStorage)
bonds, carbons, hedrons = newStorage
elif c.selSense == ADD_TO_SELECTION:
if self.bondLayers.has_key(layer):
bonds = self.bondLayers[layer]
bonds = {}
for cell in allCells:
for pp in cell:
pph=[None, None]
ppInside = [False, False]
for ii in range(2):
pph[ii] = self._hashAtomPos(pp[ii])
if c.isin(pp[ii]):
ppInside[ii] = True
if ppInside[0] or ppInside[1]:
self._logic1Bond(carbons, hedrons, bonds, pp, pph, ppInside)
elif c.selSense == START_NEW_SELECTION:
# Added to make crystal cutter selection behavior
# consistent when no modkeys pressed. mark 060320.
carbons = {}
bonds = {}
hedrons = {}
for cell in allCells:
for pp in cell:
pph = [None, None]
ppInside = [False, False]
for ii in range(2):
pph[ii] = self._hashAtomPos(pp[ii])
if c.isin(pp[ii]):
ppInside[ii] = True
if ppInside[0] or ppInside[1]:
self._logic1Bond(carbons, hedrons, bonds, pp, pph, ppInside)
self.bondLayers[layer] = bonds
self.carbonPosDict[layer] = carbons
self.hedroPosDict[layer] = hedrons
#print "bonds", bonds
self.havelist = 1
def _logic0Bond(self, carbons, bonds, markedAtoms, hedrons, ppInside, pp):
For each pair of points, if both points are inside the
curve and are existed carbons, delete the bond, and mark the
'should be' removed atoms. Otherwise, delete half bond or
change full to half bond accoringly.
def _deleteHalfBond(which_in):
Internal function: when the value-- carbon atom is removed
from an half bond, delete the half bond.
markedAtoms[pph[which_in]] = pp[which_in]
values = bonds[pph[0]]
values.remove((pph[1], which_in))
bonds[pph[0]] = values
if len(values) == 0:
del bonds[pph[0]]
#print "Delete half bond: ", pph[0], (pph[1], which_in)
print "No such half bond: ", pph[0], (pph[1], which_in)
def _changeFull2Half(del_id, which_in):
internal function: If there is a full bond and when the value
(2nd in a bond pair) carbon atom is removed, change it to half bond
if not hedrons.has_key(pph[del_id]):
hedrons[pph[del_id]] = pp[del_id]
markedAtoms[pph[del_id]] = pp[del_id]
if bonds.has_key(pph[0]):
values = bonds[pph[0]]
idex = values.index(pph[1])
values[idex] = (pph[1], which_in)
bonds[pph[0]] = values
## print "Change full to half bond: ", pph[0], (pph[1], which_in)
pph = []
pph += [self._hashAtomPos(pp[0])]
pph += [self._hashAtomPos(pp[1])]
if ppInside[0] and ppInside[1]:
# Delete full bond
if carbons.has_key(pph[0]) and carbons.has_key(pph[1]):
markedAtoms[pph[0]] = pp[0]
markedAtoms[pph[1]] = pp[1]
values = bonds[pph[0]]
bonds[pph[0]] = values
if len(values) == 0:
del bonds[pph[0]]
# Delete half bond
elif carbons.has_key(pph[0]):
#markedAtoms[pph[0]] = pp[0]
# Delete half bond
elif carbons.has_key(pph[1]):
elif ppInside[0]:
# Full bond becomes half bond, carbon becomes hedron
if carbons.has_key(pph[0]) and carbons.has_key(pph[1]):
markedAtoms[pph[0]] = pp[0]
#_changeFull2Half(0, 1)
# Delete half bond
elif carbons.has_key(pph[0]):
#markedAtoms[pph[0]] = pp[0]
elif ppInside[1]:
# Full bond becomes half bond, carbon becomes hedron
if carbons.has_key(pph[1]) and carbons.has_key(pph[0]):
_changeFull2Half(1, 0)
# Delete half bond
elif carbons.has_key(pph[1]):
def _logic1Bond(self, carbons, hedrons, bonds, pp, pph, ppInside):
For each pair of points , create a full bond if
necessary and if both points are inside the curve ; otherwise,
if one point is in while the other is not, create a half bond if
if ppInside[0] and ppInside[1]:
if (not pph[0] in carbons) and (not pph[1] in carbons):
if pph[0] in hedrons:
del hedrons[pph[0]]
if pph[1] in hedrons:
del hedrons[pph[1]]
carbons[pph[0]] = pp[0]
carbons[pph[1]] = pp[1]
# create a new full bond
self._createBond(bonds, pph[0], pph[1], -1, True)
elif not pph[0] in carbons:
if pph[0] in hedrons:
del hedrons[pph[0]]
carbons[pph[0]] = pp[0]
