# Copyright 2004-2008 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. """ NanotubeParameters.py -- Generates Nanotube from parameters. @author: Mark Sims @version: $Id$ @copyright: 2004-2008 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. History: Mark 2008-03-09: - Created (incorporating some code from Will's older file NanotubeGenerator.py). """ import foundation.env as env from math import sin, cos, pi from math import atan2 from Numeric import dot, argmax, argmin, sqrt from model.chem import Atom from model.bonds import bond_atoms from model.bond_constants import V_GRAPHITE, V_SINGLE from model.bond_constants import atoms_are_bonded from utilities.Log import greenmsg from utilities.debug import Stopwatch from geometry.VQT import Q, V, angleBetween, cross, vlen, norm from geometry.geometryUtilities import matrix_putting_axis_at_z from model.chunk import Chunk from model.elements import PeriodicTable from model.bonds import CC_GRAPHITIC_BONDLENGTH, BN_GRAPHITIC_BONDLENGTH ntTypes = ["Carbon", "Boron Nitride"] ntEndings = ["Hydrogen", "None"] # "Capped" NIY. "Nitrogen" removed. --mark ntBondLengths = [CC_GRAPHITIC_BONDLENGTH, BN_GRAPHITIC_BONDLENGTH] sqrt3 = 3 ** 0.5 # no longer used: ##basepath_ok, basepath = find_plugin_dir("Nanotube") ##if not basepath_ok: ## env.history.message(orangemsg("The cad/plugins/Nanotube directory is missing.")) class NanotubeParameters: """ Generates a nanotube from parameters. Supports both Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) or Boron Nitride Nanotubes (BNNT). """ n = 5 m = 5 type = "Carbon" endPoint1 = None endPoint2 = None endings = "Hydrogen" # "Hydrogen" or "None". "Capped" NIY. zdist = 0.0 # Angstroms xydist = 0.0 # Angstroms twist = 0 # Degrees/Angstrom bend = 0 # Degrees numwalls = 1 # Single spacing = 2.46 # Spacing b/w MWNT in Angstroms def __init__(self): """ Constructor. Creates an instance of a Nanotube. By default, the nanotube is a 5x5 Carbon Nanotube. Use the set methods to change the nanotube's chirality and type (i.e. Boron Nitride). """ self.setBondLength() self._computeRise() # Assigns default rise value. self._update() return def _update(self): """ Private method. Updates all chirality parameters whenever the following attrs are changed via their set methods: - n, m, - type - bond_length """ n, m = self.getChirality() type = self.getType() bond_length = self.getBondLength() self.maxlen = maxlen = 1.2 * bond_length self.maxlensq = maxlen**2 x = (n + 0.5 * m) * sqrt3 y = 1.5 * m angle = atan2(y, x) twoPiRoverA = (x**2 + y**2) ** .5 AoverR = (2 * pi) / twoPiRoverA self.__cos = cos(angle) self.__sin = sin(angle) # time to get the constants s, t = self.x1y1(0,0) u, v = self.x1y1(1./3, 1./3) w, x = self.x1y1(0,1) F = (t - v)**2 G = 2 * (1 - cos(AoverR * (s - u))) H = (v - x)**2 J = 2 * (1 - cos(AoverR * (u - w))) denom = F * J - G * H self.R = (bond_length**2 * (F - H) / denom) ** .5 self.B = (bond_length**2 * (J - G) / denom) ** .5 self.A = self.R * AoverR if 0: print "--------------" print "angle =", angle print "A =", self.A print "B =", self.B print "R =", self.R def x1y1(self, n, m): c, s = self.__cos, self.__sin x = (n + .5*m) * sqrt3 y = 1.5 * m x1 = x * c + y * s y1 = -x * s + y * c return (x1, y1) def mlimits(self, z3min, z3max, n): if z3max < z3min: z3min, z3max = z3max, z3min B, c, s = self.B, self.__cos, self.__sin P = sqrt3 * B * s Q = 1.5 * B * (c - s / sqrt3) m1, m2 = (z3min + P * n) / Q, (z3max + P * n) / Q return int(m1-1.5), int(m2+1.5) # REVIEW: should this use intRound? def xyz(self, n, m): x1, y1 = self.x1y1(n, m) x2, y2 = self.A * x1, self.B * y1 R = self.R x3 = R * sin(x2/R) y3 = R * cos(x2/R) z3 = y2 return (x3, y3, z3) def setChirality(self, n, m): """ Set the n,m chiral integers of self. Two restrictions are maintained: - n >= 2 - 0 <= m <= n @param n: chiral integer I{n} @type n: int @param m: chiral integer I{m} @type m: int @return: The chiral integers n, m. @rtype: tuple of two ints (n, m). @warning: n and/or m may be changed to maintain the