# Copyright 2008 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. """ DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager.py DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager class provides common functionality (e.g. groupboxes etc) to the subclasses that define various Dna and Cnt (Carbon nanotube) Property Managers. @author: Ninad @copyright: 2008 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. @version:$Id$ History: Created on 2008-05-20 TODO: - Need a better name for this class? - The Reference list widget and related code (added on 2008-06-24) supports the feature in insert dna/cnt commands, where you can specify a reference plane on which the structure will be placed. The ui elelment allows adding /deleting this plane. Implementing this is not straightforward. It needs specific code in PM, GM and command classes. Need some core internal features that allow easy creation and handling of such ui. (Similar issue can be seen in the MakeCrossOvers or MultipleDnaSegmentResize commands where special code is needed to add or remove segments from the list. [-- Ninad 2008-06-24 comment] """ from PyQt4.Qt import Qt, SIGNAL from PM.PM_CheckBox import PM_CheckBox from PM.PM_PrefsCheckBoxes import PM_PrefsCheckBoxes from PM.PM_SelectionListWidget import PM_SelectionListWidget from PM.PM_RadioButtonList import PM_RadioButtonList from utilities.constants import lightgreen_2 from command_support.EditCommand_PM import EditCommand_PM from PM.PM_ColorChooser import PM_ColorChooser from PM.PM_ColorComboBox import PM_ColorComboBox _superclass = EditCommand_PM class DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager(EditCommand_PM): """ DnaOrCnt_PropertyManager class provides common functionality (e.g. groupboxes etc) to the subclasses that define various Dna and Cnt (Carbon nanotube) Property Managers. @see: DnaSegment_PropertyManager (subclass) @see: InsertDna_PropertyManager (subclass) """ def __init__( self, command ): """ Constructor for the DNA Duplex property manager. """ self._cursorTextGroupBox = None self._colorChooser = None self.showCursorTextCheckBox = None self.referencePlaneListWidget = None #For model changed signal #@see: self.model_changed() and self._current_model_changed_params #for example use self._previous_model_changed_params = None #see self.connect_or_disconnect_signals for comment about this flag self.isAlreadyConnected = False self.isAlreadyDisconnected = False _superclass.__init__( self, command) def show(self): """ Show this PM """ _superclass.show(self) if isinstance(self.showCursorTextCheckBox, PM_CheckBox): self._update_state_of_cursorTextGroupBox( self.showCursorTextCheckBox.isChecked()) def _loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in the Display Options GroupBox """ self._loadCursorTextGroupBox(pmGroupBox) def _loadColorChooser(self, pmGroupBox): self._colorChooser = PM_ColorComboBox(pmGroupBox) def _loadCursorTextGroupBox(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load various checkboxes within the cursor text groupbox. @see: self. _loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox() @see: self._connect_showCursorTextCheckBox() @see: self._params_for_creating_cursorTextCheckBoxes() """ self.showCursorTextCheckBox = \ PM_CheckBox( pmGroupBox, text = "Show cursor text", widgetColumn = 0, state = Qt.Checked) self._connect_showCursorTextCheckBox() paramsForCheckBoxes = self._params_for_creating_cursorTextCheckBoxes() self._cursorTextGroupBox = PM_PrefsCheckBoxes( pmGroupBox, paramsForCheckBoxes = paramsForCheckBoxes, title = 'Cursor text options:') def connect_or_disconnect_signals(self, isConnect): if isConnect: change_connect = self.win.connect else: change_connect = self.win.disconnect if self._colorChooser: change_connect(self._colorChooser, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self._changeStructureColor) pass def _connect_showCursorTextCheckBox(self): """ Connect the show cursor text checkbox with user prefs_key. Subclasses should override this method. The default implementation does nothing. """ pass def _params_for_creating_cursorTextCheckBoxes(self): """ Subclasses should override this method. The default implementation returns an empty list. Returns params needed to create various cursor text checkboxes connected to prefs_keys that allow custom cursor texts. @return: A list containing tuples in the following format: ('checkBoxTextString' , preference_key). PM_PrefsCheckBoxes uses this data to create checkboxes with the the given names and connects them to the provided preference keys. (Note that PM_PrefsCheckBoxes puts thes within a GroupBox) @rtype: list @see: PM_PrefsCheckBoxes @see: self._loadDisplayOptionsGroupBox where this list is used. #see: self._loadCursorTextGroupBox() @see: subclass method: DnaSegment_PropertyManager._params_for_creating_cursorTextCheckBoxes() """ params = [] #Format: (" checkbox text", prefs_key) return params def _update_state_of_cursorTextGroupBox(self, enable): """ """ if not isinstance(self._cursorTextGroupBox, PM_PrefsCheckBoxes): return if enable: self._cursorTextGroupBox.setEnabled(True) else: self._cursorTextGroupBox.setEnabled(False) def _loadReferencePlaneGroupBox(self, pmGroupBox): """ Load widgets in reference plane groupbox @see: InsertDna_PropertyManager._addGroupBoxes where this groupbox is added. """ # Placement Options radio button list to create radio button list. # Format: buttonId, buttonText, tooltip PLACEMENT_OPTIONS_BUTTON_LIST = [ \ ( 0, "Parallel to screen (default)", "Parallel to screen" ), ( 1, "On the specified plane:", "On specified plane" )] self._placementOptions = \ PM_RadioButtonList( pmGroupBox, ##label = "Duplex Placement Options:", buttonList = PLACEMENT_OPTIONS_BUTTON_LIST, checkedId = 0, spanWidth = True, borders = False) self._specifyReferencePlane_radioButton = self._placementOptions.getButtonById(1) self.referencePlaneListWidget = PM_SelectionListWidget( pmGroupBox, self.win, label = "", heightByRows = 2) def useSpecifiedDrawingPlane(self): """ Tells if the the command (rather the graphicsmode) should use the user specified drawing plane on which the structure (such as dna duplex or CNT) will be created. Returns True if a Palne is specified by the user AND 'use specified plane' radio button in the Property manager is checked. @see: InsertDna_GraphicsMode.getDrawingPlane() """ if self.referencePlaneListWidget is None: return False if self._specifyReferencePlane_radioButton.isChecked(): itemDict = self.referencePlaneListWidget.getItemDictonary() planeList = itemDict.values() if len(planeList) == 1: return True return False def activateSpecifyReferencePlaneTool(self, index): """ Slot method that changes the appearance of some ui elements, suggesting that the Specify reference plane tool is active. @see: self.isSpecifyPlaneToolActive() """ if self.referencePlaneListWidget is None: return if index == 0: self.referencePlaneListWidget.resetColor() else: itemDict = self.referencePlaneListWidget.getItemDictonary() planeList = itemDict.values() if len(planeList) == 0: self.referencePlaneListWidget.setColor(lightgreen_2) else: self.referencePlaneListWidget.resetColor() def isSpecifyPlaneToolActive(self): """ Returns True if the add segments tool (which adds the segments to the list of segments) is active @see: InsertDna_EditCommand.isSpecifyPlaneToolActive() @see: InsertDna_GraphicsMode.isSpecifyPlaneToolActive() @see: InsertDna_GraphicsMode.jigLeftUp() """ if self.referencePlaneListWidget is None: return False if self._specifyReferencePlane_radioButton.isChecked(): itemDict = self.referencePlaneListWidget.getItemDictonary() planeList = itemDict.values() if len(planeList) == 1: return False else: return True return False def removeListWidgetItems(self): """ Removes all the items in the list widget @TODO: At the moment the list widget means 'self.referencePlaneListWidget' the method name needs renaming if there are some more list widgets in the Property manager. """ if self.referencePlaneListWidget is None: return self.referencePlaneListWidget.insertItems( row = 0, items = ()) self.referencePlaneListWidget.setColor(lightgreen_2) def updateReferencePlaneListWidget(self, plane = None): """ Update the reference plane list widget by replacing the current item (if any) with the specified . This plane object (if not None) will be used as a referecne plane on which the structure will be constructed. @param plane: Plane object to be """ if self.referencePlaneListWidget is None: return planeList = [ ] if plane is not None: planeList = [plane] self.referencePlaneListWidget.insertItems( row = 0, items = planeList) def listWidgetHasFocus(self): """ Checks if the list widget that lists the referecne plane, on which the dna will be created, has the Qt focus. This is used to just remove items from the list widget (without actually 'deleting' the corresponding Plane in the GLPane) @see: InsertDna_GraphicsMode.keyPressEvent() where this is called """ if self.referencePlaneListWidget and \ self.referencePlaneListWidget.hasFocus(): return True return False def _changeStructureColor(self): """ """ if self._colorChooser is None: return if self.command and self.command.hasValidStructure(): color = self._colorChooser.getColor() if hasattr(self.command.struct, 'setColor'): self.command.struct.setColor(color) self.win.glpane.gl_update()