# update half bond to full bond
self._changeHf2FullBond(bonds, pph[0], pph[1], 1)
elif not pph[1] in carbons:
if pph[1] in hedrons:
del hedrons[pph[1]]
carbons[pph[1]] = pp[1]
# update half bond to full bond
self._changeHf2FullBond(bonds, pph[0], pph[1], 0)
# create full bond
self._createBond(bonds, pph[0], pph[1])
elif ppInside[0]:
if (not pph[0] in carbons) and (not pph[1] in carbons):
if pph[0] in hedrons:
del hedrons[pph[0]]
carbons[pph[0]] = pp[0]
if not pph[1] in hedrons:
hedrons[pph[1]] = pp[1]
# create new half bond
self._createBond(bonds, pph[0], pph[1], 0, True)
elif not pph[0] in carbons:
if pph[0] in hedrons:
del hedrons[pph[0]]
carbons[pph[0]] = pp[0]
#update half bond to full bond
self._changeHf2FullBond(bonds, pph[0], pph[1], 1)
elif not pph[1] in carbons:
if not pph[1] in hedrons:
hedrons[pph[1]] = pp[1]
# create half bond, with 0 in, 1 out
self._createBond(bonds, pph[0], pph[1], 0)
# create full bond
self._createBond(bonds, pph[0], pph[1])
elif ppInside[1]:
if (not pph[0] in carbons) and (not pph[1] in carbons):
if pph[1] in hedrons:
del hedrons[pph[1]]
carbons[pph[1]] = pp[1]
if not pph[0] in hedrons:
hedrons[pph[0]] = pp[0]
# create new half bond, with 1 in, 0 out
self._createBond(bonds, pph[0], pph[1], 1, True)
elif not pph[0] in carbons:
if not pph[0] in hedrons:
hedrons[pph[0]] = pp[0]
# create half bond, with 1 in, 0 out
self._createBond(bonds, pph[0], pph[1], 1)
elif not pph[1] in carbons:
if pph[1] in hedrons:
del hedrons[pph[1]]
carbons[pph[1]] = pp[1]
# update half bond to full bond
self._changeHf2FullBond(bonds, pph[0], pph[1], 0)
# create full bond
self._createBond(bonds, pph[0], pph[1])
def _logic2Bond(self, carbons, bonds, hedrons, insideAtoms, newStorage):
Processing all bonds having key inside the current selection curve.
For a bond with the key outside, the value inside the selection
curve, we deal with it when we scan the edges of each cell. To
make sure no such bonds are lost, we need to enlarge the
bounding box at least 1 lattice cell.
newBonds, newCarbons, newHedrons = newStorage
for a in insideAtoms.keys():
values = bonds[a]
newValues = []
# The key is carbon:
if carbons.has_key(a):
if not newCarbons.has_key(a):
newCarbons[a] = insideAtoms[a]
for b in values:
if type(b) == type(1): #Full bond
# If the carbon inside, keep the bond
if insideAtoms.has_key(b):
if not newCarbons.has_key(b):
newCarbons[b] = insideAtoms[b]
newValues += [b]
else: # outside carbon, change it to h-bond
if not newHedrons.has_key(b):
newHedrons[b] = carbons[b]
newValues += [(b, 0)]
else: # Half bond, keep it
if insideAtoms.has_key(b[0]):
p = insideAtoms[b[0]]
elif hedrons.has_key(b[0]):
p = hedrons[b[0]]
raise ValueError, (a, b[0])
if not newHedrons.has_key(b[0]):
newHedrons[b[0]] = p
newValues += [b]
else: # The key is not a carbon
if not newHedrons.has_key(a):
newHedrons[a] = insideAtoms[a]
for b in values:
# Inside h-bond, keep it
if insideAtoms.has_key(b[0]):
if not newHedrons.has_key(b[0]):
newHedrons[b[0]] = insideAtoms[b[0]]
newValues += [b]
if newValues: newBonds[a] = newValues
def _removeMarkedAtoms(self, bonds, markedAtoms, carbons, hedrons):
Remove all carbons that should have been removed because of
the new selection curve. Update bonds that have the carbon as
key. For a bond who has the carbon as its value, we'll leave them
as they are, untill the draw() call. When it finds a value of a bond
can't find its carbon position, either remove the bond if it was a
half bond or change it to half bond if it was full bond, and find its
carbon position in markedAtoms{}
for ph in markedAtoms.keys():
if carbons.has_key(ph):
## print "Remove carbon: ", ph
if bonds.has_key(ph):
values = bonds[ph]
for b in values[:]:
if type(b) == type(1):
idex = values.index(b)
values[idex] = (b, 1)
