# Copyright 2007-2008 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. """ NanotubeSegment.py - ... @author: Mark @version: $Id$ @copyright: 2007-2008 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. Note: related to DnaStrandOrSegment, from which it was copied and modified. """ import foundation.env as env from utilities.debug import print_compact_stack, print_compact_traceback from model.chunk import Chunk from model.chem import Atom from model.bonds import Bond from geometry.VQT import V, norm, vlen from utilities.icon_utilities import imagename_to_pixmap from utilities.Comparison import same_vals def getAllNanotubeSegmentsInPart(assy): """ @return: a list of all NanotubeSegments in the part. """ selNanotubeSegmentList = [] def addSelectedNanotubeSegment(obj, ntSegmentList = selNanotubeSegmentList): if isinstance(obj, NanotubeSegment): ntSegmentList += [obj] return assy.part.topnode.apply2all(addSelectedNanotubeSegment) return selNanotubeSegmentList from foundation.LeafLikeGroup import LeafLikeGroup _superclass = LeafLikeGroup class NanotubeSegment(LeafLikeGroup): """ Model object which represents a Nanotube Segment inside a Nanotube Group. Internally, this is just a specialized Group containing a single chunk, itself containing all the atoms of a nanotube. """ # This should be a tuple of classifications that appear in # files_mmp._GROUP_CLASSIFICATIONS, most general first. # See comment in class Group for more info. [bruce 080115] _mmp_group_classifications = ('NanotubeSegment',) nanotube = None _endPoint1 = None _endPoint2 = None # TODO: undo or copy code for those attrs, # and updating them when the underlying structure changes. # But maybe that won't be needed, if they are replaced # by computing them from the atom geometry as needed. # [bruce 080227 comment] autodelete_when_empty = True # (but only if current command permits that for this class -- # see comment near Group.autodelete_when_empty for more info, # and implems of Command.keep_empty_group) iconPath = "ui/modeltree/NanotubeSegment.png" hide_iconPath = "ui/modeltree/NanotubeSegment-hide.png" # This partially fixes bug 2914. Copying now works, but the following # "warning" is printed to stdout: # ****************** needs _copyOfObject: # I'm guessing this means that we need to override abstract method # _copyOfObject() of DataMixin, but I'd like to discuss this with Bruce first. # I also have confirmed that there is still a bug when editing the # copied nanotube (it will automatically move from the clipboard # to the part after it is resized). # Mark 2008-07-09. copyable_attrs = _superclass.copyable_attrs + ('nanotube',) def writemmp_other_info_opengroup(self, mapping): #bruce 080507 refactoring """ """ #bruce 080507 refactoring (split this out of Group.writemmp) # (I think the following condition is always true, but I didn't # prove this just now, so I left in the test for now.) encoded_classifications = self._encoded_classifications() if encoded_classifications == "NanotubeSegment": # This is a nanotube segment, so write the parameters into an info # record so we can read and restore them in the next session. # --Mark 2008-04-12 assert self.nanotube mapping.write("info opengroup nanotube-parameters = %d, %d, %s, %s\n" \ % (self.nanotube.getChiralityN(), self.nanotube.getChiralityM(), self.nanotube.getType(), self.nanotube.getEndings())) pass return def readmmp_info_opengroup_setitem( self, key, val, interp ): """ [extends superclass method] """ #bruce 080507 refactoring (split this out of the superclass method) if key == ['nanotube-parameters']: # val includes all the parameters, separated by commas. n, m, type, endings = val.split(",") self.n = int(n) self.m = int(m) self.type = type.lstrip() self.endings = endings.lstrip() # Create the nanotube. from cnt.model.NanotubeParameters import NanotubeParameters self.nanotube = NanotubeParameters() # Returns a 5x5 CNT. self.nanotube.setChirality(self.n, self.m) self.nanotube.setType(self.type) self.nanotube.setEndings(self.endings) # The endpoints are recomputed every time it is edited. else: _superclass.readmmp_info_opengroup_setitem( self, key, val, interp) return def edit(self): """ Edit this NanotubeSegment. @see: EditNanotube_EditCommand """ commandSequencer = self.assy.w.commandSequencer commandSequencer.userEnterCommand('EDIT_NANOTUBE') assert commandSequencer.currentCommand.commandName == 'EDIT_NANOTUBE' commandSequencer.currentCommand.editStructure(self) return def getAxisVector(self, atomAtVectorOrigin = None): """ Returns the unit axis vector of the segment (vector between two axis