# Copyright 2006-2008 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. """ PM_Dialog.py @author: Mark @version: $Id$ @copyright: 2006-2008 Nanorex, Inc. All rights reserved. History: mark 2007-07-22: Split PropMgrBaseClass out of PropMgrBaseClass.py into this file and renamed it PM_Dialog. """ import foundation.env as env from utilities.debug import print_compact_traceback from utilities import debug_flags from utilities.Comparison import same_vals from utilities.icon_utilities import geticon from utilities.icon_utilities import getpixmap from PyQt4.Qt import Qt from PM.PM_Colors import pmColor from PM.PM_Colors import pmHeaderFrameColor from PM.PM_Colors import pmHeaderTitleColor from PM.PM_Constants import PM_MAINVBOXLAYOUT_MARGIN from PM.PM_Constants import PM_MAINVBOXLAYOUT_SPACING from PM.PM_Constants import PM_HEADER_FRAME_MARGIN from PM.PM_Constants import PM_HEADER_FRAME_SPACING from PM.PM_Constants import PM_HEADER_FONT from PM.PM_Constants import PM_HEADER_FONT_POINT_SIZE from PM.PM_Constants import PM_HEADER_FONT_BOLD from PM.PM_Constants import PM_SPONSOR_FRAME_MARGIN from PM.PM_Constants import PM_SPONSOR_FRAME_SPACING from PM.PM_Constants import PM_TOPROWBUTTONS_MARGIN from PM.PM_Constants import PM_TOPROWBUTTONS_SPACING from PM.PM_Constants import PM_LABEL_LEFT_ALIGNMENT from PM.PM_Constants import PM_ALL_BUTTONS from PM.PM_Constants import PM_DONE_BUTTON from PM.PM_Constants import PM_CANCEL_BUTTON from PM.PM_Constants import PM_RESTORE_DEFAULTS_BUTTON from PM.PM_Constants import PM_PREVIEW_BUTTON from PM.PM_Constants import PM_WHATS_THIS_BUTTON from PyQt4.Qt import SIGNAL from PyQt4.Qt import QDialog from PyQt4.Qt import QFont from PyQt4.Qt import QFrame from PyQt4.Qt import QGridLayout from PyQt4.Qt import QLabel from PyQt4.Qt import QPushButton from PyQt4.Qt import QPalette from PyQt4.Qt import QToolButton from PyQt4.Qt import QSpacerItem from PyQt4.Qt import QHBoxLayout from PyQt4.Qt import QVBoxLayout from PyQt4.Qt import QSize from PyQt4.Qt import QSizePolicy from PyQt4.Qt import QWhatsThis from PyQt4.Qt import QWidget from PM.PM_GroupBox import PM_GroupBox from PM.PM_MessageGroupBox import PM_MessageGroupBox from utilities.prefs_constants import sponsor_download_permission_prefs_key from sponsors.Sponsors import SponsorableMixin class PM_Dialog( QDialog, SponsorableMixin ): """ The PM_Dialog class is the base class for Property Manager dialogs. [To make a PM class from this superclass, subclass it to customize the widget set and add behavior. You must also provide certain methods that used to be provided by GeneratorBaseClass, including ok_btn_clicked and several others, including at least some defined by SponsorableMixin (open_sponsor_homepage, setSponsor). This set of requirements may be cleaned up.] """ headerTitleText = "" # The header title text. _widgetList = [] # A list of all group boxes in this PM dialog, # including the message group box # (but not header, sponsor button, etc.) _groupBoxCount = 0 # Number of PM_GroupBoxes in this PM dialog _lastGroupBox = None # The last PM_GroupBox in this PM dialog # (i.e. the most recent PM_GroupBox added) def __init__(self, name, iconPath = "", title = "" ): """ Property Manager constructor. @param name: the name to assign the property manager dialog object. @type name: str @param iconPath: the relative path for the icon (PNG image) that appears in the header. @type iconPath: str @param title: the title that appears in the header. @type title: str """ QDialog.__init__(self) self.setObjectName(name) self._widgetList = [] # Main pallete for PropMgr. self.setPalette(QPalette(pmColor)) # Main vertical layout for PropMgr. self.vBoxLayout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.vBoxLayout.setMargin(PM_MAINVBOXLAYOUT_MARGIN) self.vBoxLayout.setSpacing(PM_MAINVBOXLAYOUT_SPACING) # Add PropMgr's header, sponsor button, top row buttons and (hidden) # message group box. self._createHeader(iconPath, title) self._createSponsorButton() self._createTopRowBtns() # Create top buttons row self.MessageGroupBox = PM_MessageGroupBox(self) # Keep the line below around; it might be useful. # I may want to use it now that I understand it. # Mark 