# Copyright 2006-2007 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. """ ParameterDialog.py -- generate dialogs for editing sets of parameters, from descriptions of the parameters and of how to edit them, encoded as data which can (in principle) be manipulated at a high level in python, or which can be parsed from easily readable/editable text files. @author: Bruce @version: $Id$ @copyright: 2006-2007 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. """ # original source (heavily modified): # # Form implementation generated from reading ui file '.../nanotube_mac.ui' # # Created: Tue May 16 12:05:20 2006 # by: The PyQt User Interface Compiler (pyuic) 3.14.1 from PyQt4 import QtGui from PyQt4.Qt import Qt from PyQt4.Qt import QDialog from PyQt4.Qt import QFrame from PyQt4.Qt import QTextEdit from PyQt4.Qt import QPixmap from PyQt4.Qt import QVBoxLayout from PyQt4.Qt import QColor from PyQt4.Qt import QHBoxLayout from PyQt4.Qt import QLabel from PyQt4.Qt import QSizePolicy from PyQt4.Qt import QFont from PyQt4.Qt import QPushButton from PyQt4.Qt import QSpacerItem from PyQt4.Qt import QToolButton from PyQt4.Qt import QIcon from PyQt4.Qt import QGroupBox from PyQt4.Qt import QSize from PyQt4.Qt import QGridLayout from PyQt4.Qt import QComboBox from PyQt4.Qt import QLineEdit from PyQt4.Qt import QSpinBox from PyQt4.Qt import QString from PyQt4.Qt import QToolTip from PyQt4.Qt import QApplication from PyQt4.Qt import SIGNAL from PyQt4.Qt import SLOT from command_support.generator_button_images import image0_data, image1_data, image2_data, image3_data, image4_data, image5_data, image6_data, image7_data from widgets.widget_controllers import CollapsibleGroupController_Qt, FloatLineeditController_Qt #e might be gotten from env instead... from utilities.debug import print_compact_traceback from utilities.qt4transition import qt4todo import foundation.env as env # for env.debug(); warning: some methods have a local variable which overrides this from utilities.icon_utilities import imagename_to_pixmap from tokenize import generate_tokens #bruce 080101 moved to toplevel, untested from utilities.parse_utils import parse_top, Whole #bruce 080101 moved to toplevel, untested # image uses -- we should rename them ####@@@@ ##self.heading_pixmap.setPixmap(self.image1) # should be: title_icon #### ##self.sponsor_btn.setPixmap(self.image2) ##self.done_btn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image3)) ##self.abort_btn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image4)) ##self.preview_btn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image5)) ##self.whatsthis_btn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image6)) ##self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image7)) ## class parameter_dialog(QDialog): # was nanotube_dialog class parameter_dialog_or_frame: """ use as a pre-mixin before QDialog or QFrame """ ####@@@@ def __init__(self, parent = None, desc = None, name = None, modal = 0, fl = 0, env = None, type = "QDialog"): if env is None: import foundation.env as env # this is a little weird... probably it'll be ok, and logically it seems correct. self.desc = desc self.typ = type if type == "QDialog": QDialog.__init__(self,parent,name,modal,fl) elif type == "QTextEdit": QTextEdit.__init__(self, parent, name) elif type == "QFrame": QFrame.__init__(self,parent,name) else: print "don't know about type == %r" % (type,) self.image1 = QPixmap() self.image1.loadFromData(image1_data,"PNG") # should be: title_icon #### self.image3 = QPixmap() self.image3.loadFromData(image3_data,"PNG") self.image4 = QPixmap() self.image4.loadFromData(image4_data,"PNG") self.image5 = QPixmap() self.image5.loadFromData(image5_data,"PNG") self.image6 = QPixmap() self.image6.loadFromData(image6_data,"PNG") self.image7 = QPixmap() self.image7.loadFromData(image7_data,"PNG") self.image0 = QPixmap(image0_data) # should be: border_icon #### self.image2 = QPixmap(image2_data) # should be: sponsor_pixmap #### try: ####@@@@ title_icon_name = self.desc.options.get('title_icon') border_icon_name = self.desc.options.get('border_icon') if title_icon_name: self.image1 = imagename_to_pixmap(title_icon_name) ###@@@ pass icon_path ###@@@ import imagename_to_pixmap or use env function # or let that func itself be an arg, or have an env arg for it ###e rename it icon_name_to_pixmap, or find_icon? (the latter only if it's ok if it returns an iconset) ###e use iconset instead? if border_icon_name: self.image0 = imagename_to_pixmap(border_icon_name) except: print_compact_traceback("bug in icon-setting code, using fallback icons: ") pass if not name: self.setName("parameter_dialog_or_frame") ### ###k guess this will need: if type == 'QDialog' self.setIcon(self.image0) # should be: border_icon #### nanotube_dialogLayout = QVBoxLayout(self,0,0,"nanotube_dialogLayout") self.heading_frame = QFrame(self,"heading_frame") self.heading_frame.setPaletteBackgroundColor(QColor(122,122,122)) self.heading_frame.setFrameShape(QFrame.NoFrame) self.heading_frame.