end points) """ # REVIEW: use common code for this method? [bruce 081217 comment] endPoint1, endPoint2 = self.nanotube.getEndPoints() if endPoint1 is None or endPoint2 is None: return V(0, 0, 0) #@see: RotateAboutAPoint command. The following code is disabled #as it has bugs (not debugged but could be in #self.nanotube.getEndPoints). So, rotate about a point won't work for #rotating a nanotube. -- Ninad 2008-05-13 ##if atomAtVectorOrigin is not None: ###If atomAtVectorOrigin is specified, we will return a vector that ###starts at this atom and ends at endPoint1 or endPoint2 . ###Which endPoint to choose will be dicided by the distance between ###atomAtVectorOrigin and the respective endPoints. (will choose the ###frthest endPoint ##origin = atomAtVectorOrigin.posn() ##if vlen(endPoint2 - origin ) > vlen(endPoint1 - origin): ##return norm(endPoint2 - endPoint1) ##else: ##return norm(endPoint1 - endPoint2) return norm(endPoint2 - endPoint1) def setProps(self, props): """ Sets some properties. These will be used while editing the structure. (but if the structure is read from an mmp file, this won't work. As a fall back, it returns some constant values) @see: InsertNanotube_EditCommand.createStructure which calls this method. @see: self.getProps, EditNanotube_EditCommand.editStructure """ (_n, _m), _type, _endings, (_endPoint1, _endPoint2) = props from cnt.model.NanotubeParameters import NanotubeParameters self.nanotube = NanotubeParameters() self.nanotube.setChirality(_n, _m) self.nanotube.setType(_type) self.nanotube.setEndings(_endings) self.nanotube.setEndPoints(_endPoint1, _endPoint2) def getProps(self): """ Returns nanotube parameters necessary for editing. @see: EditNanotube_EditCommand.editStructure where it is used. @see: EditNanotube_PropertyManager.getParameters @see: NanotubeSegmentEditCommand._createStructure """ # Recompute the endpoints in case this nanotube was read from # MMP file (which means this nanotube doesn't have endpoint # parameters yet). self.nanotube.computeEndPointsFromChunk(self.members[0]) return self.nanotube.getParameters() def isAncestorOf(self, obj): """ Checks whether the object is contained within the NanotubeSegment Example: If the object is an Atom, it checks whether the atom's chunk is a member of this NanotubeSegment (chunk.dad is self) It also considers all the logical contents of the NanotubeSegment to determine whether self is an ancestor. (returns True even for logical contents) @see: self.get_all_content_chunks() (inherited from LeafLikeGroup) @see: EditNanotube_GraphicsMode.leftDrag """ # TODO: this needs cleanup (it looks like it's made of two alternative # implems, one after the other), generalization (to use some centrally # defined notion of logical contents), and optimization. Also, if it # is still defined in more than one class, common code should be used. # [bruce 080507/081217 comment] c = None if isinstance(obj, Atom): c = obj.molecule elif isinstance(obj, Bond): chunk1 = obj.atom1.molecule chunk2 = obj.atom1.molecule if chunk1 is chunk2: c = chunk1 elif isinstance(obj, Chunk): c = obj if c is not None: if c in self.get_all_content_chunks(): # review: could optimize by (c.dad is self), at least in this class # [bruce 081217 comment] return True #NOTE: Need to check if the isinstance checks are acceptable (apparently #don't add any import cycle) if isinstance(obj, Atom): chunk = obj.molecule if chunk.dad is self: return True else: return False elif isinstance(obj, Bond): chunk1 = obj.atom1.molecule chunk2 = obj.atom1.molecule if (chunk1.dad is self) or (chunk2.dad is self): return True elif isinstance(obj, Chunk): if obj.dad is self: return True return False def node_icon(self, display_prefs): # REVIEW: use common code for this method? [bruce 081217 comment] del display_prefs if self.all_content_is_hidden(): return imagename_to_pixmap( self.hide_iconPath) else: return imagename_to_pixmap( self.iconPath) def permit_as_member(self, node, pre_updaters = True, **opts): """ [friend method for enforce_permitted_members_in_groups and subroutines] Does self permit node as a direct member, when called from enforce_permitted_members_in_groups with the same options as we are passed? @rtype: boolean [extends superclass method] """ # this method was copied from DnaStrandOrSegment and edited for this class if not LeafLikeGroup.permit_as_member(self, node, pre_updaters, **opts): # reject if superclass would reject [bruce 081217] return False del opts assy = self.assy res = isinstance( node, assy.Chunk) #@ NEEDS SOMETHING MORE. return res pass # end of class NanotubeSegment # end