2007-05-17. #QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(self) self._addGroupBoxes() try: self._addWhatsThisText() except: print_compact_traceback("Error loading whatsthis text for this " "property manager: ") try: self._addToolTipText() except: print_compact_traceback("Error loading tool tip text for this " "property manager: ") #The following attr is used for comparison in method #'_update_UI_wanted_as_something_changed' self._previous_all_change_indicators = None def update_UI(self): """ Update whatever is shown in this PM based on current state of the rest of the system, especially the state of self.command and of the model it shows. This is part of the PM API required by baseCommand, since it's called by baseCommand.command_update_UI. @note: Overridden in Command_PropertyManager, but should not be overridden in its subclasses. See that method's docstring for details. """ #bruce 081125 defined this here, to fix bugs in example commands return def keyPressEvent(self, event): """ Handles keyPress event. @note: Subclasses should carefully override this. Note that the default implementation doesn't permit ESC key as a way to close the PM_dialog. (This is typically desirable for Property Managers.) If any subclass needs to implement the key press, they should first call this method (i.e. superclass.keyPressEvent) and then implement specific code that closes the dialog when ESC key is pressed. """ key = event.key() # Don't use ESC key to close the PM dialog. Fixes bug 2596 if key == Qt.Key_Escape: pass else: QDialog.keyPressEvent(self, event) return def _addGroupBoxes(self): """ Add various group boxes to this PM. Subclasses should override this method. """ pass def _addWhatsThisText(self): """ Add what's this text. Subclasses should override this method. """ pass def _addToolTipText(self): """ Add Tool tip text. Subclasses should override this method. """ pass def show(self): """ Shows the Property Manager. """ self.setSponsor() # Show or hide the sponsor logo based on whether the user gave # permission to download sponsor logos. if env.prefs[sponsor_download_permission_prefs_key]: self.sponsorButtonContainer.show() else: self.sponsorButtonContainer.hide() if not self.pw or self: self.pw = self.win.activePartWindow() self.pw.updatePropertyManagerTab(self) self.pw.pwProjectTabWidget.setCurrentIndex( self.pw.pwProjectTabWidget.indexOf(self)) # Show the default message whenever we open the Property Manager. self.MessageGroupBox.MessageTextEdit.restoreDefault() def open(self, pm): """ Closes the current property manager (if any) and opens the property manager I{pm}. @param pm: The property manager to open. @type pm: L{PM_Dialog} or QDialog (of legacy PMs) @attention: This method is a temporary workaround for "Insert > Plane". The current command should always be responsible for (re)opening its own PM via self.show(). @see: L{show()} """ if 1: commandSequencer = self.win.commandSequencer #bruce 071008 commandName = commandSequencer.currentCommand.commandName # that's an internal name, but this is just for a debug print print "PM_Dialog.open(): Reopening the PM for command:", commandName # The following line of code is buggy when you, for instance, exit a PM # and reopen the previous one. It sends the disconnect signal twice to # the PM that is just closed.So disabling this line -- Ninad 2007-12-04 ##self.close() # Just in case there is another PM open. self.pw = self.win.activePartWindow() self.pw.updatePropertyManagerTab(pm) try: pm.setSponsor() except: print """PM_Dialog.open(): pm has no attribute 'setSponsor()' ignoring.""" self.pw.pwProjectTabWidget.setCurrentIndex( self.pw.pwProjectTabWidget.indexOf(pm)) def close(self): """ Closes the Property Manager. """ if not self.pw: self.pw = self.win.activePartWindow() self.pw.pwProjectTabWidget.setCurrentIndex(0) ## try: [bruce 071018 moved this lower, since errmsg only covers attr] pmWidget = self.pw.propertyManagerScrollArea.widget() if debug_flags.atom_debug: #bruce 071018 "atom_debug fyi: %r is closing %r (can they differ?)" % \ (self, pmWidget) try: pmWidget.update_props_if_needed_before_closing except AttributeError: if 1 or debug_flags.atom_debug: msg1 = "Last PropMgr %r doesn't have