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Plain) heading_frameLayout = QHBoxLayout(self.heading_frame,0,3,"heading_frameLayout") self.heading_pixmap = QLabel(self.heading_frame,"heading_pixmap") self.heading_pixmap.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed,QSizePolicy.Fixed,0,0,self.heading_pixmap.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth())) self.heading_pixmap.setPixmap(self.image1) # should be: title_icon #### self.heading_pixmap.setScaledContents(1) heading_frameLayout.addWidget(self.heading_pixmap) self.heading_label = QLabel(self.heading_frame,"heading_label") self.heading_label.setPaletteForegroundColor(QColor(255,255,255)) heading_label_font = QFont(self.heading_label.font()) heading_label_font.setPointSize(12) heading_label_font.setBold(1) self.heading_label.setFont(heading_label_font) heading_frameLayout.addWidget(self.heading_label) nanotube_dialogLayout.addWidget(self.heading_frame) self.body_frame = QFrame(self,"body_frame") self.body_frame.setFrameShape(QFrame.StyledPanel) self.body_frame.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Raised) body_frameLayout = QVBoxLayout(self.body_frame,3,3,"body_frameLayout") self.sponsor_frame = QFrame(self.body_frame,"sponsor_frame") self.sponsor_frame.setPaletteBackgroundColor(QColor(255,255,255)) self.sponsor_frame.setFrameShape(QFrame.StyledPanel) self.sponsor_frame.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Raised) sponsor_frameLayout = QHBoxLayout(self.sponsor_frame,0,0,"sponsor_frameLayout") self.sponsor_btn = QPushButton(self.sponsor_frame,"sponsor_btn") self.sponsor_btn.setAutoDefault(0) #bruce 060703 bugfix self.sponsor_btn.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred,QSizePolicy.Preferred,0,0,self.sponsor_btn.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth())) self.sponsor_btn.setPaletteBackgroundColor(QColor(255,255,255)) self.sponsor_btn.setPixmap(self.image2) # should be: sponsor_pixmap #### [also we'll need to support >1 sponsor] self.sponsor_btn.setFlat(1) sponsor_frameLayout.addWidget(self.sponsor_btn) body_frameLayout.addWidget(self.sponsor_frame) layout59 = QHBoxLayout(None,0,6,"layout59") left_spacer = QSpacerItem(20,20,QSizePolicy.Expanding,QSizePolicy.Minimum) layout59.addItem(left_spacer) self.done_btn = QToolButton(self.body_frame,"done_btn") self.done_btn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image3)) layout59.addWidget(self.done_btn) self.abort_btn = QToolButton(self.body_frame,"abort_btn") self.abort_btn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image4)) layout59.addWidget(self.abort_btn) self.preview_btn = QToolButton(self.body_frame,"preview_btn") self.preview_btn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image5)) layout59.addWidget(self.preview_btn) self.whatsthis_btn = QToolButton(self.body_frame,"whatsthis_btn") self.whatsthis_btn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image6)) layout59.addWidget(self.whatsthis_btn) right_spacer = QSpacerItem(20,20,QSizePolicy.Expanding,QSizePolicy.Minimum) layout59.addItem(right_spacer) body_frameLayout.addLayout(layout59) self.groups = [] self.param_getters = {} # map from param name to get-function (which gets current value out of its widget or controller) for group_desc in self.desc.kids('group'): # == start parameters_grpbox ### this will differ for Windows style header_refs = [] # keep python refcounted refs to all objects we make (at least the ones pyuic stored in self attrs) self.parameters_grpbox = QGroupBox(self.body_frame,"parameters_grpbox") self.parameters_grpbox.setFrameShape(QGroupBox.StyledPanel) self.parameters_grpbox.setFrameShadow(QGroupBox.Sunken) self.parameters_grpbox.setMargin(0) self.parameters_grpbox.setColumnLayout(0,Qt.Vertical) self.parameters_grpbox.layout().setSpacing(1) self.parameters_grpbox.layout().setMargin(4) parameters_grpboxLayout = QVBoxLayout(self.parameters_grpbox.layout()) parameters_grpboxLayout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) layout20 = QHBoxLayout(None,0,6,"layout20") self.nt_parameters_grpbtn = QPushButton(self.parameters_grpbox,"nt_parameters_grpbtn") self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum,QSizePolicy.Fixed,0,0,self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth())) self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setMaximumSize(QSize(16,16)) self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setAutoDefault(0) self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setIcon(QIcon(self.image7)) ### not always right, but doesn't matter self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setFlat(1) layout20.addWidget(self.nt_parameters_grpbtn) self.parameters_grpbox_label = QLabel(self.parameters_grpbox,"parameters_grpbox_label") self.parameters_grpbox_label.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred,QSizePolicy.Minimum,0,0,self.parameters_grpbox_label.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth())) self.parameters_grpbox_label.setAlignment(QLabel.AlignVCenter) layout20.addWidget(self.parameters_grpbox_label) gbx_spacer1 = QSpacerItem(67,16,QSizePolicy.Expanding,QSizePolicy.Minimum) layout20.addItem(gbx_spacer1) parameters_grpboxLayout.addLayout(layout20) nt_parameters_body_layout = QGridLayout(None,1,1,0,6,"nt_parameters_body_layout") ### what is 6 -- is it related to number of items??? # is it 6 in all the ones we got, but that could be a designer error so i better look it up sometime. # == start its kids # will use from above: self.parameters_grpbox, nt_parameters_body_layout nextrow = 0 # which row of the QGridLayout to start filling next (loop variable) hidethese = [] # set of objects to hide or show, when this group is closed or opened for param in group_desc.kids('parameter'): # param (a group subobj desc) is always a parameter, but we already plan to extend this beyond that, # so we redundantly test for this here. getter = None paramname = None # set these for use by uniform code at the end (e.g. for tooltips) editfield = None label = None if param.isa('parameter'): label = QLabel(self.parameters_grpbox,"members_label") label.setAlignment(QLabel.AlignVCenter | QLabel.AlignRight) nt_parameters_body_layout.addWidget(label,nextrow,0) hidethese.append(label) thisrow = nextrow nextrow += 1 #e following should be known in a place that knows the input language, not here paramname = param.options.get('name') or (param.args and param.args[0]) or "?" paramlabel = param.options.get('label') or paramname ##e wrong, label "" or none ought to be possible # QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "xyz") label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, paramlabel)) if param.isa('parameter', widget = 'combobox', type = ('str',None)): self.members_combox = QComboBox(0,self.parameters_grpbox,"members_combox") ###k what's 0? editfield = self.members_combox #### it probably needs a handler class, and then that could do this setup self.members_combox.clear() default = param.options.get('default', None) # None is not equal to any string thewidgetkid = param.kids('widget')[-1] # kluge; need to think what the desc method for this should be for item in thewidgetkid.kids('item'): itemval = item.args[0] itemtext = itemval self.members_combox.insertItem(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, itemtext)) #k __tr ok?? if itemval == default: #k or itemtext? pass ##k i find no setItem in our py code, so not sure yet what to do for this. nt_parameters_body_layout.addWidget(self.members_combox,thisrow,1) hidethese.append(self.members_combox) getter = (lambda combobox = self.members_combox: str(combobox.currentText())) ##e due to __tr or non-str values, it might be better to use currentIndex and look it up in a table # (though whether __tr is good here might depend on what it's used for) elif param.isa('parameter', widget = ('lineedit', None), type = ('str',None)): # this covers explicit str|lineedit, and 3 default cases str, lineedit, neither. # (i.e. if you say parameter and nothing else, it's str lineedit by default.) self.length_linedit = QLineEdit(self.parameters_grpbox,"length_linedit") editfield = self.length_linedit nt_parameters_body_layout.addWidget(self.length_linedit,thisrow,1) hidethese.append(self.length_linedit) default = str(param.options.get('default', "")) self.length_linedit.