## print "Post processing: Change full to half bond: ", ph, values[idex]
## print "Erase half bond:", ph, b # commented out. Mark 060205.
bonds[ph] = values
if len(values) == 0:
del bonds[ph]
hedrons[ph] = carbons[ph]
del carbons[ph]
def _changeHf2FullBond(self, bonds, key, value, which_in):
If there is a half bond, change it to full bond. Otherwise, create
a new full bond.
: the atom which exists before.
foundHalfBond = False
if bonds.has_key(key):
values = bonds[key]
for ii in range(len(values)):
if type(values[ii]) == type((1, 1)) and values[ii][0] == value:
values[ii] = value
foundHalfBond = True
if not foundHalfBond:
values += [value]
## bonds[key] = values
elif not bonds.has_key(key):
bonds[key] = [value]
def _createBond(self, dict, key, value, half_in = -1, new_bond = False):
Create a new bond if is True. Otherwise, search if
there is such a full/half bond, change it appropriately if found.
Otherwise, create a new bond.
If == -1, it's a full bond; otherwise, it means a half
bond with the atom of is inside.
if not key in dict:
if half_in < 0:
dict[key] = [value]
dict[key] = [(value, half_in)]
values = dict[key]
if half_in < 0:
if new_bond:
values += [value]
found = False
for ii in range(len(values)):
if type(values[ii]) == type(1):
if value == values[ii]:
found = True
elif value == values[ii][0]:
values[ii] = value
found = True
if not found:
values += [value]
if new_bond:
values +=[(value, half_in)]
idex = values.index((value, half_in))
values += [(value, half_in)]
dict[key] = values
def changeDisplayMode(self, mode):
self.dispMode = mode
self.havelist = 0
def _bondDraw(self, color, p0, p1, carbonAt):
if self.dispMode == 'Tubes':
drawcylinder(color, p0, p1, 0.2)
if carbonAt < 0:
drawsphere(color, p0, 0.5, 1)
drawsphere(color, p1, 0.5, 1)
elif carbonAt == 0:
drawsphere(color, p0, 0.5, 1)
drawsphere(color, p1, 0.2, 1)
elif carbonAt == 1:
drawsphere(color, p0, 0.2, 1)
drawsphere(color, p1, 0.5, 1)
drawline(white, p0, p1)
def draw(self, glpane, layerColor):
Draw the shape.
Find the bounding box for the curve and check the position of each
carbon atom in a lattice would occupy for being 'in'
the shape. A tube representation of the atoms thus selected is
saved as a GL call list for fast drawing.
This method is only for crystal-cutter mode. --Huaicai
#bruce 090220 renamed first arg from win to glpane (which is what
# was actually passed) and used it in ColorSorter.start (required now).
if 0:
markedAtoms = self.markedAtoms
if self.havelist:
#russ 080225: Moved glNewList into ColorSorter.start for displist re-org.
#russ 080225: displist side effect allocates a ColorSortedDisplayList.
ColorSorter.start(glpane, self.displist) # grantham 20051205
for layer, bonds in self.bondLayers.items():
color = layerColor[layer]
bonds = self.bondLayers[layer]
carbons = self.carbonPosDict[layer]
hedrons = self.hedroPosDict[layer]
for cK, bList in bonds.items():
if carbons.has_key(cK): p0 = carbons[cK]
for b in bList[:]:
carbonAt = -1
if type(b) == type(1): #Full bond
if carbons.has_key(b):
p1 = carbons[b]
#which means the carbon was removed
p1 = markedAtoms[b]
#print "Carbon was removed: ", b, p1
idex = bList.index(b)
bList[idex] = (b, 0)
hedrons[b] = p1
p1 = (p0 + p1) / 2.0
carbonAt = 0
else: #Half bond
carbonAt = b[1]
if b[1]:
if carbons.has_key(b[0]): # otherwise, means the carbon has been removed.