method" % pmWidget msg2 = " update_props_if_needed_before_closing. That's" msg3 = " OK (for now, only implemented for Plane PM). " msg4 = "Ignoring Exception: " print_compact_traceback(msg1 + msg2 + msg3 + msg4) #bruce 071018: I'll define that method in PM_Dialog # so this message should become rare or nonexistent, # so I'll make it happen whether or not atom_debug. else: pmWidget.update_props_if_needed_before_closing() self.pw.pwProjectTabWidget.removeTab( self.pw.pwProjectTabWidget.indexOf( self.pw.propertyManagerScrollArea)) if self.pw.propertyManagerTab: self.pw.propertyManagerTab = None def update_props_if_needed_before_closing(self): # bruce 071018 default implem """ Subclasses can override this to update some cosmetic properties of their associated model objects before closing self (the Property Manager). """ pass def updateMessage(self, msg = ''): """ Updates the message box with an informative message @param msg: Message to be displayed in the Message groupbox of the property manager @type msg: string """ self.MessageGroupBox.insertHtmlMessage(msg, setAsDefault = False, minLines = 5) def _createHeader(self, iconPath, title): """ Creates the Property Manager header, which contains an icon (a QLabel with a pixmap) and white text (a QLabel with text). @param iconPath: The relative path for the icon (PNG image) that appears in the header. @type iconPath: str @param title: The title that appears in the header. @type title: str """ # Heading frame (dark gray), which contains # a pixmap and (white) heading text. self.headerFrame = QFrame(self) self.headerFrame.setFrameShape(QFrame.NoFrame) self.headerFrame.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Plain) self.headerFrame.setPalette(QPalette(pmHeaderFrameColor)) self.headerFrame.setAutoFillBackground(True) # HBox layout for heading frame, containing the pixmap # and label (title). HeaderFrameHLayout = QHBoxLayout(self.headerFrame) # 2 pixels around edges -- HeaderFrameHLayout.setMargin(PM_HEADER_FRAME_MARGIN) # 5 pixel between pixmap and label. -- HeaderFrameHLayout.setSpacing(PM_HEADER_FRAME_SPACING) # PropMgr icon. Set image by calling setHeaderIcon(). self.headerIcon = QLabel(self.headerFrame) self.headerIcon.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Policy(QSizePolicy.Fixed), QSizePolicy.Policy(QSizePolicy.Fixed))) self.headerIcon.setScaledContents(True) HeaderFrameHLayout.addWidget(self.headerIcon) # PropMgr header title text (a QLabel). self.headerTitle = QLabel(self.headerFrame) headerTitlePalette = self._getHeaderTitlePalette() self.headerTitle.setPalette(headerTitlePalette) self.headerTitle.setAlignment(PM_LABEL_LEFT_ALIGNMENT) # Assign header title font. self.headerTitle.setFont(self._getHeaderFont()) HeaderFrameHLayout.addWidget(self.headerTitle) self.vBoxLayout.addWidget(self.headerFrame) # Set header icon and title text. self.setHeaderIcon(iconPath) self.setHeaderTitle(title) def _getHeaderFont(self): """ Returns the font used for the header. @return: the header font @rtype: QFont """ font = QFont() font.setFamily(PM_HEADER_FONT) font.setPointSize(PM_HEADER_FONT_POINT_SIZE) font.setBold(PM_HEADER_FONT_BOLD) return font def setHeaderTitle(self, title): """ Set the Property Manager header title to string . @param title: the title to insert in the header. @type title: str """ self.headerTitleText = title self.headerTitle.setText(title) def setHeaderIcon(self, iconPath): """ Set the Property Manager header icon. @param iconPath: the relative path to the PNG file containing the icon image. @type iconPath: str """ if not iconPath: return self.headerIcon.setPixmap(getpixmap(iconPath)) def _createSponsorButton(self): """ Creates the Property Manager sponsor button, which contains a QPushButton inside of a QGridLayout inside of a QFrame. The sponsor logo image is not loaded here. """ # Sponsor button (inside a frame) self.sponsorButtonContainer = QWidget(self) SponsorFrameGrid = QGridLayout(self.sponsorButtonContainer) SponsorFrameGrid.setMargin(PM_SPONSOR_FRAME_MARGIN) SponsorFrameGrid.setSpacing(PM_SPONSOR_FRAME_SPACING) # Has no effect. self.sponsor_btn = QToolButton(self.sponsorButtonContainer) self.sponsor_btn.setAutoRaise(True) self.connect(self.sponsor_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.open_sponsor_homepage) SponsorFrameGrid.addWidget(self.sponsor_btn, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.vBoxLayout.addWidget(self.sponsorButtonContainer) button_whatsthis_widget = self.sponsor_btn #bruce 070615 bugfix -- put tooltip & whatsthis on self.sponsor_btn, # not self. # [self.sponsorButtonContainer might be another possible place to put them.] button_whatsthis_widget.setWhatsThis("""<b>Sponsor Button</b> <p>When clicked, this sponsor logo will display a short description about a NanoEngineer-1 sponsor. This can be an official sponsor or credit given to a contributor that has helped code part or all of this command. A link is provided in the description to learn more about this sponsor.</p>""") button_whatsthis_widget.setToolTip("NanoEngineer-1 Sponsor Button") return def _createTopRowBtns(self): """ Creates the Done, Cancel, Preview, Restore Defaults and What's This buttons row at the top of the Property Manager. """ topBtnSize = QSize(22, 22) # button images should be 16 x 16, though. # Main "button group" widget (but it is not a QButtonGroup). self.pmTopRowBtns = QHBoxLayout() # This QHBoxLayout is (probably) not necessary. Try using just the frame # for the foundation. I think it should work. Mark 2007-05-30 # Horizontal spacer horizontalSpacer = QSpacerItem(1, 1, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Minimum) # Widget containing all the buttons. self.topRowBtnsContainer = QWidget() # Create Hbox layout for main frame. topRowBtnsHLayout = QHBoxLayout(self.topRowBtnsContainer) topRowBtnsHLayout.setMargin(PM_TOPROWBUTTONS_MARGIN) topRowBtnsHLayout.setSpacing(PM_TOPROWBUTTONS_SPACING) # Set to True to center align the buttons in the PM if False: # Left aligns the buttons. topRowBtnsHLayout.addItem(horizontalSpacer) # Done (OK) button. self.done_btn = QToolButton(self.topRowBtnsContainer) self.done_btn.setIcon( geticon("ui/actions/Properties Manager/Done_16x16.png")) self.done_btn.setIconSize(topBtnSize) self.done_btn.setAutoRaise(True) self.connect(self.done_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.doneButtonClicked) self.done_btn.setToolTip("Done") topRowBtnsHLayout.addWidget(self.done_btn) # Cancel (Abort) button. self.cancel_btn = QToolButton(self.topRowBtnsContainer) self.cancel_btn.setIcon( geticon("ui/actions/Properties Manager/Abort_16x16.png")) self.cancel_btn.setIconSize(topBtnSize) self.cancel_btn.setAutoRaise(True) self.connect(self.cancel_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.cancelButtonClicked) self.cancel_btn.setToolTip("Cancel") topRowBtnsHLayout.addWidget(self.cancel_btn) #@ abort_btn deprecated. We still need it because modes use it. self.abort_btn = self.cancel_btn # Restore Defaults button. self.restore_defaults_btn = QToolButton(self.topRowBtnsContainer) self.restore_defaults_btn.setIcon( geticon("ui/actions/Properties Manager/Restore_16x16.png")) self.restore_defaults_btn.setIconSize(topBtnSize) self.restore_defaults_btn.setAutoRaise(True) self.connect(self.restore_defaults_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.restoreDefaultsButtonClicked) self.restore_defaults_btn.setToolTip("Restore Defaults") topRowBtnsHLayout.addWidget(self.restore_defaults_btn) # Preview (glasses) button. self.preview_btn = QToolButton(self.topRowBtnsContainer) self.preview_btn.setIcon( geticon("ui/actions/Properties Manager/Preview_16x16.png")) self.preview_btn.setIconSize(topBtnSize) self.preview_btn.setAutoRaise(True) self.connect(self.preview_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.previewButtonClicked) self.preview_btn.setToolTip("Preview") topRowBtnsHLayout.addWidget(self.preview_btn) # What's This (?) button. self.whatsthis_btn = QToolButton(self.topRowBtnsContainer) self.whatsthis_btn.setIcon( geticon("ui/actions/Properties Manager/WhatsThis_16x16.png")) self.whatsthis_btn.setIconSize(topBtnSize) self.whatsthis_btn.setAutoRaise(True) self.connect(self.whatsthis_btn, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.whatsThisButtonClicked) self.whatsthis_btn.setToolTip("Enter \"What's This\" help mode") topRowBtnsHLayout.addWidget(self.whatsthis_btn) topRowBtnsHLayout.addItem(horizontalSpacer) # Create Button Row self.pmTopRowBtns.addWidget(self.topRowBtnsContainer) self.vBoxLayout.addLayout(self.pmTopRowBtns) # Add What's This for buttons. self.done_btn.setWhatsThis("""<b>Done</b> <p> <img source=\"ui/actions/Properties Manager/Done_16x16.png\"><br> Completes and/or exits the current command.