# Copyright 2006-2007 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. """ PM_Constants.py -- Property Manager constants. @author: Mark @version: $Id$ @copyright: 2006-2007 Nanorex, Inc. All rights reserved. History: mark 2007-07-22: Created initially for PM_Dialog as part of the code cleanup and review for new coding standards. Renamed all constants to names with uppercase letters. To do: - search and replace all lowercase constants with uppercase constants. """ import sys from PyQt4.Qt import Qt __author__ = "Mark" # PropMgr constants (system specific). # Same as above, except these names meet our Python coding guildlines. # To do: search and replace all lowercase constants with uppercase constants. if sys.platform == "darwin": PM_MINIMUM_WIDTH = 300 # The min PropMgr width. PM_MAXIMUM_WIDTH = 450 # The max PropMgr width. PM_DEFAULT_WIDTH = PM_MINIMUM_WIDTH # Starting PropMgr width PM_HEADER_FONT = "Arial" # Font type used in PropMgr header. PM_HEADER_FONT_POINT_SIZE = 18 PM_HEADER_FONT_BOLD = False elif sys.platform == "win32": PM_MINIMUM_WIDTH = 240 # The min PropMgr width. PM_MAXIMUM_WIDTH = 400 # The max PropMgr width. PM_DEFAULT_WIDTH = PM_MINIMUM_WIDTH # Starting PropMgr width PM_HEADER_FONT = "Arial" # Font type used in PropMgr header. PM_HEADER_FONT_POINT_SIZE = 12 PM_HEADER_FONT_BOLD = True else: #Linux PM_MINIMUM_WIDTH = 250 # The min PropMgr width. PM_MAXIMUM_WIDTH = 400 # The max PropMgr width. PM_DEFAULT_WIDTH = PM_MINIMUM_WIDTH # Starting PropMgr width PM_HEADER_FONT = "Arial" # Font type used in PropMgr header. PM_HEADER_FONT_POINT_SIZE = 12 PM_HEADER_FONT_BOLD = True if 0: print "PropMgr width = ", PM_DEFAULT_WIDTH print "PropMgr Min width = ", PM_MINIMUM_WIDTH print "PropMgr Max width = ", PM_MAXIMUM_WIDTH # PropMgr constants. PM_GROUPBOX_SPACING = 4 # 4 pixels between groupboxes PM_MAINVBOXLAYOUT_MARGIN = 0 # PropMgr's master VboxLayout marging PM_MAINVBOXLAYOUT_SPACING = 0 # PropMgr's master VboxLayout spacing # Header constants. PM_HEADER_FRAME_MARGIN = 2 # margin around icon and title. PM_HEADER_FRAME_SPACING = 5 # space between icon and title. # Sponsor button constants. PM_SPONSOR_FRAME_MARGIN = 0 # margin around sponsor button. PM_SPONSOR_FRAME_SPACING = 0 # has no effect. # GroupBox Layout constants. PM_GROUPBOX_VBOXLAYOUT_MARGIN = 2 # Groupbox VboxLayout margin PM_GROUPBOX_VBOXLAYOUT_SPACING = 2 # Groupbox VboxLayout spacing PM_GROUPBOX_GRIDLAYOUT_MARGIN = 2 # Grid contains all widgets in a grpbox PM_GROUPBOX_GRIDLAYOUT_SPACING = 2 # Grid contains all widgets in a grpbox # Top Row Buttons constants PM_TOPROWBUTTONS_MARGIN = 2 # margin around buttons. PM_TOPROWBUTTONS_SPACING = 2 # space between buttons. # Top Row Button flags. PM_NO_BUTTONS = 0 PM_DONE_BUTTON = 1 PM_CANCEL_BUTTON = 2 PM_RESTORE_DEFAULTS_BUTTON = 4 PM_PREVIEW_BUTTON = 8 PM_WHATS_THIS_BUTTON = 16 PM_ALL_BUTTONS = \ PM_DONE_BUTTON | \ PM_CANCEL_BUTTON | \ PM_RESTORE_DEFAULTS_BUTTON | \ PM_PREVIEW_BUTTON | \ PM_WHATS_THIS_BUTTON # Grid layout. Grid contains all widgets in a PM_GroupBox. PM_GRIDLAYOUT_MARGIN = 1 PM_GRIDLAYOUT_SPACING = 2 # PM Label alignment constants used for layouts. PM_LABEL_RIGHT_ALIGNMENT = Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter PM_LABEL_LEFT_ALIGNMENT = Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter # The side (column) of a PM group box. PM_LEFT_COLUMN = 0 PM_RIGHT_COLUMN = 1