restrictions. """ if n < 2: n = 2 if m != self.m: # m changed. If m became larger than n, make n bigger. if m > n: n = m elif n != self.n: # n changed. If n became smaller than m, make m smaller. if m > n: m = n self.n = n self.m = m self._update() return self.getChirality() def getChirality(self): """ Returns the n,m chirality of self. @return: n, m @rtype: int, int """ return (self.n, self.m) def getChiralityN(self): """ Returns the n chirality of self. @return: n @rtype: int """ return self.n def getChiralityM(self): """ Returns the m chirality of self. @return: m @rtype: int """ return self.m def setType(self, type): """ Sets the type of nanotube. @param type: the type of nanotube, either "Carbon" or "Boron Nitride" @type type: string @warning: This resets the bond length based on type. """ assert type in ntTypes self.type = type self.setBondLength() # Calls _update(). return def getType(self): """ Return the type of nanotube. @return: the type of nanotube. @rtype: string """ return self.type def getRadius(self): """ Returns the radius of the nanotube. @return: The radius in Angstroms. @rtype: float """ return self.R def getDiameter(self): """ Returns the diameter of the nanotube. @return: The diameter in Angstroms. @rtype: float """ return self.R * 2.0 def setBondLength(self, bond_length = None): """ Sets the I{bond length} between two neighboring atoms in self. @param bond_length: The bond length in Angstroms. If None, it will be assigned a default value based on the current nanotube type. @type bond_length: float """ if bond_length: self.bond_length = bond_length else: self.bond_length = ntBondLengths[ntTypes.index(self.type)] self._update() return def getBondLength(self): """ Returns the bond length between atoms in the nanotube. @return: The bond length in Angstroms. @rtype: float """ return self.bond_length def setEndings(self, endings): """ Sets the type of I{endings} of the nanotube self. @param endings: Either "Hydrogen" or "None". @type endings: string @note: "Capped" endings are not implemented yet. """ assert endings in ntEndings self.endings = endings def getEndings(self): """ Returns the type of I{endings} of the nanotube self. @return: Either "Hydrogen" or "None". @rtype : string @note: "Capped" endings are not implemented yet. """ return self.endings def setEndPoints(self, endPoint1, endPoint2, trimEndPoint2 = False): """ Sets endpoints to I{endPoint1} and I{endPoint2}. @param endPoint1: point @type endPoint1: V @param endPoint2: point @type endPoint2: V @param trimEndPoint2: If true, endPoint2 will be trimmed to a point in which the length of the nanotube is an integral of the nanotube rise. This is not implemented yet. @type trimEndPoint2: boolean @attention: trimEndPoint2 argument is ignored (NIY). """ # See drawNanotubeLadder() for math needed to implement trimEndPoint2. self.endPoint1 = + endPoint1 self.endPoint2 = + endPoint2 return def getEndPoints(self): """ Return endpoints. """ return (self.endPoint1, self.endPoint2) def getParameters(self): """ Returns all the parameters needed to (re) build the nanotube using build(). @return: The parameters of the nanotube segment. These parameters are retreived via L{NanotubeSegment.getProps()}, called from L{EditNanotube_EditCommand.editStructure()}. Parameters: - n, m (chirality) - type (i.e. carbon or boron nitride) - endings (none, hydrogen, nitrogen) - endpoints (endPoint1, endPoint2) @rtype: list (n, m), type, endings, (endPoint1, endPoint2) """ return (self.getChirality(), self.getType(), self.getEndings(), self.getEndPoints()) def computeEndPointsFromChunk(self, chunk, update = True): """ Derives and returns the endpoints and radius of a nanotube chunk. @param chunk: a nanotube chunk @type chunk: Chunk @return: endPoint1, endPoint2 and radius @rtype: Point, Point and float @note: computing the endpoints works fine when n=m or m=0. Otherwise, the endpoints can be slightly off the central axis, especially if the nanotube is short. @attention: endPoint1 and endPoint2 may not be the original