</p>""") self.cancel_btn.setWhatsThis("""<b>Cancel</b> <p> <img source=\"ui/actions/Properties Manager/Abort_16x16.png\"><br> Cancels the current command.</p>""") self.restore_defaults_btn.setWhatsThis("""<b>Restore Defaults</b> <p><img source=\"ui/actions/Properties Manager/Restore_16x16.png\"><br> Restores the defaut values of the Property Manager.</p>""") self.preview_btn.setWhatsThis("""<b>Preview</b> <p> <img source=\"ui/actions/Properties Manager/Preview_16x16.png\"><br> Preview the structure based on current Property Manager settings. </p>""") self.whatsthis_btn.setWhatsThis("""<b>What's This</b> <p> <img source=\"ui/actions/Properties Manager/WhatsThis_16x16.png\"><br> This invokes \"What's This?\" help mode which is part of NanoEngineer-1's online help system, and provides users with information about the functionality and usage of a particular command button or widget. </p>""") return def hideTopRowButtons(self, pmButtonFlags = None): """ Hides one or more top row buttons using <pmButtonFlags>. Button flags not set will cause the button to be shown if currently hidden. @param pmButtonFlags: This enumerator describes the which buttons to hide, where: - PM_DONE_BUTTON = 1 - PM_CANCEL_BUTTON = 2 - PM_RESTORE_DEFAULTS_BUTTON = 4 - PM_PREVIEW_BUTTON = 8 - PM_WHATS_THIS_BUTTON = 16 - PM_ALL_BUTTONS = 31 @type pmButtonFlags: int """ if pmButtonFlags & PM_DONE_BUTTON: self.done_btn.hide() else: self.done_btn.show() if pmButtonFlags & PM_CANCEL_BUTTON: self.cancel_btn.hide() else: self.cancel_btn.show() if pmButtonFlags & PM_RESTORE_DEFAULTS_BUTTON: self.restore_defaults_btn.hide() else: self.restore_defaults_btn.show() if pmButtonFlags & PM_PREVIEW_BUTTON: self.preview_btn.hide() else: self.preview_btn.show() if pmButtonFlags & PM_WHATS_THIS_BUTTON: self.whatsthis_btn.hide() else: self.whatsthis_btn.show() def showTopRowButtons(self, pmButtonFlags = PM_ALL_BUTTONS): """ Shows one or more top row buttons using <pmButtonFlags>. Button flags not set will cause the button to be hidden if currently displayed. @param pmButtonFlags: this enumerator describes which buttons to display, where: - PM_DONE_BUTTON = 1 - PM_CANCEL_BUTTON = 2 - PM_RESTORE_DEFAULTS_BUTTON = 4 - PM_PREVIEW_BUTTON = 8 - PM_WHATS_THIS_BUTTON = 16 - PM_ALL_BUTTONS = 31 @type pmButtonFlags: int """ self.hideTopRowButtons(pmButtonFlags ^ PM_ALL_BUTTONS) def _getHeaderTitlePalette(self): """ Return a palette for header title (text) label. """ palette = QPalette() palette.setColor(QPalette.WindowText, pmHeaderTitleColor) return palette def doneButtonClicked(self): # note: never overridden, as of 080815 """ Slot for the Done button. """ self.ok_btn_clicked() def cancelButtonClicked(self): # note: never overridden, as of 080815 """ Slot for the Cancel button. """ self.cancel_btn_clicked() def restoreDefaultsButtonClicked(self): """ Slot for "Restore Defaults" button in the Property Manager. It is called each time the button is clicked. """ for widget in self._widgetList: if isinstance(widget, PM_GroupBox): widget.restoreDefault() def previewButtonClicked(self): """ Slot for the Preview button. """ self.preview_btn_clicked() def whatsThisButtonClicked(self): """ Slot for the What's This button. """ QWhatsThis.enterWhatsThisMode() # default implementations for subclasses # [bruce 080815 pulled these in from subclasses] def ok_btn_clicked(self): """ Implements Done button. Called by its slot method in PM_Dialog. [subclasses can override as needed] """ self.win.toolsDone() def cancel_btn_clicked(self): """ Implements Cancel button. Called by its slot method in PM_Dialog. [subclasses can override as needed] """ # Note: many subclasses override this to call self.w.toolsDone # (rather than toolsCancel). This should be cleaned up # so those overrides are not needed. (Maybe they are already # not needed.) [bruce 080815 comment] self.win.toolsCancel() pass # end