p1 = carbons[b[0]]
if hedrons.has_key(cK):
p0 = hedrons[cK]
p0 = (p0 + p1) / 2.0
#half bond becomes full bond because of new selection
p0 = carbons[cK]
idex = bList.index(b)
bList[idex] = b[0]
else: # remove the half bond
#print "delete half bond: (%d: " %cK, b
if len(bList) == 0:
del bonds[cK]
if hedrons.has_key(b[0]):
p1 = hedrons[b[0]]
p1 = (p0 + p1) / 2.0
# Which means half bond becomes full bond because of new selection
p1 = carbons[b[0]]
idex = bList.index(b)
bList[idex] = b[0]
self._bondDraw(color, p0, p1, carbonAt)
bonds[cK] = bList
# bruce 041028 -- protect against exceptions while making display
# list, or OpenGL will be left in an unusable state (due to the lack
# of a matching glEndList) in which any subsequent glNewList is an
# invalid operation. (Also done in chem.py; see more comments there.)
print "cK: ", cK
print_compact_traceback( "bug: exception in shape.draw's displist; ignored: ")
self.markedAtoms = {}
ColorSorter.finish(draw_now = True)
self.havelist = 1 # always set this flag, even if exception happened.
def buildChunk(self, assy):
Build Chunk for the cookies. First, combine bonds from
all layers together, which may fuse some half bonds to full bonds.
from model.chunk import Chunk
from model.chem import Atom
from utilities.constants import gensym
numLayers = len(self.bondLayers)
if numLayers:
allBonds = {}
allCarbons = {}
#Copy the bonds, carbons and hedron from the first layer
for ii in range(numLayers):
if self.bondLayers.has_key(ii):
for bKey, bValue in self.bondLayers[ii].items():
allBonds[bKey] = bValue
del self.bondLayers[ii]
for carbons in self.carbonPosDict.values():
for cKey, cValue in carbons.items():
allCarbons[cKey] = cValue
for hedrons in self.hedroPosDict.values():
for hKey, hValue in hedrons.items():
allCarbons[hKey] = hValue
for bonds in self.bondLayers.values():
for bKey, bValues in bonds.items():
if bKey in allBonds:
existValues = allBonds[bKey]
for bValue in bValues:
if type(bValue) == type((1, 1)):
if bValue[1]:
ctValue = (bValue[0], 0)
ctValue = (bValue[0], 1)
if ctValue in existValues:
idex = existValues.index(ctValue)
existValues[idex] = bValue[0]
existValues += [bValue]
existValues += [bValue]
allBonds[bKey] = existValues
else: allBonds[bKey] = bValues
#print "allbonds: ", allBonds
#print "allCarbons: ", allCarbons
carbonAtoms = {}
mol = Chunk(assy, gensym("Crystal", assy))
for bKey, bBonds in allBonds.items():
keyHedron = True
if len(bBonds):
for bond in bBonds:
if keyHedron:
if type(bBonds[0]) == type(1) or (not bBonds[0][1]):
if not bKey in carbonAtoms:
keyAtom = Atom("C", allCarbons[bKey], mol)
carbonAtoms[bKey] = keyAtom
keyAtom = carbonAtoms[bKey]
keyHedron = False
if keyHedron:
if type(bond) != type((1, 1)):
raise ValueError, (bKey, bond, bBonds)
xp = (allCarbons[bKey] + allCarbons[bond[0]])/2.0
keyAtom = Atom("X", xp, mol)
if type(bond) == type(1) or bond[1]:
if type(bond) == type(1):
bvKey = bond
bvKey = bond[0]
if not bvKey in carbonAtoms:
bondAtom = Atom("C", allCarbons[bvKey], mol)
carbonAtoms[bvKey] = bondAtom
bondAtom = carbonAtoms[bvKey]
xp = (allCarbons[bKey] + allCarbons[bond[0]])/2.0
bondAtom = Atom("X", xp, mol)
bond_atoms(keyAtom, bondAtom)
if len(mol.atoms) > 0:
#bruce 050222 comment: much of this is not needed, since mol.pick() does it.
# Note: this method is similar to one in BuildCrystal_Command.py.
# was unpickparts; not sure _in_GLPane is best (or that
# this is needed at all) [bruce 060721]
return # from buildChunk
pass # end of class CrystalShape
# end