endpoints, and they may be flipped (opposites of) the original endpoints. """ # Since chunk.axis is not always one of the vectors chunk.evecs # (actually chunk.poly_evals_evecs_axis[2]), it's best to just use # the axis and center, then recompute a bounding cylinder. if not chunk.atoms: return None axis = chunk.axis axis = norm(axis) # needed center = chunk._get_center() points = chunk.atpos - center # not sure if basepos points are already centered # compare following Numeric Python code to findAtomUnderMouse and its caller matrix = matrix_putting_axis_at_z(axis) v = dot( points, matrix) # compute xy distances-squared between axis line and atom centers r_xy_2 = v[:,0]**2 + v[:,1]**2 # to get radius, take maximum -- not sure if max(r_xy_2) would use Numeric code, but this will for sure: i = argmax(r_xy_2) max_xy_2 = r_xy_2[i] radius = sqrt(max_xy_2) # to get limits along axis (since we won't assume center is centered between them), use min/max z: z = v[:,2] min_z = z[argmin(z)] max_z = z[argmax(z)] # Adjust the endpoints such that the ladder rungs (rings) will fall # on the ring segments. # TO DO: Fix drawNanotubeLadder() to offset the first ring, then I can # remove this adjustment. --Mark 2008-04-12 z_adjust = self.getEndPointZOffset() min_z += z_adjust max_z -= z_adjust endpoint1 = center + min_z * axis endpoint2 = center + max_z * axis if update: #print "Original endpoints:", self.getEndPoints() self.setEndPoints(endpoint1, endpoint2) #print "New endpoints:", self.getEndPoints() return (endpoint1, endpoint2, radius) def getEndPointZOffset(self): """ Returns the z offset, determined by the endings. @note: Offset distances are not exact, but approximated, which is good in this case. Providing exact offset values will result in the last ladder ring from being drawn by drawNanotubeLadder(). """ endings = self.getEndings() if endings == "Hydrogen": return 0.8 elif endings == "Nitrogen": # Nitrogen endings option removed from PM. 2008-05-02 --Mark return 1.1 else: return 0.5 def _computeRise(self): #@ See Python get/set attr builtin methods. """ Private method. Sets the rise. This needs to be called anytime a parameter of self changes. This is primarlity used for determining the distance between ladder rungs when drawing the nanotube ladder, during interactive drawing. @attention: The computed rise is a hack. Feel free to fix. """ # Need formula to compute rise. # I'm sure this is doable, but I need to research it further to learn # how to compute rise from these params. --Mark 2008-03-12 self.rise = 2.5 # default if self.m == 0: self.rise = 2.146 if self.m == 5: self.rise = 2.457 def getRise(self): """ Returns the nanotube U{rise}. This is primarlity used for determining the distance between ladder rungs when drawing the nanotube ladder, during interactive drawing. @return: The rise in Angstroms. @rtype: float """ return self.rise def getLengthFromNumberOfCells(self, numberOfCells): """ Returns the nanotube length (in Angstroms) given the number of cells. @param numberOfCells: The number of cells in the nanotube. @type numberOfCells: int @return: The length of the nanotube in Angstroms. @rtype: float """ assert numberOfCells >= 0 return self.rise * (numberOfCells - 1) def getLength(self): """ Returns the length of the nanotube. """ endPoint1, endPoint2 = self.getEndPoints() return vlen(endPoint1 - endPoint2) def populate(self, mol, length): """ Populates a chunk (mol) with the atoms. """ def add(element, x, y, z, atomtype='sp2'): atm = Atom(element, V(x, y, z), mol) if element == "C": atm.set_atomtype_but_dont_revise_singlets(atomtype) return atm evenAtomDict = { } oddAtomDict = { } bondDict = { } mfirst = [ ] mlast = [ ] for n in range(self.n): mmin, mmax = self.mlimits(-.5 * length, .5 * length, n) mfirst.append(mmin) mlast.append(mmax) for m in range(mmin, mmax+1): x, y, z = self.xyz(n, m) if self.type == "Carbon": atm = add("C", x, y, z) # CNT else: atm = add("B", x, y, z) # BNNT evenAtomDict[(n,m)] = atm bondDict[atm] = [(n,m)] x, y, z = self.xyz(n + 1.0 / 3, m + 1.0 / 3 ) if self.type == "Carbon": atm = add("C", x, y, z) # CNT else: atm = add("N", x, y, z, 'sp3') # BNNT oddAtomDict[(n,m)] = atm bondDict[atm] = [(n + 1, m), (n, m + 1)] # m goes axially along the nanotube, n spirals around the tube # like a barber pole, with slope depending on chirality. If we # stopped making bonds now, there'd be a spiral strip of # missing bonds between the n=self.n-1 row and the n=0 row. # So we need to connect those. We don't know how the m values # will line up, so the first time, we need to just hunt for the # m offset. But then we can apply that constant m offset to the # remaining atoms along the strip. n = self.n - 1 mmid = (mfirst[n] + mlast[n]) / 2 atm = oddAtomDict[(n, mmid)] class FoundMOffset(Exception): pass try: for m2 in range(mfirst[0], mlast[0] + 1): atm2 = evenAtomDict[(0, m2)] diff = atm.posn() - atm2.posn() if dot(diff, diff) < self.maxlensq: moffset = m2 - mmid # Given the offset, zipping up the rows is easy. for m in range(mfirst[n], mlast[n]+1): atm = oddAtomDict[(n, m)] bondDict[atm].append((0, m + moffset)) raise FoundMOffset() # If we get to this point, we never found m offset. # If this ever happens, it indicates a bug. raise Exception, "can't find m offset" except FoundMOffset: pass # Use the bond information to bond the atoms for (dict1, dict2) in [(evenAtomDict, oddAtomDict), (oddAtomDict, evenAtomDict)]: for n, m in dict1.keys(): atm = dict1[(n, m)] for n2, m2 in bondDict[atm]: try: atm2 = dict2[(n2, m2)] if not atoms_are_bonded(atm, atm2): if self.type == "Carbon": bond_atoms(atm, atm2, V_GRAPHITE) # CNT else: bond_atoms(atm, atm2, V_SINGLE) # BNNT except KeyError: pass def build(self, name, assy, position, mol = None, createPrinted = False): """ Build a nanotube from the parameters in the Property Manger dialog. """ endPoint1, endPoint2 = self.getEndPoints() cntAxis = endPoint2 - endPoint1 length = vlen(cntAxis) # This can take a few seconds. Inform the user. # 100 is a guess. --Mark 051103. if not createPrinted: # If it's a multi-wall tube, only print the "Creating" message once. if length > 100.0: env.history.message("This may take a moment...") PROFILE = False if PROFILE: sw = Stopwatch() sw.start() xyz = self.xyz if mol == None: mol = Chunk(assy, name) atoms = mol.atoms mlimits = self.mlimits # populate the tube with some extra carbons on the ends # so that we can trim them later self.populate(mol, length + 4 * self.maxlen) # Apply twist and distortions. Bends probably would come # after this point because they change the direction for the # length. I'm worried about Z distortion because it will work # OK for stretching, but with compression it can fail. BTW, # "Z distortion" is a misnomer, we're stretching in the Y # direction. for atm in atoms.values(): # twist x, y, z = atm.posn() twistRadians = self.twist * z c, s = cos(twistRadians), sin(twistRadians) x, y = x * c + y * s, -x * s + y * c atm.setposn(V(x, y, z)) for atm in atoms.values(): # z distortion x, y, z = atm.posn() z *= (self.zdist + length) / length atm.setposn(V(x, y, z)) length += self.zdist for atm in atoms.values(): # xy distortion x, y, z = atm.posn() radius = self.getRadius() x *= (radius + 0.5 * self.xydist) / radius y *= (radius - 0.5 * self.xydist) / radius atm.setposn(V(x, y, z)) # Judgement call: because we're discarding carbons with funky # valences, we will necessarily get slightly more ragged edges # on nanotubes. This is a parameter we can fiddle with to # adjust the length. My thought is that users would prefer a # little extra length, because it's fairly easy to trim the # ends, but much harder to add new atoms on the end. LENGTH_TWEAK = self.getBondLength() # trim all the carbons that fall outside our desired length # by doing this, we are introducing new singlets for atm in atoms.values(): x, y, z = atm.posn() if (z > .5 * (length + LENGTH_TWEAK) or z < -.5 * (length + LENGTH_TWEAK)): atm.kill() # Apply bend. Equations are anomalous for zero bend. if abs(self.bend) > pi / 360: R = length / self.bend for atm in atoms.values(): x, y, z = atm.posn() theta = z / R x, z = R - (R - x) * cos(theta), (R - x) * sin(theta) atm.setposn(V(x, y, z)) def trimCarbons(): """ Trim all the carbons that only have one carbon neighbor. """ for i in range(2): for atm in atoms.values(): if not atm.is_singlet() and len(atm.realNeighbors()) == 1: atm.kill() trimCarbons() # If we're not picky about endings, we don't need to trim carbons if self.endings == "Capped": # buckyball endcaps addEndcap(mol, length, self.getRadius()) if self.endings == "Hydrogen": # hydrogen terminations for atm in atoms.values(): atm.Hydrogenate() elif self.endings == "Nitrogen": # nitrogen terminations. # This option has been removed from the "Endings" combo box # in the PM. 2008-05-02 --mark dstElem = PeriodicTable.getElement('N') atomtype = dstElem.find_atomtype('sp2') for atm in atoms.values(): if len(atm.realNeighbors()) == 2: atm.Transmute(dstElem, force=True, atomtype=atomtype) # Translate structure to desired position for atm in atoms.values(): v = atm.posn() atm.setposn(v + position) if PROFILE: t = sw.now() env.history.message(greenmsg("%g seconds to build %d atoms" % (t, len(atoms.values())))) if self.numwalls > 1: n += int(self.spacing * 3 + 0.5) # empirical tinkering self.build(name, assy, endPoint1, endPoint2, position, mol = mol, createPrinted = True) # Orient the nanotube. if self.numwalls == 1: # This condition ensures that MWCTs get oriented only once. self._orient(mol, endPoint1, endPoint2) return mol pass # End build() def _postProcess(self, cntCellList): pass def _orient(self, cntChunk, pt1, pt2): """ Orients the CNT I{cntChunk} based on two points. I{pt1} is the first endpoint (origin) of the nanotube. The vector I{pt1}, I{pt2} defines the direction and central axis of the nanotube. @param pt1: The starting endpoint (origin) of the nanotube. @type pt1: L{V} @param pt2: The second point of a vector defining the direction and central axis of the nanotube. @type pt2: L{V} """ a = V(0.0, 0.0, -1.0) # is the unit vector pointing down the center axis of the default # DNA structure which is aligned along the Z axis. bLine = pt2 - pt1 bLength = vlen(bLine) b = bLine/bLength # is the unit vector parallel to the line (i.e. pt1, pt2). axis = cross(a, b) # is the axis of rotation. theta = angleBetween(a, b) # is the angle (in degress) to rotate about . scalar = bLength * 0.5 rawOffset = b * scalar if 0: # Debugging code. print "" print "uVector a = ", a print "uVector b = ", b print "cross(a,b) =", axis print "theta =", theta print "cntRise =", self.getCntRise() print "# of cells =", self.getNumberOfCells() print "scalar =", scalar print "rawOffset =", rawOffset if theta == 0.0 or theta == 180.0: axis = V(0, 1, 0) # print "Now cross(a,b) =", axis rot = (pi / 180.0) * theta # Convert to radians qrot = Q(axis, rot) # Quat for rotation delta. # Move and rotate the nanotube into final orientation. cntChunk.move(qrot.rot(cntChunk.center) - cntChunk.center + rawOffset + pt1) cntChunk.rot(qrot) # Bruce suggested I add this. It works here, but not if its # before move() and rot() above. Mark 2008-04-11 cntChunk.full_inval_and_update() return # override abstract method of DataMixin def _copyOfObject(self): """ Create and return a copy of nanotube. """ nanotube = NanotubeParameters() nanotube.setChirality(self.n, self.m) nanotube.setType(self.type) nanotube.setEndings(self.endings) nanotube.setEndPoints(self.endPoint1, self.endPoint2) return nanotube # override abstract method of DataMixin def __eq__(self, other): """ Compare self with other. """ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if self.n != other.n: return False elif self.m != other.m: return False elif self.n != other.n: return False elif self.type != other.type: return False elif self.endings != other.endings: return False # Note: Numeric arrays can be safely compared using !=, but not ==. elif self.endPoint1 != other.endPoint1: return False elif self.endPoint2 != other.endPoint2: return False else: return True pass pass