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, default)) # __tr ok? getter = (lambda lineedit = self.length_linedit: str(lineedit.text())) elif param.isa('parameter', widget = ('lineedit', None), type = 'float'): self.length_linedit = QLineEdit(self.parameters_grpbox,"length_linedit") editfield = self.length_linedit nt_parameters_body_layout.addWidget(self.length_linedit,thisrow,1) hidethese.append(self.length_linedit) controller = FloatLineeditController_Qt(self, param, self.length_linedit) header_refs.append(controller) getter = controller.get_value elif param.isa('parameter', widget = ('spinbox', None), type = 'int') or \ param.isa('parameter', widget = ('spinbox'), type = None): self.chirality_N_spinbox = QSpinBox(self.parameters_grpbox,"chirality_N_spinbox") # was chirality_m_spinbox, now chirality_N_spinbox editfield = self.chirality_N_spinbox ### seems like Qt defaults for min and max are 0,100 -- way too small a range! if param.options.has_key('min') or 1: self.chirality_N_spinbox.setMinimum(param.options.get('min', -999999999)) # was 0 if param.options.has_key('max') or 1: self.chirality_N_spinbox.setMaximum(param.options.get('max', +999999999)) # wasn't in egcode, but needed self.chirality_N_spinbox.setValue(param.options.get('default', 0)) # was 5 ##e note: i suspect this default 0 should come from something that knows this desc grammar. suffix = param.options.get('suffix', '') if suffix: self.chirality_N_spinbox.setSuffix(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, suffix)) else: self.chirality_N_spinbox.setSuffix(QString.null) # probably not needed nt_parameters_body_layout.addWidget(self.chirality_N_spinbox,thisrow,1) hidethese.append(self.chirality_N_spinbox) getter = self.chirality_N_spinbox.value # note: it also has .text, which includes suffix else: print "didn't match:",param ###e improve this # things done the same way for all kinds of param-editing widgets if 1: #bruce 060703 moved this down here, as bugfix # set tooltip (same one for editfield and label) tooltip = param.options.get('tooltip', '') ###e do it for more kinds of params; share the code somehow; do it in controller, or setup-aid? ###k QToolTip appropriateness; tooltip option might be entirely untested if tooltip and label: QToolTip.add(label, QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, tooltip)) if tooltip and editfield: QToolTip.add(editfield, QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, tooltip)) ##k ok?? review once not all params have same-row labels. if getter and paramname and paramname != '?': self.param_getters[paramname] = getter ### also bind these params to actions... continue # next param header_refs.extend( [self.parameters_grpbox, self.nt_parameters_grpbtn, self.parameters_grpbox_label] ) # now create the logic/control object for the group group = CollapsibleGroupController_Qt(self, group_desc, header_refs, hidethese, self.nt_parameters_grpbtn) ### maybe ask env for the class to use for this? self.groups.append(group) ### needed?? only for scanning the params, AFAIK -- oh, and to maintain a python refcount. # from languageChange: if 1: # i don't know if these are needed: self.parameters_grpbox.setTitle(QString.null) self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setText(QString.null) self.parameters_grpbox_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, group_desc.args[0])) # was "Nanotube Parameters" ##e note that it's questionable in the syntax design for this property of a group (overall group label) # to be in that position (desc arg 0). # == end its kids parameters_grpboxLayout.addLayout(nt_parameters_body_layout) body_frameLayout.addWidget(self.parameters_grpbox) # == end parameters groupbox continue # next group nanotube_dialogLayout.addWidget(self.body_frame) spacer14 = QSpacerItem(20,20,QSizePolicy.Minimum,QSizePolicy.Expanding) nanotube_dialogLayout.addItem(spacer14) layout42 = QHBoxLayout(None,4,6,"layout42") btm_spacer = QSpacerItem(59,20,QSizePolicy.Expanding,QSizePolicy.Minimum) layout42.addItem(btm_spacer) self.cancel_btn = QPushButton(self,"cancel_btn") self.cancel_btn.setAutoDefault(0) #bruce 060703 bugfix layout42.addWidget(self.cancel_btn) self.ok_btn = QPushButton(self,"ok_btn") self.ok_btn.setAutoDefault(0) #bruce 060703 bugfix layout42.addWidget(self.ok_btn) nanotube_dialogLayout.addLayout(layout42) self.languageChange() self.resize(QSize(246,618).expandedTo(self.minimumSizeHint())) ### this size will need to be adjusted (guess -- it's only place overall size is set) qt4todo('self.clearWState(Qt.WState_Polished)') ## self.connect(self.nt_parameters_grpbtn,SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.toggle_nt_parameters_grpbtn) #### # new: for button, methodname in ((self.sponsor_btn, 'do_sponsor_btn'), #e generalize to more than one sponsor button (self.done_btn, 'do_done_btn'), (self.abort_btn, 'do_abort_btn'), (self.preview_btn, 'do_preview_btn'), (self.whatsthis_btn, 'do_whatsthis_btn'), (self.cancel_btn, 'do_cancel_btn'), (self.ok_btn, 'do_ok_btn')): if hasattr(self, methodname): self.connect(button, SIGNAL("clicked()"), getattr(self, methodname)) return def languageChange(self): opts = self.desc.option_attrs self.setCaption(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, opts.caption)) # was "Nanotube" self.heading_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, opts.title)) # was "Nanotube" self.sponsor_btn.setText(QString.null) self.done_btn.setText(QString.null) QToolTip.add(self.done_btn,QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Done")) self.abort_btn.setText(QString.null) QToolTip.add(self.abort_btn,QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Cancel")) self.preview_btn.setText(QString.null) QToolTip.add(self.preview_btn,QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Preview")) self.whatsthis_btn.setText(QString.null) QToolTip.add(self.whatsthis_btn,QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "What's This Help")) ### move these up: ## if 0: ## self.parameters_grpbox.setTitle(QString.null) ## self.nt_parameters_grpbtn.setText(QString.null) ## self.parameters_grpbox_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Nanotube Parameters")) ## if 0: ## self.members_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Members :")) ## self.length_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Length :")) ## self.chirality_n_label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Chirality (n) :")) ## self.members_combox.clear() ## self.members_combox.insertItem(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "C - C")) ## self.members_combox.insertItem(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "B - N")) ## self.length_linedit.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "20.0 A")) ## self.chirality_N_spinbox.setSuffix(QString.null) self.cancel_btn.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "Cancel")) self.ok_btn.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(self.__class__.__name__, "OK")) return pass # end of class parameter_dialog_or_frame -- maybe it should be renamed # == class ParameterDialogBase(parameter_dialog_or_frame): """ #doc """ controller = None def __init__(self, parent, description, env = None): """ If description is a string, it should be a filename. Or (someday) it could be a ThingData, or (someday) maybe a menu_spec_like python list. This initializes the dialog, a Qt widget (not sure if it will be a widget when we have a "pane" option -- most likely we'll use some other class for that, not this one with an option). But it doesn't show it or connect it to a controller. """ desc = get_description(description) # might raise exceptions on e.g. syntax errors in description file parameter_dialog_or_frame.__init__(self, parent, desc, env = env, type = self.type) # self.type is a subclass-constant # sets self.desc (buttons might want to use it) def set_controller(self, controller): if self.controller: self.controller.forget_dialog(self) self.controller = controller if self.controller: self.controller.meet_dialog(self) return def set_defaults(self, dict1): if env.debug(): print "debug: set_defaults is nim" ####k is it even sensible w/o a controller being involved?? return def show(self): if self.controller: self.controller.setSponsor() if self.typ == "QDialog": QDialog.show(self) elif self.typ == "QTextEdit": QTextEdit.show(self) elif self.typ == "QFrame": QFrame.show(self) else: print "don't know about self.typ == %r" % (self.typ,) # bindings for the buttons -- delegate them to controller if we have one. def do_sponsor_btn(self): ## print "do_sponsor_btn: delegating" # does SponsorableMixin have something like sponsor_btn_clicked? yes, under that name and open_sponsor_homepage. if self.controller: self.controller.sponsor_btn_clicked() def do_done_btn(self): ## print "do_done_btn: delegating" if self.controller: self.controller.done_btn_clicked() def do_abort_btn(self): ## print "do_abort_btn: delegating" if self.controller: self.controller.cancel_btn_clicked() #bruce 080815 revised (guess), was abort_btn_clicked() def do_preview_btn(self): ## print "do_preview_btn: delegating" if self.controller: self.controller.preview_btn_clicked() def do_whatsthis_btn(self): ## print "do_whatsthis_btn: delegating" if self.controller: self.controller.whatsthis_btn_clicked() def do_cancel_btn(self): ## print "do_cancel_btn: delegating" if self.controller: self.controller.cancel_btn_clicked() def close(self, e=None): ## print "close: delegating" res = True # fixing bug 2138: Qt wants the return value of .close to be of the correct type, apparently boolean; # it may mean whether to really close (guess) [bruce 060719] if self.controller: res = self.controller.close() return res def do_ok_btn(self): ## print "do_ok_btn: printing then delegating" if 0: print "printing param values" getters = self.param_getters.items() getters.sort() for paramname, getter in getters: try: print "param %s = %r" % (paramname, getter()) except: print_compact_traceback("exception trying to get param %s: " % (paramname,)) if self.controller: self.controller.ok_btn_clicked() #e might need to intercept accept, reject and depend on type == 'QDialog' -- or, do in subclass pass class ParameterDialog( ParameterDialogBase, QDialog): type = 'QDialog' pass class ParameterPane( ParameterDialogBase, QFrame): type = 'QFrame' def accept(self): pass def reject(self): pass pass class ParameterPaneTextEditTest( ParameterDialogBase, QTextEdit): ##k see if this works any better type = 'QTextEdit' def accept(self): pass def reject(self): pass pass # == debug_parse = False def get_description(filename): """ #doc... For now, only the filename option is supported. Someday, support the other ones mentioned in our caller, ParameterDialog.__init__.__doc__. """ assert type(filename) == type(""), "get_description only supports filenames for now (and not even unicode filenames, btw)" file = open(filename, 'rU') gentok = generate_tokens(file.readline) res, newrest = parse_top(Whole, list(gentok)) if debug_parse: print len(` res `), 'chars in res' #3924 ## print res # might be an error message if newrest and debug_parse: # boolean test, since normal value is [] print "res is", res # assume it is an error message print "newrest is", newrest print "res[0].pprint() :" print res[0].pprint() #k if debug_parse: print "parse done" desc = res[0] #k class ThingData in parse_utils - move to another file? it stays with the toplevel grammar... return desc # from get_description # == TEST CODE, though some might become real if __name__ == '__main__': # this has the parsing calls class NTdialog(parameter_dialog_or_frame, QDialog): # in real life this will be something which delegates to controller methods def __init__(self, parent = None, desc = None): parameter_dialog_or_frame.__init__(self, parent, desc) # sets self.desc (buttons might want to use it) def do_sponsor_btn(self): print "do_sponsor_btn: nim" def do_done_btn(self): print "do_done_btn: nim" def do_abort_btn(self): print "do_abort_btn: nim" def do_preview_btn(self): print "do_preview_btn: nim" def do_whatsthis_btn(self): print "do_whatsthis_btn: nim" def do_cancel_btn(self): print "do_cancel_btn: nim" def do_ok_btn(self): print "do_ok_btn: printing param values" getters = self.param_getters.items() getters.sort() for paramname, getter in getters: try: print "param %s = %r" % (paramname, getter()) except: print_compact_traceback("exception trying to get param %s: " % (paramname,)) print pass import sys a = QApplication(sys.argv) ## filename = "testui.txt" filename = "../plugins/CoNTub/HJ-params.desc" desc = get_description(filename) parent = None # should be win or app? w = NTdialog(parent, desc) ### also, env to supply prefs, state to control w.show() a.connect(a, SIGNAL('lastWindowClosed()'), a, SLOT('quit()')) print "about to exec_" a.exec_() print "exiting, test done" # end